HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of TitleN Mall Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and Mo\Clea, Nell Kirkman Building, Tallehaeeea, FL 32399.0500 --- Identification Number - ----r Year --- •----Make -- Body Wr-L-BHP ------ Vessel Regis. No. - - Title Number BEL006294TX ;2017 CLAY HS 60, :136049436 Registered Owner: Date of Issue 09/10/2019 WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 r/ y, g,lg t Mail To: WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 T# 1108278739 '■RI $ �L# 3178596 """'I�I 17g1-II7T-1(1�'I Lien Release Interest In the described vehicle Is hemby released By Title Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described t ereln is transferred, the seller MUST complete In full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bar am of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale o1 this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of thin form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehIcIv. 4. See the web address below for more Information and the appropriate forma required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home nr vessel: hltp:ltwww.hsmv.state.fl.us/htmiftitlint.html pp�� fir• Identl4cetltinNumber, Year Mske `Body - - WUGBHP VesselRegls.Na TdleNdpiber }1 BEL006294TX, - 2Ui7 CLAY HS . ; 60' ,136049436 Lien Release • '.11nte IndescribedI Deg ieteased prey Stale i_.` Color '_ i Pdtnary Brand -..:_—._' Secondary Briind ...._..-__ No of .._.... We - . _ ._... 'Prey Issue Date B9 a t e vehlrJe-la'he I ' I :Brands : 1 PRIVATE ` ' 09/.1:0/2019 ' : Title . Odometer Status or Vessel Manufacturer or OH use - ------ -- Engine Drive r Hull Material --- Prop ----'-"-- --- Data of issue t 09/10/2019 ,'Date Registered Owner WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 Ist Lienholder NONE DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETYAND MOTOR VEHIC.ES , , Robert R. Kynoch C3�dd 0 0 Terry L. Rhodes Director Control Number ..J Executive Director 24 /1 138679890 - - -- -----....... - - --- • -- TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section must be completed at the time of sale.) --..... Fedual and/or state law require that the seller state the mileage, purchasei's name, selling price and dale sold in connection with the transfer of'ownership: Failure to complete orproviding a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment. ' This tide is warranted to be Gee from any liens except as noted on the face of the certificate and the motor vehicle or vessel described is hereby transferred to: Seller Must Enter Purchaser's Name: Address:___ Seller Must Enter Setting Price: Seger Must Enter Date Sold: — -� Ilwe state that this []. 5 or fi digit odometer now reads I I I Id—I—IJ.I Xj (no tenths) miles„ date read and 1 hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the odometer t ending: -1. reflects ACTUAL MILEAGE. 2. is IN EXCESS OF ITS MECHANICAL LIMITS, - ❑ 3, is NOTTHE ACTUAL MILEAGE: UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. SELLF1t Must CO SELLER Must Sign Hera: Sign Here; Print Here: Print Here: — Selling Dealer's licenseNumber: - Tax No.:_ Tax Collected:_ "`Auction Naihe: — License Number._ PURCHASER fAusl Must ;Sign,Hero: CO -PURCHASER Sign Here: Print Here- '.NOT- NOTICE PENALTY IS'REQUIRED SY LAW IF NOT SUBMITTED FOR TRANSFER WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER 10ATE OF PURCHASE. - STATE OF FLORIDA DEV'l-i--`MENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHi't-'CrS DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 2900 Apalachee Parkway o Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel ,Section 319.22(2). Florida Stinutes, requires that the Seller file Notice of Sale with die department -tvitilin 30 days after the sale or transfer ofthe motor vell;clo. vessel of. Illobile honk. Filing this I*CjrfT[ remover ally civil liability for the operation of file sold niotor vefiiole,vezSol or 1rinhile home. In addition to filing this form, we Suggest you keep it copy of your bill of sale (ivesuggest it be notarized). vertificate of title or other type of traw�action document Showing the vehicle was sold. Complete the inforjnatiojl below, tear the top portion of this document at the perroration and mail it) the addrms above or submit to your load tax eollector's office or license plate agency. I have this - day of transferred by assignment of and delivered Florida Certificate of Title to: Name: Purchaser(s) First 01 Last Purchaser's DUID Address Selling Price $ UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTAND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. Seller's Signature Co Seller's Signature NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENCY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE TO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. to 19 N 7 04 V C Nurtnqr Addre,--. ME. i; ()R.n 5 Xx �6 '.Dlon! bi)(WE D TEN114S) KIII.F-.*;, 11�-01: HPAD 1. ANT) U HEREBY (NO W cERTiFyTHAT TO THE BEST ORMY KN0W`LFDGF. THE ODOMETER READING. CAUTft)N% RLAI) CAREFULLYIIFFLFCT.� f A*CTUAL-MILE111(ill. 2. 11,�IN F.XCESS Of: ITS MECHANICAL LIMITS 11 . 1 3. IS NOT 11 -12 AC:n:AL NITLE-NOL. You -SS-OV ITS NIFC HANICAL LIMITS NVARNI`NCi - ODbN!I-,TI-.R DISCR13PANC1' CHECK A BOX APPLIES T(75 DIGIT ODOMETERS) 614 t. z Purchaser Must: Sign Here.: Print lien: Seller/Ageut Must Si-;m Here: Print Here: Rellikill Dealer's 1.1come No.: — SdUng Minor: Vrt-Purchaser Must Sign Here: Print How Auction None (When Applicable): TAN Tax Collected: Selling MOWS Address: DntL Sold: l'urchmer's Naave(s): Addruss: [AVE sTNn-.,THATTHlS[—] i OR 6 DIGIT oomm.rElt �OWREADS CAUTION: RrAD CAREFULLY I. EXCESS OF ITS Ntr.oiA-NICAI- LIN11Tq 3. IS NOTTHE AC:17LIAL MILEAGE. REBORE YOU F] 1. IS IN of" ITS NII(".IIANICA(- tx%frrs 0 WARNING . OD011IRTEN DISCREPANCY CIIECK A [lox Diorr orx1Mn*,r;,,Rs, Purchaser Must Cu=PurcltnserMusi Sign Sign Mr.: Print HerS: — Print Iforv. Seller/Agent Must - Andion Nurne Mien Applicable): Sign Here; Print Here: — SellIng bealer's I'leense No.; — Selling.tkaler's Address: Selling bedlef.1% Nome: -- MoRm Lkrmr� Nunittcr: Tux No.: Tax Collected: Dale 80141: Purchuser's Nurnv(s): Address: ME STATE. II LNT THIS 1-1 5 OR ❑ 6 DlGlT0DOMI:TtR NOW READS RX CAUTI - ON: RFAD cAREFULLY❑ cER,nT-,vI,H.kTT(i Tnl� BESI, twvy KNowi.rUGF,. THE. ODOMETER READING: REFORF YOU RF-FLUX-IS AC-1 VAUMLEAGE 2, 13 IN EXCESS OF ITS MECHANICAL LIMITS El 3. IS NOT THE AM;AL MILEAGE. 113XCESS Of-- ITS, lvll!(-]-IANICAI- ij-,frrs C)I)OMI�M CHECK A BOX APPI IF') TO 5 DIGrr oDo%iETFRsj IR DISCREPANCY I'llmhuser Must. Sit# Here: Sign lr.'.-IL ---------- - 1911 Herat J". Print 1-1cm--w Auction Natue