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CERTIFIED SOLAR THERMAL COLLECTOR FSEC' SUPPLIER: MODEL: Wee 4x12 HT 412 Y yd THERMAL Unglazed Flat Plate Solar H ronlcs Corp. 1423 Gunn Highway COI LECTOR - Odessa,FL 33556 USA TYPE: wtvw.theleveredge.com F CERTIFICATION#. 00259C Original October 01,2009 1 ! Certification: Expiration Date: October 01,2029 This solar collector was evaluated by the Florida Solar Energy Center(FSEC)In accordance with prescribed methods and was found to meet the minimum standards established by FSEC.This evaluation was based on solar collector tests performed by an FSEC approved laboratory.The purpose of the tests is to verily initial performance conditions and quality of construction only.The resulting certification Is not a guarantee of long term performance or durability. I This collector has been rated for energy output on measured performance and an assumed standard day.Total solar energy available for the standard day is 6045 Watt-hour/m=(1600 BtulB)distributed over a 10 hour period. j COLLECTORTHERMAL PERFORMANCE RATING(Collector Tested per ASHRAE 96) Mlowatt-hours(thermal)Per Panel Per Day Thousands of Btu Per Panel Per Day Category Low Intermediate I High Category Low Intermediate High Inlet 30'C I 50'C 100-C Inlet 86'F 122'F 212'F ENERGY 13.4 5.5 0.0 ENERGY 45.6 18.7 0.0 OUTPUT OUTPUT �r 7 COLLECTOR SPECIFICATIONS ; tit Gross Area: 4.236 ml 45.60 W Dry Weight 10 kg 21 lb Net Aperture Area: 4.236 m? 45.60 ft Fluid Capacity: 11 A Titer 3.0 gal Absorber Area: 4.236 m' 45.60 fN Test Pressure: 414 Wa 60 psi TECHNICAL INFORMATION Tested In accordance with:ASHRAE 96 ESiclency Equation[NOTE:Based on gross area and(P)=Ti-Ta] SI UNITS: Wind speed(u)<1.5 m/s,Temperature(TI—Ta)in'C,Radiation(G)In W/m' rl=0.843-i 6.240(P/G)-64.590(32/G) IP UNITS: Wind speed(u)<3 mph,Temperature(TI—Ta)In'F,Radiation(G)in Btulhr--ff { q=0.843-2.862(P/G)-6.319(P21G) {{S i f t [AM t.aeftldertt 1+0.08 Test Fluid: Test Mass Flow Rate: kgl(s m') ib/(hr ft") REMARKS: I ' yes 1 , i Technical Director Print Date:January,2015 ©2014 University of Central Florida. FSECIUCF 1679 Clearlake Road♦Cocoa,Florida 32922 (321)638-1426 Fax(321)638-1010 s www.fsec.ucf.edu Paae 1 of 1