HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECETVEb BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMEN� NOV 2 6 zY 9T, 6dElb'95WIP)lo Permittin have agreed to be (Company Nan(e/Individual Nale) V I. the V rye Sub -contractor for9 p S'6 N Y 1 (Type of Trade) (Primary Contra •tor) For the project located at 'A (Project StreetUddress or Property Tax VD #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. It - LAZI� z_X=L CONTRACTOR SI URE (Q lifier) TeVr�l W � X PRINT NAME ,ASc 1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of —4�& U,)Gl e The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of who is personally known or has producEd a r SUB -CONTRACTOR " RE (Q lifier) l trry w"X PRINT NAME Q15'3--,+ l COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of . L06 e. Thee foregoing instrument was signed before me this JD day of N Vim+ 20_R, by who is personally known _or has produced a as identification. A as identification. -V STAMP -V Signature of Nota edblic Signature of No y Public y i �/ �� J� l J/I � EoJDn �1QAof*Notary' � i 11 U/�I l �,� Print Name of Notary Public �— Print Public J Notary Public State of Florida r Sabrina M Arrington N w/ EExxpirees 0812 2023 908279 Revised 11/16/2016 STAMP Notary Public State d Florida Sabrina M Arrington R My Commission GG 808279 Expires08/27no23 EMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Complianc DivFsk—,( EIVED BUILDING PERMIT NOV 2 6 O"y SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEME T ST, Lucie County, Permitting Pa y a A CiCeT(Icljeo�e" ' �ayu it ' (Company the C- L e e (Type of T For the project It is understood th project, the Buildi filing of a Change PRINT State of Florida, County c The foregoing instrument 20J who is personally known. as identification. Signature of Notary.Publi Print Nime of Notary Put Revised 11/16/2016 tQAL— at have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 100cok 6 y � R e9 - jve, 9 (Primary Contfactor) (Project Street Addre4s or Property Tax ID #) if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Sub -contractor notice. N NUMBER i its signed before me this.X day of by � ^ v�� A %',Z or has produced a STAMP r �a' `�!9y Notary Public State of Florida A Thomasina Bowins rrtks MY GG ssion 201733 fflv o, Expires 031l29/2022 (Qualifier) Rober-r-/ 000,y u k PRINT NAME /98y COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of=� The foregoing instrument was signed before me�this `2aDday of 20f-A by 11 i fX who is personally known or his produced a as identification. __':4 STAMP Signature of Notary Public �&&MmAf\& vns Print Name of Notary Public y Notary Public State of Florida e A Thomasina Bowins �• e My Commission GG 201733 Expires03/29/2022 OR