HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved SurveyLEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) Lot 7, Block 6 of RIVER PARK UNIT 1 according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 10 page(s) 69, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Fo ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor With yellow cap marked "PSIr♦ 5543" FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevalior OH--OH--OH-= Over Head Fires X--X--X-= Chain Link Fence -0-o-l}= Plastic Fence 0--0--0-= Food Fence Q FPL Transformer Pad PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve Delt of Curve EAS. = Measured CONC. is Concrete C.P.= Concrete Pad EB = Water Meter = Power Pole = Utility Box ®_ we I R.O.W. = Right of tray cc, o PSQNa�t Roao Is ( 00 ,• RB�9 s \a 0% LOT 8 BLOCK 6 Q a cp�rv. SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only plotted easements ore shown hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless otherwise shown. 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless otherwise shown. 4. This site lies within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X flap# 12111CO275J 5. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 6. Bearings shown hereon are based on the Center line of CYPRESS STREET as being S 62'22'00" W according to the Plat described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 8. The accuracy of this survey is premised on the expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is mortgage financing. Accuracy = 1 toot in 7,500 feel or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey mop by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited Without Written consent. LOT 6 BLOCK 6 6 RNA PP��" \5 t L le Co F \ 0 P\ Date Init ppr ve 758 CYPRESS STREET Certified to: Denise Jean Loguidice ACCURATE POOLS 772-595-0101 SCALE: 1"=30, Atlantic Land Designs of the Treasure Coast, LB7468 BPp17020505 DATE: 9/20/1 6 764 NE Jensen Beach Blvd. Jensen Beach, R 34957 Mailing Address: I hereby certify that the surrey shotyn hereon i5 true and correct and is based on actual measeur snarls taken in the field. This DRAWN: AWP P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772) 398-4290 survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 Florida aAoinistrativecode. 2016-0774 James A. DigitallyslgnedbyJamesACeslrblc PSMi 54 DATE: REVISIONS POOL DECK FOR BOARD SURVEY FIELD DATE:4/25/17 DIN cn=lames A. Cesno Jo, o=Adana, Land Design ou Cesiro Jr. eniALDss43@gmau.com,c us Date: 2017.04270740.38-04'OU xr.n Ei NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC 4 26 17; LAST SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Supplied by Client) Lot 7, Block 6 of RIVER PARK UNIT i according to the plot thereo as recorded in Plot Book 10 page(s) 69, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: SET = Set 5/8" iroo rebor lyyyith yelloyl cap marked PSP 5543' FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebar F,F.E.-Finished Floor Elevatio OH--OH--OH Oyer Head Wires X--X--X-= Chain Link Fence -0-1-3-= Plastic Fence 0-0-0—WoodFence - 'Q= FPL Transformer Pad PL-Value as platted R = Radius of curve L Length of curve � Delp of Curve MEAS. = Measured CONC. =Concrete C.P.= Concrete Pad _ Water. meter = PoWer Pole = Utility Box R`O.tell Riaht of Way G�QR�SS Spy Apt ROAD tid A o0 VD PAIN, SF ME CK REQ, o FRONT _Y F 5 1 D ES � o CIJR SIDEi��—_ RF-AR 11b 101 a LOCK 6 / ZNG'A % TEC Wk / t GG�C. 17 oz�o5®s File Copy SURVEYORS NOTES: I. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements are shoyln hereon. 2. All Lot dimensions shoyfn are per plat unless othertirise shoyyn, 3. No underground utilities or improvements Were located unless olherWlse shoyyn. 4. This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rate Val: Zone X Vapy 12111CO280J Dated: 2/16/12 6. Flood Zone shoy✓n hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as o courtesy. The Ilood zone should be verified by o determination agency. 6. Beatings sholyn hereon are based on the Center line of CYPRESS STREET as being S,62'22'00" �( according to the Plat described hereon. 7. P.U.D.E, denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement, B. The accuracy of this survey is premised on lh, expected use of the survey. The expected use / purpose of this survey is mortgage financing. Accuracy = 1 toot in 7,500 feet or better. 9. Additions or Deletions to this survey mop by other than the signing surveyor is prohibited Without Written consent. LOT 6 BLOCK 6 6A�9 PPR� S 6 R\�� QPGE. g0 758 CYPRESS STREET Certified to: Denise Jean Loguia' - Group One Vortgage, Inc., LS.A,O, 0,1,M,A. Ally Parker Brotyn Title Insurance Agency Old Re ublic otional Title Insurance Com an scALE:1 "=30' Atlantic Land signs of the Treasure Coast, L874 8 J64 ItE Jena en Beach elyd. Jensen Beach, FL 34961 Meiling Address: P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, I'L 34958 ALD5543@gmail.com (772)398-4290 DATE:9 20 16 1 hereby certity that the survey shoyfn hereon le true and correct and is based on actual measeur emenls taken in the field. This suryey meets the Onimlm Technical Standards of Chapter 6J-17 ,u ce r Tlorids adninisfrolive node. e.TiercgJb ll. ON;;Callysl9nedby.Ir.h, c fla Jr. PSM 5543 James 11 '", ll.- i1 " ON:cn=IamesA Ceslro )r.,o�tlantic J ..1I-ea9rp aa. C2SpC y Jr.wt.2016.0911 gmall.6a -MOW IPO PWte:9a1fi.a921aJ15ae-04'atl etereoe NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL °cM DRAM: AWP 2016-0774 DATE: REVISIONS - LAST FIELD DATE:9/16/16