HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Titleh Mall Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Nell Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399.0600 / T# 1108262727 - ---•—Identiflcatlon Number ------- - Year----'----Make-----�•-- Body — Wi L•BHP •---r Vessel Regis - No. - --, — Me Number $# 3178392 - -• 1111 INK CLH039082TN 2017 CLAY HS 160' all 136047634 �Il Registered Owner: Date of Issue 09/10/2019 Lien Release WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Interest In the described vehicle Is hereby released 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 Mail To: WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 Date _ IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described h erein is transferred, the seller MUST complete In full the ' Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of r the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of thin form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicles. 4. See the web address below for more Information and the appropriate forma required forthe purrJisser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home sir vessel: hnp:Uwww.hsmv.state.fl.us/htmlltitllnf.html Idenbfica0on Num6et L Vetai Meke Body -- 1IIfFL-BHP :Vessel Regis. No Tke NJumbar , CLH039082TN 2617 , CLAY •HS ( 60,' 136047634. pen Release — — ---- .• _ _ _ .____..___ . : "Interasi in ins des cribed vatxae le her§by:rahJesea' I'My, , Color _ _ Primary Brand -. s_�-:__" Secaridery Brand .. 'No of State ; _ _ " Use —_ _ __ Prav Issue Date By FL Brands " .•. s PRIVATE � 09'/10/2019 Odometer Status or Vessel Manufacturer or OH use '—• •--•—••-- :` _Engine:Drive . HuII Materiel. ,-- •-•- Prop ...._ _. -_ - Date of issue:—. 09/10 /2019 oats Registered Owner WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 1 St Lienholder NONE DIVISION OF MOTORIST SERVICES -n"�dr R KyMI_ Robert R. Kynoch Director TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA , •n a � Control Nmuber 13 8 6 7 9 8 7 8 24 /1 138679878 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHIC,ES Terry L Rhodes Executive Director ' - -- ` "'--' - --- - — TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section must be completed at the time of sale.) Federal and/or state law require that the seller state [be mileage• purchaser's name, selling prim and date sold in connection with the transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result in fines and/orimprisoament. This tide is warranted to be free Bom arry liens except as noted on the face of the certificate and the motor vehicle or vessel described is hereby transferred to Seller Must Enter purchaser's Name:` _ Addreq. Seller Mast Enter Selling-Price,. Ej Sellei Most Enter Date Sol*_ ' Wye state that this El or 6 digit odometer now reads I 1 I I,U� J]� XJ (no limbs) miles, date read end 1 hereb ce 1: reflects ACTUAL h9LEAGE y rtttV that to the best of my knowledge the odoineter rendmg; 2. is IN EXCESS Or- ITS MECHAMCAL LIMITS. 3. is NOT THE ACTUAL MILEAGE.' UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, l DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. SELLER Must Sign Here: CO-SELLERMust Sign Here: ' Print Ham: b J lr*� STATE OF FLORIDA DEFA'Iilv.',VIENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHI.L�--_- DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 2900 Apalachee Parkway is Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel Section 319.22(2), Florida Stattile'. MCILlil-CS (hat ifiese.flor file Noiic.c of*Sale with the deparinient wNiin 30 days after the sale or transfer of the motor vehicle, vessel or inobile home. Filin.- this Porn) removes lirlycivil liability for the operation of the sold loolor vellick. ves,&el or tiltil-4k. home. In addition to filingt' thiN form, we suggen.-L you keep if copy ol'your bill of sale (we ,,iigges(h be notarized). certiricute ortille or other type of trwisaction document showing (lie vehicle was sold. Complete the information below, tear the too portion of this document at the perforation and mail to the address above or submit to your local tax collector's office or license plate agency. I have this -day of transferred by assignment of and delivered Florida Certificate of Title to: Narne: Purchaser(s) Purchaser's DLAD First MI Last Address Selling Price $ UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING LICCUMEN-r AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN ]TARE TRUE. Seller's Signature Co -Seller's Signature NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENCY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE TO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. a z 0 't, , tti�"ifqleio iK " lv,� 6wili 1 , `� lau� I I j�.e , -'i'l I . 1�&ml'iiiut i thp� �4 �odljjkw 6�jrolvldilua!pj �watoirii At t ate tatfin it ay Nottill, still .1*!eVs A1,11'elkii: . ......... Addrew s rivi I, 11iAl .11 5 0' "ll S R 6 DIG 'IT bf)0lAffhjR iJOW READ3 El 7 -.S. I) ATE. R I �A t t j -AX0_1 11FREMY .1,140 TENrifizi ,fit'r CTJ<I IFYTH Al'!ro,f ur..w. s,r op my KNowi.,ED(,!S TRF 0DOMIUM kEADINO: CA UTION: RIZAI) CAR13TVIAN IN? 11,XCESS OF ITS 3. IS 90TTHE A(-,rUAL MILEAGE: rt M I �_,Adh' i 'IN I. R1 ri r BEFORE YOU (EXCESS OF IMS h113CHAKWAI'LIMITq WARNING - ODUiAl"rllt DMCWPANCY CHECK A ]lox APPLIES ID 5 Sign Hew ...... Sign fjcret I'ditil How.: Print licre: Seller/Agent Musr Aw-Upo Name fflwit Applf,nlilon Sijitl,flew: Prim Ilem: Auction License- N nbee Selling Dedler's Selling Dealer's Tax Tax Urtlise"No.: Name: .. . ..... ................. .. . ..... .... No.:.....______Collected: w Selling DeolvCs Address! Date Sold: n Purchaser's Naine(s): Address: w IAvE.TrA 17ETHAT,runs 5 OR E16 0101TODONIVTER NOW READS (NO'lYNTIBI MILES. . DkIT,, READ i.- i AND I HEREMY CERTIFY '114A,r Iro I'lic. T3psl OF hly KNOWUDGE TI W 0DOILIE114' 'R READING: CAUTION: HEAD C AIRLFULLY 1, REFLWTS A�tTUAI. Nrl Lr__*AGF. 2. IS IN UNCESS-01"ITS Ml'(:*l IANICAL LIM11 F❑ 3. IS NO`rTIlE ACT(tAl_ MILEAG& BUORE YOU (f`-,XCI,`AS 01; ITS NIECI fAllrCAL LTItrrS WAR WARNING - 0DONIUM DISCRrPANCY CHECK A ROX APPLIES TO 5'DIGITOD0ML1T1'RS) Sip Her,: . . ..... Sign [I-. . .. . ..... Print lien: lyint Here: Selltr/Agent Must ,Indian None (when Applielible)i Sign Here: Pilm I lere: Mown License Nuintler: .Still , nl� Dealer's sellial! Ounler"s Tax, 'fax License No.t Nam: NO.: Collectedr w Sellinh Dealtr's Addrine;: Date Said:.-- Ilowhasers Naair(s): Address! 6DIG IT 0I)ONIET1 3R NOW READS XX OWn-Wriis) MILUS. DATE READ AND I IIH REB Y CERTIFY 1-111VI"I(VIIJI. nEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE TIM ODOMETER READIN10c, CAUTION: AEAD CAREFULLY ❑ 'S I- RE'FLEM ACTUAL .M 111AGE El 10N EX(T-SS Of! ITS MECHANICAL LIMITS 3, IS 1110'rTHE, ACTUAL 11 BEFORE VOU "13 Xf TS X MIXIIANICAL LINIJ WARNING 0DO&tEjj-- H ? DISCREPANCY ClIrCK BOX AP LIES .' 0 5 DF( rrOD0Afr-'I'pR.1;) P., . rchaser.kW4 C -porthasw Mill Sign tlbre- pi I Ime: Piint1lem" -Seuka./Agent; Must, kwtin Name (when �Y!lplloublw;,