House Infiltration Test Certification
Prescriptive and Performance Method
Job Address:
Construction: New Construction — Complete Existing — After Addition
House Infiltration Test Results SLC climate �Zon_
ACH --' —' —`--'~~~/ Volume Mechanical echa»6zl Vrm����vr��whm������m�»4�� aoj
FBC, Energy
The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 2air changes per
hour ,^...a~.Zone `'2and 3 air changes per hour )nClimate Zones 3through D.Tes/n8shaUbeconducted whh
blower door oma�e�um� o�3�c�sw.�UDP���).�� sgshaUbec�du�e by either individuals b defineda
Sectmn553.993(5)or(7�Florida Statu�sor|ndiuiduabUcensedasset fo�hinSection 489'1U5(3)(f)'(9)or(i)»/a»
approved third party. Awritten report mfthe results cfthe test shall be signed bythe party conducting the test and
provided tnthe code cff�iu� Testinguha|/bepe�nnnedatanydmeeftercmeat>on
thermal envelope. orall penetrations ofthe building
FBC, Residential
Where the air infiltration rate ofmdwelling unit bless than air changes per hour when tested with ebJowp door pressure onuzmcnv*u.(5DPa) inaccordance w�hSection B4024I2oythe Ho�da � ata
the dnveUingunbshaUbeprovided vx�hwhole-house mechanical
''n i[�don�n «uumnm������«e/g�6onse/v»��«
"� � �czormancewith Section M15073.
ti LAddress:
/hereby certify that the weHouse Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FB[Energy [onsen/aton
.=y"/.en/cnc`/nag�,r��`uevv�hSection R4Q2.4.1.2O|mateZone 2. /
Printed Name:
5 Lice nse/Certifi cadion#: