HomeMy WebLinkAboutsign permit plans70 in L Iin u..-,,,, 72 5 in r E. ALL.M Low m (I 46.6in ne 3�Iin26.6in H.rW.ar�. P ant 125inL l Signage: Back Lit Channel Letters Illumination: LED Illumination Color: White Letter Size: 12.5", 32" & 26.6" Border: 46.6" x 72.5" Total Sq. Footage: 23.46 sq ft Store Frontage: 945 sq ft Color: Black Install: Yes Nfl!i r SN ACK 1=EO, s --�-'WEST ELEVATION J. rRONT—__ _ "Ins — REVIEWED FOR U STRUCTURAL NOTES ASSEMBLY PER NEC 60 ®L /,r1 ELECTRICAL NOTES: Design Is In a6wrdanhe wdh (Ko requirements of the Fla Bldg Code bth Ed (2017) 16 tJ R �i�' s - CODE COMPLIANCE J I � ALL ELECTRICAL DESIGN AND EXISTING PRIMARY ELECTRICAL IS BY for use within &outs tle rha High Valocty Hurricane Zone (HVHZ).� LUCI Tv L This rtifes onlyihe slmcluralntegrlty of those systems, compere ,R ___/ ECOUN1 7 and/or other construction expljrilly spec fietl M1ere n. Elect'cal etas, details, y #j COUNTY N electrical r s are provitletl ISy antl are the sole responsibility of the electrical codlr'{, Ali B O C �i No electrical review has been peHamj and no.,fication ty Such the is intended. 5B r-rt ty AlUminum extrusions shall be d963-T6, Unless reload otherwise. SED CONDITIONS in rill EXISTING CONDITIONS LISTED OTHERS AND IG NOTED FO0. REFERENCE ONLY AND NOT PART OF CEFTIFICATION, WORK SHALLBE APPROVED AND INSTALLED BY A E121535 DPROFESSIONAL ALL ELECBICAL COMPONENTS SHALL RE U/L LISTEO AND SHALL COMPLY W I I II THE GOVERNING EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF PERMIT APPLICATION. SIGN SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING CODES. ALL BREAKER AND TIMING DEVICES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AT TIME OF INSTgLIAT[ON. All Designs Are The Property Of Sign A Rama Deerfield Beach, And May Not Be Duplicated Without Permission. —DEliirELD BEACH' STATE;ICEAISED B 1NS ED 4716 (954)428-816Ni P"r `°, y,,L, n (954)428-2634 F,AXj -' cad w9Q a Ir iur u a u ON One Plant 3M� iLLm yam LL aryryl oE� 7510 US 1 Port St Lucie t 10-29-19 as «o p+ H a.. 3 GB 3NN VARIES sme A6 &0-o b= lo, o u p,Y q 200 a O NU[ O F1 � � r� n�*G NWT O dP so us General NgLeonormwiNNespursenrsollheHEBldg Use 6MEd(2017)fmuseWithin &,milEelhE 11911l1 Amp (IIVW) Netlrgnotadehls&speifiMMnmmpnidedbyanl Notes: & NOL15, a,aPglable: Sind mmPashm,shaN bemated, puni or o0rrwlre PmMed a9ainRmla ianPa FD( See 7103.Ldt126.-Mum amprearre nanfxtset And or anbalded in mnLah, hall be pored If PMrmr6d As Preset ed InAOMr-151ra6or Pnuic/nmaxme seams provided. -All Broad faster sshall be S S. orhem IIn 3-. Proposed I so JUL 16 -r3 ST, Lucie County, Permitting Conditions C Engineering ) A. 2" ALUMINUM SPACERS B..125 TEC SCREWS (4-5 PER LETTER ) C. LED ILLUMINATION D..063 RETURNS W / DRAIN HOLES .080 FACES E..125 LEXAN BACK F. ON / OFF 20 AMP DISCONNECT G. GROUND LUG H. 12V-60W LED BALLAST I. METAL CAN WITH LID J. CONCRETE WALL K. DISCONNECT SWITCH (20AMP/ON-OFF) IG) L. 112" LIQUID TIGHT CONDUIT M. REF ANCHOR SCHEDULE LED Driver 60 watt UL (c RU us #E320521 & E307078) LED Modules UL (c RU us # E340368) SWITCH UL (c RU us #E200089) ANCHORSCHEDULE Wire 18.2 stranded c UL and UL Wire nuts UL #113650 - 72 5 In ��+IYaNf R A v6�E n a.rva ( Sol TF]t $$ ei'4` mmry 3 in A,Ay,H EC13D�YM11'au clmPmm"nlw�sgnaamaa..drelo.com C,o e a 46.6 in 26.6 In 1101 S. PowAdine Rd. Ste IN I P a n 12I in Deedeld Beech, FL 33442 o"o 1 1 (I.)4Y6 SIGN pN61 (950)030-}9% (F.) L2 6 LLU Ilia 0 Or, mm Signage: Back Lit Channel Letters LL Illumination: LED One Plant v� Illumination Color: White z w Letter Size:12.5", 32" & 26.6" m Border: 46.6" x 72.5" Total Sq. Footage: 23.46 sq ft Store Frontage: 945 sq ft Color: Black 7510 US 1 Install: Yes Port St Lucie REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 10-29-19 as v.A4 r ST. LUCIE COUNTY m . ti BOCC Ge E4, L 3NN STRUCTURAL NOTES: ASSEMBLY PER NEC 600-3 ELECTRICAL NOTES: Design is In Accordance with the requirements of the Fla Bldg Code 6th Ed (2017) ALL ELECTRICAL DESIGN AND EXISTING PRIMARY ELECTRICAL IS BY for One Within & Outside the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). OTHERS AND IS NOTED FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND NOT PART OF This engineering Codifies Only the structural iMBggy Of those systems, components, CERTIFICATION. WORK SHALL BE APPROVED AND INSTALLED BY A andlor other construction explicitly specified herein. Electrical notes, details, LICENSED PROFESSIONAL, ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SHALL BE U/L LISTED AND SHALL COMPLY & specifications are provided by and are the SOIe Responsibility of the electrcal contractor. WITH THE GOVERNING EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE IN No electrical review has been performed and no cedlflcatlon of such Is intended. EFFECT AT THE TIME OF PERMIT APPLICATION. SIGN SHALL BE Aluminum extrusions shall be 6083-TB, unless Doted Othemise. GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING CODES ALL BREAKER AND TIMING DEVICES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. ^^aLL FaSTFNEN55HgLL BFSPA[fe EVENLY^^ II F WALLMATERIAL ANCHOR TYPE 41 r er pYMIrvY CONCRETE(3of or HOLLOWMASONRY 1/4" THREADED RODS WITH MIN 2" EMBED IN ADHESIVE MIN (8:TOTAL 1/4' TAPCONS(OR EQUIV) WITH 1.75"EMBED MIN (6)TOTAL 1/4' EXPANSION ANCHORS WITH 2.5"EMBED MIN (6)TOTAL 1/2" PLYWOOD (NO ACCESS BEHIND( 1/4" TOGGLE BOLTS MIN (8) TOTAL 1/4" WOOD SCREWS OR TAPCONS, FULL EMBED MIN (10)TOTAL METAL STUDS/PANELS A14METAL SCREWS TO MIN loan STEEL OR 0.0o0"ALUM MIN (8)TOTAL HOLLOW WALL+BLOCKING 1/4"THRUBOLTS OR LAGS TO SOLID BLOCKING BEHIND MIN(6)TOTAL U� LISTED VARIES M g 0 E Iu%o mN II afG H 01YU p Too Ip FI E COPY �< NUa Cd? N 9 a� '= S Z 1CLa ^or ^o U V ilk Notes: rrsi.. Seats6u�ars� easyseals.com ii Cyr aV DESIGN CALCULATIONS JUL 1 s ,020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting FOR ONE PLANT REVIEWED FOR 46"x72" SIGN CABINE&ODE COMPLIANCE 7510 US 1-Port St Lucie ST. LUCIE COUNTY EOCC GENERAL NOTES: 1. Design is in accordance with the Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017) for use within and outside the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). 2. Wind loads have been calculated per the requirements of ASCE 7-10 as shown herein. 3. These engineering calculations pertain only to the structural integrity of those systems, components, and/or other construction explicitly specified herein and/or in accompanying engineering drawings. The existing host structure (if any) is assumed to be in good condition, capable of supporting the loaded system, subject to building department approval. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is contained herein. 4. System components shall be as noted herein. All references to named components and installation shall conform to manufacturer's or industry specifications as summarized herein. 5. Where site conditions deviate from those noted herein, revisions may be required or a separate site -specific engineering evaluation performed. 6. Aluminum components in contact with steel or embedded in concrete shall be protected as prescribed in the 2015 Aluminum Design Manual, Part 1. Steel components in contact with, but not encased in, concrete shall be coated, painted, or otherwise protected against corrosion. 7. Engineer seal affixed hereto validates structural design as shown only. Use of this specification by contractor, et. Al, indemnifies and saves harmless this engineer for all costs & damages including legal fees & apellate fees resulting from deviation from this design. FILE Cop, Index: Pg 1 Cover Pg2 Wind Loads Pg 3 Anchor Design �,u u'uprh Eng��� > ?Z ws No. 673 It Easy S603tu„u f'# 67382 h # 31124 1200 N Federal Hwy, #200 [' Boca Raton, FL 33432 Easy asy .Seals .com Page 1 Easy Seals CALCULATIONS FOR WALL -MOUNTED SIGNS „ e3s>seaismm ASCE 7-10 Design Wind Loads WALL -MOUNTED SIGNS Building Specs V = 160 mph Basic wind speed Exposure C Calculations a = 9.5:. zg = 900' Gcpi = 0 3-sec gust speed power law exponent Nominal ht. of atmos. boundary layer Internal pressure coeff ASD Load Combo Coeff: 0.6 Kd = 0.85 Directionality factor Kzt = 1.0 Topographic factor A = 10 sq ft Tributary area 160 WALL SIGN 1EIGHT , mph - Exp -MOUNTED SIGNS ASD WIND PRESSURES CENTER (Zone 4) 31.2psf "C" CORNER (Zone 5) 39.7psf y 0.85 % 47.3 p- U �. -1.10 SY U -1.40 PFVIEWED FOR 15ft 20ft 33.2psf 42.2psf 0.90 50.2 -1.10 -1.4j,�ODE COMPLIANCE25ft 34.8psf 44.2psf 0.95 52.7 -1.101.4 �`�71UNTY 30 ft 36.1 psf 46.0 psf 0.98 54.7 -1.10 -1.40 35 ft 37.3 psf 47.5 psf 1,01 56.5 -1.10 -1.40 40 ft 38.4 psf 48.8 psf 3..04 58.1 -1.10 -1A0 45 ft 39.3 psf 50.1 psf 1.07 59.6 -1.10 -1..40 50 ft 40.2 psf 51.2 psf 1.09 60.9 -1.10 -1A0 55 ft 41.0 psf 52.2 psf 1,12 62.2 -1.10 -1A0 60 ft 41.8 psf 53.2 psf 1.14 63.3 -1.10 -1A0 70 ft 35.3 psf 70.6 psf 1.17 65.4 -0.90 -1.80 80 ft 36.3 psf 72.6 psf 1.21 67.3 -0.90 -1.80 FILE COPY 90ft 37.2psf 74.5psf 1.24 69.0 -0.90 -1.80 100 ft 38.1 psf 76.1 psf 1.27 70.5 -0.90 -1.80 110 ft 38.8 psf 77.7 psf 1.29 71.9 -0.90 -1.80 120 ft 39.6 psf 79.1 psf 1.32 73.3 -0.90 -1.80 130 ft 40.2 psf 80.5 psf 1..34 74.5 -0.90 -1.80 140 ft 40.9 psf 81.7 psf 3,.36 75.7 -0.90 -3..80 150 ft 41.5 psf 82.9 psf 1.38 76.8 -0.90 -3..80 175 ft 42.8 psf 85.7 psf 1.42 79.3 -0.90 -1.80 200 It 44.1 psf 88.1 psf 3..46 81.6 -0.90 -1,80 250 ft 46.2 psf 92.3 psf 1..53 85.5 -0.90 -1.80 Page 2 e iL. Wall Sign Anchor Design Structure Dimensions & Loading Design wind pressure: Sign type: Sign size: Wall material: Anchor type/size: Anchor tensile capacity: Check Anchors for Pullout CALCULATIONS FOR WALL -MOUNTED SIGNS P = 46.0 psf Cabinet A = 23.5 sqft (entire cabinet) Masonry (ASTM C90, 1,500 psi min) 1/4" Tapcon Ref: ITW Tapcon, NOA 07-1126.10 Min Embedment: 1.25" Min edge dist: 2.5" Min Spacing: 3" Tcap = 195.0 lb (per anchor) Total Reaction: Rt = 1078 lb ... = P*A (entire cabinet) No. of anchors req'd: n = 5.5 total anchors ... = Rt/cap Total anchors required: 6 total anchors balanced over cabinet OK, typical anchor option shown. Limit to min (6) total. Ref anchor schedule for other anchor options. FILE COPY Page 3