HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementr ,id t=:��4i1�1�,y''-•va .•' X =;�' y!Pue,•;��r;:< the PLANNING & DEVELOPAO TT SERVICES s E1uiidiigA CW6 Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-00NT1tACT0P, AGREEMENT 5 0-i .&J / ifc. 7'p, c- ".� e- (Co puny Name/Individual Name) Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID (Prim(Prima6 Contractor) 0 NOV 27M9 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to .be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CON TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) �.PItIiVT. NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County The foregoing instrumenrtGwas signed before me tids%day of who is personally known,Kor has produced a as identification. Signature df Notary Puhhc STAMP 1<-'/ 9 -rc,a.i , F_ � 6 PWOName OfNotary Pubhc O RACTORSIGNAT (Qualifier) PRINT NAME tr'OIlNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofb UA6-f ^� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this dray of .zap by.c�v���ii\co� who ispersonaily known. _V__or bar. produced a as identification. Signature of Notary PMe STAMP PrintName ofNotary Public , w�'ePMtid" Notary public o s1 Rbrida •ate. Keni audka s: . e My CMMISsloff 970543 �? ;, Commission # GO 02Z076 Revised 111] 6016 � Expires 05P2512020 _ - �r�o •,` as xp1(BS OCtobef 2l, $020 . Bonded710W yFabGaimeteaDD467011 I )^'1 . iv 4iprN....xr�.s.},jr,.\\.,��.�w..o.�axr..s.: 1�l4TIi�ona .'. -& k Y ��\' r t . ... ..-.9�i�i�r•�Fn�•F�s�•���tav�s�lb�for�e��s'.����Af ' WNW � k����0.4'N1�.Nk@l�'�NFi�6 ��'• DOROTHY.ANN BASKIPI * �_ MY'COMMISSION # GG 030145 �Q' 'EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 ':god �;� ,Bondgd Thru Notery Public.Undejyr�itels yTOfa s sF giinst� €�t s i fs .,> s bb 4 by of a„ vri�gas• �ria�FlrifsRAbYQ aFwfttgj wo 0 •�§i�A�atF.��n. •, • IL 't��4`A���J47SB�?�i9EAL�'i�dl�:�I& �• . PERMIT# ISSUE [SATE 7L�p Y D A' PLANNING A DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &.Code Complia' ace Division RYi —D)NG PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREMENT RECEIV1rD. NOV 272019 ST. Lucie County, 'PermittInd Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Ixxr_ have agreed to'be (Company Name/individual Nauae) the HVAC Sub-contractorfor Wynne beveloDmen•t Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) " For the project located at (Project \,Q'N. �\C 4Z Address or Property Tax ID 0) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised puisuant.to the fling of a Change of Sub-cottractor notice. CONa ]6aAC'rOR 5rGRAUM (QuaWer). Matthew Lyhe Wynne PPUNT NAME .-- 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMEIC COUNrYCERTYFiCATxO11T N01►I�ER State of)FIonda, Covmly.of z A Qez+ i'q._ Statejof Florida, County 06�__ �V ' '" • The foregoing instr*tut was skued bofore we this dd_ day of The'forepoing instrument was signed befolrb me thi23-42SY-01 1vV� .20�5byy�20�y by e ot-.rwjq,r wLo is personally known 'i/ or has producod a whoispersonally known ✓r has produced a as Identification. as identification. 44 ( s°� S'lAMp 4 STAW 'g ture ofNota tdaic Signature ofNotary P b i )oRo7WV. AIN j6,4&Kra o ieonw y print Name of N= pnbl•e print Name of NoteryPublie DOROTHYANNBASKIN .,: MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 DOROTHYANN BASKIN oa EXPIRES: Octoher 2, 2020 MYCOMMISSION # GG 030145 ' •••• %� �;: EXPIRES: October2,2020 ��;g� d '�• Bonded Thp Notary Public Unde1WAter* :•. '•.;;oF��Q.• 8ondedThNNoteryPublicUndernriters. Revised 11/16/2016 L66—A ZUOWWOOd tL0—i 999L8L8ZLL di oo 6u i p 11 no auuAM -WOdd g L: Z i 9 L 64-Z L ft SUB�G•QltG�:fl�R:;�G?��1%1E'. RECEIVEb NOV 2 7 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting . .. �;T. .•� ... ... •���-cairacitor:�Qr' •���:?�e 'De}�:.e��•a��:�;e:�':t •Ct'•�:�. . C-Z) •It a sfoatl� '••' . Y ': sasze�g pt%paoi'tiit ate aae rn�n b gu.....�n,DRIA O 51. Lu o : tiiv l`b6.Adv�sed�.pur5 ; a iw mrui oo -. - off: ST M f Gr •�'l�faregoinainstira�me;�!as. � . G �ig!!6•d:be�oxe_mgii?is� I ":dsy: q xt�io:ss: RFsv pai4' :owhi":or'd�s:pr.�daceii>'a:: :12r�iif•Nart�#ofNnt�ry�:Piitiii+e .... ,•`<r��?�a'�, DOROTHYANN BASKIN o• •' ; MY COMMISSION#GG 030146 • EXPIRES: October 2,2020 IBS16t2(1I6.' ::'.f�-°` BondBdThni;tyotaryFiitdicUnder►yriters cctzrxcvrtrt�vrs>�'" " Stdteot`)torrls;;Cbirriu C[C 7rhe;#urg aiu; aas irdi'eritivas, s� et1 Worefii 64hil5� of who`i:person97tyliuixo r/ ..or7iaxpL•adueeiI:: a011,044"I an4lW r 'Siiahi'rteo£tof%y! utilic 'I�nYlk�anre�;<:'!�bfary;Fu"t►tiS; • .. . <iP.9 •, o, •••.:; •, l)OROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES.Oct0ber2,2020 Thm•Notary.Public;U,•_ ndennit�s•