HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementt PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT. Building, & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT . i S & W ELECTRIC, INC. i have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) i. the-1 (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #; It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our (Primary project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER - State of Florida, Countyof STT C4E _ The foregoing instrument was signed before me thins ( day of C. .z,by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known _V__or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary is DOROTHY ANN •BASKIN Print Namepf Notary -Public ;?Ql'®r-11 DOROTHYANNBA$KIN MYCOMMISSIOURIJ045M EXPIRES.00toWZ2024 Bonded Tiiru Nplmy ft* Under►griieis ems. with the above mentioned be advised pursuant to the LAWRENCE 6,TUBBS PRINT NAME 294..42 The foregoing instru (Qualifier) was signed before me'thi?n day of 0 by LAWRENCE STUBBS- who is personally known X or has produced a Tr,►i ' LA(jRAR.CUBBEDGE t: Commission # HH 013089 • -oV= Ex .fires October 2l, 2024 •�.E,•,F q� °• Bonded ThN Troy Fain Insurance 80M57019 �-J! Kvurlri __J ZVEI,Q`PM`ENT SERVICES AVICES Midli.94 C.od'e.-tompriance. Divigion -BUIt'DINGIM11T. -SUD-CONTRACTOR-AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have -agreed-to be (C01*a1ry.Narne)1ndi;Q!diW Name) the PLUMBER Sub-contrac tof ofW YNNSDEVELOPMENT'CORP. r (Type of Trade) Cpnmary*c For the -project located at - Tax ID #) df--stafu - participation with -the -above mentioned It is understood that, i-f-ffieto.:i4�s-a'n-.y-:chanae- s regarding our project, the Building -and Code l Regulation DM9&:of`--St. Ludie'County, willbeYadvised -pursuant to. the filing: of a Change of.Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE - MA17HEW LYLE- WYNNE PIUNTNAME 08.89.8 COUNTY Ci RTIFICAT'10" NNUMBER 9IGNATURX (Qualifier) ROBERT,LUDLUM PRINT NAME IB628 :COUNTWERTMCATION NUMBER State of Flofida, Couqty of. ST-LUCIE State of Florida, Countyof ST-LUCIE this. vhe-fdre- 1 tri The instrumi6ntiias-signed before me, is a, of c- .who is personally.known has prgduc6d:a. who is personally kno"! %/_or hasfproduced 2 as identification. Lk,ir azn", zo Cam_ t�a/ SignituitW Notary &ric DOROTHY ANN: BA -SKIN Print Name of Notary, ftblic :00ROT-HY-Al NNSASYd N tk tit MY commi's HH'045W Poe EXPIRES -*W-42624- ded y STAMP STAMP Signitdre 6f.-Notaiy P4blid RHONDA-LAFFERTY. Print Mime of Notary "o No RHO A LAFFERTY My COMMISSION # GG058720 EXPIRES January 08, 2021 Vol PERMIT# ISSUE DATE � UNNTY F L 9 R I D R' — PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DWIsion 11UMD11 G.PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie County, Inc. haveagreedto'be (Company Name!ladividuai Natrle) the HVAC Sub-conttaotorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) — (Primary Connamr) For the project Ideated at or property Tax ID *) It is understood, that, if there is any change of status: regarding our participation with the above Iaaentibned •. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant. to the .• filing of a Change ofdub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME • �,.�, r • COUNTY CERTMCATIOGN�NUUMBER State of h'lorida, County of ` •�V C^\��/�(1r� The foregoing idstrnmtnt was signed before me this `T� - ,day o F .202 � by" who is personally known Zor has produced. as identification STAMP' Sig�natureofNotaryP c I) vicwr 4y/ 1�1N �c7A3l�taJ DOROTHYANNSAWN MYd0MMIS6I0N#HH04N0 Revised I 8288 COUNTY CER'r1PiCATX0NNNNUUMBER State of Florida. County of��- The foregoing instrument was siped before me this of who is personally known �/ or has produced a as identification. STAW Signature of Notary P '�*'Do Vep-m-1.V A' 90*Ex- ea Print Name of Notary Pub c ,,<�YP;%DOROTH1flWN'BASKIN MYCOMNISSIQNt 0.94M a== EXPIRES:October2,2024 �'%soFf;°•.' ,Bonded;fitu:NohdtyiPuDpcUndeiwrlters' L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd VLO-i 999L8L8ZLL daoo 6u i p[ i n8 auuAM -Wobj 9 L=Z L 9 L60-Z L SUB4C o pi: d, Tf .is ado Y: s.tatu&-rog ..i(.n WM :the oove. VIVO- -'U�dpursuadt& io� p0000 0 Cot y PJ C-00W, MJWER' ..Mp •b Yi 'd -'td"" STAW 7bo,woTuy 44viv 0 ve 07)4 v AVIVI Aslei.-s' DOROTHYANN BUSKIN ,DOROT Wgt;ANN MiliNMY COMMISSION#HH046W MYCOMM,SSIom#mEXPIRES: Qoober2,2024 EXPIRES: 3 arded ft46* Aft Rde2024 -6.