HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Plans12 4 1 SLOPE Gulf Coast Supply and MPG 5v Crimp Metal roofing PL #11651.12 2L Ia. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plywood deck using #61 x 1.5" wood screws with self sealing washer at 12" o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (type 2) 30 lb felt underlagment Installed with min. 4 side laps and V end laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nals spaced L o.c. at all laps and two at red rows 12" o.c. in field. Attach deck to trusses using attachment detar on this wheat I COVERED PORCH r 7nish Columns with 5/8" thick x 8% cut coral finished stucco bands 5/8" thick cut coral finished stucco bands LEFTS"F� I oil SCALE: 1/4' - 1'-0' Gulf Coast Supply and MFG 5v Cnmp Metal roof)ng FL 4 IIL51.12 26 gga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plgwood dock using 1t9 x I.5" wood screws with self "sing washer at 12" o.c . max spacing over ASTM D (tgps 2) 30 Ib felt underlagment Installed with min. 4 side laps and L" and laps Paatened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with L25" ring shank Wade spaced 6 o.c. at all laps and Lwo ataggared rows 12" o.c. in field. Attach deck to trusses using attachment detal on this sheet 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction NJ Gulf Coast Supplg and MPG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL #11651.12 2L ga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plywood deck using #9 x 1.5' wood screws with self sealing washer at 12' o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (type 2) 30 lb Pelt underlagment installed with min. 4 side laps and L" and laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails paced V o_c_ at all laps and two�staggeredLrows 12` o.c. in field. Attach 5/8" thick x 8"w cut stucco on -typical concrete coral finished stucco bands block construction REA;,�111 ELEVATiON Gulf Coast Supplg and MPG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL u11G51.12 2L ga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to pigwood deck using #9 x 1.5" wood screws with self sealing washer at 12" o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (type 2) 30 lb felt underlagment installed with min. 4 side laps and V end laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails dpss aced L" o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12" o.c. in field. Attach ek to trusses using attachment detail on this sheet -, _ 12 SLOPE 14 12 4 SLOPE EGRES EGRES PER D ® d _ _ 0'-0. _ r,--------------- — — — �.� — � — —-------- -- 5/8" thick light textured ELEVATION \ / /� I stucco on typical concrete RIGHTd. E Y A T i O I �l block construction SCALE: 1/4' - II Product Approval Submittal Affidavit Opening 8oheduis 81 Doom Osarhsed Doors, SMing Doors, windows & Slglishls TYps NUMBER Product Model / Manufacturer Gass Attachment method Date � o1 signApppressure Tests_ 1.23 t4 FLri 239.3 Single Hun g g SH-100 Impact PGT 5/I6" 1/4" a. tapcons a/ wan. I g/a" psnotrati u y specs per pr do uet approval. Contractor s�all adhere to inn. edge dratences speedied in Product approval +BOA PSF — A I6-0330.02 Overhead Garage Door Model 824/8h11 L=0• nmc lidiyliit ®ASS "v.rt. =q s . TOPIC c . e .a "'7"4e0ft"i`-`��" 10-9 21 + 50.0/-40.0 psf B FL# ILL14.1 Fiberglass Der n Pro/ Smoogth Pro Jeld-Wen Elco 1/4" dia. t con with an 1.25" embedment at 3" max from corners and oc. max. thereafter in head and jambs. + 50.0 PSF C FLrt 251.5 Sliding Glass Door Series 170 SGD PGT I" nom Type "G5A" I/4" $a. tapcoo a w/ inn. I (3/Y penotratro�i to to mnc2 II adge distapneesaspeet r°n Product eplpfsovai ± LO.O PSF product NI NU, Model Manufacturer Attachment Method tion Datte Design Pie mwo of Appiosed Testa Mullions 2L1.1 1" x 2 9/4" x .3I6" PGT Install or fastener tgpe and spacings shown in Table IA and IS,FLtr in product approval on shoat 5 or 22. + 58.0 PSF ROOF FL# 11451.12 1 5V Crimp Metal Roofin g GuIP and Coast Supply manufacturing 26 . 5v crimp metal roofing attached to pigwood deck sang s9 x 1.6' soo�acrsus with salt sealing washer at 12" c.c. max eQacmg over ASTM 0 (tips 2) 30 Ib relt underlagment installed with on. 4 arde laps and Vend laps Isetened with corrosion rewstant tin cap arid n;h 1.25" ring shank nails spaced i oc, at all laps and two staggered rows 12 o.c. in field. Attach deck to trusses using attachment detail on roof plan — 108.5 PSF Siding � - Stucco on Block i soffit : Lrr 12198.3 Model T4 12' vented Vinyl Soffit Kaycan Install using 2" x 2" battens at L" o.c. screwed to soffit framing using il8 x 3' wood screws at each truce. Install soffit to battens using +55.0/-35.0 P5F Hurric Panels I have reviewed the above and approved it by my seal below. ( Architect or Engineer of Record ) 2" x 4" top plate [ ' 1/2' drgwall ceiling on trues bottom cord I/2" drywall on x 4" studs at 14" o.c. base -board 11 II / 2 x 4" P.T. bottom plate \ 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR Vxk' #10/10 WWM on L mill Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill nterlor Non—Bearinq Partition SCALE: 1/4' - II 1/8" Thick cut coral stucco over paper backed wire lath nailed to substrate through one layer of 15 lb felt using 8d nails. Substrate to be 19/32" COX Plywood nailed at L" o.c. in field and edges with lOd ring shank galvanized nails into truss webbing. BEARING F ICI ICI ill Ili Mimi Ili ICI ICI ICI ICI ICI 1�1 ICI ICI ICI ICI ICI - e nts _ on Aden AIA, PA gnne Building Corp. Ar$:r��11�����m Plafiners 411 S.E. Coconut Avenue Tel ('i12) 281-8268 ITHE Wj ND S O R Fax : (112) 281-8283 E—mail: bradenaiaOcomcast.net 5 anish 1­5kca 5 . Lucie Countg Florida SCALE: 1/4' - 1•-0" CODE CO'MPLIANQE ST. LUCIE CO 13OCC( N� ' ALL CONTRACTOR WARRANTIES BEGiN WHEN THE CLOSING OCCURS BETWEEN THE BUYER AND WYNNE BUILDING CORP. AND WILL CONTINUE FOR ONE YEAR FROM THAT DATE PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) I Florida Building Code Residential: Lth Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading Building Design is: Enclosed Risk Category. II Wind Velocitg. I1,5 mph ultimate Mean Roof Height: Il'_O• Roof Pitch: € 4.12 € Internal Pressure C—oef il�cient: t 0_le l SubjectabilitV to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Vera Heavu l Width of Roof End Zone:3'-4" Wind Speed: IL5 mph ultimate € Wind Exposure Classification: C 1.21 x O.L = 0.12L Adjustment factor for Exposure Height: ASD design Load Combination: ASCE 1-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+O.LWL; O.LDL+O.tWL Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone. I. +20.6/-32.6 psf Roof Zone: 2. +2pp.L/-51.0 psf Roof Zone: 3. +20.L/-84.0 psf Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 3'-40 Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4.+35.8/-38.1 pal 0- Rod Zan* i Wall Zone: 5. +35.8/-41.8 par Wells Zorrcy of Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door:+32.0/-40.3ps1 Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes Continuous Load Path Provided? tilt - Roof Zone 2 YYaass Walla Zone 5 Are Components an Cladding Details Provided? Yes END ZONE Minimum Sal Bearong reswre: si. Presumptive: X B Test: psi .:u ZZ3nes S E111.11OTJi A ROYAL -FOR A T P O E TION F R O E IN S# ".. w ROOF LIVE LOAD: 111 par ROOF DEAD LOAD: 10 pal u, FLOOR LIVE LOAD: -Ag— per FLOOR DEAD LOAD:J� pef JOB AQQRESS: Model: Date Drawn Revisions Sheet C, Drnry R E A R 3-28-18 5-23-18 Garage floor slope and PORCH Drawn b: Smoke detector revision 15-1588 LEFT C.C.U. Checked bg: Impact FLOOR PLAN Recess top plate 6"m x 3/80d 4„ For steel support angle \ CRASH POST DETAIL we detail on this et TYPICAL NOTES: SCALE 1/4" = 1'-O" N.T.S. C I. Contractor to verify ALL notes and dimensions prior to 3C high bg 4" diameter rOCeedln Wlth WOrk. p g steel crash post. Floor steel countertop support an la Flange 4 - 3/8" Install from 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL OSHA Requirements. with 6" each and and expansion bolts Into one in center of counter. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc... to have slab (3/8"t 5o ksi steel plate) we angle detail a minimum 1,400 P.S.I. fiber stress. 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. 61, 1/2' drywall -` 5. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be min. 2,500 PSI concrete. 2h" 2%' ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, cont. tie beams etc., to shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. grout mix ° L. Drywall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord 03/8, 0 2%" Counter top - verhfg type with contractor 12' x 12" Concrete column 12" block Pilled with concrete and (2) #1 bare veil. tied Into lintels above Base cabinet N ° 2' x 8' mood studs at 16" o.c. 2" x 8' PT wood plate of trusses with screws per FBC R102.3.5. KITCHEN ISLAND FRAMING DETAIL 1. ALL wood in contact with concrete shall be pressure treated. / s'r' 8. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions. 9. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. 10. Contractor to Provide Drain at water heater in accordance with the current edition of the Florida Plumbing Code. 11. Contractor to Provide a 2'-8" wide door at one bathroom for handicap accessibility requirements. 12. Lowest finished floor to be set by Governing Building Department 2,h„ 2�„ surveyor to set in field. y2„ 14„ 13. Separation between residence and garage shall be per FBC R302.6 L" 14. Door between garage and residence shall be 1-3/4"t 20 min. rated door Water Heater 15. Wall and Ceiling shall have a flame -spread classification of not greater than 200 per FBC R302.9.1 14. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a smoke -developed index of not greater than 450 per FBC R302.9.2 11. All exposed attic insulation materials installed on attic floors shall have a critical radiant flux not less than 0.12 watt per square centimeter. Exposed foam plastic insulation materials exposed on the underside of the roof deck or on the attic walls shall comply with F.B.C. R316 - see permit info box of code edition 18. Gsum board material shall conform to ASTM C36, C19, C415, C514, C630, C931 C40, C1002, C1041,C1111, C1118, C1218, C1395, or C1396 and shall be installed according to the following: (FBC R102.3.5) Dr Thickness Location Orientation Framing Member Max spacing fasteners Nail wvng options for drpwali spacing installation of into Maximum Nada Screws wood framing members 2' x min. thickness Ceiling Perpendicular 24' 7 12' 13ga 1318N long with 19/64' head 0.098' diameter x 1 1/4' Ion Y2„ annular -ringed or 5d coder nail OR 0.080' dia. x 1 5/8' long with Walls Either I6' a• 16' Direction 15/64' head R Ggpaum board nail 0.0860 dia. x 15/8' with 9/32" head. Ceiling Perpendicular 24" 7' 12' 13go 1 5/8' long with 19/64' head 0.098' diameter x 13/8' long annular -ringed or bd coder nail OR s 0.092" di 1 1/8' long with Walls Direction 16• e• I6' 1/4" head OR G paum board nail 0.09158 dia. z 7/e' with 19/64' head. 19. ALL ceramic tole surfaces installed shall conform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.L, A108.1, A118.1, A118.3, A136.1 and A131.1 20. Cement, fiber -cement or glass mat ggpsum backers in accordance with ASTM C1288, C1325, OR C1118 and installed I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations shall be used as backer for the wall tile in tub areas and Wall panels in shower areas. 21. Insulation including facings such as retarders or vapor permeable members installed within floor -ceiling assemblies, roof -ceiling assemblies, wall, crawl spaces and attics Shall have a flame spread index not to exceed 25 with an accompa%ing smoke developed index not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with ,4STM E 84. Insulation shall comply with F.B.C. R316. Gulf Coast Suppig and MPG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL #11651.12 26od a. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to pluluood deck using #9 x 1.5" woscrews with self sealing washer at 12" o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (tope 2) 30 lb felt underiagment installed with min. 4 side laps and 6' end laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c, at all laps and two staggered rows 12' o.c. in field. Attach deck to trusses using attachment detail on this sheet .- �i I r MASTER �"'� 2.1 "� 1 �Z�.. 4 N BATH o" I `���„��� 2"1 1 KITCHEN 0-1 1 ��.„lIae 1 1 uV-11 T AAV 2,4 LAUNDRY 2N 1 3• I 1 1 I.Av-I1 �• I I 1 ,,Y 2N 2N 2' I.Av i I I i ao 2' *Nam-i 3" 2N i uo-i I Nj -ANN E -GG MATH it2 2" T-I 3. C.C. 3 SANITARY RISER nts Window Schedule Mark Size Rou h O en. Window Descrl tlon PRESSURE ZONE I. 4'-6/8"x 4'-6 is" 64%s"x 54Ym" Swool Hang ZONE 4 2. 6°-2/a"x 6'-3 %a" 15' x 63 ZONE 11 3. 2'-2' x V-2Y2" 21 2'x 38%." SmgAs Hung ZONE i 4. x ' '3 x 3 w ZONE -43-r ALL Windows to be aluminum windows w/ tint and mullions per elevations. ALL windows to withstand pressures in permit info box on sheet I ALL windows in bathrooms to be tempered All rough opening dimensions to be verified bg contractor with manufacturer a specs prior to construction Door Schedule Mark Size Rough Opening_ Door Descrl tion PRESSURE ZONE A 91-W X 1'-0' lcW x 84' overhrad Gargle Door ZONE 4 D 3'-09 X 6'-8' 41'i4' x 83%" lialibeirdeas Panel - Inowng ZONE 4 C 6'-0" X V-8' 14" x 81 I/2" b'tt'a Skilim Gins Deer ZONE i D 2'-0' X V-8' Solid Cam - Wood - 6-Paml -BrFdd FiniaMd 24' x 81 " E 2'-6' X C-8' Solid Cora - Wood - 6-Pawl F 6'-0" X 6'-e" Soled Coe - Wood - 6-Paml - i8i-Feld G '-8' x V-8' x 1 N' Solid Care Waod, Sued, or Masomte Door H T-8' X W-8' Solid Care - Wood - 6-Penal d T-6" X W-8" Solld Cora - Wood - 6-Paml - Si -Fold ALL Exterior doors to withstand pressures stated box on sheet #1 GARAGE DOOR SPECIFIED IN PRODUCT APPROVAL FORM WITHSTAND THE PRESSURES STATED IN PERMIT INFO BOX All rough opening dimensions to be verified by contractor with manufacturer a specs prior to construction in permit info AND SHALL ON SHEET #1 Simpson HETA 20 or equal hurricane anchor at each true* 12 with (10) ncl x 11/2" nailsI' x V P.T. B e:;7PREr-�F-NGINEFERED TRUSSES ( 24' o.c.) supporting Max 4 1- t 24"o.c. TYPICAL block oath case 18101bs. uplift prior to door a Aluminum D np Edge i Pnpia aacia /- 2" x 6' Sub-Faacia Kaycan full o vent vhnill soffit i using 1/8' die shank x 1.5' lore rodng nails with 3/8" dia. Mad product approval -see chart si 5/8' thick light textured stucco on tgpical concrete block construction #5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap at each filled call -� Grade el --1111- _HHUH 1111 TYPICAL SE (shop drawings by manufacturer) R-30 blown fiberglass in bottom chord of trusses 1/2' drywall with smooth finish Two rows of beam block filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar cont. in each row. Substitute lintel filled with concrete and (U #5 grecast ar Cont. for bottom row over openings 1/2" clawall over I" x furringg strips at I6" o.c. with R4.1 fh-foil insulation on t{}pical 8' Block walls All drywall to ba installed per FBC R102.3.1 T and shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. m Mortar to be type "M" only proportioned per FBC R601.1 and Mortar Jonts shall comply with FBC R601.2.1. Provide Dur-O-Rock at all wet areas lax showers, tubs etc...) Fill cell with concrete and (U #5 bar vert. (tgpical). Max, apacing shall not exceed Wood 48' unless otherwise noted Base see Foundation plan notes for spacing at openings 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR VxV #10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill �HEM II 14" x 14" Concrete footing with (2) #5 bars cont. and #5 C T I ®� transverse bars at 48" o.c. Scale : 1/2" = 1'-0" Masonry Beam to / nails Attach buck to block mail with 1/4" dia. Elio cant screw with min. 1 1/4' penetration at 12' oc. max and 4' max from each caner thin 2' x 6' PT Back as Woad scrams thru jamb into buck Detail at Door p r to hnae and IS' oc. mini .nil prior to dam attach "t NTS INSTALL VULKEM BLOCK SEALANT ON ALL JAMB, HEADER, AND SILL BLOCK PRIOR TO BUCK INSTALLATION O r= Install wmdaas thru book into black with 3/I4' tap -can with 1112" penetration at 6' o c. max from each corrwir and 20' gc. max thereaher mt JJambs slid io o.o, max atom face ar head srd sN par product approval awe , Busk to be I" x 4' PT �-"x4• P.T. Buck nailed to block with case hardened nails Detail at Windows prior to window attachment NTS IT %�^ Z- .• .� Verify attachment hole location with GC prior to fabrication 3/8" thick 6.• steel bracket COUNTER TOP BRACKET DETAIL ' Install SGD thru buck into ' block myth 3/I6" tap -con with 1 1/2" penetration at 6" o.c. max. ;.' from each corner and 20," o.c, max thereafter at head per product approval O O Use 3/I6" tap -con with 1 1/2" penetration at 6" o.c. max. from each corner and 20" o.c. max thereafter at aril per product approval I" x 6" P.T. Buck naded to block with case hardened nails Head prior to door attachment fixed door sliding door n Masonry Wall 11/2-7 Bottom' Trec Typical Flooring r Sill Install SGD thru buck into block with 3/16" tap -con with Sliding D o o r Detail 1 1/2" penetration at 6' o.c. max. from each corner and 20." o.c. max thereafter at jambs per product approval Jamb At Masonry Wall NTS 0 I � Darn i c to dD � U o �ma u 0 o 8'-10/2" 8'-10/2" T-7 /2" Filled cell under girder above PORCH WIRE LATH E STUCCO CEILING 19'-9" 1' EGREss 13'-II" MASTER N BEDROOM 8'-O" A.F.F. Flat Ceiling IiL 8'-0" to 9'-I " A F F Vanity to be 34 Y2o "high Vaults Ceding T _ Rod t Shelf 14_ Fr T- 3 4j[ 4,7 GREA4 ROOM u) BI OSE� ao 1141 I„ i N I Rod E Shelf w _ 0 37"Ai I AbWER DRYER 2" = Ln IO LAUNDRY ° 91- " 1 L o I 8'-0" 0 T-8" A.F.F. N Vaulted Ceding I p Q o DINING p 4 DOOM I I I 34 Y2" 1 4Z" 18" 3/8" thick steel counter tops to T in coo to top supports �0„ overhang wall 1.5' v I I 5'-3" counter t s to eq. eq. \ overhang wa 1.5" 6N I l C� OD --- OW i o o +41" high wall I I I KITCJHEN i W-O" to 9 j" A.F.F.OL O Vaulted if peer cabinets to Crextend ove Ref. CR WAVE NON VENT REF. Sr CLEAR n m -n Batts Iruaieum O /"g Steel Ballard Provide auto ee detail on this sheet closer C r--- 1 Div At 1 1 �j/3: eci L---- � <I 8'-0" A.F.F. d - Flat Ceiling MIL ARAGE Of O lock wall in g rage to be OEj MT "11 r+ struck block EMERGENCY r - - - -------------7 EGRESS 1 I 1 I I I r- I I p I I � I I � I I I I Braden t Braden AIA, PA Wnng Building Corp. Architects -Planners S.E. Coconut Avenue Tel (112) 281-8258 ITHE w j ND V O R Fax : (112) 281-8283 E-mail: bradenaiaecomcast.net Sppanish Lakes 5t. Lucie County Florida Zn I SECOND BEDROOM o 8'-0" A.F.F. Flat Ceding i IT-8" v O ;,, THIRD BEDROOM r- O in 8'-0" A.F.F. OL_ Flat Ceding 12'-8" R-a Batts Imdatmn- Provide auto 150 Amp �- closer one - �- - - - - - - - 7 I In I 'GOLF CART GARAGE Q W W 8_ W H a- ® 9'-O" 2'-8" 6'-4" -g" 9'-O" REVIEWED FOR 35'-0" 1, CODE COMPLIANCE STN LUCIE COUNTY Square Footage Breakdownf�. Total A/C Space = 1,153 sq. ft. Covered Porch Total = 212 sq. ft. Garage = 459 sq. ft. Total Cubic Ft = I4,02�4 Under Roof Total = 2,'48'4 sq. ft. Date Drawn Revisions : Sheet Comm REAR 3-28-18 --1e 523 Garage floor slope and PORCH Drawn by: smoke detector revision 2. 15-158B LEFT �.c.u. Checked by: Impact D.R.B. OF 5 1 i----- e47- -1 0 1 1`Ull. I Url;;,/-''tL_ IN1%/ 1 >=.7" I. ALL FOOTING ARE DESIGNED FOR A MINIMUM OF 2,500 PSF SOIL 8. SLOPE ALL PORCH SLABS, COVERED WALK, ETC. AWAY BEARING CAPACITY. IF ANY SUB -SOIL, MUCK OR NON -UNIFORM FROM HOUSE TO DRAINS (IF PROVIDED) PER PLANS CONDITIONS EXIST, REPORT TO ARCHITECT AND OBTAIN PROPER ENGINEERING DATA FOR DESIGN. 2. ALL SLABS AND FOOTINGS TO BE A MINIMUM 2,500 PSI AT 28 DAYS 9. DESIGN LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS: ALL COLUMNS, FILLED CELLS, AND BEAMS SHALL BE MIN. 3000 PSI ROOF (DL+LL) = 4-1 PSF WIND VELOCITY = PER PERMIT INFO BOX ON SHEET #I BE 3000 PSI OR 4.000 PSi GROUT MiX AT 28 DAYS EXPOSURE ="C" 3. POISON SOIL AND COVER W/ 6 MIL. VISQUEEN WITHIN 24 HOURS. NO SOIL POISONING TO BE ACCOMPLISHED OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION. 10. ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE GRADE 40, MEETING ASTM A -IL, t 4 GROUND FLOOR SLAB TO BE A MINIMUM 4" THICK W/ 6X6 10/10 A-35 SPECIFICATIONS. ALL ANCHOR TO BE A - 30-1 STEEL. WELDED WIRE MESH REINFORCING ON 6 MiL. POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER ON TERMITE TREATED, CLEAN MACHINE COMPACTED FILL 1!. ALL DOWELS, SLEEVES, CONDUITS, INSERTS, BLOCKOUTS, ANCHOR (MINIMUM DENSITY). LAP POLYETHYLENE 12" MINIMUM. FIBERMESH BOLTS AND FRAMES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. BE MIX MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR WELDED WIRE MESH. FOR OPENINGS AND SPECIAL FEATURES OMITTED ON THESE PLANS, SEE ARCHITECTURAL OR MECHANICAL PLANS WHERE APPLICABLE. 5- LOT TO BE CLEARED OF ALL SMALL PLANT GROWTH AND DEBRIS BEFORE FILL IS BROUGHT IN. FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF CLEAN GRANULAR SAND CONTAINING LESS THAN 10% MATERIAL 1 2. MINIMUM CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCING BARS: PASSING THE US STANDARD NO. 200 MESH SIEVE. PLACE FOOTING: 3" STRUCTURAL FILL IN LOOSE LAYERS OF 12" IN THICKNESS AND BEAMS: 1-1/2" COMPACT EACH LIFT TO AT LEAST 95% OF ITS MODIFIED DRY PROCTOR VALUE. 13. LAP ALL REINFORCING STEEL A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS. 6. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND 14. USE STRUCTURAL GRADE WOOD WITH A MINIMUM Fib OF 1400 PSI DIMENSIONS. BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES OR OMISSIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT. 15. ALL STANDARD LUMBER SHALL BE SYP WITH A MINIMUM Fb OF 1000 PSI OF NO.2 SOUTHERN PINE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. �• GARAGE FLOORS TO BE SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH (SLOPPED PER FOUNDATION PLAN). PROVIDE 1-1/2" RECESS FOR OVERHEAD DOOR IL. ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH ANY CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. FASTENERS TO HAVE MIN. G185 RATING. FOUNDATiON FLAN 1. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the architect SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" for approval before proceedin with construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of all notation and dimensions before starting construction. 3. Soil conditions assumed to be 2500 psf. Should any other conditions be encountered, the architect shall be notified in writing for revision 4. Verify all recess thickness at showers, tile, etc.... 5. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and 1 #5 bar Vert. at 48" o.c. max. Provide (1) filled cell on each side of openings Upp to 5'-11" wide. Provide (2) filled cells on each side of openings from 6'-O" to " q'-I1It FOOTiNG SCHEDULE Mark am Dose iron I 14"W x 14"D MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH 2 #5 BARS CONTINUOUS 12"W X 144D MONOLITHIC FOOTING - 6" STEP DETAIL ON THIS SHEET 30" x 30" x 16"D COLUMN FOOTING WITH (4) #5 BARS EACH WAY 8"W x B"D THICKEN SLAB EDGE WITH 1 #5 BAR CONTINUOUS ®14"W With x 14"D Curb at Garage MONOLITHIC FOOTING WITH 2 #5 BARS CONTINUOUS - CURB a 0'-0' 12"W X 18"D MONOLITHIC FOOTING - 6" STEP DETAIL ON THIS SHEET and Provide (3) tilled cells on each side of openings from 10 -0 and up Contractor to see plans for any other condition used. Foundation walls shall have filled cells at 24" o.c. unless otherwise noted (see section) 6. Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey - Form Board Survey to be provided to Truss Company prior to truss construction 1. Contractor to provide for soil test prior to construction and provide a copy of soil test to architect for review prior to construction 8. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade 60, meeting ASTM A-16 and A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-301 steel, 9. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protection at footings and 1-1/2" concrete protection at beams for ALL reinforcing bars. #5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap Thicken edge to 8"x8" ECTIYPI AL with concrete and 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR at each Pilled cell one 45 bar continuous 6"xV 410/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill 4" concrete slab with Pibermesh OR GRADE VxV #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill ro Grade _ — I - 14% x 14"d concrete monolithic PORCH SLAB EDGE DETAIL touting with (2) #5 bars cont. SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" 14" Termite Protection for New Construction. Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction Is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment area shall be re -treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws established bg the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services. Protective sleeves around metallic piping penetrating concrete slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose containing materials and shall receive application of termicide in annular space between sleeve and pipe. #5 bar vert. w/ TYPICAL FOOTING DETAIL 30" overlap SCALE 1/2" = 1'-O" at each Pilled cell SEE TYPICAL •` `r -' r _r ,--SECTIONS 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR Adjust curb hel lit +' 401 x6 #10/10 WWM on 10 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill #5 bar cunt. #5 bars coat. bottom steel 12„ F DETAIL AT L" GARAGE STEPDOWN SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" 12" x 12' concrete column block filled with concrete and (2) $ 1 bare Vert. tied ` into lintels above Verity house slab height in field Top or rooter IL" below finished floor I based on gar. floor 4' concrete slab with fibermesh OR slope. 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 10 and Visqueen over #5 bar in curb clean compacted termite treated fill \ n'-!)" e F F At-N 2" x C' PT wood secured with 3/8"dia. x 6" anchor bolt at 18" o.c. overhead door track secured to wood _- jamb per manufacturer's product approval II® Garage Door Jamb Detail I14"w x 14"d concrete monolithic GARAGE DOOR TO WITHSTAND PRESSURES STATED N-I-CJ I l— tooting with (2) #5 bars cunt. IN PERMIT INFO BOX ON SHEET #I. SEE PRODUCT APPROVAL FORM FOR MANUFACTURER MAKE AND MODEL. 14" Filled Cell Masonry Column With One 5 F �/ GARAGE CURB DETAIL J SCALE 1/2" = 10• 4" concrete slab witfi fibermesh OR 6"x6" #10/10 WWM on 10 mill Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill � #5 bar cont. IIIIII (III : ' (III _(III (III ! .. ... , . • .,..: ' > . I -- _ co if 30 x30 xl6 concrete (III- r column fo oting ( ) with 4 I I 9 - #5 bars each wa — y (2) 5ebara coot. bottom ste el 10 30" 12" COLUMN 1=OOTING DETAIL F DETAIL AT 9" GARAGE STEPDOWN SCALP i/2" = r-t)" SCALE 1/2" = F-Off # rom Footing To Beam Each. Filled Cell Masonry Column With One Cone. Fill To Be 3000 PSI #5 From Footing See Floor Plan For Location g To Tie Beam Cone. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Idd Double Filled Cell Column Single Filled Cell Column NTS NTS 12' x 12" eonerete column block filled t/ PL. r- M I I v / 0 L tA with concrete and (2) #1 bars Vert. tied I O Into lintels above I 8'_ 10 Yz" m lo'-o° w — ILI —I °T` ®— ® ® ° J Filled cell under girder above O o r I = p Rear Porch Slab to p I 4 lu - be poured separately Ofrom House Slab. I � I a Rear Patio/Slab to be flust with bottom or sliding door recess. I Slope I" ° -i 'I I -i ' FI i I I °I I I I I I I I 4" ¢oncrete slab with fibe =ooi I 4"x6" ##,,10/10 WWM on 4 mil 6 UDQ I cleah compacted termite t I I I I I I =a I I r I 1 I I •I . I O ( i D UJ o 0 °I I I " ch MICROWAVE NON -VENT Red. H.B. ° I Q Sr GEAR 2 OMNRIG A/C "m Stool Ballard we dated on this sheet 22" I l l o I Attie Access 1 1 1 1 = " I L�—�I I ul 2 I I Q 0 1 1 6-23-18 " I to + — A6 — "� I E r I I• •I I = I I �I I _i I _i 5 F 6'-4" 1.5" Recess for IEE araae Door ;a 11 1 9'-0" 12'-8" I 6'-4" Braden E Broaden AIA. PA Wunne Building Corp. Architects — Planners S 0 R Telel S.E. Coconut Avenue ('1'12) 287-8258 THE WIND _ "0 �✓ OBFax : (112) 2 s1-8283 g anish Lakes E-mail: bradenaia comcast. net g Lucie Count Florida Stuart_ FL %499L ttAAt"_D[)BB�2 I5' -3" r - -- - -- FI - - - � I I I FI r„ � 4FI I� I Thicken footing to I 24"w x 14"d x 24"L under Pilled cell under girder bearing. J I I I I I OR / en over fill o � I DRYER FI I II I vIi I I I I icrete slab with fibermesh OR P1 I /10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over compacted termite treated Pill 1 ■ ■ 1010 • Amp Panel'■la 7 i LED] 15-23-1111 �0 [a] [me-, 'A.5" Recess for 70ma ERME"MM REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE BOCC Date Drawn z Revisions : Sheet 3-28-18 5-23-18 Garage floor slope and Comm REAR Drawn bg: smoke detector revision PORCH 3. 16-1586 LEFT C.C.U. Checked by: Impact D.R.B. �F 5 ROOF SHEETING ATTACHMENT DETAIL I. Minimum Nall Size = 8d ring shank (min. 2.5" long) 2. Minimum Screw Size = #8 x 2" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32" CDX Plgwood 4. Use nails or screws bas d on rere for roof stated in permit info box on these passns for zone 3 Ke Area Ede Field Fastener MaxPressure Zone I 6" 6" 8d ring shank 45 psf Zone 2 8d ring shank -14 pef Zone 3 8d ring shank 84 psf ** Zone 3a 4" C #8 wood screw 112.5 psf ** Use nails or s4rews based on res ure for r of stated in permit info box on these plans or zone Concrete / Lintel Column Verlfg with Plan Provide #5 bars with min. 48 bar diameters overlap into beam. Tie filled cell steel into continuous beam block steel. X-, Provide Cast -Crete =' 13U8-OB/OT precast '--- lintel set in mortar Min. 8" Bearing 12"x 12" lumn Block V5-T Rgbar Rebar 48 Bar Dia. Min. Overlap to Lintel Attachment t PT Buck 40 Pre -cast Sill Provide #5 bar set in pre -cast ROOF F L A N Scale : 1/2" = 1'-0" lintel into beam where length or the opening calla for it. — Overhangs at I'—O" unless otherWISe noted On ti11a Sheet Roof pitch at +12 unless otherwise noted on this sheet Truss shop drawings to be provided bg manufacturer -� — Ang changes to this plan shall be submitted to the architect for approval in writing prior to starting construction. o — ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY I•I TRUSS MANUFACTURER Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior to construction for lagout and uplift verification 1. 1 Poured Filled Call_ Contractor t0 provide for Form Board Surveg and to provide I" Form Board Surveg to Truss Compang prior to truss construction iII � I, Q Provide #5 bare with min. 48 bar W ameters overlap in filled cell. Tie itled call steel into continuous i f fcoter steel. Concrete FOOLi ng lsse footer schedule _ for exact sizes) 09 +� � DETAIL AT WINDOW OPENING,: IN � 1 CBS WALL Scale: I/2" = I'-o" < q a Q a a SINGLE PLY REAR GIRDER TRUSSto u to ti Nail 2' x 4' bhxduna to Vert. leg of ZL 01 09 aD — tram with IOd x LV nails at 4' o.a. u N nInstil Simpsain MMGdTrinto mad using" W" wit behre rm and l2Z) IOd na into trans fY H W TRUSS BLOCKING DETAIL AT GIRDER STRAPPING AT CENTER BEARING POINT NTS i i 1/8" thick light textured stucco installed per ASTM C 92L over ASTM D tgpe 2 paper backed wire lath nailed to substrate through one lager of ASTM D Type 2 felt paper using 8d nails. Substrate to be 19/32" COX Plgwood nailed at L' o.c. in field and edges with IOd ring shank nails into studs. Gulf Coast Supply and MFG 5v Crimp Metal roofing FL #11451.12 26ga. 5v crimp metal roofing attached to plgwood deck using #9 x 1.5" wood screws with self sealing washer at 12' o.c. max spacing over ASTM D (tgpe 2) 30 lb felt underlagment installed with min. 4 side laps and L" end laps fastened with corrosion resistant tin cape and with 1.25" ring shank nails spaced L' o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12' o.c, in field. Attach deck to trusses using attachment detail on this sheet Additional recast Lintel #6 bars Lintel Bar Clear "A" "B" ,'.� i; r� CLEAR Length Length Span Bars Bars 2'-101, 2'-8" 1'-L" 2#3 none t----� '` ---- 40 111. ---- it 3'-L" 3'-4" 2'-2" 2,43 none BF8-Ob/IT BF8-ID/IT 8�8-ID/2T Mitional 4'-O" 3'-10" 2'-8" 2 #3 none #5 bars CLEAR` - 4'-L" 4'-4" 3'-2" 243 none no i2oa of 'H" {>'y, Block Above s; 5'-4" 5'-2" 4'-0" 2,#3 none +'•'= `•: '•" 5'-10" 5'-8" 4'-L" 2,#4 none Precast Lintel 4; •. Additional :' j L'-L" L'-4" 51-4" 2,44 none ' #5 bars i �----e �----s 1'-4" 1'-O" 6'-2" 2#5 more BPIL-18/IT NOTES: BPIL-18/2T 8'-4" 1'-10" 1'-0" 2,#5 none I. men. coverage of steel=1.5" 2 min. bearing required a ea. end=8" ALL reinforcing steel is grade 40. 3. standard for reinf. steel=A57M A615 TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) LINTEL SCHEDULE Mark Wrodow Unior Width Lintel size Cast -Crete S ciffcation Rome or ONO Block " 8atum Sw T� Srzr � � sal L22 T-2' V-A' 8P8-ODAT I 86 3069 869 1024 L31 _e"" 4'-0' 8r8-015/IT 1 86 2MI ISAS 11L3 L45 41-6" 1 5'-10' 8P8-ODAT 1 86 1108 904 339 LSO 5'-0' Al-V 8P8-OD/IT 1 86 1238 83S 121 LLO V-8" 11-9 BPB-08/rr — 1 85 106 121 554 LBO V-Os 91-4' 8P8-18/2T 1 86 2 #6 192 sod 512 L40 9'-O' IO`-AO BPS-18/27 1 95 2 #6 643 Sao 401 L90B T-O' 10'-L' BPIL-83/2T ONE I 86 2 86 1633 1183 401 LI00 W-O" II'-4' GPO-I8/2T I #5 2 #6 682 444 452 LIOOE 10'-0' W-4' ePli-63/2T ONE 1 85 1 2 86 I Is" IO48 492 L120 12`0' IV-4" BPS-18/2T 1 85 2 #5 411 428 324 L1208 17-0' IV-4' BPIL-83/2T ONE 1 65 2 86 1015 110 324 LMO 14'-O' IS'-4' BPIL-15/2T ONE I a6 2 86 1250 L09 259 LILO IP-O' IT-4' 8P8-18/2T 1 85 2 86 Soo M2 M4 LVAM IL'-O" IT-4' BPIL-6/2T ONE 1 85 2 86 950 600 M4 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION. HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ. REQUIREMENTS - LINTELS OVER 14'-O" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. Simpson HETA 20 our equal hurricane anchor at each truss girth (10) IOd x 1 1/2' nails - ( 24" o.c.) orting Max 18101bs. u d't Aluminum Drip —" Edge t Fascia 12° 2' x 0 Sub-Fasci Kalican full o vent vinyl soffit installed ummp I/6' dia shank x 1.5' long poly. roofing nark with 3/8' dia, head per product approval - we chart sheet 91 12' x 12' concrete column block filled with concrete and (2) #1 bus vart. tred--- into lintels above thicken edge to 8"x8° with concrete and one #5 bar continuous BEYOND Top of tooter IL" below finished floor 12 4 r 1/2' thick s attached to Ira" Nth no an than hammrxal ma into vertical an Aluminum Drip Edge t Fascia Flash and Counter flash Nail ledger to gable and truss with (2) 10d " ds at each web \ 3/4' penetration members 5/8' thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction Varies - see plan #5 bar vert. w/ 30" overlap at each filled call Rear Patio/Slab to be flush with bottom of sliding door recess" Step per foundation plan — Slope per foundation plan Brace Gable end with 2° x 4" SYP #2 aft back nailed to bottom of top chords using (2) IOd nails at each truss 'RE -ENGINEERED WOOD TRUSSES e 24"o.c. TYPICAL ( shop drawings bill manufacturer ) "\R-30 blown fiberglass in bottom chord or trusses I/2' drgwall with smooth finish Two rows or beam block filled with concrete and (U #5 bar cost. in each row. substitute precast lintel filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar cost. for bottom row over openings 1/2' drywall over I" x furrin strips at IV o.c. with R4.1 A -roil insulation on typical 8' Block walls All drywall to be installed per FBC R102.3.1 ,i and shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. Mortar to be Type "M" on proportioned er FBC R601.1 and Mortar pants shall comp it with FBC R60'1.2.1, Provide Dur-O-Rock at all wet areas lox showers, tubs etc...) Fill cell with concrete and (U 45 bar Vert. (tgpical). p 'Max. spacing &hall not exceed 48' unless otherwise noted see foundation plan notes for spacing at openings 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR L'xL" #10/10 WWM on L mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill I�ilill-IIII IIII > .;` �=IIII IIII ��i� I_Ii� III ��� _ IIII_ T�p fi lcal Section at Front orc� II 3 Scale : 1/2" = 1'-0" Provide downspout Strap truss to wall using Simpson MGT with Simpson HETA 20 5/8" dia. into threaded rod with min 12" beam either wet set or in embedment epoxg with hurricane anchor at each truss (22) IOd nails into truss. Add leg detail blocking to 24" o.C.) supporting Max. truss per on this sheet ETA 20 1810 lbs. uplift "PAM IL JIN I,I A01541 VAJ IMA WA &A WA F", ONE Ar PAA W r r•- 11 a. PA IWA rAm- 0 i IN �,EELZLAF,f i FG Sy crimp Metal roofing FL #11651.12 Oing attached to plgwood dock using #9 x 1.5' 1170 W 0-7/var-A-STY D IN MAMMA I =-[!I, sn, resistant tin caps and with 1.25" ring sha ate and two staggered rows 12' oc. in field. Attach Iic�17671 detail on this Asert f■� I I Milli I I I MIL to to x OU En N Hss a� N2t'a a vi Q C '~ L� tti 010 W pd OD to a �- t) C4 t N W ETA 20 ETA 20 Provide for gutter Simpson HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss Provide dwnspout ( 24 o.c.) supportingg Max. 1810 lbs. uphft 4 , 1-2-19 PANEL "A" Pokn DR Load Wire Description arcs arcs D,=Vtia Wire Lad DR Poles 1 20 1.2 ke s12 Refrigerstor I R iFi 12.0 Its 60 2 1 20 1.2 ks e12 Clothes Washer 3 1 20 1.5 kw $12 Kitchen S.A.C. 6 L Dr er a10 5.0 ks 30 2 1 20 1.6 ke a12 Kitchen S.A.C. I 9 1 20 $12 Bathroom R"ta 9 10 Air C e10 5.0 ks 30 2 - 1 20 1.2 ks $12 Dishwasher II 12 1 20 1.2 ks 812 Microwave 13 14 Air Hand e10 5.0 ke 30 2 1 16 - s14 General Lighting 16 it 1 16 a14 Ganeral Lighting Il la WH •10 5.0 ke 26 2 - I 15 - s14 Geiwra! Lighting 141 20 I 15 $14 General Lighting 21 22 GDO e12 0.81 KtU 20 1 - I is si4 General Lighting 23 24 Spare - span 26 26 Spare Spero 1 2-1 1 28 1 We Spero 1 29 30 Spare PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET Load Description at . I Watts Total(Watts) General Lighting l3, watts aq Pt D ....... Small. Appliance, ,C�irquit(s) ........ . ......... ............ ,Rang ! .......... ......... .................. Refri erata Microwave..................................................... Diah Washer ............................................................. Clothes, Washer ............................................... Cl?thew..�r9?r................................................ ,Water, Neater .............. Garage.Door.Opener....................................... 1135 3 54105 2 1,500 3,000 1 12.000 12.000 1 1200 1,200 1 1,500 I500 1 1,200 1.200 1 1,200 1.200 1 5,000 5,000 1 4500 4,500 1 810 810 Total Watts 35A16 First 10000 Watts e100% 1 10,000 10.000 Remainder 25AI5 e40% 1 O 10.246 Electric Heat or A/C 10.000 065% 1 10.000 10,000 Calculated Load Watts 30.246 Voltage 240 Calculated Wattage Divided bg Voltage =Total Amps 12L.02 Panel Size Required = 15Q Am s Electrical Symbol Legend S Single Pale Switch ® Receased Can Light Sa Double Pole Swteh Eyeball Recessed p Push Button Switch Exhaust Pan -e Dupwx Outlet ¢ Ceihng Mounted Light Special Receptacle ♦ Wall Mounted Light erpr gr a cirewt Light nth Pull Chain (attic) ® Floor Duplex Outlet Q c uteir Connection Jack ® Carbon Marloiade Detector 4& Flood Light T Thernoatat m Eleetriesl Panel ® Central Vac 8 Electrical Meter ® Snake Dateeta Coihng fan ® Television Jack ® Telephone Jack Ac oiec A/C Disconnect ® I x 4 Florowerit Light CM 12 x 4 Florescent light ® Speaker Hook -Up = JUNCTION BOX TO SUPPORT A FAN - THERMOSTAT LOCATION B/A = BALANCED AIR MECHANICAL LAYOUT SCALE: 1/4" = I' -Off 1-2-19 FIELD VERIFY SERVICE LOCATION RESPECIVE TO PANEL LOCATION AND USE APPROPRIATE RISER BELOW A/C disc. A/C dime. Ij 42/0 AL SER Cable (3) #1 THHN Copper With #1 Grnd 2" PVC Schedule 40 conduit AM 2" PVC Schedule 40 conduit sleeve MC13 into attic PANEL AHU 200a rated 200a rated meter can %1 meter can % Intersystem bonding 2" PVC ( FPL Termination pant 2" PVC ( FPL) schedule 80 schedule 80 2' rigid service FPL 2" rigid service FPL IS MCB PANEL bending Pont 3 TON N,FSEEM MANUAL �w for Unit o AiC PORCH 141 CFM 110111111031111 GREAT 141 OX1 DINING 1 ROOM I I DLU 141 CFM IOAOxl I I� 12Ioa O)d I KITCHEN MICROWAVE 1 NON-YMr IREr. 3a• CLEAR L - - O - oPENiNG 4"4 Steel Ballard See detail on this sheet 22e Attie Aenss 1 L GARAGE r-----------------i I I I I 1 1 9imaund rods - --- I grand rash -- - --- I ELECTRICAL RISER ALTERNATE SERVICE ELECT. RISER - Contractor shall use AL-CU Landing lugs. NTS - Contractor shall use AL-CU Landing lugs. NTS I I - Contractor shall torque lugs I.A.W. - Contractor shall torque lugs I.A.W. I I manufacturers recommendations which manufacturers recommendations which I I shall be verified prior to construction shall be verified prior to construction11 I I - Verify AIC/KIC Rating prior to ordering equipment - Verify AIC/KIC Rating prior to ordering equipment ELECTRIC NOTES: 1. Use copper wire only from panel to devices 15. Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship free defects for less 20. All equipment and panel sizes shall be verified before 2. Provide and wire all required smoke f Carbon of a period of not than two gears from ordering. The contractor shall provide circuit routings to Monoxide detectors. the date of acceptance or certificate of occupancy, or one suit the Job conditions. 3. Contractor to verity location of electrical gear from closing sale of house. service and provider. Correction of defects shall be completed without additional 21. Furnish and install all fixtures as called for on the plans 4. ALL bath and kitchen receptacles to be GFCI protected. charge and shall include replacements or repair of any or as selected by others. S. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCI protected. other phase of installation that may have been damaged. L. Recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. IL. It is not the intent of these plans to show everg minor detail 22. All raceways and pipes placed in or through ang concrete 1. Tamper resistant AFCI receptacles are required in of construction. The contractor shall furnish and install Blab shall be spaced a minimum of three diameters of the ALL rooms. all items for a complete electrical system and provide all largest conduit or pipe from any other service. 8. 9. A/C Return Air Balance Must comp) w/ FBC RMI102 A(C Refri��,agc�•�t�rr��t lines that are run hru slabs must be sleeved T'YC� the requirements necessary for the equipment to be placed in proper working ceder. 23. All exposed wire below 9'-1' shall be installed in m t I EMT in 17. All work shall be done in accordance with the N.E.C. and conduit. 10. ALL A/C Equipment shall comply with energy calculation shall comply with all local codes and ordinances, and shall 24. DNer Vents to be installed per II. All work shall be performed bu a licensed electrical meet all standard requirements of the local electric utility FSC RM1502 contractor, the completed syatem shall be fully operative. and telephone company. 12. Contractor shall pay for all face. permits, testingg, and Inspections including blower testing where regwred. 18. The electrical agstem shall be completely and effectiveI 13. Alf work shall be coordinated with other trades to avoid grounded as required by the latest edition of the N.E.C. interference with the progress of construction. 14. All required insurance shall be provided for protection 19. All material shall be new and shall bear underwriters' against the public liability and property damage for the labels where applicable. i duration oP the Work_ 12:422WO r-w `;- I- 12' 20x2O 124 CPM IOxIOxc IMASTER BEDROOM 124 CFM IOxlOid % a a rLw i Is1B/A B/A 9 CFM LOSE �� � SO CFM 45HER DRYER LA `� j IZ B A THIRD BEDROOM I 100 Iid dFM 150 Amp Panel GOLF CART GARAGE I I I I I I WP GFcr Install oulet under disc. not shown for clarity \ PORCH WP GFCI �1 1 e � I MASTER BEDROOM 1 / GREA- i ROOM I I CLOSET L - - - - - I \ � o 1 \ WASHER LDRYER 1 �v LAUNDRY DINING I • \I ROOM 1 I �S 101 O '�I bY1 I\ SECOND I \]BEDROOM I \ I \ I \\ I THIRD ---BEDROOM \\ m GARAGE / GrcdbGFCI "Ps k 1 150 Amp IILYI GFCI / GFCI ----Panel, r--------®=------ram _ �- Garage I \ ^ Garage Door I w� I Door Opener I \ ° I Opener Wir For Fronte ePo I I \►Mee G GAR A G E T I� Light i I to garage ghta GFcl i i GFcr N N WR GFCI CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUC:IE COUNTY - SOCC ELECTRICAL FLAN O Post Light with Photo eeg SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'_0r, Center Post Light between dmrewags Attic Ventina Calculations Total Attic Space = 2101 sq. ft. Venting Ratio 1/150 = 18.00 sq. ft. required Provide A Continuous Vented Soffit Braden t Braden AIA, PA Building Corp. MODEL: Date Drawn : Revisions : Sheet Comm # Architects-Plannerst�ne =�=I$ I 5-23-IS Garage floor slope and g smoke detector revision 411 S.E. Coconut Avenue Tel : (112) 287-8258 III �I3 THE `�+ I i ` D S O i ` L Drawn by: j t-I C.C.LI. Spankh Lakes Fax : (112) 281-8283 E-mail: bradenaiaacomcast.net Checked bg:Impact Stuart FL 34996 #AA 000032 SL• Lucie County Florida OF 5