HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT. SERiVICES Building: & Code Compliance Division BUILDING. PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S & W ELECTRIC,, INC. have agreed to be (Company. Nakne/Individual Name) j (Type For the project located at (Primary (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our particip� project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County wi filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUS-CONTRACTO MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE ' LAWRENCE ; PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 08898 29442 COUNTY CERRTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFI4 State of Florida, County of ST. LUCIE - . _ .. --State offlorida; Cou The foregoing instrument was signed before me thir\,(e day of The foregoing instra ` ,C'Z .2Q by MATT HEW LYLE WYNNE � who is personally known _V__or has produced a who is personally km4 as identification. as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Pic DOROTHY ANN •BASKIN Print NamWof Notary Public �Q:�°VP`•�;p: �0'rHYANNBASlUN WCOMMISSION#HH045M =9F pp������E�X�PIRES•Ocw"2,2024 . Bondsd •� Cp F. 7TuuNotary Pu6Uc pnderwritem ev,MM Notary with the above mentioned be advised pursuant to the f.ST. LUCIE^T .:_..® r ....., ., was signed before me thl? day of 9 by LAWRENCE STUBBS- has produced a I Eni�: R.CUBBEDGE ssion#HH013089 October 21, 2024hru Troy Fain Insurance 800 S7619 Zim-N PERMIT # ISSUE DATE Rd' Rom- PLANNING &bZV9t6VENT SERVICES Compliance. D' Bufiding-&'Co&� Liump rduce. Division K"INOPE,RMff 'SVB=C ONTRACTOR-AGRIEEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed -to be (Contany.NametIndividual Na* the PLUMBER Sljb._Contri�,tof:f , or WYNNEDEVELOPMENT WRP.. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contiractoi) For the project- located at. Q3< Q It is. understood that, if thereds.- anvichangp- of- �status regarding our participation with -the -above mentioned project; the Building. and Code Regulation Division- l:of St. LudieCounty will; 'be, advised pursuant, to. the filing.: of a Changd:. of Sub=contraaor wfide. CONTRACTOR :SIGN ATURE'(ouagriek) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PIUNT'NAME 0889.8 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONAUM9ER .1 State of Florida, County Of ST LUCIE The'foregoiV\ i ,of 49,111itiument was signed- 6 bre meis", d9y. . - _ 2in 14.% who . is personally known .�& has. produced a. as identit'icatioa gignit6re6fNitiry' &lic DOROTHY ANN: BASK11N Print Name of Notary- Public -�W tMoMA4N q COSSION 0W3 EXPIRM:0-ab *.Z.2624 Undenwttets 1'8628 COUNTIftERTIFWATIONNUMBER I State-offlorlda, County of STLUCIE The 4oiig�i6g ..:..._'instr-uniint I *as-sigg . m signed .. before , vthi')dd :of C—_ 203by' who Upersonally known or has, produced a en STAMP STAMP Signature :0 . f14ota4 Public ju RHORDAL.AFFERTY. Print Name ofNotary Public RHONDA LAFFERTY MY COMMISSION 4 G0058720 EXPIRES January 08, 2021 PERMIT* ISSUE DATE r^ 'P'LANN7NG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St ldhig & Code (Compliance DMsion 1Q1()T1r -DY 6. PERMrr • S�-CON'TRACTaR A�RE�11�N1' , Comfort Control oT St. Lucie County, Inc. have agreed to'be (Company Namellndividual Name) the HVAC _ Suit-oontractorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Conumtor) For the project located at or?rope ty Tax ID *) It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our participation with the above mentioned . project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Fling of a Change of Sinn -contractor notice. CONT"CrOR SIGNATURE (Qualiffer). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM\EX State pfFlorir)a, covmty of4s�,• vV 1� The foregoing Instrument eras signed befiizi we thia��/�,� (LT Of /yv who is personally known % or has produced. as identification. t(0-4�4-vqm Signature of Notary PIC 1J Oko-T-W 1 A'+i hO ISA-Slel^) printN'ame of NotaryAeblic rFa DOR0THYANN SAWN MYdWIVIISSION# MH___ -01 EXPIRES:0*b8r2.202s Revised I1/1612016 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNNNUUMER State of Florida. County of �' ►\}G �� The foregoing instrument was 9iped before me this �pf who is personally (mown V or has produced a as identification. e/ STAMP- STAW Signature of Notary P o Veo-rk-V print Name of Notary Pub e <wY DOAOTHYANNM MOON oc MYCOMMISSION#:FtltQ4" EXPIRES: October2, 2024 '••FCFW.. WidaA Tia11 Notaq PubflcUMwn im,- L66-d Z90U/Z449d VL4-1 999L8L8ZLL daoo suipling auuAM -Wodj gL:ZL 9Leo-ZL iz-g— su& ohtr v .c. -46.tbr. F-Y l mg On ot - I I .... - - f*9 �C(i URAgrGR 'Rat Q D�MOTHWY BASVJN MY COMMISSION# HH O4W3 EXPIRES: October Z 2024 theabovoleztit3nPt:' y MCAT Stgo bidibra lie WiTt i\bvvf SFAWW *iitlffiv '/V. /JAs jel.- DOROTHYAW—BMIgN — MYCOM ' M'SSION#MI045443 .-. EXPIRES.OdftZ2024