HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveys Aii;: ...i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: a All of LOT 4, THE WOODLANDS SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, retarded In Plat Book 20, at Page 1, Public Records of St. Lucle County Florida. LOT AREA: 38,810 Sq. Ft.; 0.89 Acres* STREET ADDRESS: 894 Woodlands-Orive, Fort Pierce, Florida. ��, sa'��e i'� 7 t� LOT 5 Structure must meet UMIT OF PLAT (OCCUPIED) 1T)IrlltfillTl? setbacks �I OCCUPIED ^n'♦t c s 1 h " , ti (Basis of Bearings) ` S00'18'00"E A,'178.43'(P&M) M^�FI Rb;� s4' �pT +!� FIR ♦ ;30.00' Y101a1t,� 1GIp ;: PROPOSED 1, I (Not To Bede) Ni GARAGE iN '�� a ----------- SURVEYORS' NOTES:' �5.83 n 40.00, I ag 3 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the East r°j�I I 33.0 147.2' line of Lot 4 os platted and bean 5 c0'18'00'E. -----"_---- -- - ---------- 72 T !37 ,• - -------------- - � 2. Written dknensione lake precedence over k1' d 4 PRQPQ�p of _ _ 119.2' _ - •1 • - scaled dimensions and distaces are not to be f. ------------- ----------• a1 G ,S{CONCRET$ 8 ,e ,d ONE—STORY d 16'CONCRETE II��' 4 L, scaled for construction and/or design purposes. •,n DRIVEWAY , g x►Sb' g � j&0 .. RESIDENCE DRIVEWAY �8 O C3 3. NI distances and bearings are,as field 33.0' TIKI BAR 1? 4 _ N measured and are coincident with "PLAT' and 2.0' _ -- ------ T� QP H description data unless otherwise noted. 40.00' ; 91 72•S' 7 4.This drawing Is not valid without the signature yl 40.83' �p r 2'0 NN qq gl �j C and original raided seal of a Florida.licensed E '�U 'fn:_ LOT 4 1 a 10 � i Surveyor&Mapper. C WOOD gQ d a' COVERED R IT ,� 0 5. This survey is based upon o description - -- DECK ,} 'a r J furnished b the client, there has bun'no search a --- - ;,._ _ 119.2' �•a' ,$ T g0.00 0' ENTRY O of the public records done by this office. ' Q -- - ---- - ---r -- ------- - ---- -- Y 32.0 2� 8. Pra ert Ilan In Flood Zone 'X" as scaled from 24.1' h �md A/C n•2_ -------- the Notlond Flood Insurance Program Rote Map, Y 00 PAD d �� Community Panel Number 12111CO280 F. with an _ ai O Y - ----S I .. �__ - N ___ DECK _ 'o effective dote of Auqu4t 19, 1991. I 127,1' , POOL/ In v 7. This survey Is-not covered by professional Ci EQUIPMENT ; GAS I $ liability insurance. �J , , , PAD , ; ¢I 8. City water-h owllable. City sewer h not B I iv I �,, iv I METER ; �. available in this area. EI J 'g` METAL SHED 9. Elevations shown herson are booed upon an .• " ', , , ON DIRT , �i �yI , ; , ey µ assumed datum. MIN,SETBACK REQ. 10�• te°� ��i.G I i �o ; �Q b^ q 10. Thin plan Information to be verified by w X. s'1' car cab' 1¢+' �� !� contractor prior to construction. ••-•-_ - FIRc S170'18'00"E 272.31'(PaM) FIR ♦ ;so.Go' CERTIFIED T0: FRONT LOT 3 Rabin G. Johnson SIDES t f I I• co ti (OCCUPIED) LEGEND 1 1 d�Q CNRSIDES 7.8_r_ r I FIR . FOUND 5/8'IRON ROD 7 f� H R EA $ DI LIGHT POLE ,� I �� S�Z ' 17J � W000 POWER POLE CL ZNG,CL CENTERLINE RIGHT OF WAY R/41 EP '. EDGE OF.PAVEMENT P•C, FlRC - FOUND 5//8' IRON ROD Revised: Update survey Er treats site plan. WB, 01-05 TECH, 0. Je SPOT ELEVATIONON CAP(NO I Date of Lad field wark101 09 2011 }0• TBM TEMPORARY BENCHMARK CHE- OVERHEAD.UTILITY LINES BOtlnd<tJ 7 sit Bib �� • • WATER METERPan on e order Gill (P&M)- PLAT d: MEASURED DISTANCE eeennett JANUARY 5, 2011 CONC-CONCRETE BBRRB}F Surveying, Inc. Robin 0•.'Johnsion Date of Signature WILLIAM B. BENNETT L ARC LENTHLE 403 BE Nana DIM Fleldr L11 BB Job Noa 00-0218 Professional Surveyor a Mo�pN R• �RADIUS port 5t,Ulafs,Flafds J1Q04 Florida CwtIfi to No. 8383 A/C AIR CONDITIONER 110 772 prawn) WB Daht03 30 2009 LB Na 7008 FIFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION send: wbonndtddOos.com ladlai 1 -90 Shosh 1 of 1