HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementi PERMIT # ISSUE DATE' j - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building. & Code Compliance Division s BUILDING PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S & W ELECTRIC,, INC. have agreed to be (Company. Name/Ind: - the._ELECTRICIAN (Type of Trade) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. / CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUS-CONTRAC MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE LAWRENCE PRINT NAME PRINT NAr" 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER -_ State of Florida, County -of ST. LUCIE _ The foregoing instrument was signed before me thiss�0 day of .2i by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known _v__or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary PCc DOROTHY ANN 'BASKIN Print Name0Notary PubHe ?q `-• DORM YANNWKIN WCOMMISSIOWNHM45 Fo oho' EXPIRES.Ootober2,2024 Bonded T&u NoW Y p+MMe UndenHiie� evYaw be advised pursuant to the COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER $T. LUQLELT -_- -State of>Florida; County of. •..- The foregoing instrument was signed before me thl? day of ,on y LAWRENCE STUBBS- who is personally kno w1nI or has produced a i e'r.� LAIjRAR.CUBBEDGE Commission # HH 0130B9 •,off Expires October 21, 2024 ''•'.ci�'�`' "edTtwTroy Fain inswmce8W'-4&7019 STAMP OUNTY­ -PLANNING &°DEVELQp1tiIENT SERVICES Building.* Code Divigion BUILDING PE. 1T .8UBwC ONTRACTORAG",EMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have -agreed-to be (Compaiiy NametlndividiW Name) the PLUMBER Sub=contradtorfor WYNNS-DEVELOPMENT'CORP.. (Type of Trade.) (Primary : Contactor) For: the -project located at �� ��-� \� :or Property Tax .1D _c. C' . dr.,status. rega It is. understood that, if thete.ls� BAY fiallop rdift- our participation with -the -above mentioned project; the, Building. and Code Regulation Divigi&.-of'St. Lucie County will; be.. advised -pursuant to the filing: of a Chang'6 of Sub=contradtor notice. C.ONTP-&CTOR:SIGNATTiRE'(ouaflei.)' MA17HEW LYLE WYNNE P1;dNT*N.AME 08.89.8 COUNTY CE UN _NUMER SiJB-C SIGNATURE' (Qualifier) ROBERT WDLUM PRINT NAME 1'.8628 :C- OUNTYCERTMCATION NTMER State of Florida, County ofST. LUCIE. State ofFlorida, Count:y of 'T..LUC.IE e,fdregoigg-ilti�-umentwassign6d-:-i'eltf�5itme�:Wi)!21 -sjgffedbefore :miethitj��t dpt�:of d9y,of The 2X :by who is personally.known-�& has produced a. who is personally Iihow;iiN/_oe has: roduced a as identification. STAMP Signaturt,of Notary &Hc DOROTHY ANN-BASKIN Print Name of Notary -Public N' COMMISSION ��'' :HH 046w EXPIRES October @On,d,e :..-X2024.. M 1 STAMP Signatdrd6f-'NotwyP4bfiC ;kj RRON'DA-LAFFERTY Print Name of Rogi, Public RHONDA LAFFERTY My COMMISSION # GG058720 EXPIRES January Oa, 2021 I � PERMIT# ISSUE DATE .r -- PI:ANl'�G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OWWW' g & Co*'de Compliance Mision $M--i Y1VG PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMNT Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie County, Inc. have agreed to'be (Company Namedudividttal Name) the HVAC Sub-con1ractorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Conunator) For the project Ideated at '(Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status: regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant.to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONWAACTOR SIGNATURE (QuaNer). Matthew Lv'le Wvnne PRIIVT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NU1 P.P. State of )Florida, Coamty of •�V G��(/y�� The foregoing idstramtbt was tiped be`efo��re�Lme thisy of .202� b/yam who is personally known d or has produced. as identification. to,-—O(a�J-m Signature of Notary Pi9c 1J &)Co?kY i41A9 IS,4-spetr? Print Name of Notary Ppblie ;�}�'=�;.; DOROTHYANNBgSKiN #; MYCOMMISSION#HH046M EXPIRES .Octobsr 2, 2Q24 Flamm °F ,,. bonded: f Iru Noiary Pob114.Undaiwrifera:: Revised 11/16016 8288 COUNTY CI:RTT6'i:C&nON NUMBER State of Florida. County of /� The foregoins instrument was sWed Ware me thiNQ V `day of who is persousHy known V or has produced a as identi6eation. n STAMP /e: . 3TA11 Signature Of Notary PIM Print Name of Notary Pub)e YP 41, bd OTWANNOON . a W OMMISSION#HH,-O" P, EXPIRES:Oclober2,2024 . [ioadeG:ihruNot ary.1`011;.Undettyr(te�6 L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd VLO-1 998L8L8ZLL d,400 suip[in8 euuAM —WOaj SL:ZL 9L�- 6o-ZL OUMTY,� J. suxc .. 6h. '--Yn-n'.e D. Fair 0 pq;e tld dd-At. 'ut-toreg "9-'Wirqm9A kmpmol*om.woi5 of.. My COMMISSION# NH 04W3 EXPIRES: Wober Z 2624 'n*WITIW016: PAWT.N. NTMER' who is,oemmuj.... oon w .2g... ntinigtion; STAW DOROTHYANIf My COMMISSION # HN 045443 EXPIRES: Odoba,9 9119A lei a