HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 felt underlayment 2020t.&Online Page I of 4 ProfessionalBusiness & Regulation dUpr PPn"d a ADDrOval Menu Ptnduct or Appiicatiort Search )iQwn -St FC.# FL123ZS-Rg APPN-ki- TVW Retis�m Code Version 2017 pplicatiern Stag Appi o ved Comments Product Manufacturer TAMW Building Products LLC AddreWPhnnefEmail 1O Box 97 Galena, K75 66739 (4171674-6944, €xt 2305 Authorized 5ignaturve TR i ecnarcal RePreser?C&We gem mefz Address/Phone/Email FU Srrx 1404 JOV51 ,. tom, 648t32. (417) 6Z4-6644 Ect Z3U5 Avrri_eder%@uLmko_com i�ualify �saca,r�rrce �r�nC,�tivc i�N3ress�rsefl=!cr;ari Subcategory Undertayments Lomplance IftUiud-i7v3j—LiDrj Reprxr€ friDrr) is FiDrida RegiSiered Architect or a Licensed Florida r-ngjrxW - Fl4r'tda Eagi near the Evaivatkin Repo:-t Florida ucer:se- Quality Asbur_;LnW bti4. Quality ASSurarx--C4:.ii,rc. •.vY:+wfi cue.-+. Validated By Laake Bawden P.E;. ;titer: err ['#�,Pc'k - i 2a�flvv iieteivert %ertsfirate of Ir6ap-midence FL12 28 R8 COI TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKD n d m n fin I. ASTM p197D 2015 ASTM I7226 2009 ASTM rk,+869 2016 ASTM &c 4a k 2003 •-'iJ: cif-x i96`J Certified ey Sections front the carte cIssr-�,..- rsasrs,s.r:.ir t� cam}-rrr/rsrfrr.r}s'� ,di.e*rk4`}syaf=s�-emsjifj,;�t3ti-n�-+')rv1.wartrs �+77 )yy /p'�,{�7``'', 12/16/2020 ....___ - rr•}r;V: al meP?.n.x ?snnrnnrf rv�r�r n _. Cate Submitted iwQW20.17 Date Validated IG/0120iT Date Pending FBC Approval 10/20/2017 Date A00mved. 121121ZD17 Date Revised OVC. 9170.7(1 Summary of Products 12328.1 ASM State: Swfaced M4 4ia r5 I FKQK rri Ma s:PxTg. as; Limits of Use Installation Instructh ms Approved for use in KVKZ: Yes _FL12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKO Approved for use, outside HVHZ:.Yes Undgrlayments final. dF Impact rtesistant: AtVA Verified ay: Zachary R.- Pri M21- Y Design Pressure. K/A Cre�V,'zd ay In eper&d cUt t rl�d ndfty : Yes 3 Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. lr Eval1,111j ut R,epoolts FL12328R AE TBP140 1.4 2 17 FBC Eval Re art TAMKO II Underlavments finaf.Qdf 1. Created by Frn3peride-rrt2 raviM,PartY: Yes ; Limits of Use Approved for age in, Ft'VM. Yes Approved T*r"sFSE*0tSkkLaV*WYes Impact Rom: AW4 Demon Pr #a- VA Other: See evafuatfan report €ae hmits of Tastanatim Instructitilf5 FL12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMK Underlavments final.pdf r- n Evalxaai. Rom". F1_12 8 R8 AE TBP140 1.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKO Underlavments final.pdf lire-farf qV Thimf M rty- Yac s1j18.s &tster oo iar7;.6; r— Limits of Use Instaflaflo:r Instructions - --- -- Approved for use in HVNZ: No I 1`1_12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eyal. Report TAMKO Approved for use ,off Underlant final. df r isrpatt TCesisiarri WA aerWatrk espy: f f)BSYJf1 FiFE'.�uFIFF_i x(A 1 E.YEdgGki fl'je L7t1L'}itrrUi'F.`'t- r tlrrii::=n71y. r �s Other: See evaluation report br-limits of use. €ice a €A" .2 FLIZ328 R8 AE TBP1jQQ1. 7 FBC Eval Report TAMKQ Underlavments final.pdf 4y,u .c�-n. x--�.�«:is par g:. ,...�- 1232.8.4 j Moisture Guard x self drAtiesfiz� rrFp�f%a�� la€p�a ftrtci�7a� � :: _. Limits of Use ��# , Ins"�� Approved far aye in RVHZ: Yes EL12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eva] Report TAMKO { Appmved ior" jfA04Z;7 `_' Underlayments finaf.pdf Impact 1 Design Pressure NIA ^ Other: See evaFuarnw refpert €or ifi7rts of use. tg. R8 AE TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval RepQrt TAMKO Underlavments final.odf 123285 .a 1SA&(* - Limifs of Use Approved for use kw lam& Yes Asti for Mw ftZOAv,, KWAM vem ri.es'oa"',a P FMB;. F:. w.l j Other: See evaluation report for omits Of use. _...a_....-- 12326.E } No. 1s UI_ 1 LI<limh. of Use Apwavad IV, lot, �.,.�Instaftatf� i�aErs FL12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Fval ReL)OrtTAMK Underlavments fnal.pdF =rawaiian &&Vans FL12328 R8 AE TBP140Q1.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKO Vnderlavments final,odf -- reacee 6t rndepertae0 Ursti Ptny. ?es ASpirai< satWabNt owq i C tett FL12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval ReportTAMKO U—nderiqyments finaLodF i Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 4 Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. 12328.7 �Ah;�, XA'S__ Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. 12328.8 j Nfo. 3t3 U-L Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report forfimits Of use. 12328.9 i TAWFELT limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant. N/A Design pressure: N/A Other: See evacuation report For limits of use. I2328.I0 T4if €'4etar and Tiie Undeercayme-nit Y Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ.• Yes, Im ft Evaluation Reports FL12328 R8 AE TBP14 01.a 207 FBC Eval Reoyrt TAMKO Underla menu final. df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 'Asphalt sat�• UP9ML- h?W Installation Instructions FL12328 R8 H TBP 4001.4 2017 FBC Eval Rqr,nrF TAMKO Vnderlavments final. pd€ Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Created by Independent Third Party; Yes Evaluation Reports' FL12328 R8 AE TBP14001,4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKOUn rlayment.1 fnal.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party. Yes I Aspnatt-saturated organic felt- �IRstallation Instructions FL12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Repgrt TAMKO Underla men s fin I. df Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Created by Ir7depenclenit7hirdParty: Yes Evaluationr Rgmri3' EL12328 Rgj AE D--P 7 FOC EvW Regort TAMK f Un erla ments final udf JI Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Alternate to ASTM D 226, Type iF oadercayment Installation Instructions FL12328 R8 II TBP14001,4 2Q ] 7 FBC Eval Reaort TAMKO Underlavments. final.odf Verified By. Zachary R, Priest PE 74a22 ! Created. by Independent Third tarty: Yes Evaluathm Repartv ' EL1.2328 R8 AE_ TBP14001 4 2017 F8C Fyal ReRart TAMKO nclrla m nts final.f df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes secf,atlhenng rnodisredbilamrer fres ?ay^ t y Installation Instructions FL12328 IIJBP14.001.4 2 17 FBC Ev f Report TAMK paw e&EStaE lV/A I Desigr, pre ; Verified P Y: Zac nary r@ Priest 74d22. .I'uA Other: See evacuation report for cifntts of use. C i�Eiarftporft FL12328 R8 AE TBP14001 4 2017 FBC Fval Report TAMKO Q-nderlayments finLal.pdf Created by Independent Third' Party: Yes I2328,11 7 w dridmayrMyer 9cYr t,`r €rr^y "'7oL Limits of Use InsfalFatmet Instrue€noees Approved for use In HVHZ- Yes ! FL12328 R8 II TBP14001.4 2017 FBC Eval Report TAMKO Approved for use outsir�'-"VIj €s:Yes Underlavments fnaI.Ddf Impact ReSP.-Nft €,VA i Other: See evacuation report for limits of use: FL12328 R8 AE TBP14001,4 2 7 FBC Eval Report TAMKO n erla m nts final. df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes gacx El Under Florida law, email addresses are public recOrds. IF you do not want your a -marl address released in response to a public -records request,i do rmtsend e4�cnanic Mail to this entity. Instead, contact the cfflCe by phone or by traditional mail. if you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1355. 'Pursuant to Section 455,275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, Licensees licensed under Chapter 455, V.S. mu5tprrnFdathe flepartment with an email addsffi f they have one_iTre ema"sls provided may be used fora;ricial cammuricatign wi;fi the hcens .:5w eremaih au' ItS ec.- rd. if ypu do ntti 143n,a sIWF y.. ww� RMWde the Depam4exyt adth an emati.a�sbasawhv'h3 3abL-.mr 4e a~e Ta tka,•rr,0jw. T:-date ea. iF ynW arv. .ricarts <s.,na�r_lrfirhv s;;,>G,;,a <� <:�e:sir'_�=: �'=@.ten<:•Lz'�si. I Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 4 Credit Card Safe https:llwww.floridabuilding.orglprlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param—wGEVXQwtDgtF2Aezuarjg... 12/ 16/2020 CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL 33647 (813) 480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 6TN EDITION (2017) Manufacturer: TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. Issued October 19, 2017 P.O. Box 1404 Joplin, MO 64802 (417) 624-6644 hftp://www,tamko.com Quality Assurance: UL LLC (QUA9625) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Underlayments Code Sections: 1507.1.1 Properties: Physical properties PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAMKO® ASTM Slate ASTM D 6380, Class M, Type II underlayment constructed from organic felt saturated Surfaced Roll Roofing with asphalt and coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with granules. TAMKO® ASTM Tile ASTM D 6380, Class M, Type II underlayment constructed from an organic felt saturated Underlayment with asphalt then coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with granules. TAMKO® Master ASTM D 6380, Class S, Type IV underlayment constructed from an organic felt saturated Smooth with asphalt then coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with a fine mineral. For use in non-HVHZ only, TAMKOO Moisture Self -adhered, ASTM D 1970, fiberglass reinforced, modified bitumen sheet membrane GuardO with a mineral surfacing and a removable release film on the adhesive side and removable selvedge release tape. TAMKOV No. 15 ASTM ASTM D 226, Type I underlayment constructed from a non -perforated organic felt that is Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt. Organic Felt TAMKO® No. 15 UL ASTM D 226, Type I underlayment constructed from a non -perforated organic felt that is Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt. Organic Felt TAMKO® No. 30 ASTM ASTM D 226, Type II underlayment constructed from a non -perforated organic felt that is Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt. Organic Felt TAMKO® No. 30 UL ASTM D 226, Type 11 underlayment constructed from a non -perforated organic felt that is Asphalt Saturated saturated with asphalt. Organic Felt TAMKO® TW Metal and Self -adhered, flexible, ASTM D 1970 and TAS 103, rubberized asphalt sheet membrane Tile Underlayment with a polymer film on the surface and a removable release film on the adhesive side. TAMKOV TW Self -adhered, flexible, ASTM D 1970, rubberized asphalt sheet membrane with a Underlayment polymer film on the surface and a removable release film on the adhesive side. TBP14001.4 FL12328-R8 Page 1 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ����� TAMKO BUILDING pRODCUTS, INC. TAMKO Underlayments TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC TAMKOO TAM -FELT Alternate to ASTM D 226, Type I and Type 11 underlayment constructed from a non - perforated organic felt that is saturated with asphalt. APPLICATION METHOD Installation shall be in accordance with the published manufacturer's installation instructions, the FBC, and the requirements below. Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to underlayment application. The roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted plywood sheathing for new or existing construction. Plywood deck shall be installed in accordance with FBC requirements. Roof decks shall have no more than 1f8" gap at abutting joints. The minimum application temperature shall be 50°F except as follows: a) The minimum application temperature of TAMKOO TW Metal and Tile Underlayment and TAMKOS TW Underlayment shall be 40°F. b) The minimum application temperature of TAMKOO Moisture Guard® shall be 35°F. The minimum roof slope shall be in accordance with FBC requirements except as follows: a) The minimum slope of TAMKO® ASTM Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing shall be 2:12. Underlayments shall be exposed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, but in no case shall exposure exceed 30 days. Exception: TAMKO® TW Metal and Tile Underlayment may be exposed for a maximum 90 days. Self -adhering underlayments may be adhered to primed or unprimed plywood substrates in the non-HVHZ. All roof coverings shall be mechanically fastened through the underlayment to the roof deck. n llKlo Rnnf r'nvorin Metal Roof Mineral Wood Asphalt Panols and Surfaced Roll Shingles and Slate Clay and Underlayment Shingles Shingles Roofing Shakes Shingles Concrete Tile TAMKO® ASTM Slate Y' N N N N Y Surfaced Doll Roofing TAMKO® ASTM Tile N N N N N Y Underlayment TAMKOna Master Smooth Y' N N N N N TAMKOO Moisture Guard® Y N N N N N TAMKOO No. 15 ASTM N N Asphalt Saturated Organic Y Y Y Y2 Felt TAMI(CO) No. 15 UL Asphalt Y Y Y Y2 Y N Saturated Organic Felt TAMKO® No. 30 ASTM Asphalt Saturated Organic Y Y Y Y Y Y Felt TAMKO(D No. 30 UL Asphalt Y Y Y N Y N Saturated Organic Felt TAMKOO TW Metal and Tile Y Y N N N Y Underlayment TAMKOt3 TW Underlayment Y Y N N N N TAMK0(+3 TAM -FELT Y N N N N N Notes: 1) Open valley applications per 1507.2.9.2 2) Wood shingles only TBP14401.4 FL12328-R8 Page 2 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ��*�E++.�e�� TAMK08<lILdING PRODClJT5, INC. TAMKO Underlayments TECW41CAL SERviCgS, LLC LlMlTATICNS 1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2) Wind uplift resistance in not within scope of this evaluation. 3) Installation of the evaluated product shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 4) Contact the manufacturer when installing at temperatures below the minimum application temperature. 5) Unless otherwise stated, the minimum roof slope shall be in accordance with FBC requirements. 6) All underlayments shall be installed with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting at the eave, and lapped in successive courses installed up the deck in a manner that effectively sheds water from the deck. End laps shall be staggered between courses in accordance with the manufacturer's application instructions. 7) The underlayment may be used as described in other current FBC product approval documents. 8) The underlayment shall not be installed over existing roof coverings. 9) Contact the manufacturer regarding specific exposure limits for each underlayment. 10) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61G20-3. REFERENCES Entit PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials PRI Construction Materials PRI Construction Materials PRI Construction Materials UL LLC (TST9628) Reporf No. TAP-192-02-01 TAP-193-02-01 TAP-214-02-01 TAP-215-02-01 TAP-216-02-03 TAP-217-02-01 REV TAP-218-02-01 TAP--219-02-01 TAP-220-02-01 TAP-222-02-01 TAP-245-02-01 Technologies (TST6049) TAP-311-02-01 Technologies (TST6049) TAP-319-02-01.1 Technologies (TST6049) TAP-387-02-01 Technologies (TST6049) TAP-388-02-01 13CA12269 Standard ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 4869 ASTM D 226 ASTM D 6380 ASTM D 6380 ASTM D 226 ASTM D 226 ASTM D 6380 ASTM D 4869 TAS 103 ASTM D 4798 ASTM D 1970 ACC 188 ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 226 Year 2015a 2015a 2016 2009 2003(2013) 2003(2013) 2009 2009 2003(2013) 2016 1995 2011 2015a 2012 2015a 2015a 2009 TBP14001.4 FL12328-R8 Page 3 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT TAMKO BUILDING PRODCUTS, INC. TAMKO Underlayments The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code, 6" Edition (2017) as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. ''wIII IIf1111 R, P���i No 74021 f STATE OF .' UJ' �. N A5 '.O%' 1� CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE 2017.10.19 12:15:58 ..-04100' Zachary R. Priest, P.E. Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization No, ANE9641 CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. END OF REPORT TBP14001.4 FL12328-RS Page 4 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein.