HomeMy WebLinkAbout11Page 1 of 12 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 050 - General Fund -Fees Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0007218 Grant Street Group Inc. November 2020 Monthly Admin Fe !0007219 Harris Recording Solutions Tribute Per Case November 2020 !0007229 Triedata Inc Ecertified Records 11/1-11/30/ 00466337 Jean Batalien H0009380 Fla Retirement System H0009381 Alisa Begovic H0009382 Michelle Cefolia H0009383 AllCorp Enterprises H0009385 Andrea Oconnor Hall H0009387 Leron Pardo H0009388 Axum Properties Inc H0009389 Janet Garcia H0009390 Gary R Stringam H0009391 Walford Campbell H0009392 US First Properties H0009393 Donald Glancy Ecertified Records 11/1-11/30/ CHECK TOTAL: Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund November 2020 Retirement Grant Street Online Bidding Re Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund Tax Deed Online Bidding Refund FUND TOTAL: PAGE 1 TOTAL 1,500.00 1,562.60 1,359.00 738.00 2,097.00 400.00 12,961.09 250.00 2,155.00 8,015.00 200.00 2,500.00 4,460.00 1,405.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 9,595.00 8,000.00 57,600.69 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/cIrkssblgokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/ 11 /2020 Page 2 of 12 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 055 - General Fund -Clerk to Bd Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0007223 Mary Poppins Cleaning Crew PO 2021-6 SLW COV19 Public Are !0007224 Paul Jacquin & Sons Inc. P02021-22Final Balance Public !0007225 RSM US LLP Internal Audit Services !0007227 St Lucie Co Board of Commissio BOCC IT Support 1st Quarter H0009380 Fla Retirement System November 2020 Retirement FUND TOTAL: PAGE 2 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 060 - General Fund -Court Rel Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0007222 Law Offices of Travis R. Walke Legal Fees - November 2020 !0007229 Triedata Inc Ecertified Records 11/1-11/30/ 00466297 Anthony Molinari Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466299 Arthur Homan Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466301 Audrey Beany Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466306 Brigette Sanabia Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466307 Bryan Johnson Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466310 Cecilio Retutal Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466311 Christopher Barski Jury Payment 12/8/2020 TOTAL 350.00 22,841.20 9,990.00 35,252.50 11,483.30 79,917.00 3 TOTAL 835.00 1,263.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/cIrkssblgokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11 /2020 Page 3 of 12 00466312 Christopher Fulcher Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466318 Daniel Perez -Lopez Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466319 David Sherlock Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466320 Dawn Sangster Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466321 Dennis Hohn Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466322 Dianne Anderson-Deloatch Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466324 Eleodoro Garcia Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466325 Elizabeth Lane Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466329 Francisco Viera Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466330 Gabriel Gresham Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466332 Geoffrey Chin Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466333 Gregory Ford Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466336 Jason Hoveskeland Jury Payment 12/7/2020 00466338 Jean Bridges Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466340 John Sharkey Jury Payment 12/7/2020 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 060 - General Fund -Court Rel Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 00466341 Joseph Saccal Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466343 Kelly Cevallos Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466344 Kimberly Hopple Jury Payment 12/8/2020 00466347 Marie Dean Jury Payment 12/8/2020 PAGE 4 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 TOTAL 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/clrkssb/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$0614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11/2020 Page 4 of 12 00466350 Melissa Brandon Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466351 Mesa Ou Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466352 Michael Skinner Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466353 Michelle Burton Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466356 Norman Levesque Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466359 Pamela Mishler Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466364 Randy Richardson Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466366 Richard Allen Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466367 Robert Burson Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466368 Robert Dinsmore Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466370 Ryan Jennings Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466371 Sarah Privette Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466377 Stephanie Lombardo Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466378 Steven Yurick Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466380 Tonia Pelous Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466385 Yesica Luna Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 00466386 Zachary Staten Jury Payment 12/8/2020 15.00 00466387 Zakareh Acton Jury Payment 12/7/2020 15.00 H0009380 Fla Retirement System November 2020 Retirement 30,708.88 H0009381 Alisa Begovic Grant Street Online Bidding Re 2,250.00 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 060 - General Fund -Court Rel Operations http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/cIrkssblgokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe name=ORA$PIPE$O614B2640001&sess id=59586002&u... 12/11/2020 Page 5 of 12 CHECK VENDOR H0009384 Michael Gigante H0009386 Catherine Derenoncourt PURPOSE Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref Foreclosure Online Bidding Ref FUND TOTAL: 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 172 - Information Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE H0009380 Fla Retirement System November 2020 Retirement FUND TOTAL: TOTAL 6,000.00 1,570.00 43,286.88 PAGE 6 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE !0007209 Appleby, Mark Restitution Payment 562009CJ00 !0007210 Gray, Hallen Restitution Payment 562011CJ00 !0007211 Herndon, Joe Restitution 562010CF001226A Sh !0007212 Smith, Joseph E Restitution Payment 562018CJ00 !0007213 Southerly, Sandra Restitution Payment 562003CJ00 !0007215 City Of Ft Pierce Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Lien TOTAL 3,901.02 3,901.02 7 TOTAL 26.50 26.50 5.60 96.50 11.50 51.17 22.18 421.95 8.37 1,316.19 2,987.00 93.06 309.27 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/cIrkssblgokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe name=ORA$PIPE$O614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/ 11 /2020 Page 6 of 12 Lien 137.96 CHECK TOTAL: 5,347.15 !0007216 City Of Port St Lucie Month Ending November 2020 72.61 Month Ending November 2020 104.39 Month Ending November 2020 90.38 Month Ending November 2020 5.36 Month Ending November 2020 2,543.16 Month Ending November 2020 21,319.46 Month Ending November 2020 265.48 Month Ending November 2020 2,040.63 Month Ending November 2020 5.15 CHECK TOTAL: 26,446.62 !0007217 Crystal Lighting Restitution 562010CF001226A Sh 12.99 !0007221 Joe's Electric of St Lucie Cou Restitution 562010CF001226A Sh 7.91 !0007222 Law Offices of Travis R. Walke Misc Fee 462.50 Misc Fee 537.50 Misc Fee 147.95 CHECK TOTAL: 1,147.95 !0007226 Sheriff St Lucie County Month Ending Nov '20 - COI $4, 1,261.24 Month Ending Nov '20 - COI $4, 4,751.55 CHECK TOTAL: 6,012.79 !0007227 St Lucie Cc Board of Commissio Month Ending November 2020 4,916.30 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0007227 - Continued Month Ending November 2020 9,100.17 Month Ending November 2020 221.86 Month Ending November 2020 2,902.37 Month Ending November 2020 1,063.36 Month Ending November 2020 183.15 Month Ending November 2020 1,947.48 Month Ending November 2020 1,828.76 Month Ending November 2020 4,616.02 Month Ending November 2020 17,383.90 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/clrkssb/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$0614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11 /2020 Page 7 of 12 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 Month Ending November 2020 CHECK TOTAL: !0007228 St Lucie County School Board Restitution Payment 562008CJ00 00466298 Antoine, Duckens Restitution Payment 562016CJ00 00466302 Avis Rent A Car Restitution Payment 562009CJ00 00466305 Birdsall, Doug Restitution Payment 562004CJ00 00466308 C.O.R.E. PROGRAM Overage Rct# 2020000085096 Ant 00466313 Cisneros, Kenneth Restitution Payment 562009CJ00 00466315 Court Administration Month Ending - Payment For Bar 00466316 Crane, Richard Restitution Payment 562017CJ00 00466317 Daniel J. Probst Refund Overpayment Recording F 00466326 Ferrell, Barbara Restitution Payment 562008CJ00 00466327 Florida Department of Correcti Restitution 562010CF002097A Jo Overage Rct# 2020000085842 Cor Overage Rct# 2020000085925 Sha CHECK TOTAL: 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 3,371.17 73,846.00 89.40 15.00 13.72 26.07 58,294.00 16,687.98 6,742.80 82.64 33.47 203,365.62 9.52 36.50 6.41 26.50 100.00 8.20 30.10 90.83 10.50 16.98 26.50 50.00 48.08 124.58 PAGE 9 TOTAL http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/clrkssb/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe name=ORA$PIPE$0614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11 /2020 Page 8 of 12 00466328 FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL Month Ending November 2020 Cos 510.32 00466331 Gary, William, Parenti, Watson Overpayment Refund Receipt# 20 580.00 00466334 Hanna, Joan Restitution Payment 562018CJ00 46.50 00466335 Indian River County Sheriff De Month Ending November 2020 Cos 2.00 00466342 Kazlow & Fields LLC Restitution 562016CF002145A Vi 21.54 00466345 Liberty Title Refund Overpayment Recording F 30.50 Refund Overpayment Recording F 95.50 Refund Overpayment Recording F 115.00 Refund Overpayment Recording F 179.00 CHECK TOTAL: 420.00 00466346 Maria G Rodriguez Restitution Payment 562018CJ00 26.50 00466348 Marion, Shelly Restitution Payment 562019CJ00 26.50 00466349 Martin County Sheriff Dept Month Ending November 2020 Cos 4.32 00466354 Morris Ellis Overpayment Refund Receipt# 20 25.00 00466357 Oliveira, Thiago C Restitution Payment 562012CJ00 26.50 00466358 Padrick III, Charles V Restitution Payment 562017CJ00 96.50 00466360 Patrick Dorvilus Surplus 31,391.81 00466361 Petit -Jean, Raven Restitution Payment 562008CJ00 26.50 00466363 Pineda, Roselinda Restitution Payment 562008CJ00 11.50 00466365 Recycling Services of Florida Restitution Payment 562016CJ00 26.50 00466374 Stahlfors, Jesper Restitution Payment 562016CJ00 46.50 00466375 State of Florida Division of A Month Ending November 2020 Cos 1.05 00466379 Thompson, Edwin Restitution Payment 562008CJ00 26.50 00466381 Treasure Coast Tractor Restitution Payment 562007CJ00 26.50 00466382 Walmart Restitution 562010CF002419A La 23.84 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:912OIcIrkssblgokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11/2020 Page 9 of 12 00466383 Walmart Restitution 562015CF000916A Jo 13.25 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00466384 Walmart Restituton 562010CF002420A Lak 23.84 00466388 Zimmerman, Robert Restitution 562010CF003545B Gl 26.50 H0009378 Florida Court Clerks & Comptro Week Ending 11/21-11/27/2020 610.90 H0009379 Florida Department of Revenue Week Ending 11/21-11/27/20 Doc 8.00 Week Ending 11/21-11/27/20 Doc 198,882.79 Week Ending 11/21-11/27/20 Doc 110,505.50 Week Ending 11/21-11/27/20 Doc 409,991.94 CHECK TOTAL: 719,388.23 H0009394 Florida Department of Revenue Month Ending Efile - November 367,085.37 H0009395 Crime Compensation Trust Fund Restitution 562013CF002117B Ch 26.50 H0009396 Crime Compensation Trust Fund Restitution 562004CJ000654A 6.50 H0009397 Crime Compensation Trust Fund Restitution 562014CF001997A Ja 67.50 H0009398 MyFloridaCounty.com Credit Card Refund November 20 29.20 FUND TOTAL: 1,363,611.92 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 692 - Family Relations Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H9000161 Florida Department of Revenue Month Ending November 2020 Chi 1,544.55 FUND TOTAL: 1,544.55 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/clrkssb/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$0614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11 /2020 Page 10 of 12 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 693 - Court Registry Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 00466300 Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group LL Atlantic Bay Mrtg Group LLC v 00466303 Bank of America NA Byron Dixon vs. SLC Clerk of T 00466304 Beach Club Property Owners Ass Beach Club POA Inc vs. Annete 00466309 CC Sands LLC CC Sands LLC vs. Bettie Presne 00466314 Citibank, N.A. Citibank NA As Trustee vs. Nic 00466323 Egozi & Bennett PA Trust Accou Byron Dixon vs. SLC Clerk of t 00466339 John B. Wheeler CE Members Mortgage vs. John B 00466355 Nelson Mullins Broad & Cassel State of FL Dep of Trans v Uni 00466362 Phogh Enterprises LLC Henry J Marchell vs. Irving Kl 00466369 Robertson, Anschutz & Schneid Byron Dixon vs. SLC Clerk of T 00466372 SP Pine Creek Village GP Inc SP Pine Creek Village GP Inc v 00466373 St Lucie Co Tax Collector State of FL Dep of Trans v Uni 00466376 Stephan Magloire Stephen Magloire vs Clay Child FUND TOTAL: 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 695 - Cash Bonds Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE 00466296 Andrew Robert Rich Bond Refund 562020MM000003A Ri PAGE 12 TOTAL 177,027.45 14,068.95 194.17 922.00 3,058.56 7,000.00 23,640.81 1,294,575.77 111,100.00 14,068.96 162.00 24.23 1,400.00 1,647,242.90 PAGE 13 TOTAL 750.00 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/cIrkssblgokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O614B264000I &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11 /2020 Page 11 of 12 FUND TOTAL: 750.00 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0007220 HealthEquity Inc. Flexible Spending and Dep Care 2,874.56 Flexible Spending and Dep Care 208.33 CHECK TOTAL: 3,082.89 H0009380 Fla Retirement System November 2020 Retirement 13,449.41 FUND TOTAL: 16,532.30 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 050 General Fund -Fees Operations 57,600.69 0.00 055 General Fund -Clerk to Bd Operations 79,917.00 0.00 060 General Fund -Court Rel Operations 43,286.88 0.00 172 Information Technology 3,901.02 0.00 691 COCC Trust Fund 1,363,611.92 0.00 692 Family Relations Fund 1,544.55 0.00 693 Court Registry Fund 1,647,242.90 0.00 695 Cash Bonds Fund 750.00 0.00 801 Bank Fund 16,532.30 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 3,214,387.26 0.00 12/11/20 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - CLERK PAGE 1 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 11- 05-DEC-2020 TO 11-DEC-2020 FUND: 691 - COCC Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 00465975 Wendy Gillespie 277.00 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/cIrkssblgokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe_name=ORA$PIPE$O614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11 /2020 Page 12 of 12 00465981 Business Citi Mortgage Company 26.50 FUND TOTAL: 303.50 http://banapp.stlucieco.org:9120/clrkssb/gokoutp.P_ShowReq?pipe name=ORA$PIPE$0614B2640001 &sess_id=59586002&u... 12/11/2020