HomeMy WebLinkAbout4TCC4048A1 SPEC SHEETJune 2020 2222--11990000--11HH--EENN Single Packaged Cooling/Electric Heat 14 SEER Convertible,2 —5 Ton 4TCC4024A1000A 4TCC4030A1000A 4TCC4036A1000A 4TCC4042A1000A 4TCC4048A1000A 4TCC4060A1000A NNoottee::“Graphics in this document are for representation only.Actual model may differ in appearance.” Product Data ©2020 Trane 22-1900-1H-EN SAFETY SECTION IImmppoorrttaanntt —This document contains a wiring diagram,a parts list,and service information. This is customer property and is to remain with this unit.Please return to service information pack upon completion of work. WWAARRNNIINNGG HHAAZZAARRDDOOUUSS VVOOLLTTAAGGEE!! FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww tthhiiss WWaarrnniinngg ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn pprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee,,sseevveerree ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy,,oorr ddeeaatthh.. DDiissccoonnnneecctt aallll eelleeccttrriicc ppoowweerr,,iinncclluuddiinngg rreemmoottee ddiissccoonnnneeccttss bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg..FFoollllooww pprrooppeerr lloocckkoouutt//ttaaggoouutt pprroocceedduurreess ttoo eennssuurree tthhee ppoowweerr ccaannnnoott bbee iinnaaddvveerrtteennttllyy eenneerrggiizzeedd.. WWAARRNNIINNGG SSAAFFEETTYY AANNDD EELLEECCTTRRIICCAALL HHAAZZAARRDD!! FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww tthhiiss WWaarrnniinngg ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn pprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee,,sseevveerree ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy,,oorr ddeeaatthh.. TThheessee sseerrvviicciinngg iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss aarree ffoorr uussee bbyy qquuaalliiffiieedd ppeerrssoonnnneell oonnllyy..TToo rreedduuccee tthhee rriisskk ooff eelleeccttrriiccaall sshhoocckk,,ddoo nnoott ppeerrffoorrmm aannyy sseerrvviicciinngg ootthheerr tthhaann tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn tthheessee ooppeerraattiinngg iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss uunnlleessss yyoouu aarree qquuaalliiffiieedd ttoo ddoo ssoo.. CCAAUUTTIIOONN GGRROOUUNNDDIINNGG RREEQQUUIIRREEDD!! FFaaiilluurree ttoo iinnssppeecctt oorr uussee pprrooppeerr sseerrvviiccee ttoooollss mmaayy rreessuulltt iinn eeqquuiippmmeenntt ddaammaaggee oorr ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy.. RReeccoonnnneecctt aallll ggrroouunnddiinngg ddeevviicceess..AAllll ppaarrttss ooff tthhiiss pprroodduucctt tthhaatt aarree ccaappaabbllee ooff ccoonndduuccttiinngg eelleeccttrriiccaall ccuurrrreenntt aarree ggrroouunnddeedd..IIff ggrroouunnddiinngg wwiirreess,,ssccrreewwss,,ssttrraappss,,cclliippss,,nnuuttss,,oorr wwaasshheerrss uusseedd ttoo ccoommpplleettee aa ppaatthh ttoo ggrroouunndd aarree rreemmoovveedd ffoorr sseerrvviiccee,,tthheeyy mmuusstt bbee rreettuurrnneedd ttoo tthheeiirr oorriiggiinnaall ppoossiittiioonn aanndd pprrooppeerrllyy ffaasstteenneedd.. WWAARRNNIINNGG UUNNIITT CCOONNTTAAIINNSS RR--441100AA RREEFFRRIIGGEERRAANNTT!! FFaaiilluurree ttoo uussee pprrooppeerr sseerrvviiccee ttoooollss mmaayy rreessuulltt iinn eeqquuiippmmeenntt ddaammaaggee oorr ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy.. RR--441100AA ooppeerraattiinngg pprreessssuurree eexxcceeeeddss tthhee lliimmiitt ooff RR--2222..PPrrooppeerr sseerrvviiccee eeqquuiippmmeenntt iiss rreeqquuiirreedd..SSeerrvviiccee uussiinngg oonnllyy RR--441100AA RReeffrriiggeerraanntt aanndd aapppprroovveedd PPOOEE ccoommpprreessssoorr ooiill.. WWAARRNNIINNGG SSAAFFEETTYY HHAAZZAARRDD!! OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee uunniitt wwiitthhoouutt tthhee aacccceessss ppaanneellss pprrooppeerrllyy iinnssttaalllleedd mmaayy rreessuulltt iinn sseevveerree ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaatthh.. DDoo nnoott ooppeerraattee tthhee uunniitt wwiitthhoouutt tthhee eevvaappoorraattoorr ffaann aacccceessss ppaanneell oorr eevvaappoorraattoorr ccooiill aacccceessss ppaanneell iinn ppllaaccee.. WWAARRNNIINNGG WWAARRNNIINNGG!! TThhiiss pprroodduucctt ccaann eexxppoossee yyoouu ttoo cchheemmiiccaallss iinncclluuddiinngg lleeaadd,,wwhhiicchh aarree kknnoowwnn ttoo tthhee SSttaattee ooff CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa ttoo ccaauussee ccaanncceerr aanndd bbiirrtthh ddeeffeeccttss oorr ootthheerr rreepprroodduuccttiivvee hhaarrmm..FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ggoo ttoo wwwwww..PP6655WWaarrnniinnggss..ccaa..ggoovv.. IImmppoorrttaanntt::Wear appropriate gloves,arm sleeve protectors and eye protection when servicing or maintaining this equipment. IImmppoorrttaanntt::Air filters and media wheels or plates shall meet the test requirements in UL 900. 22-1900-1H-EN 3 Single Packaged Cooling/Electric Heat System.................................4 Optional Equipment Listing ....................................................5 Product Specifications .........................................................7 Supplementary Electric Heaters ..............................................10 Indoor Fan Performance (230v)..............................................11 Wiring Diagrams..............................................................15 Full Perimeter Roof Mounting Curb ...........................................21 Optional Equipment —Economizer ...........................................23 Optional Equipment —Outside Air Damper ..................................24 Optional Equipment —Filter Rack ............................................25 Outline Drawings .............................................................26 Mechanical Specifications ....................................................32 Table of Contents 4 22-1900-1H-EN Single Packaged Cooling/Electric Heat System IInnttrroodduucciinngg tthhee nneeww TTrraannee SSiinnggllee CCoooolliinngg//EElleeccttrriicc HHeeaatt SSyysstteemm SSiinnggllee PPaacckkaaggeedd CCoooolliinngg SSyysstteemmss aarree eeaassyy aanndd vveerrssaattiillee ttoo iinnssttaallll.. Because cooling and air handling functions are all contained in a single cabinet,Trane packaged air conditioners are easy to install and service.It can be flush mounted beside your home at ground level or placed on the roof for horizontal or downflow installation.When connected to an optional Trane thermostat control,and air distribution ducts,you have a highly efficient,total home comfort system. SSiinnggllee PPaacckkaaggeedd CCoooolliinngg SSyysstteemmss aarree uunnmmaattcchheedd iinn qquuaalliittyy aanndd rreelliiaabbiilliittyy.. All major components on these products,including the compressor,have been designed and manufactured for maximum service.Every compressor is designed and manufactured to exacting specifications.Each design is life tested in extreme environments to ensure reliable and long lasting operation in normal applications.Each compressor has internal motor protection for added reliability. 22-1900-1H-EN 5 Optional Equipment Listing *=T,W,or Y Hinged Filter Access Door (4*CC4024–036)(4*CY4024–4036)BAYCCDOR1A [] Hinged Filter Access Door (4*CC4042–060)(4*CY4042–4060)BAYCCDOR2A [] Roof Curb Full Perimeter (4*CC024–036A)(4*CY4024–4036)BAYCURB050A [] Roof Curb Full Perimeter (4*CC042–060A)(4*CY4042–4060)BAYCURB051A [] Roof Curb Utility Extension Kit (BAYCURB050A)BAYUTIL101B [] Roof Curb Utility Extension Kit (BAYCURB051A)BAYUTIL101B [] 0–25%Manual Fresh Air Damper (4*CC4024–36A)(4*CY4024–4036)(a)BAYOSAH001A [] 0–25%Manual Fresh Air Damper (4*CC4042–60A)(4*CY4042–4060)(a)BAYOSAH002A [] Motorized Fresh Air Damper (4*CC4024–036A)(4*CY4024–4036)(a)BAYDMPR101A [] Motorized Fresh Air Damper (4*CC4042–060A)(4*CY4042–4060)(a)BAYDMPR102A [] 16”Round Duct Adapter (2 per box)(4*CC4024–036A)(4*CY4024–4036)(b)BAYSQRD001A [] 18”Round Duct Adapter (2 per box)(4*CC4024–060A)(4*CY4024–4036)(b)BAYSQRD002A [] 0–100%Mod Economizer w/Baro.Relief (4*CC4024–036A)(4*CY4024–4036)(a)(c)(d)BAYECON101B [] 0–100%Mod Economizer w/Baro.Relief (4*CC4042–060A)(4*CY4042–4060)(a)(d)BAYECON102B [] 0–100%Horizontal Economizer (4*CC4024–36A)(4*CY4024–4036)(a)BAYECON200B [] 0–100%Horizontal Economizer (4*CC4042–60A)(4*CY4042–4060)(a)BAYECON201B [] Enthalpy Control for Economizer (ALL-BAYECON)BAYEENTH001A [] Remote Potentiometer (ALL-BAYECON)BAYSTAT023 [] 1”—2”Filter Frame (4*CC4024–036A)(4*CY4024–4036)(18 x 25 filter not included)BAYFLTR101C [] 1”—2”Filter Frame (4*CC4042–060A)(4*CY4042–4060)(two 18 x 20 filters not included)BAYFLTR201C [] Head Pressure Control (Low Ambient Cool)(208/240v)Kit BAYLOAM105A [] Quick Start Kit (4WCC4–A1)(4TCC4–A1)BAYQSTK300A [] Quick Start Kit (4YCC4–A1)BAYQSTK301A [] Crankcase Heater Scroll (4*CC4024–036)(4*CY4024–4036)(230v)BAYCCHT103A [] Crankcase Heater Scroll (4*CC4042–060)(4*CY4042–4060)(230v)BAYCCHT102A [] Crankcase Heater Scroll (4*CC4024–036)(4*CY4024–4036)(230v)BAYCCHT301A [] Crankcase Heater Scroll (4*CC4042–060)(4*CY4042–4060)(230v)BAYCCHT302A [] Adapter Curb (4*CC4024–36A)(4*CY4024–4036A)to BAYCURB030,38 BAYADAP050A [] Adapter Curb (4*CC4024–36A)(4*CY4024–4036A)to BAYCURB033 BAYADAP051A [] Adapter Curb (4*CC4042–60A)(4*CY4042–4060A)to BAYCURB030,38 BAYADAP052A [] Adapter Curb (4*CC4042–60A)(4*CY4042–4060A)to BAYCURB033 BAYADAP053A [] Adapter Curb (4*CC4042–60A)(4*CY4042–4060A)to BAYCURB034 BAYADAP054A [] 12”Duct Shroud Covers Horizontal (4*CC4024–060A)(4*CY4024–4060A)BAYCOVR112A [] 18”Duct Shroud Covers Horizontal (4*CC4024–060A)(4*CY4042–4060A)BAYCOVR118A [] Extreme Condition Mounting Kit —All BAYCURB &BAYADAP BAYEXMK001A [] Extreme Condition Mounting Kit —All BAYUTIL BAYEXMK002B [] Extreme Condition Mounting Kit —All Slab Mounts BAYEXMK003B [] Lifting Lug Kit BAYLIFT002B [] LP Conversion Kit (All 115K Models)BAYLPKT100A [] LP Conversion Kit (All 60K and 90K Models)BAYLPKT101A [] LP Conversion Kit (All 70K Models)BAYLPKT102A [] SUPPLEMENTARY HEATERS (1 PHASE)*=T or W Only (Does not apply to Gas/Electric dual fuel models) 3.76/5.0 KW Heater (208/240V 1 PH)(4*CC4024–060A1)BAYHTRV105F [] 6.0/8.0 KW Heater (208/240V 1 PH)(4*CC4024–060A1)BAYHTRV108F [] 7.50/10.0 KW Heater (208/240V 1 PH)(4*CC4024–060A1)BAYHTRV110F [] 11.27/15.0 KW Heater (208/240V 1 PH)(4*CC4030–060A1)BAYHTRV115F [] 15.0/20.0 KW Heater (208/240V 1 PH)(4*CC4048–060A1)BAYHTRV120F [] 18.78/25.0 KW Heater (208/240V 1 PH)(4*CC40060A1)BAYHTRV125F [] 6 22-1900-1H-EN SUPPLEMENTARY HEATERS (3 PHASE)*=T or W Only (Does not apply to Gas/Electric dual fuel models) 3.76/5.0 KW Heater (208/240V 3 PH)(4WCY4036–060A3)BAYHTRV305F [] 3.76/5.0 KW Heater (208/240V 3 PH)(4WCY4036–060A3)BAYHTRV308F [] 7.50/10.0 KW Heater (208/240V 3 PH)(4WCY4024–048A3)BAYHTRV310F [] 11.27/15.0 KW Heater (208/240V 3 PH)(4WCY4036–060A3)BAYHTRV315F [] 15.0/20.0 KW Heater (208/240V 3 PH)(4WCY4048–060A3)BAYHTRV320F [] 18.78/25.0 KW Heater (208/240V 3 PH)(4WCY4048–060A1)BAYHTRV325F [] Single Power Entry Kit (e)BAYSPEK060F [] Single Power Entry Kit (e)BAYSPEK061E [] Single Power Entry Kit (e)BAYSPEK062F [] Single Power Entry Kit (e)BAYSPEK063F [] Single Power Entry Kit (e)BAYSPEK064E [] Single Power Entry Kit (e)BAYSPEK065E [] (a)Must use internal filter frame when economizer or fresh air kit is used. (b)It is the responsibility of the installing dealer to properly size the ductwork for each specific application. (c)Dry bulb control standard with economizer. (d)Downflow only. (e)Must be selected per unit and heater model OOppttiioonnaall EEqquuiippmmeenntt LLiissttiinngg 22-1900-1H-EN 7 Product Specifications MODEL 4TCC4024A1000A 4TCC4030A1000A 4TCC4036A1000A RATED Volts/PH/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 Performance Cooling BTUH (a)24600 28200 37000 Indoor Airflow (CFM)805 870 1190 Power Input (KW)1.99 2.39 3.08 EER/SEER (BTU/Watt-Hr.)(b)12.0 /14.00 12.0 /14.00 12.0 /14.00 Sound Power Rating [dB(A)](c)66.6 70 69.3 POWER CONN.—V/Ph/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 Min.Brch.Cir.Ampacity (d)19.1 22.6 24.5 Fuse Size —Max.(amps)30 35 40 Fuse Size —Recmd.(amps)30 35 40 COMPRESSOR SCROLL SCROLL SCROLL Volts/Ph/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 R.L.Amps —L.R.Amps 12.8 /58.0 14.1 /73.0 15.4 /83.9 OUTDOOR COIL —TYPE SPINE-FIN SPINE-FIN SPINE-FIN Rows/F.P.I 2 /24 2 /24 2 /24 Face Area (sq.ft.)13.32 13.32 15.49 Tube Size (in.)3/8 3/8 3/8 INDOOR COIL —TYPE MCHE MCHE MCHE Rows/F.P.I 2 /16 2 /16 2 /16 Face Area (sq.ft.)2.7 2.7 2.7 Tube Size (in.).81 .81 1.00 Refrigeration Control EXPANSION VALVE EXPANSION VALVE EXPANSION VALVE Drain Conn.Size (in.)3/4 FEMALE NPT 3/4 FEMALE NPT 3/4 FEMALE NPT OUTDOOR FAN —TYPE PROPELLER PROPELLER PROPELLER DIA.(IN.)23.4 23.4 23.4 DRIVE/NO.SPEEDS DIRECT /1 DIRECT /1 DIRECT /1 CFM @ 0.0 in.w.g.(e)2350 2800 3080 Motor —HP/R.P.M 1 /12 /810 1 /6 /825 1 /5 /825 Volts/Ph/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 F.L.Amps/L.R Amps .54 /.82 .85 /1.65 1.1 /2.0 INDOOR FAN —TYPE CONSTANT TORQUE ECM CONSTANT TORQUE ECM CONSTANT TORQUE ECM Dia.x Width (in.)10.62 X 10.62 10.62 X 10.62 10.62 X 10.62 Drive/No.Speeds DIRECT /3 DIRECT /3 DIRECT /3 CFM @ 0.0 in.w.g.(f)SEE FAN PERF TABLE SEE FAN PERF TABLE SEE FAN PERF TABLE Motor —HP/R.P.M.1/3 /1050 1/2 /1050 1/2 /1050 Volts/Ph/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 F.L.Amps 2.6 4.1 4.1 FILTER /FURNISHED NO NO NO Type Recommended THROWAWAY THROWAWAY THROWAWAY Recmd.Face Area (sq.ft)(g)4.0 4.0 4.0 REFRIGERANT R-410 R-410 R-410 Charge (lbs.)5.24 6.94 7.2 CHARGING SPECIFICATIONS Subcooling 12˚11˚11˚ DIMENSIONS H X D X W H X D X W H X D X W Crated (in.)46 X 45 X 52 46 X 45 X 52 48 X 45 X 52 8 22-1900-1H-EN WEIGHT Shipping (lbs.)/Net (lbs.)432 /358 451 /377 453 /379 (a)Rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240. (b)Rated in accordance with D.O.E.test procedure. (c)Sound Power values are not adjusted for AHRI 270–95 tonal corrections. (d)Calculated in accordance with currently prevailing Nat’l Electrical Code. (e)Standard Air —Dry Coil —Outdoor. (f)Standard Air —Dry Coil —Indoor (g)Filters must be installed in return air stream.Square footages listed are based on 300 f.p.m.face velocity.If permanent filters are used size per manufacturer’s recommendation with a clean resistance of 0.05”W.C. MODEL 4TCC4042A1000A 4TCC4048A1000A 4TCC4060A1000A RATED Volts/PH/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 Performance Cooling BTUH (a)40500 46500 58000 Indoor Airflow (CFM)1450 1600 1760 Power Input (KW)3.40 4.09 4.94 EER/SEER (BTU/Watt-Hr.)(b)12.0 /14.00 11.5 /14.00 11.5 /14.00 Sound Power Rating [dB(A)](c)74.6 72.5 73.1 POWER CONN.—V/Ph/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 Min.Brch.Cir.Ampacity (d)28.5 32.0 39.1 Fuse Size —Max.(amps)45 50 60 Fuse Size —Recmd.(amps)45 50 60 COMPRESSOR SCROLL SCROLL SCROLL Volts/Ph/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 R.L.Amps —L.R.Amps 16.7 /109 19.6 /130.0 24.4 /144.2 OUTDOOR COIL —TYPE SPINE-FIN SPINE-FIN SPINE-FIN Rows/F.P.I 2 /24 2 /24 2 /24 Face Area (sq.ft.)15.63 20.54 22.99 Tube Size (in.)3/8 3/8 3/8 INDOOR COIL —TYPE MCHE MCHE PLATE FIN Rows/F.P.I 2 /16 2 /16 4 /15 Face Area (sq.ft.)3.9 3.9 5.0 Tube Size (in.).81 .81 3/8 Refrigeration Control EXPANSION VALVE EXPANSION VALVE EXPANSION VALVE Drain Conn.Size (in.)3/4 FEMALE NPT 3/4 FEMALE NPT 3/4 FEMALE NPT OUTDOOR FAN —TYPE PROPELLER PROPELLER PROPELLER DIA.(IN.)28.25 28.25 28.25 DRIVE/NO.SPEEDS DIRECT /1 DIRECT /1 DIRECT /1 CFM @ 0.0 in.w.g.(e)3400 3400 4800 Motor —HP/R.P.M 1 /4 /825 1 /4 /825 1 /3 /825 Volts/Ph/Hz 208–230 /1 /60 208–230 /1 /60 208–230/1/60 F.L.Amps/L.R Amps 1.51 /3.07 1.51 /3.07 1.7 /3.5 INDOOR FAN —TYPE CONSTANT TORQUE ECM CONSTANT TORQUE ECM CONSTANT TORQUE ECM Dia.x Width (in.)10.62 X 10.62 10.62 X 10.62 10.62 X 10.62 Drive/No.Speeds DIRECT /3 DIRECT /3 DIRECT /3 CFM @ 0.0 in.w.g.(f)SEE FAN PERF TABLE SEE FAN PERF TABLE SEE FAN PERF TABLE Motor —HP/R.P.M.3/4 /1050 3/4 /1050 1 /1050 Volts/Ph/Hz 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 208–230/1/60 F.L.Amps 6 6 6.9 FILTER /FURNISHED NO NO NO Type Recommended THROWAWAY THROWAWAY THROWAWAY Recmd.Face Area (sq.ft)(g)5.3 5.3 5.3 REFRIGERANT R-410 R-410 R-410 Charge (lbs.)7.3 7.5 9.65 CHARGING SPECIFICATIONS Subcooling 10˚10˚11˚ PPrroodduucctt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss 22-1900-1H-EN 9 DIMENSIONS H X D X W H X D X W H X D X W Crated (in.)46 X 47 X 62 50 X 47 X 62 50 X 47 X 62 WEIGHT Shipping (lbs.)/Net (lbs.)561 /457 557 /453 586 /482 (a)Rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240. (b)Rated in accordance with D.O.E.test procedure. (c)Sound Power values are not adjusted for AHRI 270–95 tonal corrections. (d)Calculated in accordance with currently prevailing Nat’l Electrical Code. (e)Standard Air —Dry Coil —Outdoor. (f)Standard Air —Dry Coil —Indoor (g)Filters must be installed in return air stream.Square footages listed are based on 300 f.p.m.face velocity.If permanent filters are used size per manufacturer’s recommendation with a clean resistance of 0.05”W.C. PPrroodduucctt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss 10 22-1900-1H-EN Supplementary Electric Heaters UNIT MODEL ELECTRIC HEATER MODEL RATED VOLT- AGE PHASE AMPS HEATER CAPACITY NO. OF STAGES KW/STAGE MCA MAX.FUSE OR HACR CKT BKR SIZE (a) CANADA ONLY MAX. CKT BKR SIZE (b)KW BTUH 1 2 W/TC*3018–060‡1 W/TCY*024–060‡1 WCZ6024–060‡1 *CC4018–060‡1 BAYHTRV105 208/ 240 1 18/ 21 3.76/ 5.0 12800/ 17100 1 3.76/ 5.0 —23/ 26 25/30 25/30 W/TC*3018–060‡1 W/TCY*024–060‡1 WCZ6024–060‡1 *CC4018–060‡1 BAYHTRV108 208/ 240 1 29/ 33 6.0/ 8.0 20500/ 27300 1 6.0/ 8.0 —36/ 41 40/45 40/45 W/TC*3024–060‡1 W/TCY*024–060‡1 WCZ6024–060‡1 *CC4024–060‡1 BAYHTRV110 208/ 240 1 36/ 42 7.5/ 10.0 25600/ 34100 1 7.5/ 10.0 —45/ 52 45/60 45/60 W/TC*3030–060‡1 W/TCY*030–060‡1 WCZ6036–060‡1 *CC4030–060‡1 BAYHTRV115 208/ 240 1 54/ 63 11.27/ 15.0 38500/ 51200 2 7.5/ 10.0 3.76/ 5.0 68/ 78 70/80 70/80 W/TC*3042–060‡1 W/TCY*042–060‡1 WCZ6048–060‡1 *CC4042–060‡1 BAYHTRV120#208/ 240 1 72/ 83 15.0/ 20.0 51200/ 68300 2 7.5/ 10.0 7.5/ 10.0 90/ 104 90/110 90/110 WC*3042‡1 W/TC3060‡1 WTCY*042–060‡1 WCZ6048–060‡ *CC4060‡1 BAYHTRV125#208/ 240 1 90/ 104 18.78/ 25.0 51200/ 68300 2 11.26/ 15.0 7.5/ 10.0 113/ 130 125/150 125/150 W/TC*3036-060‡3 W/TCY4036-060‡3 WCZ6036-060‡3 *CC4036-060‡3 BAYHTRV305 208/ 240 3 10/ 12 3.76/ 5.0 64100/ 85300 1 3.76/ 5.0 —13/ 15 15/15 15/15 W/TC*3036-060‡3 W/TCY4036-060‡3 WCZ6036-060‡3 *CC4036-060‡3 BAYHTRV308 208/ 240 3 17/ 19 6.0/ 8.0 20500/ 27300 1 6.0/ 8.0 —21/ 24 25/25 25/25 W/TC*3036-060‡3 W/TCY4036-060‡3 WCZ6036-060‡3 *CC4036-060‡3 BAYHTRV310 208/ 240 3 21/ 24 7.5/ 10.0 25600/ 34100 1 7.5/ 10.0 —26/ 30 30/30 30/30 W/TC*3036-060‡3 W/TCY4036-060‡3 WCZ6036-060‡3 *CC4036-060‡3 BAYHTRV315 208/ 240 3 31/ 36 11.27/ 15.0 38500/ 51200 2 7.5/ 10.0 3.76/ 5.0 39/ 45 40/45 40/45 W/TC*3048-060‡3 W/TCY4048-060‡3 WCZ6048-060‡3 *CC4048-060‡3 BAYHTRV320 208/ 240 3 42/ 48 15.0/ 20.0 51200/ 68300 2 7.5/ 10.0 7.5/ 10.0 52/ 60 60/60 60/60 W/TC*3060‡3 W/TCY4048-060‡3 WCZ6048-060‡3 *CC4060‡3 BAYHTRV325#208/ 240 3 52/ 60 18.78/ 25.0 64100/ 85300 2 11.26/ 15.0 7.5/ 10.0 65/ 75 70/80 70/80 W/TC*3036-060‡4 WCZ6036-060‡4 *CC4036-60‡4 BAYHTRV405 480 3 6 5.0 17100 1 5.0 —8 15 15 W/TC*3036-060‡4 WCZ6036-060‡4 *CC4036-60‡4 BAYHTRV408 480 3 10 8.0 27300 1 8.0 —13 15 15 W/TC*3036-060‡4 WCZ6036-060‡4 *CC4036-60‡4 BAYHTRV410 480 3 12 10.0 34100 1 10.0 —15 15 15 W/TC*3036-060‡4 WCZ6036-060‡4 *CC4036-60‡4 BAYHTRV415 480 3 18 15.0 51200 2 10.0 5.0 23 25 25 W/TC*3048-060‡4 WCZ6048-060‡4 *CC4048-60‡4 BAYHTRV420 480 3 24 20.0 68300 2 10.0 10.0 30 30 30 22-1900-1H-EN 11 W/TC*3060‡4 WCZ6048-060‡4 *CC4048-60‡4 BAYHTRV425 480 3 30 25.0 85300 2 15.0 10.0 38 40 40 1.Any power supply and circuits must be wired and protected in accordance with local electrical codes. 2.The values listed in the above table are for the electric heater only. 3.Field wiring must be rated at least 75°C. 4.*indicates an alpha character 5.‡indicates model letter 6.#Heater uses fuses ALL VALUES ARE FOR THE ELECTRIC HEATER ONLY (a)The HACR circuit breaker is for U.S.A.installations only. (b)For Canada installation reference only. Indoor Fan Performance (230v) Table 1.Horizontal Airflow 4TCC4024A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 84 91 98 105 113 119 123 126 132 -- CFM 873 811 754 690 614 537 482 441 390 -- COOLING —MED WATTS 107 114 121 128 138 147 152 157 161 -- CFM 954 900 846 794 729 650 588 535 488 -- COOLING —HIGH WATTS 135 142 150 158 167 175 185 191 196 -- CFM 1041 993 938 890 836 777 707 644 594 -- Table 2.Down Airflow 4TCC4024A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 85 92 98 106 114 119 123 127 133 -- CFM 865 803 746 683 608 532 478 436 386 -- COOLING —MED WATTS 108 115 122 129 138 148 153 158 162 -- CFM 945 891 838 786 722 643 582 530 483 -- COOLING —HIGH WATTS 136 143 151 159 167 176 186 192 197 -- CFM 1031 983 929 881 828 769 700 637 588 -- Table 3.Horizontal Airflow 4TCC4030A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 126 134 142 150 158 167 176 184 188 -- CFM 1051 994 939 889 840 775 708 642 582 -- COOLING —MED WATTS 166 175 184 192 200 209 219 230 239 -- CFM 1156 1107 1054 1009 965 919 862 799 732 -- COOLING —HIGH WATTS 221 230 240 250 259 268 278 289 --- CFM 1278 1236 1187 1141 1099 1059 1017 968 --- SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy EElleeccttrriicc HHeeaatteerrss 12 22-1900-1H-EN Table 4.Down Airflow 4TCC4030A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 126 135 143 150 158 168 177 184 189 -- CFM 1041 984 930 880 831 768 701 635 576 -- COOLING —MED WATTS 167 176 185 193 201 210 220 231 240 -- CFM 1144 1096 1044 999 956 910 853 791 724 -- COOLING —HIGH WATTS 222 231 241 251 260 270 279 290 --- CFM 1266 1224 1175 1129 1088 1048 1007 959 --- Table 5.Horizontal Airflow 4TCC4036A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 247 254 262 269 277 285 291 300 311 -- CFM 1131 1092 1058 1022 983 942 899 857 804 -- COOLING —MED WATTS 339 350 358 366 374 383 391 399 386 -- CFM 1256 1223 1193 1167 1136 1101 1065 1026 955 -- COOLING —HIGH WATTS 471 479 488 497 506 499 454 406 --- CFM 1402 1372 1344 1316 1289 1241 1144 1025 --- Table 6.Down Airflow 4TCC4036A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 246 255 263 271 278 285 293 301 312 -- CFM 1124 1087 1053 1016 978 938 895 852 800 -- COOLING —MED WATTS 343 351 359 367 376 384 392 400 379 -- CFM 1249 1216 1185 1155 1122 1089 1054 1016 934 -- COOLING —HIGH WATTS 476 485 493 501 508 488 449 398 --- CFM 1390 1357 1329 1301 1273 1212 1125 1008 --- Table 7.Horizontal Airflow 4TCC4042A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 224 233 242 252 262 272 283 295 305 319 - CFM 1358 1393 1348 1296 1253 1204 1157 1096 1057 988 - COOLING —MED WATTS 306 316 327 337 348 359 369 382 395 407 - CFM 1521 1490 1448 1391 1362 1338 1315 1307 1254 1148 - COOLING —HIGH WATTS 409 421 432 443 455 467 477 490 503 513 - CFM 1659 1637 1604 1594 1529 1491 1467 1425 1385 1345 - SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy EElleeccttrriicc HHeeaatteerrss 22-1900-1H-EN 13 Table 8.Down Airflow 4TCC4042A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 228 238 247 257 267 278 289 301 312 325 - CFM 1345 1379 1334 1283 1241 1192 1145 1085 1046 979 - COOLING —MED WATTS 312 322 333 344 354 366 377 389 403 415 - CFM 1506 1475 1433 1377 1348 1325 1302 1293 1241 1136 - COOLING —HIGH WATTS 417 430 441 452 464 477 487 499 513 523 - CFM 1642 1621 1588 1578 1514 1476 1453 1411 1371 1331 - Table 9.Horizontal Airflow 4TCC4048A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 302 313 324 332 346 353 368 376 394 406 - CFM 1583 1542 1502 1460 1415 1371 1326 1282 1230 1181 - COOLING —MED WATTS 414 426 436 448 459 471 483 495 510 524 - CFM 1763 1723 1689 1648 1609 1568 1527 1488 1447 1404 - COOLING —HIGH WATTS 553 566 577 590 601 613 631 643 647 611 - CFM 1945 1910 1876 1839 1806 1769 1728 1688 1652 1545 - Table 10.Down Airflow 4TCC4048A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 308 320 330 339 352 360 375 384 402 413.9 - CFM 1567 1526 1487 1445 1401 1358 1312 1270 1218 1169 - COOLING —MED WATTS 422 434 444 457 468 480 493 505 520 534 - CFM 1745 1706 1672 1632 1593 1552 1512 1473 1433 1390 - COOLING —HIGH WATTS 564 577 589 602 613 625 644 656 660 623 - CFM 1925 1890 1857 1821 1788 1751 1711 1671 1635 1530 - Table 11.Horizontal Airflow 4TCC4060A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 515 523 533 544 554 569 582 595 --- CFM 1857 1831 1800 1766 1737 1692 1655 1617 --- COOLING —MED WATTS 749 759 769 779 788 803 816 830 845 860 - CFM 2083 2058 2032 2003 1974 1943 1911 1877 1843 1807 - COOLING —HIGH WATTS 900 910 921 932 941 956 969 983 997 1010 - CFM 2201 2177 2152 2127 2105 2071 2041 2009 1975 1940 - SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy EElleeccttrriicc HHeeaatteerrss 14 22-1900-1H-EN Table 12.Down Airflow 4TCC4060A1 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (IN.WG) MOTOR SPEED 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 COOLING —LOW WATTS 524 533 545 558 570 582 595 608 --- CFM 1831 1802 1765 1728 1695 1662 1626 1586 --- COOLING —MED WATTS 770 781 790 804 819 832 845 858 872 887 - CFM 2054 2030 2010 1976 1946 1911 1879 1848 1817 1781 - COOLING —HIGH WATTS 940 936 937 948 962 975 990 992 987 985 - CFM 2201 2151 2120 2095 2066 2033 1999 1967 1921 1871 - SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy EElleeccttrriicc HHeeaatteerrss 22-1900-1H-EN 15 Wiring Diagrams Figure 1.4TCC4024 —4042 Models drw. D758042p01 16 22-1900-1H-EN Figure 2.4TCC4024 —4042 Models Pg 2 WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraammss 22-1900-1H-EN 17 Figure 3.4TCC4048 drw. D758043p01 WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraammss 18 22-1900-1H-EN Figure 4.4TCC4048 Pg 2 WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraammss 22-1900-1H-EN 19 Figure 5.4TCC4060 WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraammss 20 22-1900-1H-EN Figure 6.4TCC4060 Pg 2 WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraammss 22-1900-1H-EN 21 Full Perimeter Roof Mounting Curb Figure 7.2.0 —3.0 Ton Models A SUPPLY AIR RETURN AIR SUPPLY AIR RETURN AIR CHANNEL SIDE WOOD NAILER HOLE IN ROOF CHANNEL END SERVICE CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS A B C D ** 42.00 WITH ECONOMIZER WITH 25% FRESH AIR ACCESSORY The drawings on this page are prepared by the manufacturer in order to provide detail regarding job layout only. These drawings are not intended to be used as a basis to construct, build or modify the items depicted in the drawings. The manufacturer is not responsible for the unauthorized use of these drawings and expressly disclaims any liability for damages resulting from such unauthorized use. BAYCURB050A Full Perimeter Roof Mounting Curb 46 3/8 17 7/8 3 15 38 7/8 3 5/8 19 1/2 2 3/16 19 1/2 1 1/2 35 7/8 43 3/8 22 22-1900-1H-EN Figure 8.3.5 —5.0 Ton Models The drawings on this page are prepared by the manufacturer in order to provide detail regarding job layout only. These drawings are not intended to be used as a basis to construct, build or modify the items depicted in the drawings. The manufacturer is not responsible for the unauthorized use of these drawings and expressly disclaims any liability for damages resulting from such unauthorized use. SUPPLY AIR RETURN AIR CHANNEL SIDE WOOD NAILER HOLE IN ROOF CHANNEL END WC*/TC* DC*/YC* 12.00** 12.00**42.00 42.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 24.00 ** 42.00 WITH ECONOMIZER WITH 25% FRESH AIR ACCESSORY A B DC SUPPLY AIR RETURN AIR BAYCURB051A Full Perimeter Roof Mounting Curb 56 1/8 15 7/8 3 1 1/2 10 7/8 19 1/2 19 1/2 4 3/4 14 20 41 7/8 38 7/8 53 1/8 FFuullll PPeerriimmeetteerr RRooooff MMoouunnttiinngg CCuurrbb 22-1900-1H-EN 23 Optional Equipment —Economizer Table 13.BAYECON101,102A Down Discharge Economizer and Rain Hood (Mounts Over Horizontal Return Air Opening) HVAC Unit Economizer rain hood Outside air dampers Return air dampers Required filter kit, order separately Return Duct Roofcurb Relief damper Mist eliminator Economizer Unit Application Models BAYECON101A 2.0 —3.0 Ton Models BAYECON102A 3.5 —5.0 Ton Models Table 14.BAYCON200,201A Horizontal Economizer and Rain Hood Economizer Gaskets (2) Rain Hood Mixed Air Sensor Duct A B C D E Economizer Models A B C D E F BAYECON200A 2.0 —3.0 Ton 22”20”16–7/8”15–11/16”11–11/16”15” BAYECON201A 3.5 —5.0 Ton 26”22–21/32”19”17–11/16”14–11/16”21–3/8” Note:The drawings on this page are prepared by the manufacturer in order to provide detail regarding job layout only.These drawings are not intended to be used as a basis to construct,build or modify the items depicted in the drawings.The manufacturer is not responsible for the unauthorized use of these drawings and expressly disclaims any liability for damages resulting from such unauthorized use. 24 22-1900-1H-EN Optional Equipment —Outside Air Damper Table 15.BAYOSAH001 and 002A A D C B FULLY OPEN FULLY CLOSED 2/3 1/3 Manual Fresh Air Model Unit Application Models A B C D BAYOSAH001A 2.0 —3.0 Ton 22–7/16”20–11/16”12–3/8”9–3/16” BAYOSAH002A 3.5 —5.0 Ton 25–3/16”20–11/16”12–3/8”9–3/16” Table 16.BAYDMPR101 and 102A,25%Motorized Outside Air Damper (Mounts Over Horizontal Return Air Opening) A E BC D Manual Fresh Air Model Unit Application Models A B C D E BAYDM- PR101A 2.0 —3.0 Ton 15–13/16”11–13/16”10–1/4”11–1/2”12–1/4” BAYDM- PR102A 3.5 —5.0 Ton 18–3/16”15–1/8”10–1/4”11–1/2”12–1/4” Note:The drawings on this page are prepared by the manufacturer in order to provide detail regarding job layout only.These drawings are not intended to be used as a basis to construct,build or modify the items depicted in the drawings.The manufacturer is not responsible for the unauthorized use of these drawings and expressly disclaims any liability for damages resulting from such unauthorized use. 22-1900-1H-EN 25 Optional Equipment —Filter Rack Figure 9.BAYFLTR101 Filter Rack (2.0 –3.0 Ton Models) BAYFLTR201 (3.5 –5.0 Ton Models) (Mounts in Filter/Coil Section) Figure 10.BAYACCDOR1A Hinged Filter Access Door (2.0 –3.0 Ton Models) BAYACCDOR2A (3.5 –5.0 Ton Models) Replaces Filter/Coil Access Panel Note:The drawings on this page are prepared by the manufacturer in order to provide detail regarding job layout only.These drawings are not intended to be used as a basis to construct,build or modify the items depicted in the drawings.The manufacturer is not responsible for the unauthorized use of these drawings and expressly disclaims any liability for damages resulting from such unauthorized use. 26 22-1900-1H-EN Outline Drawings Figure 11.2 —3 TON MODELS Note: The view labeled Bottom Side represents the base as viewed looking up from underneath the unit. 22-1900-1H-EN 27 Figure 12.2 —3 TON MODELS Model Height MM/IN APPROX. CORNER WEIGHT KG / LBS SHIPPING WIGHT KG / LBS TOTAL UNIT WEIGHT KG / LBS CENTER OF GRAVITY MM/IN. A W1 W2 W3 W4 B C 4TCC4024 898.53 [35 - 3/8] 58.3 [129] 36.8 [81] 26.1 [58] 41.0 [90] 196.1 (432) 162.4 (358) 479.8 [18.9] 527.8 [20.8] 4TCC4030 61.3 [135] 38.7 [85] 27.5 [61] 43.1 [95] 204.8 (451) 171.1 (377) 406.5 [16.0] 594.1 [23.4] 4TCC4036 61.7 [136] 38.9 [86] 27.7 [61] 43.7 [96] 205.7 (453) 172.0 (379) 414.3 [16.3] 697.6 [27.5] 4WCC4024 52.9 [117] 33.3 [73] 24.1 [53] 38.3 [84] 182.3 (402) 148.6 (328) 430 [16.9] 565.3 [22.3] 4WCC4030 55.3 [122] 50.3 [110] 16.6 [37] 39.2 [86] 195.0 (430) 161.3 (355) 413.5 [16.3] 581 [22.9] 4WCC4036 59.6 [131] 37.3 [82] 26.6 [59] 41.7 [92] 199.0 (439) 165.3 (364) 430 [17.0] 535 [21.1] 949.33 [37-3/8] 898.53 [35-3/8] 949.33 [37-3/8] OOuuttlliinnee DDrraawwiinnggss 28 22-1900-1H-EN Figure 13.2 —3 TON MODELS OOuuttlliinnee DDrraawwiinnggss 22-1900-1H-EN 29 Figure 14.3.5 —5 TON MODELS Note: The view labeled Bottom Side represents the base as viewed looking up from underneath the unit. OOuuttlliinnee DDrraawwiinnggss 30 22-1900-1H-EN Figure 15.3.5 —5 TON MODELS Model Height MM/IN APPROX. CORNER WEIGHT KG / LBS SHIPPING WIGHT KG / LBS TOTAL UNIT WEIGHT KG / LBS CENTER OF GRAVITY MM/IN A W1 W2 W3 W4 B C 4TCC4042 898.53 [35-3/8] 71.8 [158] 47.2 [104] 35.2 [78] 53.6 [118] 254.5 (561) 207.3 (457) 470.0 [18.5] 731.0 [28.8] 4TCC4048 72.0 [159] 45.0 [99] 33.8 [75] 54.4 [120] 252.6 (557) 205.4 (453) 433.0 [17.0] 743.3 [29.3] 4TCC4060 78.0 [172] 46.3 [102] 34.9 [77] 59.0 [130] 265.8 (586) 218.6 (482) 414.0 [16.3] 635.0 [25.0] 4W CC4042 64.4 [142] 47.6 [105] 39.5 [87] 49.9 [110] 248.6 (547.9) 201.4 (444) 449.6 [17.7] 641.8 [25.3] 4W CC4048 1050.93 [41-3/8] 68.9 [152] 40.8 [90] 30.8 [68] 52.2 [115] 240.0 (529) 192.8 (425) 414.0 [16.3] 635.0 [25.0] 4W CC4060 79.4 [175] 47.2 [104] 35.8 [79] 59.9 [132] 269.5 (594) 222.3 (490) 414.0 [16.3] 635.0 [25.0] 1000.13 [39-3/8] OOuuttlliinnee DDrraawwiinnggss 22-1900-1H-EN 31 Figure 16.3.5 —5 TON MODELS OOuuttlliinnee DDrraawwiinnggss 32 22-1900-1H-EN Mechanical Specifications GGeenneerraall The units shall be horizontal airflow as shipped and convertible to downflow.All units shall be factory assembled,piped,internally wired and fully charged with refrigerant.Units shall be certified to UL Standard 1995.All units shall be factory run tested to check cooling operation,fan and blower rotation and control or TXV sequence.Units shall be designed to operate at ambient temperatures between 115°F and 55°F in cooling as manufactured.Cooling performance shall be rated in accordance with AHRI standards. UUnniitt CCaassiinngg All components shall be mounted in a weather-resistant steel cabinet with an enamel finish. Access panels shall be provided for unit controls and indoor coil and fans.Indoor air section compartment shall be completely insulated with fireproof,permanent,odorless fiber material. Knockouts shall be provided for utility and control connections.Drain connections shall be provided to accommodate indoor water runoff. CCoommpprreessssoorr The compressor shall be hermetically sealed,high efficiency scroll compressors.Internal overcurrent and over temperature protection,internal pressure relief shall be standard.Other features include centrifugal oil pump,low vibration and noise. RReeffrriiggeerraattiioonn SSyysstteemm All units shall have refrigerant control.Service pressure tap ports and a refrigerant line filter shall be standard. EEvvaappoorraattoorr CCooiill ((22––44 TToonn MMooddeellss))All aluminum micro channel,extruded tubes,mechanically bonded to aluminum fins,and factory pressure and leak tested at 480 —650 psig.All units have TXV to control refrigerant flow. EEvvaappoorraattoorr CCooiill ((55 TToonn MMooddeell))Internally enhanced 3/8”OD seamless copper tubing mechanically bonded to aluminum fins,factory pressure and leak tested at 480 –650 psig.All units have TXV to control refrigerant flow. CCoonnddeennsseerr CCooiill The Spine Fin ™condenser coil shall be continuously wrapped,corrosion resistant all aluminum with minimum brazed joints.This coil is 3/8”OD seamless aluminum tubing glued to a continuous aluminum fin.Coils are lab tested to withstand 2.000 pounds of pressure per square inch.The outdoor coil provides low airflow resistance and efficient heat transfer.The coil is protected on all four sides by louvered panels. IInnddoooorr AAiirr FFaann Constant Torgue,forward-curved,centrifugal wheel in a Composite Vortica ®Blower housing. Motor shall have thermal overload protection and permanently lubricated motor bearings. Motor/blower assembly isolated from unit with rubber mounts. OOuuttddoooorr FFaann One direct-drive,statically and dynamically balanced propeller fan shall be used in a draw- through vertical discharge configuration.Permanently lubricated weather proof motor shall have built-in thermal overload protection. SSyysstteemm CCoonnttrroollss System controls include condenser fan,evaporator fan and compressor contactors. AAcccceessssoorriieess RRooooff CCuurrbb The roof curb shall be designed to mate with the unit and provide support and complete weathertight installation when properly installed.Adhesive back polyurethane sealing strips shall be provided to ensure an airtight seal between supply and return openings of the curb and unit.The roof curb design allows field fabricated ductwork to be connected directly to the curb. Curb ships knocked down for field assembly,and includes factory installed wood nailer strips. 22-1900-1H-EN 33 EElleeccttrriicc HHeeaatteerrss Each heater assembly shall include power supply fusing if over 48 amps,automatic resetting limit switches and heat limiters for thermal protection.Heaters shall be provided with polarized plugs for quick connection to unit low voltage wiring.Electric heat modules shall be UL listed. SSiinnggllee SSoouurrccee PPoowweerr EEnnttrryy This accessory when used with electric heat accessory shall allow single source power connection to unit and heater combination.Single source power entry kits shall have specific matching heater(s).Kit shall include high voltage terminal blocks,fuse blocks and fuses,cut-to- length interconnecting wiring,and junction box (if required)to provide power sources with fuse protection as required for both the unit and accessory heater.Kit components shall install within the heater cabinet in the heater access section.Single source branch power circuit shall be protected and wired in accordance with local codes. FFuullllyy MMoodduullaattiinngg EEccoonnoommiizzeerr This accessory shall be field installed and be composed of the following items:0–100 %fresh air damper,damper drive motor,fixed dry bulb enthalpy control,and low voltage pigtails for electrical connections.Solid state enthalpy or differential enthalpy control is optional. Economizer operations shall be controlled by the preset position of the enthalpy control.A barometric relief damper shall be standard with the economizer and provide a pressure operated damper that shall be gravity closing and prohibit entrance of outside air on equipment "off" cycle.Economizer requires BAYRLAY004A relay kit to interface the economizer to the heat pump. MMaannuuaall OOuuttssiiddee AAiirr DDaammppeerrss Rain hood and screen shall be field installed.Suitable for up to 25%outside air. SSttaarrtt KKiitt Extra compressor starting capacity for single phase equipment. CCoonnttrrooll OOppttiioonnss SSttaannddaarrdd IInnddoooorr TThheerrmmoossttaattss Two stage heating/cooling or one stage heating/cooling thermostats shall be available in either manual or automatic changeover. PPrrooggrraammmmaabbllee EElleeccttrroonniicc NNiigghhtt SSeettttiinngg TThheerrmmoossttaatt Programmable electronic thermostat shall provide heating setback and cooling setup with 7–day programming capability.1H/1C or 2H/2C models available. MMeecchhaanniiccaall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss 34 22-1900-1H-EN NNootteess 22-1900-1H-EN 35 NNootteess Trane -by Trane Technologies (NYSE:TT),a global innovator -creates comfortable,energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications.For more information,please visit trane.com or tranetechnologies.com. The AHRI Certified mark indicates Trane U.S.Inc.participation in the AHRI Certification program.For verification of individual certified products,go to ahridirectory. org. Trane has a policy of continuous data improvement and it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices. 22-1900-1H-EN 01 Jun 2020 Supersedes 22-1900-1G-EN (January 2017)©2020 Trane