HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Titlei Mall Lien aatlefection to: Dept of Highway Safety and M ,. hicles, Nell Kirkman Building, Tallehomee, FL 32399.6600 T# 1108268656 , �t1 ' - ---- Identification Number -- --- Year ----------- Make ----- Body - Wi-L•BHp ---- - Vessel Regis. No. • - -• -�- Tllle Number $# 3178408 ALFR4640005AC : 2014 FRAK ' HS , 136048863 52' --- _--_ ....... ._._..... .. - -- Registered Owner: Date of Issue 09/10/2019 Lien Release p Interest In the described vehicle Is her•thy released WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 nge o FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 r}v'_ Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehiGe described tereln Is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of ! ' Mail To: the certificate of title. ; 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must cumplate I WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP the notice of sale on the reverse side of thin form. '• 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. , FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 4. See the web address below for more infornetlon and j 1 the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to t title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: f hUp:ltwww.hsmv.state.fl.usihtmi/titiinf.html , �t ; ddenllfltaHoh`Number t -Ygel Me)<e %130dy --- 1NTL,13HP _ VesselRegls.'Na : nlieNumber J1LHR4646005FiC 2t)14 FRAK. H8 : 52 t .136048863 LlegAeteasa ' / , Interest In the Ciescdbedvehlcl3 ie tiei rby nilaesed ' 1 _ -- -- -- .. _ i Ftoy _ 'Color _ _,•P.dmery Breritl ___'., • Second, Brand No or —n W — ' State 'NoBrands- _ Use _ _._. Prev)ssus Dale BY FZ PRIVATE 09/10/2019 Title Odometer Status or Vessel Manufacturer or OH use -----=--- Engine Orive Hull Materiel - Pro r p _.,... Date of Issue .- 09/10/2019 : Date —__ _.._-.:......._..__ ............ _....... ... _—__.. -, _ ---- ....__.._..._._:._- ...................... - — Registered Owner WINDSONG'MOBILE. VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 1st Lienholder NONE DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERMCES TALLAHASSEE 9 FLORIDA � DEPARTMENTOFHIGHWAY SAFETYANDMOTOR VEHIC'_ES Robert R. Kynoch Director Control Number t Terry L. Rhodes , ExectA Executive Director 24 /1 138679885 TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section must be completed at the time of sale.) • Federal and/or state law require that the seller state the mileage, purchaser's name, salting price and date sold in connection with Ora transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or providing a false statement may mull in fines and/ar imprisonment. This ride is warranted to be free from any liens except as noted on the face of the corti6cate and the motor vehicle or vessel described is hereby transferred to: Seller Must EnferPurchoser'sName: _ Address: _ Seller Must Enter Selling Price:— Seller Must Enter Date Sold: UWe state that this F1 5 or 6 digit odometer now, reed's I_J—.I.—.J,l I I 1,I-X J (no temhs) miles, date read _ and I hereby certify that to the best of my Imowiedge the odometer t ending: ❑ I. reflects ACTUAL MILEAGE I is IN EXCESS OF ITS MECHANICAL LIMITS. 3. is NOT THE ACTUAL MILEAGE. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. SELLER Must Signign Here: CO-SP.LLER Must Sign Here:_ �I Print Here: Print Here: Selling Dealers License Number. Tax No.:� � Tex Collected: ' Auction Name: ... .. LiceaseNutitber; - , _,- ._____........____......... PURCHASER Must ....... Sign Hera: Must Sign here:,__ Print Hem —• Priat Here: NOTICE PENALTY 18 REgUIRED BY LAW IF NOT SUBMITTED FOR TRANSFER WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER DANE, F.PURCHASE. '- STATE OF FLORIDA DEF�—,"LIIENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHI—� DIVISION OF MOTOR'VEHICLES 2900 Apalachee Parkway. v Nell Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 Notice of Sale,of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel Section 319.22(2). Florkh'. Siam& require % that the seller file n.-Noticcof Salle with the department within 30 dtivs after the szd.a or traiisficr ofthe motor vehicle. vessel or 111011ile home. Filin&I IhN' fornir6ffloves mrt . civil litthility ft.ir the opei-ation (inhesold molor vehitlevessel or rnobile home. III addition to films this iorm, we suollm you keepil copy of' your bi I I of stile (we sqggc6t be notarized), certi ficati; of title or other type of ti-answ ion docu ruen.t showitig. the vehicle was gold. Complete the inforinafioll below, tear the loo,politioh tif thhs doetrinenf at the perfonition hud mail to the.address; above, or.01miit. to your local tax c6flector's of or licease p1lite agency. I have this day of ---jransferred by assignment of and d0vered Florida GerdficRte of Title to: Name: Purchaser(s) Purchaser's DUID First mi Last Address Selling Pri66 $ UNDER PENALTIES.0FPERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE,READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN ITARE TRUE. Seller's Signature -- Ca -Seller's Signature NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENCY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK,T6 UPDATE THE DMV,DATABASETO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND 18 ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. 0 31 11 IN e9itigw Milk a r X., —7 I 11F m rilnikt,' 1>0 VIS) 11.PT A fl, F-ST 0 1 4FV KN (, W LC!)G7 T R F O[X?511;.1I.-R X--A D I N CC -RLAI[i C, 1�6�LV'� IiAG m ti, J, REFLE'M AC FURL MI li MILEA6E. El ITS10'101ANICAU, 6iimfi�f. 46 � 'IV) CK A Box APPI F ST06IT 000NIFh Purelitiser Mimi Mar Z, sign here: :Print Here: 'N'ItLit Atititfort Maint, (tVben Applicall1c)i Print. 11m: Aaclion Uccne Nminbm Sdlirig Denter's, Tax Seffill, De..,iler?s NAwn CnIlecled-. —7— 7' Sclliiig Dealer's frevS; =D P 7 PurdnlsprN Nitnle(s): .... . ...... C. u; i Iwss. q,IzTUkFTtfISE1 DQN1r;TI3R NOW4FAV),N, - 7E (NO TETNMIS) NIII-E DATE READ�, AND I I irmmy' C I� try 6 6muri-`x. MT 01 L RFFLIRMS ACTUALN11LI-IM A Gl CAUTION. READ CAREFULLY' :,I, t,-", ANICALLINflit', N lr'AtM IAL Nl flQ l, z * l- LINIn'S mfqin YOU mxciz.si ov ri-s,-,mric..IIANA TC_ ODOMETER wsi�Rr.PANCY CHLCK A BOX APPLIES T05DIGI.TC)DO,\4r.rr < Slen Here: Sign Print HuN: Print How: Sefter/Agent Must". Anetiort Name rWhrn Applicable)- ri'llcte: Au6iion Licen,,F,Nurnbet-. Dealer, Selling, deider, 1.1Sellcense N0ing .1. Nv-. flev tZdi, Se.116j; Dealer's Addros.:, Date Sold: Purchaser's Naint(s): -�VrA' Tf -ER QV) R�&�DS PT IR "m`m Y%N')7- rE' 1110 THISEI .11 OR 1 .6 DIGUI 01302,11h -�q Al n-- s, mius; bAiF NDJ HEREBY READING: ti C,%UT11 R,,%D C%REFULLY 1, mm(ic.�s �Cj q LN,EX�T�SSOI`,FrS M11CIFAMICALLIXII T, - M11.13-AC.- ON I. AL rs 3, is No , UTTORE, YOU i(rXCISSUC`rIS>4{ECH,\:tCALLLNI[FS:,:WARNINCl-C)DUt4EFERDISCREPANCY CHECK Box. APPIJES TO, i' DIGIT D()NIF N, Mum j Sim., si 'en'tic%, 9 P in n tj er,�j% ew, `ellertAgent,, Appllenble,)��_ Mom Aifi. Name K" S,