HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Reviews; Heat Pump:i• HIGH PERFORMANCE HEAT PUMP SimpLy the most economical way to heat your pool and spa pentairpool.com B ' IN CLASS PERFORMANCE AND EFFICIENCY. [NVIRON MINTALLY. MORE STANDARD FEATURES THAN ANY- OTHER. With today's record energy costs, there's never been a better time to invest in a heat pump. Compared to gas, oil or electric heaters, UltraTempO High Performance Heat Pumps use just a fraction of the energy to generate the same amount of heat. In fact, just 204 worth of electricity produces $1.00 worth of heat generated by other methods. That means more comfortable water temperatures and longer swimming seasons for you and your family. Why should you choose an UltraTemp heat pump?,That's easy. It offers the longest list of standard features available. ■ The UltraTemp heat pump provides an AutoSetTM Temperature Control feature as standard. It monitors water temperature and turns the pump on and off as needed, overriding the time clock to maintain desired temperature. It's the ultimate in convenient, hands -free comfort control. • The UltraTemp heat pump,features the legendary Emersone Copeland Scroll' Compressor that's more efficient, durable; reliable and quieter than any piston --driven compressor. It's the best of the best. • Pentair heat pumps have been using the EPA -recognized, environmentally safe, non -ozone depleting R-410A refrigerant for over 10 years. This has allowed the UltraTemp heat pump to be awarded the Eco Select^ Brand for environmental responsibility. • ,100% titanium heat exchanger assures corrosion -free performance for extra long life and value. • LCD control board displays an intuitive, menu -driven readout with easy to follow, full word messages —no codes to memorize. • Self -diagnostic software continuously monitors system for peak performance. Thermostatic Expansion Valve ITXVI controls refrigerant flow for optimum efficiency and BTU output over a wider operating temperature range. • Automatic defrost feature senses refrigerant temperature and helps prevent the UltraTemp heat pump from freezing, allowing the unit to operate effectively at even lower temperatures than many competing products. Perfect companion to IntelliTouch" or EasyTouchO Control Systems —all heat pump instructions and displays can be transferred to a centralized control " system that manages all your pool/spa operations and poolscape features. • ETL listing is your assurance of safer, dependable operation. • BTU and efficiency independently certified by the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). The AHRI Certified mark is applied only to HVACR equipment and components that have been independently tested to certify that manufacturers' performance claims are accurate. • 10-year compressor parts and labor warranty and lifetime warranty on the titanium heat exchanger. See limited warranty for details. Clearly, a heat pump is the best choice for pool heating. Also clear is the best -in -class performance and value of the fully -featured UltraTemp heat pump. Contact your pool professional today to learn which model is right for your pool. n 2*eMct Ell � PENTAIR The UltraTemp heat pump has earned the Eco Select brand, indicating it is one of our -greenest' and most efficient equipment choices. c AUTOMATIC HEATING/COOLING FEATURE! Pentair H/C model heal pumps are equipped to automatically heal or coot your pool water based on temperatures you set. Select the AUTO mode and the intelligent thermostat will automatically command the heat pump to heal or coot the water to your selected temperature Hop! it the Aii Conddroning, llca[mq and f2irh ep +a! um !n.!m:b• li.l!Itll. Digital controls with dual thermostats offer precise temperature control for pooVspa combinations and avoid overheating and energy waste Self -diagnostic controls monitor and troubleshoot heat pump operations to ensure safer, dependable operation Long -life, corrosion -resistant composite cabinet retains a like -new appearance for years 2" plumbing connections for easy installation COMPARING THE COST TO HEAT YOUR POOL,.. This chart illustrates how an UllraTemp heat pump generates 2.75 to 5.8 times more heat for the same cost. Costs are based on 2014 national average fuel costs and efficiencies (Source: Federal Register). Please consul[ your local provider for current pricing. t ORDERING INFORMATION Color: Almond 70 460930 75,000/5.8 70,000/5.6 50,000/4.0 60 40 1 10 230 230 90 460931 90 000/5 7 84 000/5:5 • 60 000/4 0 60 f 50 " 1 8 :' . 230 230 110 460932 108 000/6 0 101,000/5.8 72,00014.0 60 50 1 8 230 270 120 -. _ _ 460933 .. 127 000/5. 7:.:.:.:.: 120,000/5.5 230 120 H/C 460935 127 000 Heet/5-6 71000 CooV4.1� " -" —'� �- 120,000/5 4 �—`-`82;000%4 — 60`� �" . =278 ." 50 1 8 : 230-._._ • • 120;C . .._ 460937 .:. :;123 000/5 6 , _ - . 115 000/5 3.. -.- •. :81.000/4 0 `_-...'-• 60._.-= ::- .._. 50.�: __.. _;-3 ._ :..: 8 ;._ ; 230 ` :- ,280_ r:. 140 460934 143,000/5 8 134.000/5.6 88.000/4.0 60 50 __ 1 ..: 8 230 . 320 140 H/C 460958 140 000 HeaV5.6 80 000 CooV4:1 132 00075.4 85 000/40 60 50 1 8 230 320 y 140C 460928 140,000/5.8 132.000/5.6 86,000/4.0 60 50 3 1 8 230 320 Color: Black 70 BLK 460960 75000/5 S 70,000/5,6 50,000/4:0 60 40 ` -1 10. -- 230 -- -230 90 BLK 460961 90 000/5.7 ' 84,000/5.5 60,000/4.0 60 50 1 8 230 230 110 BLK 460962 108 000/6.0 101000/5.8 72,000/4. 8. 120 BLK 460963 . 127,000/5.7 120 000/5.5 82 000/4.0 60 50 1 8 .230...270 230 270 120 H/C:BLK 460965 .....::: 127,000 HeaV5.b 71,000CooV4:1 120,000/5.4 82 00074:0 :. _ _ 8 . -. 230 278 120 C .' ..:.. BLK 460967 123,000/5.6 115,000/5.3 81,000/4.0 60 50 3 8 230 280 140 '460964' 14 ',000/5.8 134,000/5.6 88,000/4.0 60 50 1 8 230 320 140 H/C 460959 80, 000000 CU4.ooV4..61 132,000/5.4 85,000/4.0 60 50 1 I 8 230 320 140C 460929 ." :, 140,000/58 132,000/5.6 86,000/4:0 60 -- -50 :. __3:.._..:.:._8. 230 320 —Rating in accordance with ARI Standard 1160 lair temp- P 1% relative humidity/water temp. F°1 AVAILABLE FROM: �D> PE NTA1 R - 1620 HAWKINSAVE, SANFORD. NC 27330 800.831.7133 WWW.PENTAIRPOOL.COM All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair or one of its global affiliates. UltraTemp"• IntelliTouch''�• EasyTouch Eco Select' and AutoSet" are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa. Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United Slates and/ or other countries. Emerson' is a registered trademark of Emerson Electric Co.. Copeland Scroll- is a registered trademark of Emerson Climate Technologies. Inc. Because we are continuously improving our products and services. Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. pumps • fitters • heaters • heat pumps • automation • lighting • cleaners • sanitizers • water features • maintenance products 3/15 Part H P1-046 ©2015 Pentair -Water Pool and Spa, Inc. All rights reserved. . Eib warranty. Be sure to direct any spraying water away . from the heater. Note the wind direction to be sure. water from sprinklers is not blown toward the heater. Sprinkler heads can produce high water pressure and spray at an angle, different from typical rein and humid weather. Also, sprinklers connected to a well water , system can cause mineraI build up on the evaporator coils and electronics, Sell water can also be an Issue If located near the coast. INSTALLATION AND' LOCATION ; When pool equipment Is located below the pool surface, a leek from any component can cause large sale water loss or flooding. Pentalr Water Pool and Spa, Inc. cannot be responsible for such water loss or flooding whkh may cause damage to the product. Avold pladng lhs hbat pump In location's where It can cause damage by waler cr condensaie leakage, f f Ws le nol possible, provide a sullable drain pan to catch and dived any leakage, Only a qualified service person should Install the Drainage and Condensation UltraTemp® Heat Pump. Before Installing this product, Condensation occurs from the evaporator coil while the refer to the important Warning and Safety instructions unit Is running, and drains at a steady rate (usually, three on page II, to five gallons per hour), depending upon ambient air Materials Needed for Installatlon temperature and humidity. The more humid the ambient The following Items are needed and are to be supplied conditions, the more condensation will be produced. by the Installer for all heal pump Installations; The bottom of the unit acts as a tray to catch rainwater and condensation, Keep the araln holes, located on the 1. Plumbing connections (2 Inch). bottom pan of the base of the unit, clear of debris, -2. Level surface for proper drainage, Roof Run -oft 3, • Sultable electrldal supply line, See rating plate on . .Make sure the heat pump Is not located where large . unit for electrical specifications. A)uncilon box Is not amounts of water may runroff from a roof Ihto the unit . needed at the heat pump, connections are made Inside of the heat pump electrical.compartment. Sharp sloping roofs without gutters will allow massive ' Conduit may be attached directly to the heat pump amounts of rain water, mixed with debris from the roof Jacket. to be forced through the unft, A gutter or down spout 4. Electric cutout switch that will Interrupt all power to may be needed to protect the heat pump. the unit. This switch must be within line of sight of Lawn Sprinklers • the heat pump. Checklocal codes•forrequirements, Avoid placing lawn sprinkler near the heater 5. Watertight conduit to run the electrical supply llne, they can'spray water Into the heater and Vold the Equipment Pad For proper drainage of -condensation and rain water, place the heat pump on a flat slightly pitched surface, .-such-as a concrete or fabricated slab (pad). If -possible, place the pad at the same level or slightly higher than the filler system equipment pad. Note: Be sure that the pad is pitched not more than 1/4 In. per foot In any direction as needed for rungfi. Heat Pump Dimensions MODELS DIMENSION "A" 70, 90, 901 33,5' (851 mm) 1001 41.5' (1054 mm) . 110, 120,120C, UPC 120 H/C,140,140 WC • 46.5' (f 156 mm ? , Location and Clearance's :. All criterla given -In the following sections reflect minimum 2. lithe heat pump Is to be Installed under a cove clearances, However, each Installatlon must also be.. - or.under a vertical overhang, the unit must hav evaluated, taking''Into account'the -prevailing local '•' a minimum of f(ve•(5) feet (1,52 m) clearance ' conditions such as proximity and height of walls, and from the top of the heat pump, (Manufacturer's proximity to public access areas. recommendation). The UltraTemp' Heat Pump must be placed to provide 3. Install a minimum of five (5) feet (1,52 m) from clearances on all sides formalntenance and Inspection, the Inside wall of the pool or -spa unless the 1. At least 241n. (610 mml access must be available In heat pump is separated from the pool or spa bj the front and 12 In. 1305 mm) on all the other sides a flve (5) foot 11.52 m) high solid fence or other , of the heat pump for service and proper air flow, permanent barrier, Canadian Installations •requi (Manufacturer's recommendation), a minimum of three (3) meters (9.84 ft) from pot • , water, 4. Install heat pump a minimum of 61n, (153 mm) ft the wall of the house, M: SLAB • sua _. Heat Pump Location and Clearances j Anchor Clamp Installatlon Installation of the anchor clamps Is recommended In I• all Installations. Installation of the anchor clamps is ! requited In Florida(see Florida Building Code 301.13). e Anchor clarrips hold the heat pump to the equipment pad in order to withstand high winds caused during extreme weather (I.e. hUrdcanes),, To install the anchor clamps; . I 1, Be sure the heat pump Is in Its permanent location on.the equipment pad. Heat 1 2. Place the clamps at the base of the heat pump In Cla the four (4) locations, shown in the Image to the ! right. I ' . Note. Bolts and bolt anchors are not Included with 1 ` the heat pump: The Installer must provide 1l4' x i 108° stainless steel anchor bolts and the appro. ' pdate size cohcrete ahchor to mount•the clamp to: An Clamp Installation ' the equipment pad. Be sure to check local codes. 3. Fit the hook of each clamp over the Up on the ` �• base panel of the heat pump. The hook should fit 1. between the]$ of the base panel and the evapo• - feat Puml Clamps 0 `• P. Water Pressure Switch Adjustment, ' Multiple Unit Installation ! Multiple Unit' Installation Continued 4, ' Remove the UltraTemp° Heat Pump's left front 1' Heat Pump, Heater -and/or Solar Combination j 12' ' panel and remove remaining right fron .tpanel, In certain regions of the cobntry It may be more re 1 s' (3osmm) 1li3mm The water pressure switch Is located In the water economical torwaheatpumpduringthewannermonths, pu plumbing In the lower right comer of the heat and a gas heater during the cooler months. In some ' pump. slluatlons it may be'desfrable to run the heat pump In the 4 5. Slowly rotate the adjustment wheel on the water 'Chillermode, Itso equipped, during the hottest portion I • pressure switch In a counterclockwise direction of the year and a heater during the cooler months, The until the 'LOW WATER FLOW* Alarm and -Red Pentair heat pump may be used In conjunction with a Servlcs LED vanish, time delay countdown will start, -gas orefec)rlcheateroranycombination ofheat sources Including abler, All heat sources must be plumbed In i T ChackWyes are r %�optlanalonheaferWels B. Once the heat pump Is running, turn off the filler se)les to work correctly and of 1clentiy, 1 24' t r ` m w6lhalpsystem I } �brc pump, The heat pump should turn off Immediately, A -recommended plumbing layout for a heat pump / (61omm) Y PVC Fi 7. It the heat pump continues to operate when the he /solar combination heating system for spool / t �Exlend filter pump is off, turn the adjustment wheel on the spa combination Is shown below, Your system may not tr (3osmm) past end healer water pressure switch In clockwise direction until contain all of thew components, but the basic plumbing ) Eldend Tr (3osmm) ' Wetforhydraullc ' the °LOW WATER FLOW" Alarm shows on the will apply by eliminating the component In the Illustration I ' past end haaler • babrc4tg • LCD, the Red Service LED turns ON, and the heat that Is not a part of your system. I welforhydtau6c J betanelnp ' .. pump stops, 2, Multiple Heat Pump Connections t' OPTIONAL ! FbwMeler 60 GPM (220 I 7 ChackYaN0 Bypass ' pm) 8, Check the setting of the water pressure switch by starting and stopping the filter pump and checliing All plumbing on multiple heat pump Installations must be )FrblwMeier t Minimum i the control panel and operation of the heater done In parallel (see lmagebeloW),An equal flow of water To Pod between each flow change. to each heat pump Is Important for optimum operation, I Pool Pump 9, If the water pressure switch cannot be adjusted Note: It may be'necessary to adjust the water pressure ►+� to accommodate the conditions listed above, switch If a unit Is Installed below the water level. Refer rPVCPipe , - o ' an external slow switch must be added to the back.to page 5.for details on when and how to adjust _ ' plumbing system to ensure that the heat pump will the pressure switch, not operate without the proper flow through the Each heat pump In a multiple unit Installation Two Heat Pump Plumbing Layout heat exchanger, allows a maximum flow rate of 100 gpm (380 Ipm) and requires a minimum of 30 gpm (110 Ipm), _ 163mm) (305 mm) ' HEATER I , i , , • POOL RETURN HEATPUMP 24'(610mm)min, dBararm for Check wwas 7 serofcs amess on PVCP rPVC Poo ! rPVCPIPa—�� rPVC Ppa bbalw�haiploi • ! balandnp CHECK I TFVC o-PVCPIp fcztend 1211 SPA VALVE ! "'� ppaast endhe. Fband tr iniel forhydi MAKE-UP • ! l�nlm)paal � balanchp FROM SOLAR ; endhealer CHECK POOL VALVE6alanekp tdetforhydraulb 120 GPM 45671pm)FbwMeter 3'BatVaAa6ypassINTAKE TO SOLAR r Mlnlmum SPA FILTER p I To Pod RETURN 'D 1 I �,. ' POOL ' • ` Pod Pump , r MWmm I DRAIN 3'PVC PIpa PUMP MuItlPle Unit Installation: SPA :SPA Heater and/or Solar Combination I Four Heat Pump Plumbing Layout .' INTAKE CRAIN Anchor Clamp Installation, Continued 4, Mark the position of the hole in each damp an the equipment,pad, ' 5, Use a masonry drlll bit and drill a hole in the cement with a diameter as determined by the can. crete anchor, at each of the marks on the equip- ment pad, The hole should be approximately 1y2 In. deep, S. Insert a bolt anchor Into each of the holes. Be sure the anchors are set dompletely Into the hofQs, 7. Position the anchor clamps so that the holes Inthe clamps are over the bolt anchors. Be sure that the clamp hooks are over the lip of -the heat pump base, 8. Insert an anchor bolt through each damp Into the anchor and tighten to secure the clamp and heat Pump to the equipment pad, 4—AIR COIL GUARD. CHEMI OR CH Water Connections and Plumbing' The Image below shows the standard plumbing- layout with a single UltraTamp® Heat Pump unit, Follow the image from right to left for the standard plumbing sequence. Arrangement of pool system components (otherthanthe standard plumbing Image below), and the Idcation of the heat pump (above or below the pool water surface) can affect the operation of the heat pump's water pressure switch, The pressure switch can be adjusted to accommodate this effect if the heat pump water connections are no more than six (6) feet 11.82 mj below the pool water surface, See Instructions for pressure switch adjustment on the next page. If the heat pump is Installed outside of this range, an external pressure switch,may need to be installed in the plumbing upstream of the heat pump. Note: Be advised that wlien pool equipment Is located below the pool surface a leak can result In large-scale waterloss orfiooding, Pentair is notresponsibfe forsuch water loss or flooding or damage. U lare'"IXBOCf . tae4"9`IA.e Automatic Flow Control Valve ' MEOPUMP The inlel/outlet header of the heat pump comes "BASE"P u+u+nnccuAP equipped with an Internal automatic flow control valve. The automatic flow control valve maintains the proper flow through the heat pump at rates up to 120 gpm 60LTANCHOR Mmrpet&0 (458 Ipm), if the filter system flow rate Is higher than 120 gpm (456 Ipm), Install a manual bypass valve, see ;o CONCREM ' a' c� Image below, p ; EchnvuPxrPAo , o • o, aj • Note., Be advised that If your circulation pump Is over • 2 HP or If the total flow exceeds 120 gpm (456 Ipm), you will have to add en external bypass valve, Excess Anchor Clamp Installation water Dow will damage'the heat exchanger, whore Standard Plumbing Layout °Water Connections to the Heat Pump 2 in, Quick_Connect filings have been Installed on th water Inlet and outlet connections, Filtered cool war Is plumbed to the inlet, located on the right side of th UltraTemp• Heat Pump, Heated water flows through th outlet, located on the left side of the heat pump. Plastic piping.(PVC Schedule 46) should be connects to the heat pump. The unions, provided with the unit accept 21n. PVC pipe, WATER WATER J INLEMNION OUTLETUNION Heat Pump Water Connections !7 Always be sure that now requirements and pool water tumovar ralescen be maintained wuh the Inslatanon oladdldonal healpumps and plumbing restrktions, , Water Pressure Switch Adjustment The pressure switch Is preset at the factory for activation at 1.5 psi 110 kPaj, This factory setting works for most basic Installations, Only adjust the water pressure switch If the heat pump does not operate when the proper flow Is applied to unit or if the heat pump does not shut off,when the filter pump Is off, Occasionally, unusual plumbing configurations or'nacessary restrictions In the plumbing may cause pressure sonsing problems, In these rare situations, the plumbing system configuration may require adjustment of the water pressure switch, 'Adjustment of the pressure switch may be necessary If any part of the filter system piping is 3 feet (0,e1 mj •or more above the top of the heat pump. In general, If the heat pump is Installed'more than 8 feet (1,83 m) below the pool surface, an external water flow switch must be added to the plumbing system. On some Installations, the piping from the heat -pump 0 fie water pressure switch should be adjustalm's o jhq swildhtodoesatbobwoaflowrandamagaileaterollwhan llheappliance Ad swch b turn the heateroll, noloa e to the pool is very short. The back pressure could be er too low•totrigger the pressure switch, If this happen: e Install a directional fitting or elbow where the return e . tine enters the pool, This will Increase back pressure fi the heat pump to operate tiroperiy. 8e sure to check th d the system flow Is above the minimum requirement of gpm (1101pm) after the directional ritting installation, Be sure the pool filter is dlean before making any pressure switch adjustment: A dirty filter will restrict the water flow and -the pressure switch cannot be adjusted properly. To adjust the pressure switch: The following adjustment is for installations wher the heat pump Is below pool water level. 1. Be sure that all valves in the system are set to allow water flow through the heat pump, Start the flue pump. 2. Set the heat pump temperature above the actua , temperature to call for heat. Turn the heat Pump ON 3. Once the'heat pump Is running, turn off the filter pump, The,heat pump should turn off Immediately, 4, If the heat pump continues to operate when the filter 'pump is off, then the water pressure switch needs to tie adjusted, 5. Remove the heat purnpsleftfrontpanel and remove remaining right front panel,Th a waterpressu re switch Is located In the water plumbing In the lower right corner of the heat pump, 6. Slowly rotate the adjustment wheel on the water ,pressure switch In a clockwise direction tintll the LOW WATER FLOW" Alarm shows on the LCD, the Red Service LED turns ON, and the heat pump stops, 7. Check the selling *of the water pressure switch by starting and stopping the filter pump and checking the control panel and operation of the heaterbetween each flow change, 8. If the water pressure switch cannot be adjusted to accommodatethe conditions Iistedabove, an external flow switch must tie added to the plumbing system to ensure that the heat pump will not operate without the proper flow through the heat exchanger. ' • The following adjustment is for installations where the heat pump Is above pool water level, 1, 8e'slire that all valves In the system are se( 10 allow water NOW through the heat pump. Start the filter pump, 2, Set the heat pump temperature above the actual temperature to call for heat, Turn the heat pump ON, 3, if the LCD shows a "LOW WATER FLOW" Alarm and Red Service LED Is present then the water nra.ei n w AI_L __-,_.t .. .