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1=111111 BCIS Hc.a I Lcg In 1 User Reglstraaan .Hot Tapirs I SubmR Surcharge State &Facts Publlcaaans FBC Staff aC1551[e Map Links SearcM1 'ii OProduct ApprovalusER dbora P bll User n Fraduat Aomoval verej > Product ar Actilcatl9B SearO> Avollcadan Llst> Application Detail FL IF FL17499-RI • �/ Application Type Revision, Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. - Comments Archived El Product Manufacturer MI Windows and Doors Address/Phone/Email 650 West Market Street Gratz, PA 17030 (717)365-3300 Ext 2560 bsitlinger@miwd.com Authorized Signature Brent Sithnger bsitlinger@miwd.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency American Architectural Manufacturers Association Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE 10 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AAMA 506 2008 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I,S.2/A440 2008 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A natc cuhmihted 07/19/2016 Summa of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 17499.1 185 SH 52x72 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SGImpact Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No .Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +55/-55 Other: R-PG55, Missile Level D, Wind Zane 3. Glass to be Certification Agency Certificate Fl RI C ACC AC M�85 SH (Fin) Impact (2) Ddf FL17499 P1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Fin) Impact (3)_Pdf FL17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Flanae) Impact (2).Ddf F117499 R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Flange) Impact bedded in Pecora 896 sealant. (5)_odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/10/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 RI II 08-02544A odf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE 62514 Created by. Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 RI AE 513320A.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.2 1185 SH 52x84 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ:. Yes Impact Resistant: No 'Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: R-PG55 Certification Agency Certificate FL17499 R1 C CAC APC(13362)E1725 01-109-47-RO 185 SH(FLG )5-8IG 1-8A 52 1-8%84 R60(100918) odf Fl 17499 R1 C CAC MI Wind - 185 SH (Fin) (10)odf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI Windows- 185 SH (Fin) (9).Ddf Fl 17499 Rl C CAC MI W' d - 185 SH (Flange) (9)df Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/09/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 R1 II OE-025468odf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE 62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Fl 17499 R1 AE 513322A bdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.3 185 SH 36x84 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Impact Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +55/-55 Other: R-PG55*, Missile Level D, Wind Zone 3. Glass to be Certification Agency Certificate Fl R3 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Fin) Imnact (4).odf Fl R1 C CAC MI Wind - 185 SH (Fin) Impact (5) Done pdf FL17499 RI C CAC MI Wind - 185 SH fFlanael Impact (3).ndf Fl R1 C CAC MI W'ndo s - 185 SH (Flange) Impact bedded in Pecora 896 sealant. (4).odF Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/17/2018 Installation Instructions Fl R1 II 08-02545A odf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 R1 AE 513323A odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.4 185 SH 5202 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Laminated Glass Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No. Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: R-PG60 Certification Agency Certificate FL17499 RI. C CAC APC(13361)E1726,01-109-47-RO 185 SH(FLG waiver).Ddf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Fin) (11) Ddf Fl R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Fin) (12) odf Fl 174 R1 C AC MI N/' d s - 185 SH (FI ae) 1( Ol odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/08/2018 Installation Instructions Fl R1 II 08-02549A. Ddf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Limits of Use : Certlncauon Agency .,ter. —..— FL17499 RI C CAC APC(133631E1779 01-109-47-R0. 185 Approvedfor use in HVHZ: Na : SH (FLG waiver).odf C CAC ML Windows - 185 SH (Fin) (13) odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL37499: RS FL17499 RI C CAC MI y1'nd0 s - 165 SH (F'nI (14)odf Design Pressure: +60/-60 FL17499 RI C CAC MI Wind wS - 185 SH fFlanael Other: R-PG60* 11. f Quality Assurance. Contract Expiration Date - 10/17/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 Rl II 08-02550A odf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes. Evaluation Reports FL17499 R1 AE 513328A odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes '185 Triple SH' 111x72 Fin Frame IG/SG Single Hung 110z72 Flange Frame 17499.6 IG/SG Single Hung Certification Agency Certificatel Limits of Use F 17492 RI C CAC MI Vindows _ 185 SH Triple (F� Approved for use in HVHZ: No (3).Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL374D Rl C CAC MI W do s - 185 SH Tri (F'nl Impact Resistant: No (41.Ddf Design Pressure: +50/-50 FL17499 RS C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Tole (Flange) .Other: R-PG50*' (31 odf F d - 1 fly SH T'ole (Plana. (4).ndf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. 10/20/2018 installation Instructions FL17499 RI II 08-02548A odf Verified BY: Luis R Lamas PE 62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 R1 AE 513324A odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes SH 106x72 Fin Frame IG/SG Single Hung 105x72 Flange Frame 17499.7 185 Twin IG/SG Single Hung Certification Agency Certificate Limits of Use FL17499 R3 C CAC MI W'ndOWS - 185 SH Twin (F'nl .Approved for use in HVHZ: No (3) odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL17492 Rl C CAC MI W' dow - 185 SH Tw'n fF'nl Impact Resistant: No �; Design Pressure: +45/-45 ^ ^• � ra F C mr Windows- 185 SH Tw'n (Flanne) Other: R-PG45 (31 o f FL17499 Rl C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Twin (Flanne) (4)odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/20/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 all II 08-02547Aodf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 Ri AE 513323A df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Nezt Contact Us :: I PM1 - 7-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Coovrinht 7007-2013 State of Florltla.:: privacy Statement:: Acc IA71 b Statement Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not wan[ your e-mail address released In response mpabiI,,wvds request, tact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant o net tlto electronic mail to &' entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, plead- con Section 455.275(1), Florltla Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, likens... licensed under: Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The .malls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However small addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can he made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click tiers . product Approval Acwpts: W®M.M Credit Card J J J m O U Z W Z 6 W W UI m O Y K lU/1 z S N O J V J Q Z ~\ Q 3 n I xQox�x z�n J3 im u,m j o w z w o zo w m w a 0 b m W~ O N O~ U m m c o m a a oM m mz- mmM . (w0 �Z UQ.m OU- \ m w- U Z N M O Q ro g ¢ Z6�o�Q6 m-J �¢r- WIIZ w F w VI 0. Z.O m_O F W ZZ_�oaJO W �- ON ZO wv� Z m O O � �KMWOmz��m0� 0 6 Z V w g z W g? U O m VI F K N Z Z p< Z O F m m fG VI H IaJ \¢Z2¢p.=Zvi�ZzK `W-FmFU 2��y~jF F U• Z m H_ U Facai ¢zJ�ttz¢3�11� p O > W O U Z O S W . z W W U w¢~ H U F 0 J a cxi z a U F LL g LL o p a tt ¢tt�uJ�zm 3.m� O OO Ow N pJ 6= � VI Q.m UO w r p W F y 00 ¢ m Z Q ut tt ¢ o a m m o O w 0 O a a Jz a W 0 .m W 6 in S S tp O Z z-o N\ w o z p m S F 3 3 J o� maw Nzw ow ¢ �o u � oz utm 0 w O m z w O KGm W F U U, K VI O . Z W w¢ ¢.w J W. O p VI O U 2 Z J m Q Q W F LL Vxl 2 Z O U O F Uw 3 FwJ m�p mN z ut _. ¢ Q ¢m no z. O ¢ O O Q m K yi m Q o Y _z w LL ti U m m z x¢ to 3 W m w M Q F- F. ¢zo 3¢J�.m aY vim p �3 mr OW ¢ W \ m tw- w 7 2 W W Z I O m �' x Ow M. 3Z Z ZU' m 0. w pzm 3 N N m o� a wo E p rc w w cYi g Q p¢ fG Q Z Z W W U w Z S Z m N K~ Z O V1 W m z F Qm N� IZA wp 3 aM N O\ ,Z �o z.m�Na�n �Io mgao�o mm ma �o ww pf¢ m mF�ti In xvi v_i ��opw3 z0.o o ¢ O 1/I.a OjF U.W EZw(AKWZpUOp < Jd6U Q ¢ m 0_'HUUU F-Z OfGU N.w W>O �~E J��WF p zaOmm\2 VIO YUwZ=.NZW Ski 7� UJaW OQW W w U p a y F W Z U F W m Q Z S ¢F. tt 20K S N O W.Um N Z xF-61�-�0 �i Z z 3 r 0 U VI O x w w -Coa O z¢ li ¢ m cf K U K = O a pJ O m O Z U m g !n U W p W O K m a K Q W Q Z U Z N ��ZJ �OO umm,-Q� amUmon<w�=rcu op l<z Op a m.jo wwY zoa cFW>oa 0 ¢K W m y O 3 z �w z Ow� or MttxU �o wa Oro zTZ Yo I N a mn OF Nam' ZZz O r z N � Z_iF 7X Q JN low QN � N � m w K N a 11 x- z Z � b R E, H w \ W�Zjz. x Ci \ V1WLL3Q � x N4 ❑ Z W R = N N g Q ¢ Q W m�rcw LLs 2 ti S R fro C7 5 0 F \ Z W ¢NR °Q aX Z�,sw 4 � O �\ VI XtiX 20Q R g = 1 Q ~ ¢ 3 � wa wti zoo CZ_7. i�j7i�Q`C Sys ri � FwF m n W O \ f ? 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W� ZOh w �> Z W 00 2 �N g� z F_ YQG�OU �d �dZ OWO b mw O No �K Mo 2U3 W6J Ox JR N ?y 01-0 O N p0 p I M Z Z \ p¢ Z O o< QMz ZW p tt� p Ow mU M N a o <� \m ZQ gN 4 O U'YN WN ¢¢m ¢NN oz3 ZQ gi-il N `w In obi zoc N �p m �xo oo Npm no w .. z O S o¢m UlmJ o N aZ p N 3 W <N NIA O QQ W W p mm�K wm 0 > �og QQ � a N zz ..ate w? _ GUl N�QUN n W m W ikN Vl w O Q V O WWLU a�� mwz X �o aN G � O O � U zQ _mow 3 \w µ� o \r W N QI 2 F 23 y � O U c�i J � ¢ U� jE ppF wN �.0 waN �Y U6 m� Nm Nay Wp W XU ti h y x y m o ¢ �SS W F¢ w 3 w¢oo i.UOQ •V O ¢ W QF QWO Y^ W W g O XM.. aWa Z -W ZF MNO �m 02 MWM ZZ waz ..l=i Quo !N O J O W V Owl O N0 Zw F w^ z 3a NU m h mh � 22 ti •o c� WW Q. pop zw. o �oA N gO�w p O N wi 2?2N0 K U Z O U R I I I OOF Y1�� KK OWZ U Z 0 z M gMKSUQ N No W20 a H aro �� ro z yo zoo z W 2V{N M W �xw 1- W� JNZ N rc cc p. tiW �p� 4oz �L p vi y vJ m ZS N 2 W W¢ LL Q3 F W W <a OcYi woo oz 3� yang �a JQ Zp¢Q y Z p 0 W W m Q W W y W w 3 � a m (9N \zo o no zw ^gym 3cmi � �m O O 3 xW X U ¢ �w EN ws ono \i �N 3�m o far �N z � zz �w Z o OQ Um Lu Y � y U � J y U� F= >o 0 U M �U� N U. � Z 2 LL j O i M N L W F QZ jU J � O M R ❑I � y W p Q J o ro �F z c� O O N 3 4 N � W O Z C b N u�i� I wa o m ro z m Z Yo a K I� I w fA OO.Z O ¢ n ZO �¢ 7. Zdo �OJU o Z �iQ JN �NU aN N M m a � N W y W No z H c • BUS Home Lag In I User Registration Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge Stets & Facts Publlca[ � FBC staff aClS Site Map Links Search Fbrida Approval I tl USER'ublIcUser .J=pProduct Preduct Aooraval Menu >product or Apgjjtjoo Search > Aoolicatlon Llst> Appl¢atlon-0etad FL17499-R1 n FL # Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals byDBPR shall be reviewed and ratified - by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments _ Archived Product Manufacturer MI Windows and Doors Address/Phone/Email 650 West Market Street " Gratz, PA 17030 (717).365-3300 Ext 2560 bsitlinger@miwd.com. Authorized Signature Brent Sitlinger bsitlinger@miwd.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency American Architectural Manufacturers Association Validated By Steven M. Urich,. PE 9 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard year AAMA 506 2008 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2008 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A .._-_ .-.. I —A 07/19/2016 Summa of Products FL# Model, Number or Name Description 17499.1 185 SH 52x72 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Impact Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +55/-55 Other: R-PG55, Missile Level D, Wind Zone 3. Glass to be bedded in Pecom 896 sealant. Certification Agency Certificate EL174919 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Fin) IMQACt (2) DdP FL17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (F'nl Impact (3) Ddf FL17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Flange) Impact (2).Ddf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Flange) Impact (5) odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. 10/10/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 R1 II 08-02544A odf Verified By:. Luis R Lomas PE 62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 R1 AE 513320A bdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.2 185 SH 52x84 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: R-PG55 Certification Agency Certificate FL17499 RS C CAC APC(133621E1725 01-109-47-RO I85 SH(FLG wa' )5 &IG 1 8A 52 1-eX84 R60(100918) odf FL17499 RI C CAC MI W' d ws - 185 SH (Flnl 1101 Ddf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Urn) (9),Wr FI 17499 R, C CAC MI Windows ws - 1 as SH (Flange) (9)ndf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Dace 10/09/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 R1 II 0S-02546A.Ddf Verified By:. Luis R Lomas PE 62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 R1 At 513322A odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.3 185 SH 36x84 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Impact Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +55/-55 Other: R-PG55*, Missile Level D, Wind Zone 3. Glass to be bedded in Pecora 896 sealant. Certification Agency Certificate FL17499 RI C CAC MI W'nd - 185 SH (Fin) Impact (4).odf FL17499 RI C CAC MI W' n d ws - 185 5H (Fin) Impact (5) Done bdf FL1 1499 R1 C CAC MI W' dow - 185 SH (FI 1 Im t (3Lodf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Flange) Impact (4).Ddf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/17/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 R1 II 08-02545A Ddf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 RI AE 513321A odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.4 185 SH 52x72 Fin/Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Laminated Glass Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure:. +60/-60 Other: R-PG60 Certification Agency Certificate FL17499 R1 C CAC APC(13361)E1726,01-109-47-RO 185 SH(FLG waiver).Ddf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Fin) (11)pdf FL17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Fin) (12) Ddf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI windows - 185 SH (Flange) (10).Ddf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/08/2018 Installation Instructions FL11499 R1 II 08-02549A odf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No : Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: R-PG60* Certification Agency Certificate F1 17499 fill C CAC APC(13363)E1729 01-109-47-RO'185 SH (FLG waiver).odf FL17499 RS C CAC MIT Windows - 185 5H (Fin) (13),Ddf FL17499 Rl C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Finl (14).Ddf H 17499 Rl Q CAC MI Windows - 185 SH (Flanoel (11).Ddf Quality Assurance. Contract Expiration Date 10/17/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 R1 II 08-02550A odf Verified By: Luis R:Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports H 17499 R1 AE 513328A.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17499.6 1185 Triple SH 111x72 Fin Frame IG/SG Single Hung 11002 Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes : Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other: R-PG50* Certification Agency Certificate H 17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH T'ol (F'nl (3)_odf FL17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Triple (Fin) LL•p—df FL17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Triple (FI noel (3)_Ddf FL17499 RI C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Tr'ole (Flange) (4) odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/20/2018 Installation Instructions FI 17499 R1 II 08-02548A odf Verified By; Luis R Lomas PE 62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 R1 AE 513324A.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes g99,7 185 Twin SH 106x72 Fin Frame IG/SG Single Hung 105x72 Flange Frame IG/SG Single Hung Limits of Use : Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +45/-45 Other: R-PG45 Certification Agency Certificate F1 17499 Rl C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Twin (Fin) (3).Ddf FL17499 R3 C CAC MI Windows - 185 5H Twig (Fin) (4).odf FL 7499 RI C CAC MI Wind s - 185 SH Twin (Flanoel (3)_odf FL17499 R1 C CAC MI Windows - 185 SH Twin (Flanggl (4)_odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/20/2018 Installation Instructions FL17499 RS II 08-02547A.odf Verified By: Luis R Lomas PE-62514 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17499 RS AE 513323A odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Nert Conte :: 2601 Ble, Scene md, Tuirlas,, F, 32399 More: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employe, Cnnvtlnht 2092-2913 State of Florida.:: Privacy: Statement:: Accessibiler Statement :: Refund Statement antler Florida law, small addresses are public records. Ifyou do not want your a -mall address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850.437.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under. Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an ¢mall address If they have one. The ¢malls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply personal address, please provide the Department with an small address which can he made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: 170199 M Credit Card ~J• of F ' y ///111111111Y 0 outs 3 < p o �'�•izk'< wYlr 49 s z o Glo�ga Nm`^ �"1 i 3 j m O io y O •'l.. 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Doors Address/Phone/Email 650 West Market Street Gratz, PA 17030 (717) 365-3300 Ext 2560 bsitlinger@miwd.com Authorized Signature Brent Sitlinger bsitlinger@miwd.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Mullions Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer © Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Luis R Lomas, PE the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-62514 Quality Assurance Entity. National Accreditation & Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/201 Urich, PE Validated By Steven M. ® Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL15353 R2 COI FLCOI odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code 1710.5.3 a U M p N � O Q O OWO Z d N Z 3 Zwo o z✓+ MU Q✓1 N3m i�U' Ini S • � Uzi'/4 ,`� � �9y\� w 40 of Vi O N O � Q O Z � M ~� o� O W� �i-o E✓+w o z Q f Q� UJO N d VOi U N M F Z U z Z N � 00 �g z N pm0 w �2 Em 3rvm x a m m o x J mo vim ono a z oa s 5U Uovwi �z ,i a z� a i i i �32 0 w5 ,i Ows z=a 0 Q22 oz ¢pw jo 4Q Sao o a ol p r z � �