HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Titleh Mall Lien Satisfaction to: Dept at.Highway Safety and, Motor Vehiciea, Nelf Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0609 j'# 1108673412 . B# 3179537 -"- - Identification Number--- -- ,Year -- - Make - - Body■' I� �`', Wl L BHP —Vessel Regia No - 60 Number �BEL006298TX 2017 CLAY ! HS 60' r 1r 136070893 i Registered Owner: ....Date of Issue 09/12/2019 Lien Release ." WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE IiIMITED PAR Interest in'the described veh;c a is hem -by released TNERSHIP By 3200 S 7TH ST LOT 70 Title FORT PIERCE, FL. :34982-6344 Data (ram IMPORTANT INFORMATION t T 1`, When ownership cf the vehicle descfibed herein is, m transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the. Transfer of Title by Seller sectional the bottom of the certificate of title. Mail To: 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete WINDSONG MOBILE VILLAGE 'LIMITED PARTNERSHIP the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3200 S 7TH ST. LOT 70. 3, Remove"your license plate from the vehicle:. FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-6344 4. See the, web address below for niore Information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel.- http://www.hsmv.state.fl,usthtmi/litlinf.htmi VYt L gHP ,Vessel Regis. Mo ;;Title Num4erF��- c�� r c ARZ HS bU nl3ela e 3 L a as inlarest in he det;etibsd l bh eta is hereby released r Pray r _,_ G6ior 4uPrlmary Brand Secorltla Brand" wNo of a �w 1 ,state ry use [ssueD By j FL , erantls � T 09/12j2019 Odometer Slatus or Vessel Manufactrlrec or OH use Engine Ddve Hull Material Prop - Date of issue" e � € r 12 J2:019 Data+ Registered Owner... , WIND50NG MOBILE 'VILLACeELIMITED PARTNEEtSHIF. 32.0.0 S 7TH ST LOT":.7,0: FORT PIERCE, FL";,:.34982-6344 19t Lienholder NONE y UIVISIONOFM0T4RESTSERVIGES TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA DEPARTMENTOFHIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTORVEHICiES Robert R, Kynooti ter, :. ryL. Rhotles. Director, ConOo1 Number , .. , Ezeculive Director , 24 ,J1. 'S3t3679952. -- -- " - -- - TRANSFER OF TITLE BY SELLER (This section must be completed attha time of sale,) Federal.mWor5tglelawrequirethatthesellerstatethe`mdea0e pumhauesname,SetbngPrii: and date saldinconnection;widtiheOunsfe[oFdwnershtp .. z Paiture to complete or,prowdmg: a'('eke s,atemenl;may result in;fines'andtar jmpdsonment This pUe u warrsnted'to be free iiom xgy liens except noted on Ihd'fiue ofttta ceitificett and tke mmoi veliielo or vesset described is hereby trerieferted to, Seller Mug Enter Purghase?sNarre Address: Y " Seller dtust:Entet Sailing Price Setter Must Enter Date 1lWestatethat this Q'Soi Ej 6diLitadoineteTnawreedst.;J- I 1,',=j_�j J _ ) , My rufyitattothe`tigsrafmy,knowledgedfea ,i.X ,(notenlhs mites;"ddtaread and ce ' dsrngterrendmg;, 1: reflects ACTUAI h11LEAQE. " [ 2 t57N EXCESS'Of rr§ MECHANICAL LIMI S [� 3; is NOT THE ACTUAL MlI SAGE UNDER PENALTIES OF"PERJUk I DEQLARE;THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTAND`THAT THE FACTS STATED IN (TARE TRUE. SELLER Must COSELLERMust sib Here: Sip Nerc: Print here: .. PrintHere; ;SeOing Dedeits Ucense Numlicr Tex Collected:" AucuonName _ •���r Litensd Number PURCHASBRMust COPURCfl$SE RMust, r [ Sign Here Sign Her, VIR NOTICE PENALTYIS REQUIRED Y LA IF NOT SUBMITTED FOR TRANSFER WITHIN30 DAY$AFTER DAATrietHorc .� S Ht EOFPURCHASE 5yry` r STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES 2900 Apalachee Parkway o Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel Section 31.9.22(2)• Florida Statutes, requires that rile seller rile a No0ce of SaJc with the department within 70 days arter the sale or transferor the motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home. Filint, this form removes anv civil liability for the operation of the sold motor vehicle, vessel or mobile horns;. In addition to Millthis fllorm, lye suggest you keep i copy oryotu' bill of sale (we suggest it be notarized). certificate ol'title or other type of ir:nlsacuon document;howing the vehicle was sold. Complete the information below, tear the top portion of this document at the perforation and mail to the address above, or sobndt to your loco) tax collector's office or license plate agency. I have this _—;day of Narne: Purchaser(s) First Address transferred by assignment of and deliver -Rd Florida Ceitificaie or Title to: MI Last Purchaser's DL/ID Selling Price $ UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I i-IAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOr'UMENT AND TliAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. Seller's Signature Co -Seller's Signature NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE AGENCY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE TO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUSWILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. 91 ® ■ (hat } 0-Alte tO "lilgt fc in rtini'eoion with cJlh�ng Ii�afrl• ti" •Sehiag'tkhicr's � rn�., 7+(i.� ; k.icertcc.Ned . _ ,� Ntanc: . +x 5flilu(,lleWez's.Ar�drest: -- -- _ _ _- -- -•� _�.�.�.__—__ _ w Ihnrch dst C's.}Vpmi lA)"___. , , Addnres: •1/11^E S,T-\TIr Tt1AT'.'TMS� 5off 'b nIGCC fjDC)(s1r:T'f•A lt04Y RP.AU, XX (Ni) TT:NTHN) Mll,ES, 17A;fliREAD_r_/,_�-.,,. )lid[)11IF.RF:HY • . , t'r.,t.li''i :IyA'r'I'U ];41; HEST' OF M1' KNOWLEDGE THIS ODOMETER READING: .CAUMN: UL1D CAREFULLY a I. Rk 11.J?CrS•;\CI'l'AL.SItLf:AUI: ET.is1N Ext kS5 OF PI5 nkECllah9CALLr,Vir[5'. . .. � 3. IS NOTTHI? df'�'t/AL M[LF 1GG . InToRr You irt. CF:SS't1F 1'I;S c41ECHANICAL Limns; . WARNING • ODU�1f:rE12 C)ISC'RC:PANCY CHECK A ai)R APPLIES T'O s DIGIT ODOMETERS, Purchaser \lacl. Co-k'urchascr Mull ' r Sign Here: Sit;a: Ifew .__ . Prim llere: --------_ _.--_--_ Print Here: n ' Seller/Agent Mum Anctton Name tVYllcu ApplLmhh): _ Sign klcre:_--�— Print Here:.—_—_—.._.. Selling DculeP & I.itense No.: Selling Dealers Address: t'ur•ehnserN Nnmc(h): Selling; Dealer's Nome: I;kVasT.4TF.THATTIiISEl iOR 17 (,DiGCrC)DOMMI-I.INOW REiADS CAUTION: READ CAREFULLY KLIiORF, YOU CNrCR A ROX Ihirchaser ;Huse Sign here: Priut Here.:.-- Seller/Agenr Must Sign (lore: Print Hcce: Sdihng Deater'S Licence Net: Selling Dealer's Address: Purvinve s ❑ I. NbftECCS rlC.7(h1L.MILL'AGfi Selling Qenler's . IMF STA11"THATTIUS OR ❑ 6DIGITODOMLTERNOW Rr�U'ri CAUTION: READ CAREFULLY � 1, RRFLE(:TS ACMM,MILF'AG MORE You a CHECK A OX 'nirchuier Blast Sign rlgm: Aunion L,ieensc Numbor•: ._—._..._.. ..__ kbx Tux Collected: _ __. note sold: ______.._­ XX INO Iv-STHS) hIa_I:s. DATr_ READ —I AND I HERVII-Y C ER rIFY THAT' T•0 TH15 BPS i Oi"MY KN0N7:R1)GE THE Momr..'rEit READING; ❑ 2 IS IN'EX('ki.SS UF' I'r5 hIL•CkfANIC:AL LIk11T5 El T. i5 •r•!G'r TfrG ACrUAL MILF_•IGE. (IiXCESS OF ITS MECHANICAL I..IAIrrS WARNING - 0DOME-116 DISCREPANCY n PPLiFS TO 5 DIGIT ODOMF� rER5, C0-1111relu,ser Must Print Herz: Aurtlon Nnme (when ,lppllcahlc): Auction Licensc Numbet: _— Tax No.; . Tax Collt'eted: �.____.____.---� _ .�.... _.. Date Sold: -------_--• -- —. Address: I'<L; i; XX tN0'rFiNt'H5) M1SILfiS. E)\'I'Ic'REAI:1 �!_/ ANlj I t[EI4P:nY — CGItT1Fi' "I'FLxT' TO'f Hlt nEiST' OI'' ivri' lWr)INLEDLiG TFIL+ ODOtvI1TER REAUINO: C 2. IS(fN IiXCUSS OF ITS Mlt'HANICAI. LIMITS 1 3. IS MYr7I1E ACTUAL_ MILEAGE. iIiRCFSS 13r ITS I'll: CHANIC'AL LIMITS 1VARNINCi - DOUMLTE1 1ASCRF.PAN& APPLIES 'TG5.t)IGIT ODhntt-'I'L?RS) ... - . Co.l!urchar._ ,1.1),st .Priot•Llcrr: _.._,___...:....,_._,_..___ s:_ ' __ __ '---_...---.• Print Hcrv.... ......... __..�.__,::_ .. f .Seller/:\Geat.NuSt, wdon Nate (1%%en•App1ical&):