HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveysSURVEYORS' NOTES: 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Gentile Road as platted and bears N 00'22'14" E. 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111CO170 J, with on effective date of February 16, 2012. 7. This survey is not covered by professional liability insurance. 8. City water & sewer are available in this area. 9. No underground utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 10. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. 11. This plan information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. a - J I41k) NU PROPOSED ONE—STORY RESIDENCE oNe — *PROPOSED FFE-51.60 &BWF "T" (•1.50' ABOVE ROADWAY HIGHPOINT) D.7'N) P&8WFPROPOSED ,2.7'W) 20'x2O'CONCRETE--------------- ' DRIVEWAY (Typical) :a iY 1910 x b9 xyry Unobstructed w'i-$ Fz Area -^r.. ui ±4.000 SF END 4' P&BWF F—..-__.r,.. _.... _. _ 1 AT 5' P&BF 'ADJACENT OF (2.8'&B ADJACENT DRAINFIELD Gentile Road (66' Right—of—way) Q w 18' Asphalt Pavement J Z 0 a_ F- ~ Vl J JANUARY 18, 2017 Date of Signature ±LIMITS OF DRAINFIELD Q N J LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, GENTILE LAND, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Baak 58, at Page 16, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. LOT AREA: 130,218 Sq. Ft.; 2.99 Acres± STREET ADDRESS: 2790 Gentile Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34945. MIN, SETS X RCEQ. FRONTS — SIDES aQ CNR SIDES �— REAR ZNG. TECH. t� NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT (OCCUPIED) WELL & SEPTIC ±200' AWAY FROM PROPOSED WELL & SEPTIC N89"15'03"E 895.17' Q SITE Vicinity Map (Not To Scale) LIMITS OF PLAT 4' P&BWF (NORTH PLAT LINE) (1 S,1.2 W) — x r 92Q70 x x __________120_0__________R- �9Q PROPOSED N200 a WELL 'a(31 L� OPEN AIR ? a END 4' P&BWF METAL SHED N ________________ 668.67' "t o S LOT 1 ,�0 }� GRIZ' xF w �, eP TOP OF BANK± �— 9-0 3 0 (VACANT/AS SHOWN) .V xb TOP OF BANK±�/—\ 4" PVC PIPE 222' ----L I ±LIMITS II I. ASSEMBLY EWE OF WATER± 1 OF POND_ I 4' P&BWF "T" -' P&BWF "T" — (1.4'N) 00 (0.5'N) - Pry� WILLIAM B. BENNETT Professional Surveyor& Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6353 LB No. 7608 N89°15'01"E 895.17' LOT 2 (OCCUPIED) EXISTING WELL IS OVER 100' AWAY FROM PROPOSED WELL OR SEPTIC LEGEND CL = CENTERLINE RIGHT OF WAY EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT FIRC = FOUND 5/8-IRON ROD & CAP (LB 6218) PRM = FOUND 4'0" CONCRETE MONUMENT (LB 6218) -OHE- = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES 0 = WOOD POWER POLE E— = POLE ANCHOR A/C = AIR CONDITIONER PAD PBWF = POST BOARD & WIRE FENOIF FF% = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION 00 = SPOT ELEVATION y7 = TELEPHONE RISER ± = PLUS OR MINUS o = MAILBOX CERTIFIED TO: ONE CONSTRUCTION r� x EDGE OF WATER± ��\ 1 04 a PLATTED 11 I '� N tONSERVATIONI I O j EASEMENT i to END 4' P&BWF--' END 4' P&BWF 4' P&BWF- (0.5-S) (0.9'S) (O.7'S,0.5'W) LIMITS OF PLAT—` (EAST PLAT LINE) Date of Last field work:01/09/2017 Boundary Survey & Site Plan 0e,e n n et PrepaIrnEC4*4*iction a order of: Bennett Surveying, Inc. h�( 107 Augusta Court Field: LM/BB lJob No.: 16-1206 Jupiter, Florida 33458 tel: 772.336.4933 Drawn: LM Date:01/18/2017 email: bennettsurveyingOyahoo.com Scale: 1"=60' Sheet: 1 of 1 1�.�;ce 1%_ A C�03s Ob�( SURVEYORS' NOTES 1. Bearings shown hereon ore based on the centerline of Gentile Road as platted and bears N 00'22'14" E. 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111CO170 J, with an effective date of February 16, 2012. 7. This survey is not covered by professional liability insurance. 8. City water & sewer are available in this area. 9. No underground utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 10. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. a J W I N V 0 I I OHE — m m w x 0 4' P&BWF "T" (0.7'N) yc END 4' P&BWF FORM BOARDS AVERAGE TOP FORM ELEVAI O (0.5'N,2.7'W) o ur) .7 +*86----- --------- - - - - - a (Typical) 180.0' -------------------------------------- 'ND 4' P&BWF AT 5' P&BF (2.8'N,3'W) �— Gentile Road 1 (66' Right—of—way) Q w 18' Asphalt Pavement J Z d 0 Oa. (n J v APRIL 28, 2017 Date of Signature LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT i, GENTILE LAND, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 58, at Page 16, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida: LOT AREA: 130,218 Sq. Ft.; 2.99 Acres± STREET ADDRESS: 2790 Gentile Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34945. Revised: Form board tie—in, WB, 04-28-17. Vicinity Map (NoIL To Scale) NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT (OCCUPIED) LIMITS OF PLAT 4' P&BWF N89015'03"E 895.17'w (NORTH PLAT LINE) " x PRM 120.0 --- '�0 'v� 90 �120.0'I 6 L—J OPEN AIR `t ----------------END 4' P&8WF METAL SHED __ 668.7' O GRILL© FoO' LOT 1 ^o TOP Of BANK± �9� xFs a°' (VACANT/AS SHOWN) xp0 x TOP OF BANK± / \ 5 G ..---------1 /- 4 PVC PIPE 222' 11 ±LIMITS 11 I EDGE OF WATERA,_"�PLATTED � \ CV ASSEMBLY EDGE OF WATER± 11 OF POND 1I \,\ 04 �1 �J 1 Ii o L s tONSERVATIOt I o i o 4' P&BWF "T" I 4' P&BWF "r' bti% - j EASEMENT j (n n (1.4'N) g0 (0.5'N) `Yo xH9 7 (POND) 1 FIRC FL t. L le Co. F III Datd lit prov WILLIAM B. SENNETT Professional Surveyor,& Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6353 LB No. 7608 N89°15'01"E 895.17' 1 LOT 2 (OCCUPIED) LEGEND CL = CENTERLINE RIGHT OF WAY EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT FIRC = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP (LB 6218) FIRM = FOUND 4'X4" CONCRETE MONUMENT (LB 6218) —0HE— = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES 0 = WOOD POWER POLE E = POLE ANCHOR A/C = AIR CONDITIONER PAD Few = POST BOARD & WIRE FENCE FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION = SPOT ELEVATION xoo° = TELEPHONE RISER ± = PLUS OR MINUS o = MAILBOX / END 4' P&BWF/' END 4' P&BWF-/ 4' (0.5'S) (0.9'S) (0. CERTIFIED TO: ONE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OF PLAT (EAST PLAT LINE) Date of Last field work: 7 Form Board Tie -In Survey Prepared the en n ett on order of: Bennett Surveying, Inc. One Construction 107 Augusta Court Field: LM/BB Job No.: 16-1206 Jupiter, Florida 33458 tel: 772.336.4933 Drawn: LM Date:01/18/2017 email: bennettsurveying®yahoo.com Scale: 1"=60' I Sheet: 1 of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SURVEYORS' NOTES: LOT 1, GENTILE LAND, according to the map or plat thereof, as 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the centerline of Gentile Road as platted and bears N 00'22'14" E. recorded in Plat Boek 58, at Page 16, of the Public Records of St. N 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction .Lucie. County, Florida: and/or design purposes. 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless LOT AREA: 130,218 Sq. Ft.; 2.99 Acres± SITE otherwise noted. 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. STREET ADDRESS; 2790 Gentile Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34945. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. Revised: Form board tie—in, WB, 04-28-17. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" as scaled from the National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community T w. .�•,�' Panel Number 12111CO170 J, with an effective date of February 16, 2012. 7. This survey is not covered by professional liability insurance.-- 8. City water & sewer are available in this area. 9. No underground Utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 10. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. Vicinity Map N(Not To Scale) a J ❑ I NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT (OCCUPIED) LIMITS OF PLAT 4' P&BWF o"e --- FORM BOARDS (1's,1.2'W) 4' P&BWF "T" 9, (NORTH PLAT LINE) �I AVERAGE TOP FORM ELEVATION-52.6 N89" 15 03 E 895.17' �C6o �. 6 (O.TN) �-� �� ■ A non h x x "' 120.0' PRM - 3800' PRM i A,p ^;9F Rg9 N�f_______________________ I END 4' P&BWF m' 20 o 0 Od 20.0l OPEN AIR p (o.5'N,2.7'w) g g P&BWF It METAL SHE EN 1-0�D 4' .7 ________________ 186, 668.7' It __________________ _________ w o� COLUMNS N 39.7 N ____________ ________________________T (Typical) 5.7 4,0' I ° LOT 1.° TOP OF BANK± 9,S° GRILLS xQy a°j I o of x N�� (VACANT/AS SHOWN) TOP OF BANK±�?p 'o ^ a 4" PVC PIPE 222' , 1 I EDGE OF WATER± �� \ N n N I ASSEMBLY EDGE OF WATER± I OFLIPO D I \�\ N 80.0' N 2^6 4.5 j`I --yJ PLATTED \1 II "O -- - x o tONSERVATIONI o l o o 4' P&BWF "T" 4' P&BWF "r' s°% EASEMENT j N 1 y n p (1.4'N) �I ° (0.5'N) ; �;Y° "� 7 (POND) �/ F'*I�CF END 4' P&BWF AT 5' P&BF (2.8'N,:. W) �- Gentile Road 1 (66' Right—of—way) w 18' Asphalt Pavement J Z d J NOa F 1— Vl APRIL 28, 2017 Date of Signature WILLIAM B. BENNETT Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6353 LB No. 7608 N89015'01"E 895.17'1 LOT 2 (OCCUPIED) LEGEND CL = CENTERLINE RIGHT OF WAY EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT FIRC = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP (LB 6218) PRM = FOUND 4'X4" CONCRETE MONUMENT (LB 6218) -ORE = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES 0 = WOOD POWER POLE E— = POLE ANCHOR A/C = AIR CONDITIONER PAD PBWF = POST BOARD & WIRE FENCE FF,% = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION �00• = SPOT ELEVATION = TELEPHONE RISER t = PLUS OR MINUS o = MAILBOX / CERTIFIED TO: ONE CONSTRUCTION END 4' P&BWF-/ END 4' P&BWF-/ 4' P&BWF- (0.5S) (0.9's) (0.7'S,05W) LIMITS OF PLAT—` (EAST PLAT LINE) Date of Last field work:04/27/2017 1 V2�e 1 1 1 1 e 1 Bennett Surveying, Inc. 107 Augusta Court Jupiter, Florida 33458 tel: 772.336.4933 email: bennettsurveying@yahoo.com Form Board Tie —In Survey Prepared on the order of: One Construction Field: LM/BB Job No.: 16--1206 Drawn: LM Date:01/18/2017 Scale: 1"=60' Sheet: 1 of 1