HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit AppAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: ♦ s Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Cade Regulation Division 2300 Virgini❑ Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT TYPE: Re -Roof Shingle PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 4903 Myrtle Dr Property Tax lD #: 3402-608-0137-000-8 Lot No. 21 & 22 Site Plan Name: Block No. 42 Project Name: Myers Re -Roof DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Re -Roof Shingle Underlayment - Weatherlock Mat Replace Ridge Vent CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit —check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank —Gas Piping _ Shutters Windows/Doors _ Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator x Roof 4/12 Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: 2426 Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ 101650 Utilities: _Sewer —Septic Building Height: 205 OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name Kent Myers Name: Robert Donovan Company: Total Houle Roofing Address: 4903 Myrtle ❑r City: Fort Pierce State: FL Address: 597 Haverty Court, Suite 40 City: Rockledge State: F Zip Cade: 34982 Fax: Phone No. 772-519-61412 Zip Code: 32955 Fax: E-Mail: Phone No 321-452-9223 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page j if different E-mail Christa@throofing.com from the Owner listed above] State or County License CM 330489 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is$7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. C]313ldVJOD :7�::] 31'd(1 03AIADIV 31'd0 M31A3d M31A3d M31A3d M31A3d M31A32f M31AAH d31Nno:) 3A01JIDNIM 311ZiniV3S N0IiVi3J3A SNVId VOSIAd3df15 JNINOZ 1NMf3 SM31A3�3 .suPacuoB .'a � d lAl ii0 :a..•.••. is vza u tPAMN :S ~' �� `�) = w ❑N uolsf!wuur `o1eW 53di3x3 x:: 880SSFF)D4ROI5Si�'�VI00AW .�E8808fiJJfO £88CT60EJ °N uolss!wwvD W05N01hi30fS hEhl t�1 "" ' ''4i �1 as+',' iao13-allgnd /ueloN 4o a�nAR 2.45 �Y1iif5t�h 151L��ia � 10 alea5 �Ignd IvMoN 10 aanleu2?5) paonpoad paonpv;d uolleolpluapl to adAl uo!�ea!1!�uapl 1a adA1 uol�eo Fluapl pa�npoAd ap X uMau>l Alleuos�ad uoliea!1!�uap1 paonpoad a0 k umouA AlleuOsJad 'Tuawa}els 2Wi! ew uosiad 10 aweN quawaaeas 2u1jew uosiad 10 aweN u2Aouo(j11agOld UL-AOUOCj :pE)gOa Aq OZ 10 Aep )) `s!4� �tq Z ? jC Aep siy� aw aaolaq pa?palmou �senn ivawni}sul �u1b��o} ayl aw aaviaq pagpalnnvujo sem ju na}sul u!�ayl 3O A1NnO3 30 A1Nf103 V(11'1013 30 3.LVIS vula01j 3O 31b1S a9pl0H asuaol1/jo u aD jo aanjeu2!S .aauM0.101 waft se J0137a�/aassa a um❑ �o a�n�eu�f5 „'1N3W33N3WW03 30 3311ON 21f10A 3NiaaO33a 3a0339 A3NaOJIV NV HO a30N31 71f1OA H11AA 11f1SNO3 `0NI3NVNI3 NIV190 O1 0N31NI n0A 31 "NOfi33dSNi 1Sa13 3H1 3aO33S 311S 80f 311JL NO a31S0d ONV O3ClaO33U 3a 15fIW 1N3W33N3WWO3 30 331ION V 'A1113d0ad af10A O1 S1N3W3AOadWI aO3 3:)Imi 3NIAVd anOA Ni ilfl's3a AVM 1N3W33N31YW03 3O 3311ON V (>a033a Ol garn1Vj af10A :a3NAAO 01 3NINaVAA„ asn Ielluaplsaj-uoujayjoue of sasn AJassao7e pue swa°a Oulwwlrns'sainiam;s Aaossaaoe suolT!ppe wooa :malAai Aouwjnau°o IIn1 e SuioPjapun woal idwaxa aie suore j!wjad.9u!pI!nq'Pu!mollol aye 'sluawpuawV AjunoD a!onj -is pue sapv:) Su!ppq ep!avlj aya 'sueld pan°adde ayz yj!m aauepi000e ul liom ayi wio4aad'spadsai Ile ul `!I!m i 1e4; aaa�e Agajay op I '1!waad pajsanbaj s!ya 10 Du!}ue.12? ayj 10 u0l4ejapl5u0o ul -Aldde Am ya!gm suolpuasai Aue jo1 paap anoA PAO!Aaa pue ua1je130ssy saaum0 awol-1 anoA yalm 1lnsuvo aseald -ajnl:)nlls yons 1!q!yo.rd ao pulsai Aew aey; sTueuanoo pue ao smelAq 'salni u011e13MV saaum❑ awoH algealldde Aue y}!m 1a!1 uoo u1 s, yz)14M ainjonaas joafgns ayi pllnq oa aaploy I1wjad ay4 azijoylne 11!m 1!wiacf a Puljuea? sl 1e4;. uo!je}uasaadaa ou sajew Ajunvj apni •}S 'alwjad e 10 aouenssl aqj al aolad paouawwoo seq uol;ellexsul ao � Jom ou }ey; 4111.1a0 1 _13a1e3110u! se u011elle43ul pue JJOPA ay1 op o} jlwjad e ule}go of apew Agaiay si uoljeollddd :11An1331i H01DVH1NO3 /83NMO :auoyd :d!Z :auoyd AZ :ssaappd :ssaappd :auaeN :atueN algeallddyIoly— :ANVdWOJ 9N10N08 afgea!Iddtl1oN :d3010H 3111131dWIS 333 :auoyd :dIZ auoyd A Z :aje;5 :�[:al.els :45 :ssaappy :ssajppd :0WEN :aweN 2lgea!Iddy ION — :ANddWOO 39'd91NOW algeailddd;ON :S33N19N3/H3NEJ153❑ :N0Il`dM0JNI M'd1 N111 NO1 DMiSNOD 1'd1N3W31ddnS