HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement uvoZra Z. om1wn, r-a r.A-k• THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT 0112 COUNTY FILE # 427:6199 OR BOOK 3962 PAGE 1189, ROCO ded 02/10/2017 20:00:52 AM NOME 4E CQ�CM ENT 7h&Fttdersigood hereby given Notice that impbYmMant will be made to certain roal property,and in aemrdante with Chapter 713, FEOtida statutes the following infosmadan is provided►A the Notim bF of m n=cettteitt, I,AESCR71t'aYan OI.F p�ftP> 7�y tIxgd deseaiption aqd stmet address)TAX FOLIO NLiNY=:..13 0 6—1 �1-0 0 01-M 0 0/p S`L1Bb A EArRLdCk--TRAC'J__,___yAT BLDO . UNIT __ 6/7 34 ,39 all that part, lying northeast of 95 2.GE1MU =$CRWnoNOB1AvRova= . - 5iM-1G�.f Mi1X residence 3.awt�.R1NlRp�,r1A�QN:-=• aNtsma�,a�r�; sa;,;��;rig Cca<�o�a.�S.crt `—...�. b-Address_8000 S. USlx Suite 402: ESL, FL 34952 c.islCt"CstitlP�P Y. d.Narno aad address of fee 5impte titleholder(if other than owner) ,+ 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAMJi ,ADDRESSANDPHONENLlQCER:_WYnne._BeVeloomenti Corporatiorl 8000 S. US1, Suite 02• P _ t S.SI MM'S AID,ADDRM AND PHONE NUM[giR AM RAND AMMINT; 6_X$NDER'S NAME,AW17SS.4 AND PHOM NZJ26MM � 1 7.Famons Within the Slate of Plosida dcaignatod by Owner upon wham rttxtces or other docrrmam sr+sy be served as provided by 1 ` Scuion 713.13(l)(a)7„Florida Statdtn- ccctbbb If NAW.AODRns,uMPROM Paniah Lakes Blvd. Ft. Piercer k' - 20.1- 8,In addivon to hirmelf or herseti owner designates the Mowing to receive a copy of the Lienot s Notice as provided in Station l7 5 90 713.13(1)(b),Frauds Statutes: NAA9,ADDR3ESt;AND PROM NUM IM- 9.Expiration date of nodee of oommcXgment(the expiration date is I year from the date of recording ualtss a diffatnt date is speei6ed) �?A.rT . ARNIlV61 Q �i D R 3 P 2 iLf R T' YbtRL P G FR P E F g L NTF YQUjItoo Ta1M Y t � C era ac. ---~- Matthew Lyle wynnec yirf•-prPn-,T Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Tittel0ffice Oweer'sAssihorized Of)cerMirector/Fartw/Kanager ca�Uj State Ofltlorids d c County of-- .,,-1,lLc e '-^-gym —+ 'the foregoing insttutnet,t was acknowledged befara roe this day of .. F�`�,�uA`1 .20- J� �.;-zc Eg Sy Matwirhew c Ie wyntleas 131-1 Cl= m si (Name ofperson) ype of thori Owner,ofP,cer,trustee,attorcney irt8Li3 t--o >;tuW nn� $ui].di,rt trc>w Ora ion . (Name oEgarry Orr bthsif of whortt is4rtua,ent was executed) f'ersanaiiy ICriaw�or produced tfie following type oPXL}: /� E1t PONYANOAWN e:t�t- r+s /jA.SKr,.r ,r,�,, a�, ;,i MY COMMISSION it W t130i45 (Printed Name of Notuy public) (Signature ofN&Y public) I. J t?1CPlRE3 toetatZ 2aaC �,.�r:a' 8en6+�d?hn+NubeYW�S'ielinC�wfnOrs Valor geaeities of perjury,%d'tsclare that I have read the foregoing'and that 6A facts-in it are true to tht best of my knowledge and belief(section 92-M.Ntorida Statntts)- Sigasfure(s)of owners)or Owae(s)`Aoth.,a d pffir rlJ3JrectoX/Parinerfidanager wha signed above: By - +--�-- Ra,.rt87lNrnallAaert5nrl ' L90-d U00/£000d 098-1 899L8LKLL d.►o0 Suip( in8 euuAM -WOdJ V8:60 LL 8b-V0 JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK A THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT '^^IE COUNTY FILE # 4276199 OR BOO 62 PAGE 1189, Recorded 02, �/2017 10:00:52 AM i •PF1tMIT�1UMEaR• - This8trttt is rvsti•vcd Tor ivrnrdhtg;r,ry NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713. Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice bf commencement, j 1.DESCRIPTIONI OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER:-•1 3 0 6—1 1.1 —0 0 01—b10 0/•0 SUBD1'VISIC4 w raltLOCk TRACT_ LOT _BLDG UNIT 6/7 34239 all that part lying northeast of 95 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: s i ng l e f a m i l y residence 3.OWNER INFORMATION: a.Name. Wynne n„ilding_ I1- b.Addres. 8000 S. US1, Suite 402, .PSLr FL 34952 c.interest inproperty Id.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if other than owner) 4,CONTR.ACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Wynne Development Corporation 8000 S. USI, Suite 402-, PSL, FL 34952 772 £i7f3=5._5] 3 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6_LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE Num3ER�,`0�1bSWpanish Lakes Blvd. Ft... Pierce.. FL. 201— S.In addition to himself or herself,'Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 0 590 .. 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different dace iS specified) 20 WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY TfM OWNF=R 6FFTfR T14E FFXMATION OF THE NQTICE OP COMMENCEMENT c ARI?CONSMFRED JNIPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713.PART I SEMON 71313,FLORIDA STATU15S.AND CAN RRESTJ IN YOUR PAYING TWICR FOR IMPRQVEMF Tr TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE OF CQNMMEfNCF.MENT MUSS'BE RECORDED Ate w [POSTED ON THE NOB SrM BEFORE'YTM EMST INSPECTION IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT Ft YOt&P. LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMpVCIIJG WORK OR p f=RDINQ X OUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT =Lo s Matthew Lyle Wynne, Vice—Prp_ Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Offiee Ns m _w Owner's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager � cov State of#lorida o="r c�CD e _a CD,CD w County of S tom, T.n r,i e u w~CM_i Cn r �M The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 day of is / �ee k" ,20 1 d J=_ m By Matthew Lyle Wynne as 11tc.6 Nag"r Ae'rc r ��L—Q=cc: y, (Name ofperson) -- rype of authority...e.g:Owner,officer,trustee,attorney id•'f26(j t--o � n For Wynne Building Corporation (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known Zor produced the following type of ID: DOROTHY ANN BASKIN Awri I�f}SKr..t , �;. � n' +�_ MY COMMISSION#Go,030145 (Printed Narne of Notary Public) (Signature of N Public IS;; 'I=Vueto EXPIRES'Octobar2,2020 flonaUnder penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing end that the facts in it ar best of my knowledge and belief(section 92.525,Florida Statutes). Signature(&)of Owner(s)or Owner(s)'Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager who signed above: By: By Ra.OP/A1/2007(Rcoording} , I