HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL18'Amarr Heritage & Oak Summit 3000 Amarr Cyarage Doors 1.65 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 27105 SCOPE. -This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of consrructior. materials. The documentation submitted has been, reviewed alld accepted by Miaml-Dade Coanty RER-Product C'ontrol Section to be used in Miami Dade Count-y, and other areaswhere allovwd by the Autip ori*., Havffig Jurisdiction iAHJT)n This NOA shall not be valid of the exitiration date stated below, The Nkliarn i-Dade County Product Control Section it Miami Dade County) and/or the AID (in, areas other than Miand Dade County) reserve tine right to have this -product or inaterial tested for qwflity assurance puiposes. If this product or material falls to perfionn in dhe accepted manner, the nmnufactuxer will incur the expense of such testing, and the A.HJ may finmediately revoke, modi, or suspcnd the use of such product or material within their jurisdictioq. RER reserves the right to revoke th—k acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section That this product or ruater ial fails to meet the requirem eats of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to cornply with- the Florida Building Code, including thie High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIM.0,NI: Model 1.200 Hen1age & Oak Summit 3000 InsulatedSteel Sectional Garage Door up to 18'-0" Wide with Impact Resistant Windows (DP +42.0,46.0 P!,W) APPROVAL DOCUNIENT: Drawing No. IRC-1218-165-26-1, titled "Nlodlel #1200 Heritage & Oak S unumft 3 000 Short,, Long, Flush and Oak- Sung it Panels", sheets I flff ough 4 off it, dated 06/01/2 007, with. revision B dated 11/11/2013, prepared by Aman° Garage Doors, signed and sealed by Tbomas L. Shelmerdine, P-E., bearing the N-lia-mi-Dade County Product Control Revision stanip with the Nlotice of Acceptance number and expiration date kyr the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section - MISSILE UIPACT RATING: Lamge and Small 4N"side hnpact Resistant Limifations: 1. See shett 3 for Polvc-arbonate panel glazing, not to exceed 3 8- V1 6"' Wide DILTO x 10-5,s:" Ffigh DLO. See sh eLet 3 for :lastareSaflex PXTB panel glazing, not to exceed Wide DLOx High DLO„ LABEm_L,N-,G: A perm wnent label with the manulfactijrer$s narne or logo-, 3800 Greenway Circle, Lawrence, Kansas, model number, thie positive and negative desi,"pressure ratting, indicate iropact rated if applimble, installation instruction drawing reference numhter., approval number (NOA), the applicable test standarkis, and the statement reading "Miarni-Dade County Product Control Approved' is to be located on the door`s side track, bottorn angle, or inner surfact of a panel. RENNEWAL of thIS NOA shall b-, comsidered after a ren-ewal filed and, mere has be—er; r4o change In fhe applicable build' g code negativleh!� Fiffectin-,- th in t5 e p_yfelTylanceof this product TERMINNATION of this NOA wiffl occur after the expl-ration datie or if there has 1-cen a, n-wision or change in the unaterials, use, andlor manufact-ure of the product or pre cess-IMisuse of this NOA as an, endorsement of any, product, fqr sales, advertising or any other pwrposes sball automatically temninate thisNOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall, be cause for termil-riatirom and re-moval of NTOA ADVERTISEINIEN17: T-be _,,NiOA nurribe,r preceded by the wor,&, Rli-euni-D-ade Counrv. Florida, arsd followed by ihle expiration date mav be displaved in, advelrtLsing literarurre. If portion of the N;OA is display d in A_% eanyntirer.y. Men, ft shallbe done INKSPECTIONT: A cop) of this, en INJOA shall be provided to the user by themanuftuurer or its distributors aind Tshall bvaiablanctoa' fttheudOTefispeinieafnaT, cial- hls NOA re -vises -.,N-.O-A # 1,7-0517.13 and consists of this-, page I and evidence pages E- I arid E-2, as 4Vell I as approval document mentionied above- T The -sudomitted de;cumeart -ntatiiv,,a-s revii­vved bo, Ishaq Ch'and a, PX, ADA" N () Expiration Date: Oewbwr 4, 2022 Approv2l Date: December 28, 2017 Page I Aniarr Garacre Doors. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. Evidence submitted in previous riles A. DRAWLNGS "SubiniftedunderiN70A # 14-0474-11", 1. Drawing No. IRC- 1218-165-26-1titled "'�Idodel #12100 Heritage & OkLmn3( 1ho , LorngFlushand Oak- Summit Panels", sheets 1 through 4 of 4, dated 06,107/2007., with revision B dated I VI 1/2013, prepared by -,'rr Gwrage Door--s,, si _gn.ed and sealed by, Thornas L. Shelmerdine., P-E. W B. TESTS "'Submilied under JIV-0A # 14-0414.11 ' 1. Addendum to Test Report No. ATLINC 1111.01-13 prepared by -Ain an Te,&,t Labjffic.,5 dated 05/2.CV2014, signed end scaled by David W. Johnson, P.g. 21. Test reports on F) Uniforrin. Static Air Press -tire Test, Loading perFBC TA S 202-94 Large Missile Impact Test perFF-3C, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per :ABC, TES 203-94 4 Tensile T'est per AS TIM E8 5) Forced Entry Resistmee Test per FBC, T-AS 2-02-94 along Nvitki marked -up draw, ings and installationdiagrmi of 18'x T 24 ga steel garage door f%,Iodel 1200 He-,itage 3000, prepared by Arnerican Test T-ab, Inc., Test Report No. ATLNC dated 1"17/2013 signed and scaled by David W. Johnson, P.E. ""'Submitted under IVO,,4 # 125-02' 208. 09 -"Y 3. Test report on Evaluation ol'Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive En'%'ironrnertts per ASTM D1,654 & ASTM B 117, prepared by Architeeftual Testin& ID-C- Test Report # A7420.01-106-18, %ditd 04,112/2011, signed and scaled by Joseph A. Reed, P,E. 4. Test report on Forced Entry Test per FBC,'rAS 2()2-94, prepared by American. Test Lab, Inc., Test Report# ATLNC 0912.01-11. dated 10/13)!201 'A sigmed, and &ealed �y David W- Johnson, P.E. "Submitted underNWA R, 07-0820.05" .5. Test re -Tort on I ) Urjifo- rm, Static Air Pressure Test, per FBA:- TAS 202-94, 2 -1 Large Missile L-nipact T'est, per FB1(-- 'LNS 201-94 3 ,) Cyclic Wind Pressure Tesst Loadffing,,' _Tier FBC TAS 203-94, alono -with, r-nailked-up draAings, prepared by Amen a` Test Lab, Inc.. Test rep--)rt. A'rLNC 0604.01-07, dated 06,130/2007, signedand waled by David W. Johmsocri. P.E. 6. east report on Tensile Test lb r 3) Samp-1 es per A E 8. prepared by sIgned aria sealed blx" C Fonandido F. t. P.E, C. CA1-jCULAT10NS "'SWhmftled underNOA * -14-04.14.11" 1. 2,'-knchor eadcula-bons prepared by Structural hutions. PA- dated 01 40114. s 9, �edand sealed by 11honnas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. "Suh-qd&ed under AVA 412-022& 05" 2. Anchor calculations prepared by Structut-ral Soluti-ons. -P.A-, dated' Si ne'dand, sealed bvThernas L. Shelrnerdine,, P.E. Ishabl, L Chands, PX. Product cwntrud Examniner NOA No, 17-10-110.3,-011 Aate; Getriber 4.202,22 skr,proya!Date: Decernber'ZZ8,201.7 Amarr Gara-je Doors NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCEF111DENCE SUBMITTED D i . QITALITY ASSLT&ANCE I , Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. CERTIFICATIONS "'Submitted under AVA # 12-0228.05y, 1'. Test report on Surface. Burning Characteris4fics on the expanded poll` styTene UTL file # R 11812, F. STATEMENTS Stage -mentletter of code comformance to the 5'edition (2014.) FBC �ief ofnlcl fines al hatere&t issued by Suuctur%� Solutions, PA., dated 051/0811`2017� signed wd sealed by Torras T_ Shelmerdine, P.E. 2. NeN,,v, Evidence -submitted. A. DRANVINGS 1. 'None. B. C-ALCU7,ATIONTS I - None C. QUALITY ASSURANCE I . N—fiami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources E. ;)_ D_N,'LkTE,R1_4LL CERTIFICATIONS I - "INotice. of Acceptance No. 17-0410.01 issued to, Covestro, LLC for it-, IMakrolort Polycarbonate Sheets, approved on G610 8/2 0 1, 7and expiring on 08',1_17/2-0.11-2. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-5-1201.11 issued to Eastnian Chem ical Company (IMA) former P1 Solutia Inc.. for their "Saflex Clear or colored interlaver", expiring or, 05"'_' 1"'1211 E� STATEMENTS nance to FBC2017 ( Edition) dated 00"/1'. "17/. prepared:, signed and se�aled b-; T11honias L. Shelinerdin.e. P.E. F. arRER 1 Thi s �N`OA revises NOA *0 1 0 5; 17. 1 3expiring 11 011041/4. 2, P1 Ch arch. P-L NOA No1`-11010,30 E­cpHraiioxn Date: Octothe.- 42042 Approval Date: December 28, 2017 f'4 ' KQ pC i' a� rs c Imo€ x-F.. ,,. tax §i '� yt Ywa CY � � q � fit Lt JJ II w�ru W F -R # I���. o �.'Y' .;„. rx E� " s-3 - Coco € ¢ yy s 2: Own x ��.. „. .£; �i ; �ce �� x }(5 $¢¢P i fir' -'Op �✓ E - �f ��t 5 .eu ace R„ 4 f i ' •1v � � 4 '„s r'� �ffi"s` ,#' . c iT+:3`t^s' Sr" x3 6.a 3d'a'%S �sa'�«i e F.� .,-.'Sj_ i # s #sad ! can a. 11 to! Lj IQ < 21 gg MIA h � . a. 12 8 WK t _ t ` �r£°i I F 1 T g�` 254�'I -i Go p�^ { a 11ow#' x _�.� ....� a� e a #*tea d s "west....--s.-�: 8r u� K,. x' 9R r #.�F w4 :'.Y.' g¢ j dys y. b ,»I H , coca Coco ISE ... M tl �imm ` t". U ' ' i t -, aex z " £470 J a 4 010 "Val 12 � f " x 0, E07 .F isti. -1 ' ? � )®R As 2.#1jS jj�� J�..a';`.s.%as-�w°>r+•�Y '1.,ti:,..�,aw.:..i'�L;3..�.s ...., �.......s-_...�........_,...,...,.�... s,�;.,fis#�.s"._._.... _._ ....._--_.""_' 5 ter_' � Yam-• � «�'n Y E Y 8 Rol A �l,a 9AN: 9C s i .� Zl ir'l x n Co 6C1S Home Log In User Registration, Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications FBC Staff 6C1S SAP_ Map Links Search dbpr,--.. Product Approval USER: Public Us-2r > :;:i Search a Appliccriiun Lis: > Application Detail FL # FL10763-R5 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Pending FBC Approval Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Amarr Garage Doors/Entrematic Address/Phone/Email 165 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 2710S (336)251-1307 rober-t.richardson@entrematic.com Authorized Signature Robert Richardson robert.richardson@entrematic.com Technical Representative Robert Richardson Address/Phone/Email 165 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (336)251-1307 robert.richardson@entrematic.com Quality Assurance Representative Danny Joyner Address/Phone/Email Amarr Garage Doors 165 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 27105 djoyner@amarr.com Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Thomas L Shelmerdine the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-0048579 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/01/2020 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL10763 R5 COI Statement of Independence 2017 odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2012 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2005 ASTM E330 2002 ASTM F588 2007 DASMA 115 2012 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date validated Date Pending FBC Approval Summary of Products TAS 203 1994 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect 1=1.107f13 R5 Ecluiv DASM4 10'; L)nd 11 i )O()5 Method 1 Option D 12/13/2017 12/19/2017 01/06/2018 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 10763.1 Heritage 3000/Model 1200;(24ga) IRC-1218-165-26-1 Thru 18'-0" wide Oak Summit 3000/Model 1200 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL10763 R5 II IRC-1218-165-26-I Drawing 7-10 FL rev.ndf Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +42.0/-46.0 Other: Long Panel Glazing is 1/4" Polycarbonate with aluminum frame Verified By: Thomas L. Shelmerdine FL P.E. #48579 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL10763 RS AE B117-11 to -16 ndf FL10763 R5 AE C5463,01-106-18-r0.pdf FL10763 R5 AE IRC-1218-165-26-1 Evaluation Renart 7-10 FL. f FL10763 R5 AE Makrolon NOA 17-0410 01 udf FL10763 R5 AE NOA 17-0410 01 FBC 6th Fditir,n Comnllance Letter.PDF Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 10763.2 Heritage and (24Ga) Oak Summit 18' Wide Heritage and (24 Ga) Oak Summit 1000 & 2000 1000 & 2000 models 950,950i,655,655i IRC-9518-165-26-I Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +42.0/-46.0 Other: Approved for use in HVHZ Regions. Glazing not I ',-10763 IDS 11 IRC-9 a18- 165- 26-1 drawing 7 10 :pared w. ,- Verified By: Thomas L. Shelmerdine FL P.E. #48579 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL10763 R5 AE B117 11 to - 16 odf Available. Also Tested per FBC TAS 201,202,203, F588-04 FL10763 R5 AE C5463 01-1n6-18-r0 t)clf FL10763 R.5 AE IRC-9518-165-26-1 Evaluation Report 7-1�i . sealed.cdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 10763.3 Stratford,Heritage,Oak Sunxnit 18' Wide Stratford, Heritage, Oak Summit 1000 &2000. 1&2000 Models 600,950,650,600i,950i,650i Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL10763 Rc 11 JEC-6,018-130-24 drawing 7-10 sealed ndf Verified By: Thomas L. Shelmerdine FL P.E. # 48579 Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +25.4/-28.7 Other: Not for use in HVHZ Regions Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FI-10763 R5 AE IK-6018-130-24 rn!porI 7-10 sealer! ndf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Roar. Tallahassee FL 32399 phone: 350-487-1324 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Conv. i, it 2n07-2.0 State of FWida.:: Privacy Statement:: Accessibility Statement:; Refund Statement Under Florida taw, email addresses are public records. of ;•nv : c r.. -mail address released ir. response to a Public -records request, do not send clectronir. mail in. ?his entity. instead, contact th•-• office b phone or c tra you have -n questions, ,) S 9c ce- z S' r Y any .tie -bons, Plea.-e contact .4_0.4€�:.13_-. 'Purs�dant :o u�;m a5 . J5 (1), =iorida Statute3, effective October i, 217i2, licensees User .cr 455, F.S. must provide She Department with an emall address if thpy ha•c- nrie, i hr en,ails provided may be used fur officlai cotnmunicatcri with t(.:� � -_ - . _e. However email addresses are public record. if you do not wisl to suPPIV a Pemuna! address, pAease provide the Department with an email address which r-.::r, :;c :!'ade available to the Public. To Bete, nine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., ptease dick here . Product Approval AAccceipts- a®WEl Safe