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FL# FL11602-1110.ST. LUCIE COUNTY �.
�'• Application Type Revision
Code Version 2017 BOCC
Application_Status Approved //� I
Comments \2 Il
Archived ❑
Product Manufacturer Owens Coming Roofing and Asphalt,LLC !
Address/Phone/Email. One Owens Corning Parkway
Toledo,OH 43645'
Greg.Keeler@owenseorn ing:com
.Authorized Signature Keeler Greg
Technical Representative Greg Keeler File COS%.
Address/Phone/Email' 2790 Columbus Road
Granville,OH 43023
(740)321-6345 DEC
���illittf^9 De h
Quality Assurance Representative RUCie coU^tent !
:Category Roofing
Subcategory Underlayments
Compliance Method Evaluation"Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
❑ Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen
:the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-59166
Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.-QA Entity
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020
Validated By John W.Knezevich,PE_
G Validation Checklist-Hardcopy:Received
Certificate of Independence FL11602 RIO C01 2019'01 COI NIEMINEN odf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year,
ASTM.D1970 2015
ASTM D226(physicals) 2009
ASTM 04798 2011
FRSA/TRI April 20f2 2012
TAS 117(B) 1995
UL1897 2012
Equivalence of Product Standards
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 10/17/2019
Date Validated 10J17/2019
bate Pending FBC Approval 10/20/2019
Date:Approved 12110/2019
Summary of Products
FL# Model,Number or Name Description
11602.1 Tftanium.Roof Underlayments Syntheft sheet-type roof underlayments
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ3 No. FL11602 R10 Ii 2019 10 FINAL ER FL11602-R10 odf
Approved for..use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:.Robert Nieminen.PE-59166
Impact Resistant;N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Design Pressure +N/A/-45. Evaluation Reports j
Other:1.)The design'pressure.rioted_herein,pertains.to use F111602 R10'AE 2019 10•FINAL ER FL11602-R10'6df !
of a specific underlayment system beneath foam-on the Created by Independent Third,Party:Yes
sytsems:Refer to-ER-Section 5.6.3 for tletails.2.)Refer to
ER Sections 5,and 6 for other Limits of Use.
0 0
Contact Us,::.2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee K 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement Accessibility Statement.::`RefundStaiement.
Under Florida law,,email addresses ate public recmds.If you do not want your,e-mail address released in response to a:public-records request,do notsend electron_is
co mall to this entio.Instead, ntact the'office by phone or by traditional mall-If you have-aoy questions,please cootact,850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section '
455,275(1),Florida Statutes,;effective October 1 2012 licensees.licensed under Chapter 455;"FS.must provideahe Department with an email address'-if they have
one.The emeft provided may be used'for,offinal communication with the licensee.Howeveremail addresses are public record.lEyou do not wish to'supply a i
Personal address,:please.ptuvfde.the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determfne if you area licensee.under Cfla'
455,F.S.,pleaseclick ere::..' - -
Product�Appro6al Accepts:
Credit Card
NEMO etc.
Certificate of Authorization k32455.
353-Christian Street,.Unit#13:
Oxford,CT QW9
Owens Corning Roofing and,Asphalt,LLC Evaluation`Report 111980.11.08-R5
One Owens Corning,Parkway
T.o.ledo,:OH 43659 Date'of lssuance:.11/03/2069
(740)321-6345 Revision 5i 64/19/2618
`This:Evaluation Report is issued undevRule<61G20-3 grid the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen;
R.E. for use of the prod
products uct under the .Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential`Volu:rne. The
oducts described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 61h Edition ,(2017) Florida Building'Code
sections noted herein.
DESCRIPTION: Titanium*"°Roof Underfayrnents
LABELING: Labeling shall be in.accordance with the requirements of the Accredited_Quality Assurance Agency noted
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE; This Evaluation.Report is valid until such time as'the.nalned products)changes;.the referenced`
Quality Assurance documentation changes,-O.r pfovisions of the-Code that relate.to the product change.:Acceptance of 4
this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen,.P.E. ofany:changes to. i
the product(s),the Quality Assurance or the-production facilitylOCation(s).. NEMQIetc,requires a.complete review of
this Evaluation Report relative;to updated Code requirements with.each Code Gycle.
ADVERTISEMENT:The Evaluation Report number preceded by.the words "NEMOletc. Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature: if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then-it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION:Upon,request,:a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall-be provided to the-user by the manufacturer or
its distributors and shall be available forinspect on at the job site at the request of the Building Official,
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7.
Prepared by
Robert].iVl.Nieminen,P.E. � '.,'2,•'•.:_+��,.ata' The faaimile seal appearing was authorizedbyRobert
c�'••,wora�'•` Nieminen,P.E.on 04/19/2018.This'does not serve as an
Florida Re No.59166,Florida DCAANE1983 *'"'••• �•"'° electronically signed document
1. NEMO ETC,LLC does not have,nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire;a financial interest in any company manufacturing or
distributing products it evaluates.
2. MEMO ETC LLC is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing productsit evaluates.
3. Robert Nieminen,'P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
which the•evaluation reports are being issued.
4: Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest In any other entity involved in the approval process of the
5. This-is.a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO,Ietc.nor Robert Nieminen,P.E..are,in any way,the Designer of.Recor8 for-any
project on which.this Evaluation.Report;or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained
specifically for that purpose.
Product Category:, Roofing "
Sub-Category: Underlayment
Compliance Statement: Titanium7e? Roof Underlayments, as produced by Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt,
LLC, have demonstrated compliance;with the intent of the foilowing.sections of-the e.'Edition (2017) Florida
Building Code through.testing in accordance with applicable_ sections the'following Standards. Compliance is
subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/COnditlOns:of Use set forth'herein.
Section ; Prop6qL, :Standard Year
1507.1.1,R905.1.1 Exception Unrolling,Breaking Strength;Pliability ASTM D226 2009
1507.1.1,11905.1.1 Exception TearStrength ASTM D1970 2015
1507.1.1,T1507.1:1, Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2015
1507;3.3 Physical.Properties FRSA/TRI Apri12012"(04-12) 2012
TAS.110 Accelerated Weathering AStM D4798 2011
TAS 110 Pull-through resistance US 117(B) 1995
-Ent! Examination- ' `Reference: 'y Date
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties d15010.04.09 04/29/2009
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 115010.05.1.0 05/14/2010
ERD(T5T6049) Physical Properties 135520.06.11 06/15/2011
ERD(TST6049) ASTM D226 138010.U8.11 08/11/2011
ERD(-TST6049) Wind Uplift 135520.08.11-1 08/12/20T1
ITS(TST1509) ASTM D226 '311801000Q7003 04/26/2007
1TS,(TST1509) ASTM D226 3130639COQ-002A. 68/21/2007
ITS(TST1509) Physical Properties 3126617.COQ-005 10/31/2d07
IT8.(T T1509) ASTM D226 101823107COQ-011 01/23/2015
PRI(TST5878) ASTM 01970 OCE-341.02-01 09/20/2017.
PRI(TST5878) ASTM.D7:970;Tear strength OCF-331-02-02 10/03/2017
PRI•(TST5878) ASTM D1970;Tear.strength 0CF332-02-02 10/03/2017
PRI(TST5878) ASTM'D_ 1970;-Tear strength OCF-334702702 10/03/2017
PRI(TST5878) TAS 117(B)'Pull-through OCF-422-02-02 04/03/2018
ITS(QUA1673) Quality Control ITS Listings Current
ITS(QUA1673) Quality.Control Service Confirmation 09/30/2017
4.1 Self-Adhering Underlayments:"
4.1.1 Titanium''s PSU-aO is an unreinforced polymer-modified bitumen.material adhered to the underside of a polymer-
coated, synthetic woven sheet. The underside is backed with a release film. Unit:weight 24 Ibs/square. Meets
ASTM 01970 as a single-layer and meets=FRSA/TRI April 2012 when-used:in 2-ply system.
4.2 Mechanically Fastened Underlavmerits:
4.2.1 TitaniumT°, UDL-25 is.a synthetic sheet-type underlayment comprised Of a woven core coated on oneside with a
polymer coating. Unit:weight 2.5Ibs/square;;meets FBC 1507.1.1&119051.1(Exception).
4.2.2 TitaniumTM UDL-30 is a synthetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of a woven core coated on both sides with a
polymer coating. Unit'weight 4.0 lbs/square;meets FBC 1507.1.1&R905.1.1(Exception).
4.2.3 Titanium""UDL-50 is a synthetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of a woven core coated on both sides with a
polymer coating. Unit weight 4.1 Ibs/square;meets FBC 1507.1.1&R965.1.1(Exception).
NEMO ETC,uc Evaluation Report.111980AL08-RS
Certificate ofAuthorization#32455 0 EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL-11662-R5
Titanium Roof Underlayments lievision.s:04/19/2018
Page 2'of 7
-- *NWO[etc. I
5.1 This.is.a building code,evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,•LLC nor Robert-Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the.Designer
of Record for any
project on which'this Evaluation:Report,or p�evousversions.thereof,.is%was:used'for permitting
or design guidance unless retained specifically for'that,purpose.
,5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurisdictions.
5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this.rePort;refer to current Approved Rooting Materials Directory.:for'fre ratings of
this.pro duct.
5.4 Titaniumm Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where .the'product.is Specifically
within FBC.approval documents. If. not listed, a.request;may"be made to the Authority Having
Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with-supporting data for the'prepared--roof covering:
5.5 Allowable Roof.Covers:.
TABLE 1: k
Asphalt Wood.Shakes
Underlayment Shingles Nail-0n-Tile Foam-On-Tile Metal &Shingles Slate
Titanium PSU-30 Yes
Srlvgssa India Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes j
Titanium-PSU-30 -
r N o sYes s. e(erentwood,NH)'
Titan]urri UDL-25 Yes No No Yes°. :Yes
Yes Yes-1-1
Titanium UDL-30 Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Base Sheet in 2-ply (Base Sheet in 2 piy
• _,.'systeml.', system) -
Titanium.UDL-50 Yes No No Yes .. :Yes Yes '
5.5.1 "Foam=OnTiie"-is-limited to use of following Approved_tile-adhesives:/underlayment combinations.L TABLE IA:ALLOWABLE TILE i
Adhesive : Florida P,'ro&uct Approval Underlayments {
Dow T11eBond'"' FL22525 Titanium'PSU-30(Silvassa,"Indio)
ICP Adhesives PolyseE®AH466 FL6332 Titanium:PSU=30:(Silv6sso,India)
5.6 Allowable Substrates:Titanium PSU30c
5.6.1 Direct'-Bond.to Deck:
A New untreated plywood;
Ex)sting_untreate'd plywood,primed as needed with D41 primer to.achieve bond.
5.6:2 Bond to Mechanicallv.Attached Base Sheet:
ASTM D226i Typed or 11 felt.
➢ Titanium UDL-30(primed with D-41 primer)or UDL-30(inverted).
I Refer to Tile Manufacturer's orAdhesive Manufacturer's-Florida Product Approvalfor Overtutilling Moment Resist.-once-Perforriiance.
NEMO ETC,LLC EvaluationRepoit 111980.11.08-R5
Certificate of Authorization#32455 6-EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLi16o2-R5
Titanium Roof Undedayments Revision S;04/19/2018
Page 3.of 7
f.. ONEMOJetc.
5.6.3 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in-Foam-On Tile Applications: FRSA/TR1 April 2012(04712)does.not-
address Wind uplift resistance of all underlay bht systems-,bdn'eath foam-on tile, systems;, where the
underlayment forms.part of the,lbad=path. The following wind uplift limitztio s apply to-underlayment systems
that are not addressed in FRSA/TRI.April 2012 (04-42) and are'used in foam-on the applications Maximum
Design Pressure is tffe-e.eWt of testing for wind load.resistance based on allowable.wind loads,andreflects the
Ultimaltepatsin prOssbredividedb .2 (the2to I margin of safetyperF-6 a9 has already .been applied),I passing pressure- - . - _ , -Y c 1504- - I i
Refer to FRSA/-TRI April 2012(04�12),Appendix A,Table 1A or FBC 1609 for determination. :
of design wind loads.
#1 Maximum:Design:Pressure=49 psf:
Deck: Min,.-15/32-i"nch'plywood to meet project re f4
requirements to satisfaction of Authority Havihg
Primer: (Optional)ASTM D41
Underlayment: One or-two pliesJitanium PSU-30(541vassa,India),self-adh-ered
#2 Maximum Design Pressure=-30 Jjd*;1
Deck: Min. 15/3,2-inch Plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction. of Authority Having
Base Sheet: TiifiiniUM UDL-30(inverted)
Fasteners: 12'lga.annular ring shank nails having not less than.20 rings per inch;heads not less than 318 inch.
diameter and length,suffident to penetrate throUgh"the thickness of deck not lessLthan 311:6-inch
with mini 32 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps
Spacing: 6-inch,o.c.at 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c.at three(3),equally spaced center rows.
Primer- ASTM D41 Primer required at all tin-caps.
Underlayment: One,dr two plies,Titanium PSU 30(Silvassa,Indid),self adhered
#3 Maximum Design Peds§Lird=-30:psf*-
Deck- Mini 15/32-1nich ply-wood to meet project requirements to satisfktion of Authority Having
Base:Sheet: Titahium UDL-30(printed side u'p)
Fasteriers: 12 ga-annular-ring shank nails having not less than Wrings per inch,heads not less than 3/8 inch
diameter and length sufficient to Penetrate through the thickness of deck not less than,3/16-.inch.
with�min.32 ga,.,I-r5/8"diameter tin caps.
Spacing: 6-inch o;c.at 4-inch wide side laps and.12-inch o.c.at'three(3),equally spaced center rows.
Primer: ASTM b41 priffier requiped over printed side,of UDL730:
Urfderlayment: One or two plies,Tit.hium PSU 30'(SiNassa,India),Self-adh6red,
44 Maximum Design Pressure -45-0sf*:
Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plVwbod to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authorfity,Having
Base Sheet: Titanium UDL-30 Jinverted. )
Fasteners: 12g?�.,annular ring shank nails having not less than Wrings per inch,heads not less than 3/8 inch
diameter and length sufficient to penetrate through the
he thickness a f deck not less than 3/16-irich.
with min:92.ga.,-i'S/8"Aameterlin caps
Spacing: 6-inch o.c.at 4--inch wide side laps and 84nch o.c.at three(3),equallV.spaced center rows.
Primer: ASTM D41 primer required at all tin-:caps.
Underlayment: One or two plies,Titanium PSU 30
- (S!Wssa,h7dip),self-adhered
MEMO ETC,LLC Etoluation.Rep6rt 11198 0.11.08-RS
Cert1flcataqfA6thoHz&ffbn#32455 6-EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F.L11602-RS
Tlta,nium Roof U-nd0l'ayments RevisionS:-04/19/2018-
Page 4 of 7
#5� MWmumDesien.Ptessure=-45Psf*:
Deck: Min. '15/32-inch: plywood to meet project 'requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having
Base.Sheet: Titanium UDL-36'(printeid side up)
Fasteners: 12 ga:annular ring shank naiis having not.less than Wrings per inch;,heads not less than 3M inch
diameter.and length sufficient to penetrate through the thickness of deck not less than 3/16-inch
with min.32'ga.,1=5/8"diameter tin caps.
Spacing: 64nch o.cl at 4-inch wide side laps:and 8-inch o.c.at-three(3);equally spaced center rows:
P.'rimer: ASTM D41 primer required over printed side-of UDL-30.
Underlaymeni: One or two plies,Titanium.PSU 30(Silvassa,./ndia)i,self_adhered For mechanically attached Base Sheet, the maximum design pressure for the'selected assembly shall meet or
exceed--that requited under FRSA/TRI April 2012(64-12),Appendix A;Table:1A.
Alternatively,the maximum design pressure for theaelected assembly shall r eet,or:exceed'the Zone 1 design
pressure determined in accordance with.FBC 1609.. In ;this ease,.Zones 2 and.3:shall.employ:an:attachment
density:.designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used
methods are'ANSI/SPRI WD1, FM.loss:Prevention Data Sheet 1-29:and Roofing Application Standard RA5-117.
Assemblies marked with an..asterisk* carry the limitations set forth''in Section.i2r10.1 of FM Loss Prevention
Data'Sheet 1-29(January 20161 forZone 2/3 enhancements.
'5.7 Exposure Limitations:
Titanium:U.DL-25;Titanium UDL-30 or Titanium UDL-50 shall not be:left'okposed for longer than 30-days.
Titanium PSU-30(Silvassa;India)shall not,be left exposed for longer than_90-days.
Titanium PSU=30(Brerrtwood;.IVH)shall not be,left exposed for longee-"than 30-days.. .
5.8 Tile Slippage Urnitations filer FRSA%TRI April 2012'(04-12)1:
When loading roof tiles on;the unded-yment in direct-deck. le.assemblies,.the maximum°roofslope shall be as:
follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of.the roof;tiles;
Underiayment Tile Profile Staging Method Maximum
Titanium PSU-30(Silvasso, Flat Max.10-tile stack 5.12
India) Lugged Max..10-tile stack... 612
6A Titanium'Roof:Underlayments shall be installed.in accordance with;Owens Corning Roofing and.-Asphalt,'LLC
published installation;requirementstsubject to the Umitations.set forth in-Section 5-.herein and the specifics noted
6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding"nail heads: •Sweep the:_substrate;thoroughly to
remove any dust:and:debris priorto'application,and prime the substrate(if applicable).
NENIO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 111980.11:08-R5
Cgtfcate ofAuthariiotion#32455 0 EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL71602-R5'
Titanium Roof Underlayments Revision 5::04/19/2018_
Page 5-of 7
_ -Mb :etc :
63 TitamumTM'`UDL 25 Titanium UDL30 or Tttamum-UDL 50,
6.3.1 Shall be installed in=:compliance,with the requirements for ASTM D226;Type I or II vndeclayment in FBC Table-
1507.11 or R905:T 1 for;the'type of:prepared roof covering.to'66 i ' alled;taking into account the wider sheet-
6:3.2 Fasteners:
Mechanical:attachment.of Titanium UDL-25 and Titanium UDL-30 is limited to ring;shank:roofing-nails with:
minimum 1-inch diameter plastic°caps:
Mechanical attachment of Titanium UDL-SO is limited.to ring -shank roofings nails with minimum 3/8 inch; t
diamet_e_r:.heads;Arig shank roofing nails with minimum 1-inch.diameter plastic caps,screws and plates;.or.plastic' I
cap-staples: „
,6.3:2.1 Code'Reference: The-Exception statement in FBC 1507.1.1 and:FBC.R90511,states: except metal_cap nails
shall be required where the ultimate design:wmd speed;Vuu,equals be e&eed§150 mph."
O.wenstorning Roofing and Asphalt;LLC has furnished data topermitthe 'use,of!AfichAiameter plastic cap nails
in lieu of metal-cap nails forthese;applications-when th -TitahIU6V 'UDL-25,Titanium UDL-30 or Ttanium,UDL .
50'underlayment=is installed beneath.mechanically:'fastened prepared. roof covers: referenced in FBC Table
1507:1.1 or 11905.1.1.
6.3.3 Slooes'of4:12orgreaten,
End(vertical).laps shall be minimum 6-inches and side(honzontal);,laps.shall be ininimum 4-inches
Minimum attachment-shall be 11-inches ci c: vertically and 24-inches.o.c :horizontally in,accordance with the
surface,markings'-on the•exposed.face of the underlayment. When batten systems are'to be installed atop the;
underlayment;the,underlayment--need only.be preliminarily attached pending attachment-of the<battens.
6.3.4 Slobes:of 2c12 to lessthanA-12:
Double layer application;:begin by:fastening a 25-inck'wide stti:p,:along the eaves`. Place.a;full-width sheet over
the starter,corripletely'overlappingahe starter course:'Contmueas noted:i_n 641%,'but.maintaining:minimum 25-
.inch side(horiiontal)laps,:resulting in a double-layer application.
6 4 Ttarnum'- PSU,30c
64.1 Shall be installed'in com liance with the codified m ST;requireents.for-AM D1970,underlayment in FBC Table
1507.1.1 for the type-of prepare&roof covering to;be installed.
6.4.2 Direct-to-Deck;w the Mechanically Fastened Roof Cover:
Cutmanageabie sectlons,and reroll with:the release film side out. {
McMbr. nkApplieation
Peel back release film approximately 1 to 2 feet and align,with-the lower,edge of the roof and set in place,
printed side up.
Apply the balance:ofthe membrane to the substrate by removing-the film and firmly..pressing the.rnernbrane
into place.
.Apply subsequent:courses.parallel to the eave.in.a shingle,type,:water-shedding,rranner.
➢ End:(vertical)-Iaps.shall be'minimum 12=inches and side'(honiontal)laps:shall 4e'miniriium-34hches.
Ifthe-membrane becomes misaligned,cut the-roll and re-start.,
Upon completion,inspect the rembrane and repair any,defects or fish-iboutF s:,
The.use oUsealant-or mastic at.tile-fastener penetrations is-required for all tile roofing installations: Contact
Owens_Corning Roofing and Asphalt,-LLC for approved sealant or masticaypes:
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report-111980.11.08=R5
.,certiweate ofAuthorizatfon#32455 (P EDITION.{2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL11602-115
Titanium Roof Underlaymei is Revision S:*64/19/2018
Page 6,of 7
EMO fet
6.4.3 Tile Applications[.Titanium PSU.30(Silvassa,India)onlyl:
Reference is made to'FkSA/tRLA pril 2012(04-22)Installation Manual and Table i,heeein,using the instructions
noted above asa,guideline.
Tile shall be loaded-and staged -in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the qnderIaV.ment.
Refer to Table 2 herein,and-OWeris Corning Roofing.and As0haIt;_LLC published reigyiremiants.fortiI6 staging.
Owens,Corning Roofing and Asphalt;LLC specifies minimum 244io6r cure time after installation,"before loading
of roofing tiles.
The use of sealant or mastic at the fastener penetrations is required for all tile roofing installations. Contact
Owens Corningftofing 6 fidr Asphalt,LLC for approved sealant cir'mastic types;
6.5.1 The 'Titanium.241y 'System consists Of a base layer of Titanium'UDL-30 -(tobsurface primed- or inverted),
mechanically-attached-to the wood roof deck followed by Titanium PSU-30(Sfloqsso,lndla);self-ad. h6red.
6.5.2 Non-Tile Applications:
Install Titanium UD'6�30 (top. surfaceinverted)
' primed or inveed) in accordance with Sections 6.11 through, E.3.3
followed by Titanium PSU-30(Silmsso,India)in accordance With Section 6.4.
6.5.3 Tile Applications:
Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)Installation Manual and Table I herein,using the instructions
noted above as a guideline.
For mechanically fastened,tile roofing, refer to Owens Corning-Roofing and.Asphalt, LLC published-installation
instructions,but not less than the fastener density from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04712),Table 1,taking into account
the wider sheet-width.
For adhesive-set tile roofing,refer to Section 5.6.3 herein.
Tile shall be loaded and stagedthat /or damage to the underlayment.
.__ in a manner tha prevents tile slippage and,
Re Refer to table 2 herein,.and Owens Cornin Roofing and Asplialt, Lki:published i-64piretherits,for file staging:
Owens-Corning Rdofing;and Asphalt,LLC specifies:minimum 24-h6tir cure time after installation,before Idadihg
of roofing tiles.
The use of sealant or mastic:at,the fastener penetrations is required for all tile roofing installations. Contact
Owens Corning.Roofilng and Asphalt;LLC for approved sealant or mastictvpes:
As requited by theBuilding Official ior,Aufhorlty Having.Ju"risidicthon in order to properly eValluatp-the installation
of this product.
Contact the noted QAagency'for information on product locations covered for F.A.C.:61G204,QA.req
The following plants have qualified products under their respective physical properties specifications.
Mission,BC;Canada . FBC15071J(Exception) Titanium UDL-90jitaniurn UDL-50
Q:rrigdzio,China FBC 15071A,(Exception) Titanium UDL-25;Titanium.UDL-30',-,Titanium UDL-50
Silvassa,India WA/Till 0442(2=ply system) Titanium PSUm30(Silvassa,India)
Brentwood,NH ASTM D1970 lltanium.PSU-36.(Brentwoo_d,NH)
Intertek Testing S6rvices NA Inc.—QUA1678-(604)-520-3321'
NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report i11980.11.08-R5
Certificate of Authorization#32455 0 EDITION(2017)FBC NOWHVHZ EVALUATION 1`1.116012=R5
Titanium Roof underlaVinents Revision 5,04/19/2018
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