HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of TitleMall Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and ML-. Nall Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 34388•0600 Idenhfication Number Year . ----Make Body - WT-L-BHP ACHIN6414309OF 2012 HITE MD 60, Registered Owner: ® WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 1 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 Vessel Regis. No. -- Titte Number Date of Issue Mail To: WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 136120170 09/17/2019 T# 1109429459� + i B# 3181727 t 'I�I rtf hi frf ti7'�� � l 1 Lien Release Imerast in the described vehic a is hereby released Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein Is /� transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at The bottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller- must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and t the appropriate forms required for tare purchaser to , title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: http.-I/www.hsmv.state.fl.us/himlAitlinf.html I J ..l ;ItlenufratiohtJtrmbar febr Make ;,Body. Wf-L-BHP ;,VesselRegis.No. TilleNumber0. t�Yt A�HIN6"4143090F 2012 HITE MD 60' .' 36120170 of Prev. Ciior Primary8rand ,_____'__. Seconds Brand No or mRelease eiestln the riescribertyehioe is her9Dyteleased Stele Secondary _. Use ... Prev.Issue Date , By .,. Brands PRIVATE 09/17/2019.. _ ... ..nee . . Odometer Status or Vessel Manufaclurer or OH'use --- Engine Drive Hull Materiel - --- Prop - - ,- Date of Issue 09/17/2019 Dale__ Registered Owner WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70. FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 1st Lienholder NONE tr. DIVISION OF MO-rORIST SERVICES TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYSAFETYAND M07CF VEHICLES Robert R, Kynoch 138680078 Director Control Number Terry L. Rhodes Executive Director 24 /1 138680078 TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section must be completed at the time of sale.) Federal and/orslate law require that the seller slate the mileage, purchaser's name; selling price and date sold in connection with the minsfer of ownership. Failure to complete orproviding a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment This title is warranted to be free from any liu's except its noted on the face of the certificate and the minor vehicle or vessel described is hereby transferred fn• Seller Must Enter Purchaser's Name:_-_,__-•._._.._._. -_ Address: ' Seger Must Enter Selling Price:,... Seller Must Enter Dote Sold: I/we state Ilia' this 0 S or 6 dimit adometer now reads L___L,_..l_LL_�_.._.{__.; !_X_I (no leaths) miles, date reed __ _ and I hereby cer64- that to the best of my knowledge the odometer reading I, reflects ACTUAL MILEAGE. J 2.isINEXCESS OFflSMECHAMC.ALLIMITS l 3:isN0T"I}if ACTUAL MILEAGE, SELLER Must UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. Sign Hcre: CO -SELLER Must Sign Here: Print Here:- ----... _ PrintHere; Selling Dealer's LicensLN tuber. Tax No 'line Collected: - .. -Auction Name: .—......... __._._....---..._._-.__._. License Number. .. .. Sign Here. Must Sign CO -PURCHASER Must Herc..--------_;___.:.:.. �.._ • .. . . 6ignHere: - �•. Print Here:,.. -- ICE. ... __._._ Print Hero: NOTICE: PENALTY)SREgU1RED 8Y LAW IF NOT SUBMITTED FOR TRANSFERWITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE. -� STATE OF FLORIDA, � C3Ef?k; ,.,uENT OF hlltaHllUAY SAFETY ANi7 MOTQR'VEIiEC DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 2900 A{aaiachee.Parkway a Neil:EGrkman Building - Tallahassee, EL 32399-0620 Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel S(:ction 379?2)(2)', Florida Statutes; rcouire� that the seller Silt; a Notice or Salt: with t1w department withill 0 days after t1w sale or transfer of the. tnotor veliicle. vessel or Il ob)ile honle. Filing this'lbrin rcfuovVes anV civilAiaflllity for the ooel.irion.6f the sold tuot )r vehicle, v"so1"(0: treble. 110111c..In additiol) to filing this form, \Vo suggC:st. you keep a copy of y6ui; bill of sale {\t e:Stl?�gesCir t)t>'n owrELcil't, t t rt'llkate of title" dr.Uth&r type of trausnC`.doo �d(}C[. ment Showiltg! die vehicle was sold. Complete the information below, tear the top pord(in of this d({eument authe. perforation and �nQ1 to thv address above or slitfinit to your local tax collector's oitlCe or License plate agency. 1 have this day of transferred+ by.assignmerlt of and .delivered Florida Certificate of Title to: Name: Purchasers) Purchaser's DUiD First. Y RBI Last Address Selling Price UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I,DECLARE THAT l HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED iN IT ARE TRUE. Seller's Signature- Co -Seller's Sigl?atUre NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FOR IM, ACCURATELY,COMPLETED,.TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENCY OR TO THE ADDRESS, ASOVE WILL ALLOWTHE TITLE CLERK:TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE TO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD As -"SOLD!'. HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUS. WILL NOT 61 ANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. N IN N jtunsr rti N _ t utl«ted S�lUntAtalr[53.itrlr'etixsT ' �_ '� _.....,.a. -- PpryBlyer�tyanu�w) .- 'Addr": x IIWi SI ATfi lliA'r 1Tdr5 5 (]IL Q GT 11t3t7,%1UFJ 1F fT R 4C! ` [ LAUS hX tM4 TENTHS Sr11r A v17 I FIE:RE A . Ct;lt ivy, riuvr ro CHE REST OF MY KNttwl l f)GF:TfF(F 0D0MhTERFEADIIN.0..' a- t Al T40ry Ri ?LU C AR1;Ftli [ 1 }. I,t..17,Ft T5 -\t, TC 'AC ICI[ 1.4t`f > I1 h:f X}, LSS, tat= ITS R'tt C;1lA�K iL ' `I:SII rS ,�.:� 3 ES ,t:rr T`fIL' AC rUAL Ci111,11 E , `�> ' (FiC't-SS()r )1'S 1tE CH: NiC'1L 1 ErT1't'S ' t1'AILVTt�tr-'OU04)I�'!iR UISCRt F'A.'d(.} .: CH4:Cii.:1 (3OX ' s1PPLiL'i(l:5'DI4TT-41pOEf.��LRSy - .. InrcLrtsertvAist'', .. " .,�}.. :.' --.. - 4tl•PurrhaseFt'insi Sign Few: _.._ __:T_—.—_:_._-__._____-___ .__-W 5lg[r }{ere; Print Herc;. ,9 z ScilerlA},un 11usi: - Aar!4on Nome-(AVII(In Applicable):.���,. Print: i[ ry , AVON Liw se Nuntber _. ,. Schiiig Ui illrp SrtWrg Uezlgl ti Tac rtU taeowe"No.r.. Igo.:._—__._..._—._.._—,.��':._�:...-.:..._.::'f..<dlut«L•.' ,... .. ,. ... .� Sellin Utalrr' date -ysdd: . . ...Address: W !AVE�Sr\rL I-IA1IHIS� �UCt�<it)fGIT'iJI)O1lliEt{NUV4kL,a'US � IF, k` ftiCii3.37HS}lv1FLiS UtItzRFl13 �'- i AND 114r1tCBY - - tF.:t7'LF`Y'1'Fl*xrl101'It,"IitaSTJNStS'KNOWIL13GE:TEtLO17Oh1}rFk121iA17fht.r. .. : . ' C:1RFiFUt:t;Y ❑ 1, Rlif;L3 C 1$ rlf:'rl:r2L h111 k .-l61? fS (N'I XGF jS R.}(� IS siC3•'Ii ltvtC - }:; LC111S5 • r t lti'. ivt)T FEW, CT 4I1L t+1.ILt- 'GE., ^ r tit r6tir, Ybu tI.XCN.sSY)i i`DS"tt19 t Fl:1Nli'AF. L1MrC5 W,ARv1NC-'011)('Llt'1t.k'13FSCRUAN( A Rox. - APpuiI vro .i w6rr or)c%.&iFrf tzs) - . v. i'arcfinnrrDliist .. •. ,^� ;C:ri=Prtrr6a(tcr,tyipsi - . . K. sign Hc.a . - - 'r _,-" •' - ,- $lg;r it rs! - Print.lice.,—'. - .. , • , ' . 1')rlet Elm:y .. u•'. Sella/A),cnCaidst;... r. ." . .. `.. -- , ame i a ........._ ., � \tietiiur N" t\S`freu Ap'rl3c iile):• - ....._.....—,_.._.-=—_ ..:: ` AActio.. 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