HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Titlefwl, Mail Uen Satisfaction:to: Dept of Highway Safety. and Motor Vehicleaj NQIJ Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 321I08-0600 3 T# 1:10867109.6 3179537 �j . IdentificaltonNumbei Year Make— Body WT­L-BHP Vessel Regis, No. lltla Number RTJS070532AL �2017 LAY C HS 60, B# 136070716 .............. .. . . .......... ... . . . .......... ....... . . ........ . ........... Y1'Il ri i�') Registered. Owner: Date of Issue 09/, Lie Rai . ease .12/2019 n WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP interest In the described WWII Is hemby released 3200 S 7T.H ST LOT 70 Title FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described 1* erein is transferred, the seller MUST comp,ete in fu;i the Transfer of Title by Seller sectional the bW,,om of Mail To: the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete WINDSONG, MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP the notice of sale on the reverse;s1de of thin form. 3206S '7TH;ST LOT 70 .3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. FORT PIERCE, Ft 34992-6344 See the web address below f6irmie're Infamialion and the'6ppropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the v'ehfdle, mobile home ur vessel: hftp:/Avww.hsmv.state.fl.uslhtmift0lint.htrnI fdantffjcetlqkN**— Year I .... Me 6Bdd ^e"WT.L6EfHP �Zv T essif kegis.: A 2017 .:;,,.Interest In the ,described :i i0tie lafiern6y rafeaas t State Got or ?Primary L Sadd Use Prev f6sts Date By.'.Brands. Tll. ........... 7 e, Odometer Status or Vessel Manufaptur'rorOH:use ErLgine Ddve r 'Hull Materiel Prop ofiiisue-:t, :7 411 /2019Date, 2 ..... . ........ ­i; . . ........ . ..... . .......... .... . ............. Registered Owner *IN6SONG MOBILE VILLAGE :LfMITk) PARTNERSHIP S i` 32b.0i - S '4TH TLOT : - FORT PIERCE_j' F4 s34982-6344 a . I st, Lienhblddi' M NONE .— DlVISiQN OF MOTQRiST SERVICES L HASSEE FLORIDA bEPARTMENT OFAIGHWAY SAFETYAND MOTORVEmiq_Es N Robert R. kinkh j ontr(1,Nimabeir 13.8,67H K� syL;:Rhodes Director E�uIveDirector I., F � -r- 24 /l 1386.796' . . ..... .......... . TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER,(Thlsseclon must be completed at the Ume of sale.) that the seller stele the miles Federal =d(cr state low re�w go. iptudiosees% name, selling pri6o and date sold in oannection ividt.the kgrefor of ownership. siltire to C671plete or providing a f1dje statement may roseit in'fim,an(Vor impdsoftm Thls'ode rs warranted fto lie fee frontirw liens except as noted an the face of the certificate and d motor vehicle or vessel• described is hereby traiisfened 1 selleimu st Enter PurchsseeiNaffle_ Address; seller Must Enter Dele'Sold: lind I arebq cerffy that to the best of my knowle� =etcrnowid&L_j_ J_JLj__J_J.LXJ(notenft).raes, dateriadi�orob� ca z is IN,.EXM- S OF ITS MECHANICAL itMAS:., E) 3,isNOTTHEACTUALMILEAGE.. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, 1. DECLARETHAT.I. HAVE READ THEFOREGOING; DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE, SELLER Musf COSELLER O-SE Must AW, P-19 Pont Prim Here: till. it's Dol, Tali NoTax Collected:' ucertse Number .. . ........ . si ;AJR6HA kMwt I arc y NOTICE ;�AYSAFTER5AT 0 '_'.F,PURCHASE. STATE OF FLORIDA k DEPARTMENT,OFHIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHIL__2 DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 290.0 Apalachee.Parkway e Nell Kirkman Building - Tallahassee; FL 32399--3620 Notkqe.of Sake -of Motor Vehicle, Mobile'Home or Vessel Section 319.22(2),. �Florida Statures. reckaites that -the seller file ti Notice off Salo with the department within 30 days after the sale or iransfer ofthe motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home. Filing this fonn removes 1111V iiviijiabiliiyfor the operiti6a or the sold,ruotor vehicle, vesselormbbijd home; In 'addition to filing this form, we suggest You keep a copy oftout hill orsale (iveisugg A it It notariked). ge I . tettific-ite of till exit- other type ol'transaeti6n docuoient showing ilie-vehicle was sold. Complete the inforniltion below, tear the top. Portion of this dotirnent, at the perforatl6n.and umil to.the address above or subirdt to your local tax collector's 'office or license plate agency. I have this day of transferr0d by a,ssignmorit of and,dalivered Florida Certifi6te of Title to: Name; Purc.hasei(s) Pumbaser's DOD First. ml Last Address Selling Price UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I PEC,LAR E THA'r I HAVE READ THE FOREG OING,DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FAUl'S STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. Seller's Signature Co-SellarS Sigmitu're NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENCY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE TO.REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD'.. HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP StATQS WILL NOT CHANGE. UNTIL'THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND is ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. M HE a % _T N 7.7 .7 7-7 A ll %, is �O(# wr Ej A, 1 I ERMY' CERITIF fON. RFt*,D UT NJCAULINHTS� J,'I8AN0T'I1-W.,4CTUAI. ' ""' " ,.A1EFORr L LIMITS �AVAIZNi,.N o60MEUR DISCREPANCY YOU lh�f4C.',A ` -b I C11FCK A BOX AMILIE'S 1-0 -5,01C 11' Sign Ii"e; . .. ...... ....... .................. .i jiu Ile ,_z' x Print talem, +.1m: s(1101Acut Mu(,A-dou N m(etpplibl):.- Sign Ildc" . .... . ... Nint Hew,: AwAim License Nwntwr 1caler's sealug',)S.,ea w:!s Tax, spith0 Nnifim Na,: -------- cellectettv, W, SeItWg Dvakel.& Addres,. Date Nalue(s); . ........ IAVF.S,r1I ANI Uf t.R I 11-4T , 11 . A-tJ.6 ME- fl1`,5 C,112TION: READ Qkit FUJAIV 1. RCmrC'R9,A` ft" 21 Is CICAi� LIMUS - I I� �,or F C _�L,NIILCAPI ACMAI-NAILE GE'� 7 •EJ 1jLF01Ir�VOtJ NVARNINq - qDON1121,111:14 DISCREPANCY. oi- ITS"MMIANICAC LIMITS ct1r.CK A BOX. ArPrJj7t�*T6 i farm- ot)mwi f-,Rs) ..,Sign Mao - Net t Priiii 14ciz 777 '8 Auction Name (Wimn Applkaffle)i i8l, Hew Aurnimi iSm;&i� Xumtvr-% Svffingl 1W 'S stiffing� Tax Hamse'NO.", &fiected! Selling Dealees Addrew te Sol& Purcitawr'&Name(s): A;Id , mssz Ed. It wl7pmmi. '0A 0111S),N 50 6Dj( ..T Now, R rx, RLIIS,I)Wrj� READ FIERVIly T CEIR1 IFYTHAT BESI'OF MY KN(lNVLE)CIE:1 I­ILJ(+)P0yWIER 116A Gi IN (7 r I ON 11FAI) iCARRk?IJILL v, 1. REFIJ:�NS 1) X L N1 I I Z, ts 04, 1,w-ass ol­rr� ANICAL IAMIT.S ... 1 Is N01-1W AUMAU MILEAGE, El 7 R. F -Y Im.'rousjou it' 6NL1^63,i4s xm A -BOX . Cu ser Me J: 11­; % 1fleu r, am(When 4 pp Iicable);,, 1, l %