HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application Pull APPLICABLE INFO MUST RE Cif PLETED FOR APP UCATION TO BE ACCEPTED Owe- 12-21-2020 Permit N umbe r: COUNTY Building Perm It Application Pbrinirig arrd DeveOi3wT nt Services Bj.rf6sUroy e?pd Code Re9vk6m CDT srori CO M M erC is l _ Residential 23010 Vrrginna Avenw, Fort Fierce Ft 34 Phone; 1772)4E2-?551 Fax; (772)46 a-157$ PERMIT APPLICATI0N F0R,RE R00F PROPOSED I P'ROVEMENT LOCATION: - Ad d ress: 6019 AOON Its 1A PL Properly Tax ID#- ; 410- -0375- 0-1 Li)t Na_37 Site Plan dame- — I81ock No. L Project Name- DETAILED DESCRIP7ION OF WORK: REMOVE SHINGLE S00F I N TALL PE EL & STICK UNUE RLAYM ENT F L16048 __ w INSTALL S H I NG LES FLi 0674 _ New Electrical Meter _Second Electrical Meth r ' CON5TRLJCTION INFORMATION. Additional work to be per#orrri d under th+!s Vermit—check all that apply: Mechanical _(�as Tank _Gas Plplrtg _ShU[CerS _WindowslD09 rs Electric _plu m tki ng —5 rinkler� _Generator Ro�F 15h 2 _ Pitch 2.229 5 Ft-of PI rst F loaf; 2,229 Total Sq. Ft��orrstr�etl�n; �� Cos[of ConsmKtion: 10,500 Utilities: . .- Sewer _septi-C Building HeF81ht=8 FT O N E RAE55 E E: COI TRACTOR: Name Frank Maririb _ �— N arnC qOL AND WItEY -- Addrew 6019 Adonidia P L _ CDrnpa ny: SHO RE LI NE R 00 FIND Clt,: FORT PIERCE _ State;J AddT-Rss: 197:a V GLE N DALE 5T R E& zI p Code: 34,982 Fax; City: F 0 RT ST L.LSO I State-FL Phone No, Zip 0?6e: 34967 _ Fax: F-Mail. Phone N-o 7 -260-9565 Fill in fee sin-ole Title Hobcker nn next pa Re ( if d ifferent F-Mai I S HORE LINE ROOF ING LED YAHOO,OOM , f(Orn the C«vrner limed ab*We) State or Cwrt#y Lice,,,, 091 117O R value of comstructio h is 2500 cw mare,a REODRDED NoOte of Commencemer't is required. tf-h4tie of HAVC Fs$7,5v4 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commenrement Is required- SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION-. DESIGN EFL/EN-13 MEER� _ Not App I ica file MORTGAGE CjMPANY; ! N-ot Applicable Name: Name.. Address; _ - Addiress: City: -, State, City; _ State- 2ip= Phone ZLp: Phone; FEE SII PUE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable IDONDING COMPANY: _Nat Applio ble _ Name; flame; Address; Address: -- City- City: Zip; Phone: kls; phone, OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFplDW.- A0pliea#Ion 15 hereby made to obtairf a permit to do t1�pe work and I n5Wllation as indicated. I cxrtify Lhat rtio wofk or Instal lation has commenced pricrr to tht issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Cou"ma kc-.no rt vesencation that,s granting a permit will authuriae the ermit holcler to huYd tfre subject ShIl ture which Is In conflla with an applicable Home Owners Aswcotion runes, bwl avus or an covenarr�that may reWlet or prohibit 5u[h struCturC, PlMe COnSvIT with you r Home Owners Assaciatiun iarrd Qview your deed fW arYyr restrictions which may+apply. rn-considerapon of the grand ng of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work i n i�ccordarlce with the approved pl ans,the Florida flui Id'ing Codes and St- Lucie Inty Arnendments. T+Ie fol1owiFig bUildirlg permit appl ir-atlons a re exempt from u ndergoing ik Full oortiCufrencV review:roam additions, accessory+stxuctunes, swimming PooI$, fences,wal Is, signs, screen moms and accessory v;es I0 a-nother non-residential use WARM N G TO OWNE R:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may resLikt in paVing twlre for i nn prove r e nts t-o yo ur p rope rty, A Notice of Corn mainceme rit artist be record ed i n the Publ i-C FQ-CWdS Of St. Lucie Co Linty ain d posted on the jobs ite before th a fi rat i MS pectlon. I f Va u i nti,-nd to ci btain fin a nc i ng, Cons .I I t with ladder or an attofney before comma acing work or record i ng you r Noti ce of Commencern ent I Siiik"Xre of Owner/L.essee{Cantra as AUnt for Owner Signature of Contiracto se Hold STATE OF :FWRIM SLATE OF f'LCMItI� COUNTY Of= €oUNTY Or— two tIa for affirmedl and suWoribed bef"me*f Swor o i or ffffirmed k and sub"rited before me of Physical PresMce os Onlll►e Noftiarization IL Pilysical Pre• oe or _ _Or`lirne Not�rizatlon th�[r w f Q by #his L day+of by IS4 gat Name of person maki rig s em• t, Name-of person makings hem Personally K-nawn OR PVoduced 1-drilti Feh" P rrWr1al lw K nvwn OR Produce Identifica r Type of Identification PType of rod I-emificauon Rr�ldu d E w 413 (Signature of Notary u Iic tale c?F Floridm I y ;Signature of Nita bl+c-State of flvri 6 Commission No. 9 � I� =� #� Commissifln ha. ' ISeal) i � ! RE�11 EWS FRONT ZONING WPE RVISOR PLAN 5 I VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANG ROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW RCM LW REVIEW REVIEW ? DATE 9ECEIVE0 DATE C014PLETF R •ea=�