HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Reviews; AqualPill SolarPillAquaPill: SolarPill Page Number: 2 of 6 INGESTION: Not likely to be hazardous by ingestion. ' , CHRONIC EXPOSURE/CARCINOGENICITY: None of the components present in this material at concentrations of equal to or greater than 0.1 % are listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH as a carcinogen. A component may affect genetic material (mutagenic) and may cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects (teratogenic) based on animal test data. AGGRAVATION OF PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: None known. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS= FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Remove contact lenses (if applicable), flush with water for 15 minutes. Call a physician. . SKIN CONTACT: Cleansing the skin after exposure is advisable. INHALATION: If large amounts of fumes are inhaled, remove to fresh air and consult a physician. INGESTION: Consult a physician if necessary. REVIEWED FOR.. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: None. CODE®MpLIANC+E ',::r � �N'�Yt, a. , '{y[�scriF' ,'in'�C� FLASH POINT: >93°C (>200°F) UPPER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not available FLAMMABLITY CLASS (OSHA): Not applicable UNIQUE FIRE PROPERTIES: None known or expected. AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not available LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not available FLAME PROPAGATION/BURNING RATE: Not available HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Releases carbon monoxide when burned. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water'spray, COZ (carbon dioxide), foam or dry chemical. PROTECTION OF FIREFIGHTERS: Water can be used to cool fire -exposed containers, to protect personnel and to disperse vapors and spills. Water run off from chemical fires can cause environmental damage. Dike and collect water used to fight chemical fires. Fire fighters should wear normal protective equipment and positive -pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: See Section 8 (Personal Protective Equipment). ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: None known. METHODS FOR CLEANING UP: Spilled material should be absorbed onto an inert material and scooped up. Flush spill areas thoroughly with water and scrub to remove residue. If slipperiness remains apply more dry -sweeping compound. AquaPill: SolarPill Page Number. 4 of 6 VAPOR DENSITY: Not available BOILING POINT: Not available MELTING POINT: Not available FREEZING POINT: Not available SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Incomplete SPECIFIC GRAVITY OR DENSITY: 0.98 —1.02 (VOTE: These physical data are typical values based on material tested but may vary from sample to sample. Values should not be construed as a guaranteed analysis of any specific lot or as specifications. CHEMICAL STABILITY -Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None known. MATERIALS TO AVOID (INCOMPATIBILITY): Aluminum, copper, iron, strong oxidizers, and acids. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. ORAL LD50 (rat): Not available. DERMAL LD50 (rabbit): Not available. SKIN IRRITATION: Not available. EYE IRRITATION: Not available. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None. ECOTOXICITY: Not available. MOBILITY: Not available. PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY: Not available. BIOACCUMULATIVE POTENTIAL: Not available. If this product as supplied becomes a waste, it does not meet the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Please be advised that state and local requirements for waste disposal may be more restrictive or otherwise different from federal regulations. Consult state and local regulations regarding the proper disposal of this material. AquaPill. SolarPill Page Number: 5 of 6 NOTE-- Chemical addition's, processing or otherwise altering this material may make the waste management information presented in this MSDS incomplete, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT): Proper-Shipping-Name.Not-REgalate Hazard Class: Not Regulated -� -"'�—Identification Number (UN Number): Not Regulated Packing Group (PG): Not Regulated TSCA STATUS: All components are listed. CERCLA REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ): CHEMICAL NAME RQ Not applicable Not applicable SARA TITLE III SECTION 302 EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (EHS): CHEMICAL NAME TPQ RQ Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable SARA TITLE III SECTION 311/312 HAZARD CATEGORIES: Does this productimaterial meet the definition of the following hazard classes according to the EPA 'Hazard Categories' promulgated under Sections 311 and 312 of SARA Title III? ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH 'HAZARD FIRE HAZARD REACTIVE HAZARD SUDDEN RELEASE HAZARD OF PRESSURE YES NO NO NO NO SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 TOXIC CHEMICALS INFORMATION: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NO. CONCENTRATION (%) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable C•AL-IFORNrA-PROPOSITION-65 �"t e o owrng chemical(s) is are Kno-w-n-tco-the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. CHEMICAL NAME CAS NO. CONCENTRATION (%) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable