HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCO d) a W W U Q O C9 W W JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4646370 OR 800K 4351 PAGE 705, Recorded 11/26/2019 21:04:54 AM AMr'YAr 1e wl,SN . • • . • PERtY11'r' NUMBERe 71dy1;DaM 1V m4r VW twrveordhpl lot. f NOTICE OF. C0 haVMxCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713. Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice bfeormnencement. 1. DESCRIPTION) OF PROPER! qj� gnl description aqd shad address) TAX FOLIO NUMSER� 3 01-1li-0001-000-rj n,rn East # of section 1 �t wnship 34s ganae 39E z.GmdmALDKSCR82TON.OFIMPROVENzLgr- 11y. ing •LZ& o Turnpi]ce Feeder RoacS 3 OVVIVSR XWORMATIONr:. a Name Tom..., a n., ; 2 CL• erg Cox fro ra t a o ri b. 'ewA�=� S000 S fJ�SlA Suite 402 .PSL FL 34952 e. interest in property d_ Name and addom of fee simple titltholder (if other than owner) 4.CONT2tACTORSNA W.ADDR.PSSaNDPHONENElAW :—WVnna Development Coraoratigp 8000 S_. US1, Suite 402C PSL F'L 3495;o 777-R7A-51;7 a S. StMLVVS NAM$ ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBES AND BOND AMOUNT-. 6. LENDERS NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE 1110MM L 7. Persons within the State ofPlorida designated by Qwncr upon whom notions or other doeureemts may be served as provided by Sectioa713.13 (2)W 7., Florida Statdow: John Brennan NAME,ADDRESS AND PBONEN MMM-• Kaz .,erg• aea. Ftmy- 34957 777-466-1553 S. In addition to himself orhcmcl&- Owner designates the farllowing to =calve a copy of the Uences Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b). Florida Statute: NAME, ADDtZM AND PHONE NIONMER: 9. ExpWtion date of notice of eomrledcement (tbe expiration date is 1 year from the date of ruord'ing unless a d-i(fereat date is specified) --W - Signature of Owner or Owner's Authorized O(rtcer/DimctorRartber/Nlauager Matthew Lyle Wynne, Vice --Pre G3slent Print Name and Provide Signatory's TitidO(Fxe State olFlotida County of S t_ r_„ n i e. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this d SL day of , hALo r1F�•ro /3d/f- _ 20 I 9 gy Matthew Lyle Wvnn_e as 7ite- Ai22cS1 Sena f (Name ofperson) (Type of authority...e.gi Owner, oIDear, trustee, attorney in fact* Wynne auilding Corporation (Nano of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) . Personally Xnowt—'--" cc produced the following type of nk ,,++''Jj}'.•'x'• DOROTHVANN 9ASXIN Q //rye Q / {.f i•. MY COMM19SION 0GO 030145 �0,2o77.t of 74hr„i Jc7.9-S.Cj .J C.(/N.r. airJAo,C� = s,:i EXPIRES: Oe[ODer 2.202a - (Printed Noma of Notary Public) (Signature o &-y Public) enwram tlmder Oenalties of pedury. I d'eelam that T havo read tho foegoing and that die facts in it are eve to the bnu of my k ovelcdan and belief (section 92.5W. Florida Statutes). ' Signature(s) of Owners) or Owner(s)' Authorized Oftimr/Director/Partaer/mm=ger who signed above: By: �-r"_• . - SY ao.: ovrarmmta�ehmw INERMCERVOTTIUTTWOUCUM&NT ISATRVEARD WFIRECT COPY01FAN OMCLLL RtLMOR i .Digitallyy siggned by,The Honorable Joseph E. Smith OOCVbMAtInKIRIMSYLAn'TD0EaL4MCDO1PLED ANDACrYALLYRECORDEDORRIrDIN Date: 2019.11.26 11.09:42 -05:00 TBEOMCF.OFTEEBELUOECOkTT'CURKOFUMORCCRCOIiar. ' Tan DDMMDE XIAYRAt2RMArn(L%3ASREd10RWDVLA%V (WAR eason: Electronically Certified Copy varrnmsa,�TtacRaEUI LnwsEn,IcFserERnFva»TnALREmRosmv,LmAnrnESDDCL,nvrLocation: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950