HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc LettersF318WO17 G&G jVng Construction Inc Mail-Treasure Cove Dunes-PMmer Existing Assembly o ,q-7-----------Mark-Flickinger!4mark@cfI IL Treasure Cove Dunes-PMMA over Existing Assembly 1-message - Rauktis,Todd<Todd.Rauktis@jm.com> Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 2:56 PM To: Mark Flickinger<mark@cflroofing.com> Mark- Please be advised thatjx. over insulation and peditel fesco -P coverboard, also applied in ho"t-a—isipfiai-It,"over a concrete deck. Please see tacbed EBJ3-1hdL ,2JAM a -d -9 0110 %X t have highlighted the system on the Tdnity/ERD report, C-4. This should satisfy the below requirement of'FBC Approval Documentation. From the Submitted PMMA FBC Report...Noted Item from Building Department 1. The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the AHJ.Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Todd Rauktis Sr. Sales Representative-Central Florida Roofing Systems Group Johns Manville I A Berkshire Hathaway-Company C: 407-429-8626 Email: Todd.Rauktis@jm.com Johns MaInville i"k-IJUROOFING.NEWS This email,including attachments,is intended for the person or company named and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. Unauthorized disclosure,copying or use of this Information may be unlawful and is prohibited.If you are not the intended recipient please delete this message and notify the sender. Johns Manville is a manufacturer of commercial roofing products and offers this general conceptual information to you as a courtesy only.This complimentary assistance is not to be used or relied upon by anyone as a substitute for professional engineering design and documentation required by building code,contract or applicable law. By accepting these comments you agree they do not constitute any representations, endorsements of, or an assumption by Johns 1/2 3/812917 G&G R&Construction Inc Mail-Treasure Cove Dunes-PMMAKing/roofing F)dsfirjg Assembly ' system, code Manville of any responsibility/liability7 or either the adequacy of the design of this compliance, material or any other material not supplied by Johns Manville. TDC Existing Assembly JM—SBS—FL2948-Rll.pdf --....Mlm--no.t.-c�oo7-,4n—g-.,;-.,=nf)tcc-nr(-h=inhr)x&th=15aaff7fl6bf7gb5b&siml=l&-Qgfl6bf7gb5b 212 �Xi s vJo� A L y TRIN17 ERb TABLE 3A-1:STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE A-1:BONDED INSULATION,BONDED ROOF COVER NOTE:FOR VAPOR BARRIER OPTIONS,REFER To NOTE 1S System Deck primer Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation Layer Roof Cover(Note 14) MDP No. (Note ii Type Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap Ply (Psf) (Optional)Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3,R-Panel, j I Structural ASTM ENRGY 3 25 PSI,R-Panel 25 PSI,ENRGY 3 JM BaseGriP (Optional)SBS-AA SBS SBS-AA S9S- C-1. AGF or CGF,ENRGY 3 25 PSI AGF or CGF, HA Min.1.5-Inch Invinsa Foam HA , , -155.0 concrete D41 SD/SA TA TA ValuTherm AGF or CGF,ValuTherm 25 PSI , AGF or CGF (Optional)Min.0.75-Inch BP-AA,BP-CA2, • Structural ASTM Min.0.75-inch FescoBoard or DuraBoard (Optional)BP-AA,SBS- SBS=AA,SBS-j C_2, HA FescoBoard or DuraBoard HA SBS-AA or SBS- -167.5 concrete D41 (homogeneous) (homogeneous) CA2 AA,SBS-CA2 or SOS-TA CA2;SBS-TA Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3,R-Panel,ENRGY 3 25 Structural ASTM PSI,R-Panel 25 PSI ENRGY 3 AGF or CGF Min.0.25-Inch SECUROCK BP-AA,SBS-AA, (Optional)BP-AA,BP- SBS- AA,SBS-, i C-3. ' ' HA HA SBS-CA2 or SBS- CA2,SBS-AA,SBS-CA2 CA2 or SBS- -247.5 concrete D41 ENRGY 3 25 PSI AGF or CGF,.ValuTherm AGF Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board TA or SBS-TA TA or CGF,ValuTherm 25 PSI AGF or CGF Min.0.5-Inch Retro-Fit Board, gp.Aq BP-CA2 SBS-AA,S�C t xy Structural ASTM Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3 CGF,ENRGY 3 25 PS( RetroPlus Board or (Optional)BP-AA,SBS- r I I G 4 HA HA SBS-AA or SBS- CA2 or SBS-' q S `tom' - e concrete D41 CGF,ValuTherm CGF;ValuTherm 25 PSI CGF DuraBoard or min.0.75-inch CA2 AA,SBS-CA2 orSB5-TA TA a t Fesco Board ` ^' Structural ASTM (Optional)Min,1.5-Inch ENRGY 3 CGF, BP-AA,BP-CA2, 'SOS-AA,SBS- Min.1.5Inch Fesco Foam or (Optional)BP-AA,SBS- G5, ENRGY 3 25 PSI CGF,ValuTherm CGF, HA HA SBS-AA or SBS- CA2 or 5(3S- -277.5 concrete D41 ValuTherm 2S PSI CGF DuraFoam CA2 AA,SBS-CA2 or SBS-TA TA I � C-6. Structural ASTM Min.1.5-inch ENRGY 3 CGF,ENRGY 3 25 PSI HA Min.0,5-Inch DuraBoard HA SBS TA (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA I -277.5 concrete D41 CGF,ValuTherm CGF,ValuTherm 25 PSI CGF Min.1.5-(nch ENRGY 3,R-Panel,ENRGY 3 25 C-7. Structural ASTM PSI,R-Panel 25 PSI,ENRGY 3 AGF,ENRGY 3 HA Min.0.5-Inch DuraBoard HA 585-TA (Optional)SBS-TA SBS TA I -300.0 concrete D41 25 PSI AGF,ValuTherm AGF,ValuTherm 25 PSI AGF • Min.1.5-Inch ENRGY 3,R-Panel,ENRGY 3 25 OP-AA,BP CA2, SBS-AA;SBS- C-8 Structural ASTM PSI,R-Panel 2S PSI,ENRGY 3 AGF,ENRGY 3 Min.0.5-Inch RetroPlus (Optional)BP-AA,SBS- ' concrete D41 25 PSI AGF,ValuTherm AGF,ValuTherm 25 HA Board or DuraBoard HA SBS-AA or SBS- AA,SBS-CA2 or SBS-TA CA2 or SBS= -300.0 CA2 TA PSi AGF Min.1.5-Inch ENRGY 3,R-Panel,ENRGY 3 25 Min.0,5-Inch Retro-Fit Board BP-AA,BP-CA2, SBS-AA,ISBS_ G9 Structural ASTM PSI;R-Panel 25 PSI,ENRGY 3 AGF,ENRGY 3 (Optional)OP-AA,SBS- HA or min.0.75-Inch Fesco Board HA SBS-AA or SBS- CA2 or SBS- 3305.0 concrete D41 25 PSI AGFGF,ValuTherm AGF,ValuTherm 25 or DuraBoard CA2 AA,SBS-CA2 or SBS-TA TA PSI (Optional)Min,1.5-Inch ENRGY 3,R-Panel, . BP-AA,BP-CA2, SBS-AAl SBS- j C-10, Structural ASTM ENRGY 3 25 PSI,R-Panel 25 PSI,ENRGY 3 HA Min.1.5-Inch Fesco Foam or HA SB5-AA or SBS- (Optional)BP-AA,SBS CA2 or SeS- 305.0 concrete D41 AGF,ENRGY 3 25 PSI AGF,ValuTherm AGF, DuraFoam CA2 AA,SBS-CA2 or SBS TA TA ValuTherm 25 PSI AGF Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C.d/b/a Trinity(ERD Evaluation Report J8230.03,08-1110 for FL2948-R31 Certif/cate of Authorization#9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 10:10/13/2016 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen,PE-59166 Appendix 1,Page 22 of 52 I I