HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters cwHda F r ��a n e t gaq­ 3 + o V � a t r y� �3Ls Pars C.. 1. 1.F Y d atz r * ram,r . •i.�1��r��.��� ���hi���!tjit�ihrttt.h#t.I��l�.ItNIIIht�� . ?f K Rif Account Number. 04414-3814Q Service Address: 12201 WILUAM.$F2b f�QRT PIERCE°1 ;3{i987 'SECOND N&?hCE:AMMEDIA78 AJCTl-014*0UIRED Warnatg.,=EZemendergftheissuetnrat6ybbre�ledv' afequlp"prit. Dear N pRO1.AS:1 S%3tiISpNE 1-nsunnQ.Y.0u.have-the service you pead,is-surpno'rtty and-we wani;lo he( pyou aVol lDS1C1jI4J1a pewee Mott were prdvtausly.noiifiecteot a'cvndiliora`d ecitrhg the ra ter�nctcasur ai the"abave•• :refereit eti ar dress. 5€cru ttiustcon_tact 1 Iicensed 'IeGtric'ran it rxnidtateiyrto.p rfiorm the required repairs'by Decemtiar.2302©: Meter ericiasures In floor condition:can.toad to powefquality issu such-as flidkets�or Wages,anti m some uses can cause tire'ha�ards If file condili an td&I'Med with your me# 'a:nclosure is.raoi resolved',Oy thezd&adliti4>we in ay 'a'VLa to'disconn<ct oetc IP ensure iie sat�jyre ofyou, rsa,r equipment;;end qur emp ryees in accoMince With,R,u lVo.2b-6.'1(}5. b t oTida Adininistratrve Code. ( )t ) 77a meter enclosure is the contalnerwhere lire meter as installedtaieitenaric+e°attd repairs.t+o tic Pieter eric1osure are M6,so1e:resporssibitity of;ti eptropt:rty ov;Fn'dra�rrlvld i i~ a"iatteiiar+ of the meter rs-t�i .responsibility a!'the uitlr ,Rn casts asS&iated' 'h,l�inng ficei sect ejecirieian titl ty., Y: campletarlg ray necessaiv repairs rs_yaur responsibility ,lf you are not the prgri riy tawnerr cin rite property where you receive;elec#nc seeriice is Managed or maintained by�anojher individual,please ,f romptly provide a copyvo€this tetter-tp.the responsible party, cV=make'perMaanent repairs, you or your eledtrician should contact us at $00-343-7941 to schedule an,appainlment 10 disconnect.and reconnect your service.You should also contact qS at this number if you need additional time,to-make the mpairs.The electric inspection,if required by �,e local authority,must be.reported to FPL prior 2lo the reinstallation of our meter, Until the repo- , an d tt7 in pecti€ri are,caertpteted, FPL-will provide,you with an estimated electric bill based on your tls`toricat t�sa�e. S�eelely, ,clorida power& Light Company