HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MOST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:. .. . . . . . . . Permit -Number:.!a eases 10111W Building Permit Application; Planning and Development Service. . s Avildingand Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort'Pierce FL 34982, Phone: (772) 4U_1553 Fax: (772).462_15-78 Coil merdal Resi.dentia"[ X. - PERMIT APPLICATION FOR:` BUildin'g PROPOSED IM[R�,,,'OVEMENT LOCATION: :Add-ress: 5 GRANDE VISTA - Legal Description: SECTION 26 1 TOWNSHIP. 36s RANGE 40t, . . . . . . . . . . Property Tax ID #: '3414-501-1701-000/9 Lot No Site Plan Name: SPANISH LAKES ONE Block No.* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Nam: Setbacks 'Front 28':' Back:'2V Right Side:. IV Left Side-e- 14' DETAILED -DESCRIPTION 'OF WORK:_ .... .. ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . .... .. .... .. ... .. .... . .... . .... . .... REPLACEMENT HOME. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE3.B'EDROOM 2 BATHS./ 11/2 GARAGES NO SLAB. TO- BE .BUILT OFF REAR: OF. HOME 'Additional work to e is permit — c - hieck: all thA apply: HV AC . Gas TankI Shutters 's/Qoors. firform d under t 0,Gas Piping Window ❑ Electric. Plumbing []Sprinklers Eh6nerator", Roof' Jotal Sq., Ft of Construction: 2,484 S It. ofFirst Floor::.2A&34'.'_ Cost of Constructi n-' $ .......... 0 -Utilities:cn: Sewer-LiSeptic Building Heightt OWNER/kESSEE. CONTRACTOR: Name WYJ!ne SUOding COMP , Name: -MaMew WeW00 Ad dress 8 0 . 00 South US Hwy. 1 Suite 402 Company: YVkjr;n'e:De*oP*en_ t Oorp, Address: $000 SOS US HWY - , 1 Suite 402 - City: Port St. Lucie. -State: FL Zip Cdcle-.34.952.:. Fax.(772) 878-7656 City. Stat'es-FL.... Phon6.No-. (772)878-65113" Zip Codet-34952 Fax: (772) 87ST7656 :E-mail: tJ70r6WYPn0b,0=h) Phone: No.(772) 878-5513 Fill In fee simple We Holder on next page it different :E-Mail: chefi wYnh0b0-'-CQM: from the Owner listed above) State or County License. C0003599 of Value of.co.n4truction.b $25099r more, 0ECORDEP Notice ofCommencement 15'repired'- .... . .... .. ... . ... .. . . . .. AdEL.. .. SUPPLEMENTAL CQNSTR`UCTION LIEN LAW Wf,', `ATION ax �7 ,:F_. .. z , DESIGNER/ENGINEER: .... Not Applicable' MORTGAGE. COMPANY., _.Not Applicable . . Name:. araden.d&sraden. . Name: .�. ..�. .. � .... Address: 417CQwBWAY_e- Address:. ..City: s;�uan State: f�. City:...: State:. Zip: -aas9s Phone: ,c7'2)aQ7-s2 s Zip: -Phone: - - FEE.5IM.PLETITLE.HOLDER;.. _ Not Applicable BOLDING COMPANY:` .: .: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address:. Address: City: City:: .. Zip: Phone: -Zip:. ' Phone:: .I certify that.no work or installation -has.commenced. prior to the issuance.of a permit.: St. Lucie -Coun%makes.no re.presentation'that is granting a:perMit wi,II:authoriie:the"Permit-holder to build the subject:structure •' which is in conflic -with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may -restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home. Owners Association and'.review your deed for any restrictions which may apply.. In consideration.of the granting of this requested permit;. I do hereby agree that'I will, in all respects, perform the work 'in-,accordance'with the app.royed=plans; the Florida Building -Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a.'full cohc. u�rency review: room additions,- . accessory structures, swimming pools:.fences,.walls, signs: screen rooms and accessory -uses to aftther.non-residential use. WARNING TO:OWNER: Your failure. to'Record a Notice of Commencement may result in yowpaying twice for improvements to _your property. A_ Notice -of Com nencement'must be recorded and -posted on the jobsite : before the.fi.rst inspection. If you intend ;to obtain'financing; consult with lender or in.a.ttorney More. commencing work or recordin : our Notice of Commencement..: Signature of Owner/ Lesseo/Ag:en Signature-of:Contractor/License HoldQr. STATE OF FLORIDA STATE Of FLORIDA:. COUNTY OF sTLUCiE: COUNTY OF BTr^Ucie The'forgoing instrUrie t was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before. me -this � day of 20 a by this day of 20 41PI-0 by fX1AJTkwLikA'wtmh .- _. MA' fftU l.Yl..£wYNIIk (Name of person acknowledging) r (Name.of person. acknowledging) (Signature of Not' Public -'State of Florida) (Signature of N t ry.Publio- State of Florida-) Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Personally Known'. x OR Produced Identification Type of Id'eritification.froduced Type'of Identification Produced - Commission No. - •„ R SKIN Commission No 1,Y:_n„nROTHY <IN .;: MY COMMISSION # HH 045443 '+ :.: ' MY COMMISSION # HH 045443. a rrFOF F�oP,;, :BOnded T6ru Notary Public Underwriters aPF `;°Pd bonded Thri Notary Public UndenKitera Revised 0V I REVIEWS: -FRONT'. ZONING - SUPERVISOR. PLANS VEGETATION'.SEA TURTLE MANGROVE: COUNTER. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW. - REVIEW REVIEW- j REVIEW. DATE- -COMPLETE . :INITIALS: