HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) ,.B/4/2020, Florida.Building Code Online j BOS Home-J`L(g�In "User Registration l 'HotTopics 1. submitSurgharge l Stats:A Factsr.t Publications 1, Contact,Us it ecis:Slte Map.{ Unks I�Seardi I . Florida !?' I Product Approval r USER::PubllcUse „ywre:iura;� - L'r.'.:'sxrf.�crn Product Aoprnval.menu. 'Product.orAo_plicaticn.Search- .Ago cationUst>.Application:D il - ! FL:# FL10674-R15. Application Type Revision REVIEWED IE CodeVeesion 2017 WED FOR Application Status Approved CODE COMPLIANCE Comments ST,LUCIE COUNTY i Archived j BOCC RF�Fn'Eo Product.Manufacturer Owens Coming DEC d Address/Phone/Email One Owens Corning Parkway (740)404 7B295Toledo,OH 9 pe ittiry9 pe greg keeier@owenscorning.com Lucie Cou tRl ent Authorized:Sig nature, Greg:Keeler .greg.keeler@owenscorning.com Technical Representative Mel•Saricrant Address/Phon%Email 1 Owens Corning-PKWY Toledo,OH 43659: (419)7 376-8361) mel sancra of@owenscorn ig;com. Quality Assurance,Representative Address/Phone/Erna it Category Roofing u�;r� �0�� ' Subcategory Asphalt Shingles ,(� Compliance Method Evaluation Report,frorh a Fioirida Registered Architect or a Licensed.Florida Professional Engineer ;._l Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer_or 4dhii6ct Name who,developed the.Rob_ert J.M.Nieminen. EvaUation;Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality-Assurance Entity., PRI Construction MaterialsTeahnologies;CLG _. . . .. Quality .ssurance Contract Expiration:Date 0 1/0 112 0 9 9 Validated By John W.Knezevieh;PE 40 Validation Checklist'-Hardcopy°Received Certificate-of Independence FL10674 R15 COL.2019-01 .COI MEMINEN;Of Referenced'Standard:and Year(ofStandard) Standard Year ASTM;D1970 2015 ASTM::D31fi1 2016 ASTM_D3462 2010 ASTM'D7158- 2011 Equivalence of Product Standards -Certified By Sections froMlhe;Code. https://wwW.flbHdabUildihg.dtglpf/pt app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtBNbEY5V%2boQT%2b6W7ahRegl Q8ucR6ikEDL76gG32Q9MA%3d%3d. 1/2 8/4/2029 Florida-Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted `08/15/2019 Date.Validated 0$/15/2019 Date Pending'FBC Approval 08/21/21619 Date Approved 10/15/2019 i Summa of Products FL.4 Model;Number or Name Description 10674.1 Owens Corning Asphalt Rooflng 3 t_ab,4-tab,54ab,laminated,starter and hip&ridge shingles - Shingles.andStarters Limits of.Use Installation Instructions, Approved foruse.in HVHZ: No FL10674 R15 II 2019 08= FINAL ER'OC ASPHALT Approved-for use:outside HVHZ:'Yes SHINGLES FL10674-R1'5rpd Impact Resistariti:N/A Uerlfled By: RobertJ. M.Nle.minen PE'=,59166. Design Pressure-N/A' Created by Independent Thlyd-Party:Yes Other: Referto ER;_Sectlon 5: Evaluation Reports. FL10674.R15 AE 2019 b8' FINAL ER OC'ASPHALT -SHINGLES FL10674-1115 pdf. Created by Independent,Third:Party::'Yes. Sadt: Cdeyt, ,Contact'Its;:.2601=RIaic Stone Road,Tallahaccee 9 Phone:`850-487=1874 The State'of Florida Is an AA/EEO.employer.co ydaht 2007-7013 state of Florida.;t Prf4acv Statement::Accessibility Statement::•Refund Statement under Florida law,email. are public records. do not'want'your a=mail address:released In:response to'a public-records request,do hot send elec&bnic. mall to this entity.Instead,-contact the office'by phone or by.traditional mail Ifyou have any questions,please contact 850.487.1195.*Pursuant to Section 455:275(1), Florida statutes,effective 0d6ber 1,2012,licensees licensed under chapte'r455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided.maybe used foroffidal communicatlon:with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If.you do not wish to supply a personal address,-please provide the Department-with an email address,whicti;can be made available to'the public To_determine if.you are;a licensee under 6apter455,.F.s.,please.click ere. Produa Approval Accepts- 590 Credit.Card' Safe htfpsi//www:floridabuiiding:orglpr/pr app dtLasp*?param=wGEVXQwtOdtBNbi YSV%2boQT%2b6w7ahReglCQ8ucR6ixEDL76gG32Q9MA%o3d%3d 2/2 NEM01 etc., Certificate of-Authorization J#32455 353 Christian Street,Unit9.13- Oxford,CT-06478' (203)262=9245- ENd VEER` EVALUATE TEST CONSULT. CERTIFY REPORTEVALUATION Owens Corning Evaluation Report 037940.02.12=R10. One Owens.Corning Parkway FL10674=1115 Toledo,OH 43659 Date of Issuance:02/.06/2012. (746)4044829 Revlsl0n.10:08/15/201.9 $COPE: This Evaluation°Report is issued- Rule..61G20-1.and'the applicable rules and regulations-governing the--use of- construction.:materia15-in the State.of Florida.The.documentatiowsubmitted.lias been,reviewed byV Robert Nieminen, P.E.foruse;of the.product-under the Florida.Building Code and Florida Building Code,'Residential'Volume. The:products described herein have-been evaluated for compliance:with the 61h Edition(2017)Florida'-Building Code:sections.noted herein. DESCRIPTION:. Owens Corning-Aspha)t Roof-Shingles LABELING: :Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements.of the Accredited Civality.Assurance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507..2 7.1/'R905.2.6 1 CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is;valid until .the named. pt dct(S) changes,,the rbferenced C(Uality. Assurance documentation changes, or.provisions.of.the Code-that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation•Report,byth:e'named client.constitutes agreement to,notify Robert Nieminen, P.E:_of any changesAo the product(§),the QualityAss.urance,or the:production facility location(s). NEMO 1.ete. requires a complete..review of this Evaluation.Report:;;relative to.updated Code requirements wiith.each.Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: the Evaluation. Report hurriber;preceded by the-words"NEMOIetc. Evaluated"-rriay b-e displayed.in advertising literature. If anyportion:ofthe Evaluation.Report is displayed...then it-shall be done in its.entirety. JINISPECTION::Upon.request,,a copy of this-eritire:Evaluation.Report shall be:.provided to the user bythe:rrlanufacturer.or its distributors and shall be available for inspection atthe job site at request of the'Bu:ilding Official. This Evaluation Report;consists of pages 1-thro.ugh 10. Prepared jjby: :Robert J.M.Nieminen,PE. a.Sr 4' Tliefacsimile§ealappearmgwasautho�ized6y:Robert Nieminen;RE:on'08/15/2619.`Th1k.does notserve as'an: Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 ..,,.,,„ electronically signed document: CERTIFICATION OF INOEPEN OCE: 1: NEMO Ietc.does not have,.nor does;It Intend to:acquire,of will.it:acquire, a:financial interest In,any'_company manufacturing o distributing products it;evaluates. 2. NEMOaetc.is'notowned operatedorcontrolledbyanycompanymanufacturing.ordistributingproductsit'evaluates: 3. -Robert.Nieminen,P.E.'does.not have nor-will acquire,-a financial interest'in any.company:manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4: Robert Nierninen,P E.:doe_s:not have :nor will acquire,a,flnandal interest in ariy ether entity.indOlved in the approval process of the product. -56 This is a building code:evaluation. Neither NEMO I etc.nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.-are,in anyway,the Designer of`Record-for any project on-which this Evaluation Report,or previous:versions thereof;is/was used forpermitting;or design guidance unless retained specifically for thatypurpose. ©2418,_-NEMQ EUC,L.LC 0:REM-P.. C'tt. ;ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Cate gory: Roofing Sub-Cate-6 As-phalt;Sfiingles Compliance Statement: Owens Corning.-Asphalt- Roof Shingles, as produced aiy Ow Corning; have demonstrated compliance with the.following sections of.the 6t'Edition(2017)Florida Bu..ilding Code and Florida Building Codei Residential Volume:through testing.`ln acc'd' -with the;following:Standards.. Compliance.is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations./Conditions of.Use.set forth herein. STANDARDS:2. Section _ Pro a Standard Year 15pZ.2 4,R905:2,3 Physical.0roperties ASTM.D1970 2015 1507.2.5,.R905 2.4 Physical.Properties M..TM.D3462 2010 1507.2.7:1,_11905.2.6:1 ;Wind Resistance ASTM.D3161 2016,. 1507-2.7.1,:R905 2 6 1 Wind Resistance ASTM D715a 2011. 3. REFERENCES: Enti .. ty Examination Reference Date Owens:Corning Declaration Equivalency Declaration 08/06/2019 PRI;(TST5878) ASTIVI.D1970, OCF-382-D2=01 S0/24/2017 UL LLC:(CE119626) Physi6l5t&Wind;Resistance File R2453 Vol.3 02/15/2007 UL LLC.(CER9626) Physicals:&Wind`Resisfance 20120516-R2453 05%16/2012 UL LCC.(TST9628) Physical Properties- 06CA20263 04/18/2006 UL LL'C.(TST962_8) Wind-.Resistance I1CA34308 02/18/2012 UL LWITST9628) Physicals::&Wind;Resistance 4786093137 02/01/2014 ULLCC,(TST9628) Wind Resistance 4786126532 02/10/2014 'UL LLC iTST9628) Physical'Properties Classification letter 02/13/2014 - UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties Classification:letter 10/02/2015 Miami=Dade(CER1592) FBC_HVHZ:,Compliance,. Various,.NOAs Various' PRI QUA9110 s ( ) Quality Control Service Confirmation 04/,05/2020 4. 'ROD • i i. 4A ACCESSORY-STARTERS: = .- 4:1.1 SEarter5trip Shingle;,Starter Strip Plus and.5RS-TopSh fie Icl;Starter.are starter strips.for asphalt roof shingles. Meets ASTM D3462.- ':A,2 Starter Shingle Roll Is:a mineral surfaced,fiberglass-reinforced,self-adhering'SBS modifed'bitumen starter strip; nominal 7:2-inch wide is 33-.ft4-inch long roll;for use with',aspti&t ingles.:Meets-ASTM 1970. &I ASPHALTSHINGLES:; :. 4 2.1 Classic and Supreme."are fiberglass reinforced,3-tabu§ghalt roofshingles..Meets.ASTIVI D3462. 4,2;7_ Berkshire are fberglass,reinforced,:.4=tab asphalt-roof.shingles.,Meets ASTM D3462:- 4.2.3 Duration TeuRefini#ionoburation', Durat'ion'Premium Cool,TruDefinition Duration Designer Color Collection, Trubefirntion bAndge; Oakncl ':arid.WeatherGuaed'HP .are fiberglass reinforced,.laminated asphalt r6of shingles:Meets ASTIVI D3462. 4.1 HIP BLAIDGE.SHINGLES:� 43.1 Berkshire Hip&Ridge Shingles with Sealant;DuraRiiige®Hip;&Ridge Shingleswith'Sealant,_ProEtlge®Hip:&:Ridge Shingles and V1/eMherGuard*HP HIp&Ridge-Shingles:are fiber Aass reinforced hipand ridge::asp_ halt-roof shingles. Meets ASTM D3462. NEIVI6Ot.,LLC Evaluation Report637946.02:12-R10 CerVficdteofAuthorization#32455 6TM EDITION:(2017)FBC NON,-HVHZ EVALUATION FL1067.4-1115' Owen_Corning Asphalt Roof Shin_gles Revision;10:68/15/2019. Page 2'of 10 t. MEMO 'etc. 5. LIMITATIONS: 5,i1 This""s a.bulking code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,,tCC:no.c:'Robert Nieminen;P.E are;:in.any:way;the Designer of Record for any.project on which this Evaluation:Reporr,orprevlous_verslons'thereof,Is/was used for permitting or design guidance.unless retainedspecifically for ttat.purpose. 52 This-Evaluation Report is not-for use::iri FBC:HVHZjurisdictions. 5:3_ Fir."e Classification is not part of this'.Eyaluation.'Report; refer-to.curr.ent Approved:,Roofing Materials�Direciory for fire;yatings of this product. 5.4 Wind:Classificatiion:. {. 5 4.1 The Owens<Corning'asphalt.shingl - noted in Section 42,are Classified in.accordance with.FBC Tables 1507 2.7.1 i and R905.24.10 ASTM D3161, Class F and/or!ASTWD7158,Class H;'indicating acceptable use in all wind:zones: up to Vasa=1-50,mph: V.t f,.-:194 mph):. Refer to'Sedion 616rinstallation requirements to'meet this wind.rating:, - Notet Classification by ASTM D7158 applies:onI to':exposure category B o,r C, as:defined in FB01609 4;3 and a. mean roof,height of_607feet or less. Calculations.by a:guahfed.design Professional are:required-for.conditions: outside these;limitations:_ Contact the shingle manufacturer:for dataspecific to each shingle.. 5-4.2 :Starter Strip.Shingle,Starter Strip Plusand SRSTopShield Starter.noted-in Section 41.1and the-Owens Corning hip ridge shingles:.noted in=:Section 43''-are Classified.in accordance-with-FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and I1905 2.6.116 ; ASTM D3161;:Cle&.F;indicating:acceptable use in.all wind tones u,p to:V_ d 150:mph(V,;it=194 mph): Refer to Section 646r installation requirements to meet this:wind:rating. 5 4.3. Refer to Owens:Corning published information on wind.resistance and1risiallation limitations. SS All products in:the roof assembly shali have quality assurance audit in.accordance'-with:F.A C Rule.:61G20-3. 6. INSTALLATION: 61 GENERAL 6.1,1 Roof deck;.slope, underlayment and fasteners:shall:,comply with FBC 1507.2-/ 11905.2 and the shingle. manufacturer's rriinimum:'requirements. 61.2 Underlayment shall We acceptable to the shingle manufacturer a rid shal1.461d current Florida Statewide-Product Approval,or. Locally Approved perRule 61G20-3per FBC_Sectons 15.07:2.3,1507.24or:R905.23. 61.3 Fasteners shall be lmaccordance with°the shingle:manufacturer's published requirements,but.not-less,than FBC. 1507:2 6 or R905 2..5 Staples are:not permitted: 6 1:4 Owens Corning asphalt shingles are acceptable for use lwreroof(tear off).orrecover applicatlons;.�subject fo:the' lire itationssetforth in FBCSection 1511 or.R908 and:published installation instructions. t2 ACCESSORY STARTERS: _ 62.1. Installation:of�StarterStrip.:Shingle,Starter Strip Plus and'-SRS TopShield Starter'shall comply;with_the Owens C6rhingcurreht published iristructidns;usmg.mioim.um'fiye(5}nails per strip. . .. Fek undeifayment' Deck 'kbundedrymenl - H ,Deik. SeFadhe d%. _ SeD•adhered - WmNulaeF3 under4yment' VleatherLadB i. r . .underlayment .Drip — - .odpeQgr .edge: -DdPedOe' Dr4-- - , edge - i rLdilonfed ' Naas loomed„ - ;.l'ayrorrieare :Iristea Est - Sea-seaGng adhesive;. :CniobPoitSniteiStdpNu. - Sdae+tii9adhedre -Starter St _ '• plsNoned along e;w .rhhcremavrd ._ pmNciud nlmgerve .. '. C removed.• - ' Starter Sid stud Ie overkan waves and iaFo5.s-},'. - Sunirsulp��Plufarirhanps esrn rnEntestlatiia• Figure l:.Minimum'.Na ling,:Starter Strip Figure 2:;Mlrilmum:Nailing,StarterStrip Plus NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R10 i Certifrcvte of Authoriidti6n 1l32455 6TM EDITION:(201.7)"FBCNON=HVHZ EVALUATION - FL10674-R15 Owens Corning Aspfialt_Roof Sfiingles Revision:10:08/15/2019 Page 4:61F 10 i • 1. (i110-�etC NE .: 61.2 Installation of Starter Shingle,11611 shall comply with the Owens Corning curient�published;:instructions. Deck Underlayment Drip edge Drip edge } ' Starter Shinglis Roll adhered directly to underlayment and # primed drip edge i Self:sealing adhesive` positioned along eaves Figure 3:Starter.Shingle-Rolm $.3 ASPHALT SHINGLES: 63.1 Installation of asphalt shingles- shall comply with the Owens Corning current published instructions, using minimum-four(4)_nails'per shingle imaccordance.with FBC 1507 .3 or R905:2.6,with the following exceptions: Berkshire shingles require rriinimurri five(5)'na.ils pershingle: W66ther.Guaed®HP-shingles r'.equlre rrii i ibUin-sig(6):naiis pershingle, Where the roof slope exceeds 21:units vertical.in 12 units horizontal,speciai.methods offastening are required Referto Owens Corning published:information on-wind resistance and_installation limitations. '6:3.1A Classic®&.Supreme: Normal Mansard or Area Para Normal Mansard or Area pare Wind Areas High Wind- des'vanes.Y Wind Areiis High.Wind dasvanes y Area imititosnor�nales 'Areas vleiitos.fuertes Area Para vientosnormaies Areas vientos fuerras 4 rt^ z• iBF 2' . t ��it .. iA► r1" 2" fel, z' _ .. i 5"Exposure_ 5 5/8"Exposure-. Exposieion- Exposicidn Figure 4:Minimum Nailing,Classic-&Supreme FigureS:.Minimum Nailing,Classic&;Supreme (Standard Size) (Metriesize) NEMO.ETC,:LLC Evaluation_Rep.orf 6#NOA2.12-00 Certificate ofAuthorization'#32455 6tH EDITIQN:(2017)'FBC NON--HVHZ EVALUATION FL10674-R15. Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 10:08/15/2019 Page.4 of 10, ` MEMO12..t 6:.3.1 2 Berkshire®:. :. ... . .. .._.. - e SealantSidD Sealant strip La*4'desellador 1'La tira de Mbdor 64 B°Yz 9 Yl' 9:Yt 8'%z" f t Figure'6: S-NailRattern,Berkshire Figure 7 6-Na11 PatfO Berkshire 4 i. Seapnistrip >ta 1Ua tle set7arbr. - 6 '�/-----►-�.4 BYt' BYd 8Yi 9YY V, -mom tFootin,-ment Cemento de techo deaslaito Figure 8 Mansard df Steep Slope Pattern,Berkshire - i - t { t NEMO ETC,;LLC' EvaluationReport O37940:02.12R10 Certifrcote-ofAuthoriiotion#32455i: 6TM EDITION(2017)FeC NON HVHZ EVALUATION F610674=R15 Owens,t`,oming Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 10:OS/1S/2019 _ Page 5;of10 L t EMO�et�e; 6:3A.3 Duration°.TruD`efinrtton®'Duration Duration®Premium Cool;&TruDefinition;Duration besighdr COIOr-Collet:tion: 4 Nail Fastenlrg:Patfern Sur6Nall®fastening area;wi dth Naii, ical GYP...... '12 _., ..._ .-�nrcwn3nasuimvaa ..� vmtuaua �..,,a«.,�.m S. ]w�Ma .:,tea'.' Ov:en's Co'rniB SureNa30.,s• �.,: tgtire 9:Standard:47Nail Pattern;Duration 6--Nail Fastening.Pattern : SureNailp fastening area width ►Vast Typical. 1!' 12'i @�xnYCartunllSurc.Valp+ -aO-:,K,c'Q N'?�+S eaNwaSe�a� -:`_�.oaehS Caning SureT63a:.- .,p:v ,... . s 1re' S 51e r 10 ;F�Nail itern,Duration Fastening for Slopes Greater Than 21.12 SureNailO'fastentng area width Nall,Typical, 12n . _..Fens CoinlnO SureNa9�- ......... - - y Four 1I'Spots.of Asphalt Roofing Cement. Figure 11-Mansard ors#eep.Slope;PaEtern,Duratton NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report;032940.02:12-R10 certificate.ofAuthorizatldn#32455 6TM'EDITION:(2017)FBC'NON-HVHZ`EVAWATION Ft10674-R15 Owens Coming AsphalE.Roof Shingles. Revision 10 0015/2019 Page 0 of.10 i { 1 NEMO l etc:_ r 6:3.1.4 Trt,7Definition Oakritiee®,06kridee®:.. 4,Nail.Pattern Esquema:cote 4 davos y^ ... V 5 5/8'Exposure Nails 5 518"Exposure fxpocici6nde55/8puig. Cfavos Expo4iuonde55/Bpulg: t 4 Figure 12:Standard 4-Nai1 Pattern,�Oakndge 6 Nail Pattern Esquema con 6-ciavos Nails 5'S/l3".Exposure 5 518"E Cfavos xposure EnposiciOn'de 55/8 pvfg. Exposicf&de 55/80alg.. Figure-13:6-Nail Pattern,Oakridge; Fastening.for.Slopes,preaterThan 21:12. su-Ns110 rastening arsa Width 'Na'Typtad 7" 12" a=va^ssra e oaw [ Four 1"spots,of'Aspb.mlt Roofing:Cement 'Figure 14:Mansard or Steep-Slope.Pattern,Oakridg-e NEMPITC,LLC Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R10 Cenifiio[e of Authorizorion#32455 6-EDITION•(2017).FBCNOWHVHZ EVALUATION FL10674-R15 Owens-Coming Asphalt RoofShingles Revision 10:08/25/2019 Page 7 of 10 r R9 E iVl:o I eta; 6;3.15 MeatherGbzit&.HP: rP _ I 12y2,tg - F '545'St8'E>pasve.:. 5S E��tcsus. ."' de55.BPig: ExO imld155t8034, Figure 15:'_6 Nail Pattern,INeatherGaardNP 6�Nai Pattern . _ Esquema con.6';clavos Nait 6 V$-from b6ttom: ofshmgle , 5 518"Exposure .6 Fasteners R ave a 6118 ppulp dqe fa'. 4 Exposieb de.5 518_pulg. 6 sujetaddes arte mferioide. leg s ,�1WiF tPl� N .I�u2� i Four:1: Spots of_Asphah Hbof Cement Criaria puntos de din (d de tedlo de as/alto de I pulgeda Figure l6:Mansard or'Steep=Slope Pattern`WeatherGuard 4.. - ti;4 WIP&RIDGE SHINGLES • 6 4.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall°complywith,the Owens Corning current,published instructions: Berkshire .Hip and RidgesSi mgles with Sedldnt and DuraRidge®Hip&Rrdge Shingles with Sealant require, minimum-two(2)nails per hingle: ➢- WeatherGuard :HP-Hip and.RidgeShingles., nd ProEdge°:Hip:;&,Ridge::Shingles::require minimum four°(Q nail$'Per.Shingle. Refer to Owens:Corning;published`information'Dn wind:resMance and'installation limitations. :MEMO ETC',LLC- Evaluation'Repoit'037940.02.12=R10 Cemjicbfe ojAutharizahon�32455' 6m EDrrip (2011),FSC NON HVHZ EVALUATION FL10674-R15 Owens Corning Asphait Roof Shingles Revisfon;10:08/15/2019 Page 8 of 10 i 4 t NEM0 Berkshire°Hid&Ridge ttilth SOdldAt avid Durzi idit&Hip&Ridge-Shingles with°Sealant: Fig. A Fig:;B Top View Prevailing Wind Direction t-- Mi Vista serorDireccl6n:del.vienCo'predominante 1IF a. Nail clavo A 2s/a Owet�stComing'_SureNad • Nails Clavos I. j j I I b C 6;Faposure. ` tD I c Egwd-65n figure 17:Isometric.VieW Berkshire and'DuraRidge Figure 18:Plan View,Berkshire and DuraRidge Weather6uard®HP:Hip,&-RidkdShineles: Fig.A 4 4 Fig.C-Hip&Ridge.Shingle fastening Prevalling:Wlnd Top V lew F—Dlrecrion A" Nails - 44 Nails N51Is \ A I I�44 i i T 2, 2"' p s, v ♦ w . Exposure - EStposure - i 1 w Figure 19:Isometric-View,WeatherGuard.HP Hip&Ridge Figure;20:_Plan V1evv,'WeatheiGuard HP Hip&Ridge i NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report 037940.02-12-R30= Gertificote of Authorizatran k32455 6i"EDITION.i2O17)F8C NON=HVHZ EVALUATION FL10674-R15 Owens Corning Asphalt Robf Shingles Revision 1O:08/15/2619. Page 9.of W " 7 NNW&�eb. 6 4:1:3 ProEdw?Hip`&Ridae'Wneles Prevailing Standard; Wind Direction S Fastening.oulant strip p S•Exposure V. _Sealant. Fasten 71h' 71j: 6`Exposure. Cover Exposed 1 I '- - Fasteners wtth ., _ 1 Roof Cement 2r—► Figure 21:Isometric View,ProEdge Figu412 PIan.View;ProEdge 7. LABELING: i t F 7.1 Labeling shall be in accordance witfi'the requ¢ements the:Accredited Quality.Assurance Agency noted herein. 7.2 Asphaltshingle wrappers shall indicate:coinpliance:,with..one of"the:required.classifications.detailed in FBC 7a6le 1507.2.7.1 j'R905:2.61.:. REQUIREMENTS:8. BUILDING PERMIT As-.required by=th"e:Buildi"ng Officlal:.;or.A4thorlty HavingUUrisdlction'.in order to;properly evaluate the installation: oft[45, product. MANUFACTURING9. i CpntacI.m_named CIA entity forinformation On:wt icli`plants produce products covered by Florida Rule.61G20-3` QA requirements. 1 QUALITY ASSURANCE PRI-Construction Mateeials.Technologies,LLC—QUA9110 fail faill 621-5777;.bwilson@pncmt corn MEYOF EVACUATION REPORT- Yft{ 11 Sfi t y 1 NEMO fT(;.LL6 Evaluation Report 037940102-12=R10 cenificate,6fAuthorlidtion'#32455 6?"EDITION(2017)T C NON?HVHZ EVALUATION FL106741135 Owens Corning AspFielt Roof Shingles Revision 10:08/1Q2019 Page 10 of 10