HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPR9'Amarr Heritage & Oak Summit 3000 DEP-ARTINIENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE A DMINISTR--iTION DIVISION Amarr Garage Doors 165 Carriage Court NC 271 1 0 kTiF7W1FX_-V*j[1Ml MLAMI-DADE COUKLEY DUICT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room?.08 k4iami, Flori'da 33 175-24-4 T(786)315-Z-90 F(786)315-2599 -w-w-w.miamidade.,govieconomy SCOPE: 11 is NX0_A is being issued under the -applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade COLinty and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ�. This N'0A shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below, The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and;or the AHJ (in areas other than Mianii Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for qualitay assurance purposes. if this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufactLzrer will in the expense of such testing and the AHj may in-wiediately revoke, rnodic, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdictian. RER, reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is deter nuped min i-Dade Counvy Product Control Section that this product or maten'41, fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. Th--;-s product is approved as described herein, and has been. desi d to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPUOTIN: Model 1200 Heritage & Oak Summit 3000 Insulated Steel Sectional Garage or up to 9'-0" Wide with Impact Resistant Windows (DP +57.0, -67/ -5 P-SY) APPROVAL DOCUNiff NT: Dra-vving No. ERC-1209-189-21-1, titled. "Nfodel 41200 Heritage & Oak Summit 3000 Short, Long Flush and Oak Sur it Panels", sheets I througgh 4 of 4, dated 05/08/21007, vyitb revision C dated 1 011�8/20_11 3, prepared by Amarr Garage Doors, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision starrip with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the. Miarni-Dade County Proi Juct, Control Section. IMISSTUE IN-TPACT RATING: Large and all Missile Impact Resistant Limitations: 1, See sheet 3 for PolycaCbonate pariel glazing, not to exceed 39-1/116" Wide DLO x 110-51"1" Hio: DLO. 2. See sbeet 3 for Eastman Saflex PVB panel glazlinERnot to exceed 18-118" Wide DLO x 18-5/8", High 1311,0. LABELLNG: A permanent label with the manuturer's name or logo., '3800 treeay Circle, Lwwrence, Kansas,, model -number, tile positive and negative design pressure ratin impact rated if applicable, ,, indicate I & installation instruction drawina reference number, approval number (INIOA), the applicable test start rds, and z:7 the statement reading 'Miami -Dade Countv Product C",ontrol Approved" is to be located on the door's side "track, botto m- angle. or inner surface of a. panel. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a rewallapplication has been filed and there has been no chance I in the applicable building code negad -v-ely affecting the performance of this product. g TERMINATION of this NNOA wil I occur after the expiration date or if there has been arevision or chance in the materials, use, ands manuffactune of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an en.donsennent of any product for sales, advertis ing, or any other purposes shall autornaticalty ter mmate this 'NOA. Failure to co mxply with. a section o' this NOA shall be cause for lerniination, and removal o'L'NO,A. ADN,'ERTISENIRNT: -Irbe NOA numMil ber preceded by the words ami-Dade County. Florida, and fbllo�ved by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NO A is dispikyed, then it shall be done in its entLrety- JUNTSPECTION, - A coPy of thiS entire NOA shall be, Provided to theuser by the manufacturer o.- its dist-lbutors and shall be available for inspectlor. at th..- Job site at the request af the Building CIfficial. This NO A revises NNOA # 15-0517.12 and consists of t1his page I and evidence pages E-11 and E-2, as well as approv all document mentioned above. "I'he submitted documi`ntat'A"')!!, "Nias rclvie -wekdl 'D'v Ishaq 1. Chanat'la, EEL QMM-DADE =CCXJNTY NOA No, 1"',"-1010.29 Expiration Date- September 6, A1212 Approval Date-, Decenalber 28, 2017 Page I Amarr Garaue Doom NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBtYlITTED 1. Evidence submitted in previous files A. DRAWINGS '�Yubinittedun(ferjVOA;',Z'14-0414.16-' 1'. Dra-wing No. IRC-1209-189-21-I, titled "Model #1200 Heritage & Oak Sur arnit-3@00 Short, Long, Flush and Oak- Sum it Panels", sheets I through 4 of 4. dated 05/08/2"C107. with revision C dated 10/28/2013, prepared by Amarr 9 ez-d Germs Doors, signed and seed' by'l"homas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. B. TESTS "Subinitted under "V'0A # 14-0414JO"' 1. Addendum to Test Report No. ATLNC 0-009.01-13 prepared by Anierican Test Lab, Inc., dated 05/20/22014, signed and sealed by Da -,,,id W, Johnsom P.E, 2. Test reports on I Uniforr-ri Static Air Pressure Test. Leading per FBC TAS 4202-94 T _Iarge Missile Impact Test per FBA`, TAS 2011 -94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,,'I'-AS 203-94 41) Tensile Test per AS TM E8 5) Forced Entry Resistance Test per FBA, 'I"AS 202-94 along with maiked-up dra-wings and installation diagram of 9x T 24 ga steel garage door Model 1200 Heritage, '3000, prepared by, ArnericanTest Lai, hnic., Test Report No. ATLNC 0909.01-13,1 dated 111 17/2013, signed and sealed by Dwrid W. JOL, n, P.E. Submitted underINVA 4' 12-02,28.03 " 3. Test report on Evaluation of Painted or Coated Sped rnens Su7bjected to Corrosive EnNirommtints per ASTNT D 1654 & ASTNf B1, 17, prepared by Architectural Te'sling. fnc., Test Report:4A7420.01-106-18. dtd 04/12/2011, signed & sealed by Joseph A, Reed, P.E� "'S- uhniftled undrer J'V0A # _12-0228.09 " 4. Test report on Forced EntrTest per FBC,'FAS 202.-94. prepared by YU-nerican Test Lab, T y-1011 Daviric., Test Report # A'FLNC 0912.01-11,dated 10,/1J'_ Signedand sealed b�, d W. Jolunson, P.E. "Sub-mitted ender VOA # 0 7-0 70& 05 " 5. Test report on Large Missile Impact Test per FCC TAS 2_0 1, Uni fomi Static Aii Pressure Test pier FBC TES 202 and Cyclic Wind Pr sure Test per FB"'L-%,S 2103 for a x 7' Sectional Steel Garage or, prepared by Arrierican Test Lanz I Inc., Report:.4ATLNC 0430.01-07., dated 06/06/2-1007, signed and sealed. by David W. son, P.E. I 6. west relvirt on Tensfle Test for 3 Sa mr ples per AST-M E 8, prepared by H-urricane Engineering & Testing Inc., Test Report 9 HETI-07-T"'07, dated 05/3110/2007, siggn..d and sealed by Candido F. Font, P1 CCALCULATIONS ".Submitted under,,N10A # 14-0414.10" a t t2 s Lc 4ned, and sealed by Thomas L. Sheirnerdi-ne, P.E. ""Subinifted under IYO-4 9 12-0228. 03" 1, Anchor callculations iure ared b-�.7 Structural Sclutifans. '�_A.. datedi 02/09"10112, sigtnied and � P sealed bv Thomas L, Shel'Imme-rx"din,C', P -E -" L am£i¢";" a. % Ishaq 1. Chanda, S. Pa-miuct Comlrf,-A Exandn.er _N0A Pio. 17­10IU79 Expiralnafi D:ate- September b"'2022 Approval Date., Deeeiraber28, 2017 Aniarr Garage Doors NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Dr QUALITY ASSUT-ANCE 1. N11amil-Da-de Department of Regulatony and Economic Resources (PER) E. ATE AL, CERTIFICATIONS "Suhmifted tinder JVO-A 4' 272-0228.03 1. Test report on Surface Burning Charactenistics on the expanded polystyrene UL file R1 1811 F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement 'ietter of code conformance to the-i"' edition (2014) FBC and of no firianCial interest issued bv Structural Solutions, PA, dated 05/08/2017, -wied and sealled by Tomas L. Shelinerdine, P.E. 1 New Evidence submitted. A. DRANNVINGS 1. N I B. CALCULATIONS 1 . one C. QU.!k-LITY ASSU'RANC E 1. Miami Dade Depaitment o-['Regulatory and Economic Resources D. INiATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice ofAcceptanceNo. 17-0410.01 issued to Coy; esstro, LLC for it-S Mal-L-olon Polyczlrbonate Sheets, approved on 06/08/2,017 and e.xpiring on 08/27/2022. N M otice of Acceptance-Nlo. 15-1201.11 issued to Fastman Chemical Con-iparn; A) fol.-Iner Sobat ia ins. for their " 'Sanex Clear o r colored interlaver', e-xp. iruig on 0 51-l"i 1 "1'2 1. E. STATE-MENTS I. lener of confornn-ance to FBC 2017(6" Edition) dated 09, � F1 /1 7prtpaxed. s- gmed and Statemern L ;;ealed box --hornas L Shelmerdine. P.E. FQ OTHER 1. This NOA revises N10A # 17-0517.12expirffig 09106`2"L L Chanda, RE ps Date: September 6,2021 Approval Date: December 28,201' E -2 1 Now a.; p€ terxKip oil' �' rets`» s sn `mot'•" x yy 3 `.. f"�r ! i �4��� x� Ha .. xa�a,� in � � ..yy *,.�''rQE l T 019 Q '06 IF taxis"A� ��tr' w LmA Cfe.:t�i' S i� t � -.... i `•. � r. ,, � ' � f .Y � :r+S;S.r. 3'&3 scar�at�xct�e;a t s,�r:�.:{;; j) �, r�"`�,i,. ' hit .„4 " wig .. i .< €.1.J {.t- vi tom' r,.^ sit ..} By a& A,.' �F�d }"` F..+¢ 'tY :Ai "'S MOWN ^^' % ?^ iSM #`a tti ���"�` '�'�YS #1d!='-u.l 6 ill x u t rF? ia��ve I T i3 � �� "� r y a ✓�� j s^'� Big! i r 3+� ix,, w'i'1`g 1'L'�Jj', iz. �.rt ..tw 3�s}a i G.Tx .yam ^M112 a tr 30, LL i -'t.� � wad Sm RHO ASCII � cs � € � �+ -_., � �txi� "'� .,, • � r�'�' C ...,1 ���"� r`a-- .�,,'3 ,y�r C�S ' � r ' :s WU6} „ar00 "�,. ,..5 3— s t q r i fixv - 6 6- ^. S a i `1 f THIN 7111 --, N 1, .. t3 leg z s w 51 not w Eiji lag A �4 h 7 elf, Ir ((( 3 p E Lr} t { al HIM l all 1 s r r ✓ i. F , i WE ! f rs } 's 4 u' s PEI F q j VV m F9 33 '_.e. ti C ( I i—i B � ! f A a f w 4{114 a5 t Y k L �4 -�a#-Q r- _3 �bbg k t k 3C Q X 9 !I! a `s;5 PIZ y� Y:^-& t !, '`fi�r«.," ♦ t �.*. �,:;. E iLI to cs t ------ J k`� J 4 �s Y «{121 IS G3 } s E + a si } s� i AllHas —70 /< to S 1 £ €^-.. RAP , I - s x I I, NMI girl Igi a s.- 4 ... mom. ell q ' .Will s to i R1. .A+ ex a'— a:�b BCIS Home Log in User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stairs & Facts Publications FBC Staff SCIS Site Map Links search dbpr`Product Approval USER: Public t;ser Product Approval Meru > Product Aicx... Searci > A pliratir:n L,S' > Application Detail FL # FL9462-R8 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Validated Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Am_rr Garage Doors/Entrematic Address/Phone/Email 165 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (336)251-1307 robert.richardson@entrematic.corr, Authorized Signature Robert Richardson robert.richardson@entrei-natic.com Technical Representative Robert Richardson Address/Phone/Email 165 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (336) 251-1307 robert.richardson@entrematic.com Quality Assurance Representative Danny Joyner Address/Phone/Email Amarr Garage Doors 165 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 27105 djoyner@amarr.com Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Thomas L. Shelmerdine P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-0048579 Quality Assurance Entity intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/01/2020 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL9462 R8 COI Statement o� Independence 2017.pdf Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2012 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2005 ASTM E330 2002 ASTM F588 2007 FBC TAS 201, 202,203 1994 Eguivaience of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Summary of Products i FL # Model, Number or Name 9462.1 Classica 1000 (Model 500) j Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: ''es Design Pressure: +54.4/-62.0 Other: Glazing not Available Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL9462 R8 Eauiv DASMA 108 and 115 20n5 vs 2012.pdf Method 1 Option D 12/18/2017 12/19/2017 Description IRC-5309-185-21-I Installation Instructions FL9462 R8 II IRC-5309-185-21-I drawina 7-10 sealed.pdf Verified By: Thomas L. Shelmerdine Florida PE #0048579 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9462 R8 AE 5117-11 to-16.pdf FL9462 R8 AE IRC-5309-185-21-1 Evaluation Report i-1C; sealed.odf FL9462 R8 AE Salt Spray Test update FL 9462-RS.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9462.2 1 Heritage 1000, 2000 (Model 950) j IRC-9509-185-15-I j Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +54.4/-62.0 Other: Installation Instructions FL9462 R8 II IRC-9509-185-15-I drawina Verified By: Thomas L. Shelmerdine Florida PE=0048579 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9462 R8 AE 6117-11 to-16.pdf FL9462 R8 AE IRC-9509-18 -15-I Evaluation Report 7-10 sealed.pdf FL9462 R8 AE Salt Spray Test update FL 9462-R5.pd� Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 19462.3 1 Heritage 1000, 2000 (Model 950) ( IRC-9516-175-26-I Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +47.5/-52.0 Other: Glazing in Compliance with ASTM E1300-04 Installation Instructions T'L- ,462 R8 iI IRC drawina -.- IQ seoied.odr Verified By: Thomas L Shelmerdine Florida PE #0048579 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9462 R8 AE B117-11 to-16.pdf FL9462 R8 AE IRC-9516-175-26-I Evaluation Reoort 7-10 sealed.pdf FL9462 R8 AE Salt Spray Test update FL 9462-R5.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9462.4 Heritage 1000,2000 (Model 950) I IRC-9509-189-21-I Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +57.0/-67.0 Other: Glazing in Compliance with ASTM E1300-04 Installation Instructions FL9462 R8 IT IRC-9509-189-21-I Drawing 7-10 FL.-.odf Verified By: Thomas L. Shelmerdine Florida PE #0048579 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9462 R8 AE Bil; 11 to-16.1)df FL9462 R8 AE IRC-9509-189-21-I Evaivation Report 7-10 sealed.odf FL)462 R8 AE Salt Sorav Test update FL 9462-R5.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9462.5 Heritage 3000/Model 1200;(24ga) IRC-1209-189-21-I Thru 9'-0" wide Oak Summit 3000/Model 1200 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: ,'es Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +57.0/-67.5 Other: Long Panel Glazing is 1/4" Polycarbonate with aluminum frame Installation Instructions Verified By: Thomas L. -i,e mef—dMe F;erd.- PE Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9462 R8 AE 5117-11 to-16.pdf FL9462 S AE IRC-1209-189-21-I Evaluation Report 7-10 FL.pdf FL9462 R8 AE Makrolon NOA 17-0410.0l.odf FL9462 R8 AE NOA 17-0410.01 FBC 6th Edition Compliance Letter.PDF FL9462 RS AE ::salt Spray Test update FL 9462-P,5.pd: Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9462.6 Hertiage 3000 (Modei 1200) IRC-1216-175-26-I Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9462 R8 II iRC-1216-175-26-I drawing 7-10 sealed.lJd Verified By: Thomas L. Shelmerdine Florida PE=0048579 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes j Design Pressure: +48/-52 j Other: Glazing not Available. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F1-9462 R8 AE el17-11 to-16.odf FL9462 R8 AE IRC-1216-175-26-I Evaluation Report 7-10 sealed.cdf FL9462 R8 AE Salt Sarav lest uodate FL 9462-R5.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9462.7 Model 2400 IBC-2412-188-26-I Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9462 R8 II IBC.-2412-188 '__ _____. := i!-,:i.pdf Verified By: Thomas L Shelmerdine Florida ?E=0r4C579 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +50.0/-56.0 Evaluation Reports Other: Glazina not Available _ R8 AF B117-11 to-16.odf FL9462 R8 AE FBC-2412-188-26-I Evaluation Report 7-10 sealed.odf FL9462 R8 AE Salt Sprav Test update FL 9462-R5.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8xl< ED Contact Us :: 2601 lair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer Copvric11.t 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under- Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487-1395. `Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication witty the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a persona' address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product [Approval Accepts: * 7 tA00 El 0 Safe