HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAll APRLIC LE INFO MUST BE CONIVJkTED FOR APPLICATION TO $E ACCEPTED Batt,; 12-17- 020 Permit Nunn bet' Building Permit Application Rafmin0 and 0evet rme"I 5ervxEs 0Liga+rig arrd Code Reg u0atort 1 rV•1Sfon Co M me rCia I Residential .�. V'rgrnia Avenue, FNI R'1 W FL 34982 Phone: (772� 462-1553 Fax- (772� 462.1575 FFE-k'f� ,T A PP LICATfON FOR: FIE ROOF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION; Address= 6013 ADON I a IA FL FT F IE F IC E Property Tax IID #; Site Plan~ Name; 3410-503-0374-000-4 Project fume; _ ETA I LEES D ESCRi PTI ON OF WOR K RE MOVE SHINGLE ROOF INSTALL FEEL & STIC K UNDERLAYMENT FL16046 INSTALLSHINGLES FL10674 NIM EleCtrital ilAeter Second Electrical Meter Lot No. 36 Block No. L CONSTRUCTION INf0RMATION: _ Addikio.lal work to be perforrned under this permit - check all that apply; Mechaniui _ Gas Ta n k _ Gas Piping _ Shutters _ WIndows jDuvr5 � PDind _ Vactrif _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers T Gen-erator I RQgf 5112 Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Corwstrtietlon; 2.385 Cost of CoR5truction_ $ 10,E Sq. Ft, of FirsT Flaar: 2.385 Lltililk!S= Sewer - s pti r- Build Ing Heigh# 8 FT OWN ERf LESSEE: blame William Leahy _ Address 6013 Adonid is P L City{: FT PIERCE Zlp Code: 34932 Fax' Phorre No. _. E-Maii= FiR in fee simpit Title Bolder on nL-xt Page if diffemnt frornthe Owner 45ted abvvt) CONTRACTOR: Name; ROLAND WILEY Company, SHORELINE ROOFING Address: 1973 SW GLEN DALE STREET CIS; FORT ST WC I E Siam: FL Zip Code: 34987 _ _ Fax: — PhDrte No 772-260-9565 E-Ma ill SHORE LINERI FIND LD IYAH00.GOM State -or County Li-rRnS4� CCO 1331170 — If value of cgrixkri+ati-on ks 25M or mnrq!, a RECORDED Notlre o1 CDmrrrenLvment ks required, If vokke of HAVC Is -$7,500 4Or mnrer a RECORDED N btic■ of (;*mmencement is (equ Ired. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LA1,+ti{ I DESIG NIER ENG INFER s N o f App I icable Nam. - Add rL-ss-- City_ State; i Zip; Phone 4FORMATION; MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not APPIiirable Name; City: Stake: Zip, Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER; _ N of Appl ica bie BONDING COMPANY: —Not Applicable Name:— Name; Address: Address; City_ City' " Zipp1wile; Zip-, phone: OWNER/ CONTRAf-TOR AFFIDVIT; Appl ication is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and i nstallation as IrtdiCated, I Certify that nn work or IrWaliaricn has commenced prig to the issuance of a perinit. 5t. Lucie i~o vrr#y� makes no representation that is granting a perm It wr11 authorize the[ it holder to build the su b*t strirctur-e which is i n conflict wilh am Mlica&e lfnme Owners A4 sS xraticn rules, byrlaws qr -an c nants that map r #rict or prnh ihit such Strucbure. Please COML C rwit {our Name Ownem Association and review "ui -deed r any re5tr•[tlons whit may apply - In comidewation of the granting -of this requested permit, 1 d4 hereby agree that I w+Itl, i rl all respects, perform the wcwk in Kcvrdarrce wlth Idw approved pdans, the F Ierl-da Building Codes and St LUGie County endments- The fol lowing bulfdrng perrnit appl ications a re ewrrtipt f*om u nd-ergoing a full ooritu rrencyr review: room additions, accessory strUcture s, swimming pools, fenrt � wal Is, signs, tureen nooms and accessory+ uses bo a npther non-residential use WARNINii TO OWNER. Yau r fallu re to Res-onrd a Natdce of ]�omrt78ricement may re 5m It Mn payi ng twice for improvers ents to you r property_ A N of ice of Cam mencem ent m ust be rec4 rde d in th-e pu blic reoor6 of St. Luc ie County a nd post ed on th a f obsi to before t he f nt in spectiorti_ If you intend to obt a I n fi rianci ng, con suit with Ian der or an -Attarney lief-Dre cam rnenc i v work o r recar-di no. your Notice of Conn ru enrem ent. 5igrLature ufOwner{ I essee1':�O$-tor as Agent for Owner 5igfflature of CcintracWfLiCense 1144ier OOUNTY OF FLORIDA �, k COAT OF FLORIDA Low S rn to for affirmed] and sub5[�ibed before me of S+wcwKtn {or affirmed} and subscribtA before me of PIYysBcad Presence of OnPlne Natari2ation Physical Presence or Ordine-NotatiZ. iw5 this day of ._.. 2 O by this dayr of tom by n k oln Na me -of person making PersQnallyr Pnuwn %/ OR PfoduceA Idenkfflca[0, k Type of Identification Produced {S*nature of N blic state of Florida -COM NSSion Nu. (Seal) Ar-f#" Name of perwn milking temertti Personally ICn¢wn — +� k Prod used Jdrntie4: Type of Ideri#ificis#ion Pre0_. _. [5ign.otuie of Not" pu1511C- SWO aF Florida ] _ ComrtoissbneF Hotfj deal) t REM [WS FRONT ZON I NC 5U P ERVI SOR P LANS VEG ETATION SEA TURTLE MAN GAOf+F COUNTER REVIEIS+ REVIEW I REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW RFVIEW DATE RECFIVED DATE COMPLETED