HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval PID it 500 SW 12th Ave. ?. : Deerrield Beach,FL 33442 Toll Fre©: 800-249-4240 JOB# WINDOWS 1!� Local:561-420-0271 ®. I N D O W S l.Icenso#CRC 046091 When It f4ust he Done Right.,.Call storm Tight! ` ` Section 1. Purchaser(s) Dole of Agreement ) 3 J-2p-2 U Name:.��(,,fit-Ao .� �rw-rl�t_t-�J- 110.4..Name:�_ ._...... .. r Address: q.0 a 2 A !y" City: `o l C&.—5tale.-_-�-Zip: Hm Phone:.7_7_2.2,j(&2.Zh Phone 2 _•dose. ._-.—.Phone 3 doss.Email Address:- 7 ra. L 4Lk Q AjL)_)_�-� ___.__ ..... Mailing Address(if dift'ercnt):_— Section 11. Seller Agrees to Furnish the Following Windows,Labor,and/or Installation Services Paz . _ _ 0 'V VL 6 Lk) ® GO Ll01ta 51 x b2 I Mg 507 O QI O �6x5o DN —lt/ J 0 _Q Q S ~ -- 9 2�i 10i3 3 16x5� 11 g.+Tk I 3 6 x Z9M 12 7x w -...� 13lY' j _ i'1J — 1 Section III. Remarks!Instructions —. - ------�- ,�` Section IV. order to include; Material—Installation Labor—Permit—Removal of all Debris Storm ug)u Wisdowa agree to kmish maalesiols ondfor labor in atcordance with the specifications in lho window detail attached W this agreement.We w prtpw,pay for.and submit the permit package through our licensed commour.Once the Permit is authoriser/and trady,we will arrange For an install.it, - date.When providing roatelial only we will drop abip the material to die Protect site and die Iwroeownen is mtxlionstble far time labor acid permits. ~� Section V. Price/Payments Itutcharer is responsible fa return check%.Fee urSlS per cheek ❑Cash Finance )10A Job Amount S __ JobAmuunt Elves ❑No Commencement(60%) i FlnanreAmounf completlaa(10%) s__ G Sad�,c� Credit Card payments are not to exceed ld%of contract amount and cannot he used for commencement or final payment, t Section VI. Terms and Conditions nds agram aol buluda tans on the back side of Wa ag,ocmcru. Section VEL Buyers Agreement V Wa dra vndantatesd,Mjetry•arhorits tbo eootr&emar W vaifY�rwf•w mYloor aafEt record vrith sn tndepmicnt e,nfit t,pwting st arty mJ rclrw thrnt b.zs n11 lulahl} tacutrcd[erne loadvcstam smeiuloru a mar.Uola&otlearwloe sPulgod.u to uoti nslood dui tha Purrhw is,udy fur wink ut begin. lkodbg sad Gmplv/•Gatract:this is a birtdina add mu,plcta emaul.You ouy rot,roncel Uds•grcontcm tar<Pt as wlcd.7fiis cmwM revs.•anJ&u�v[u.L-.+n!1 eo�m pbtiosui aatemrau and sgrameate,a[pruead a Imp1i,Q lwlwne+t tee yrlin,ttulr[gmu m rePresrutoilvnn.Con!raeuu m prnetaa all pcemitr by I..e.l l,.v. +� TWb•Mw,.eC!•daa ua..[ad uy.a da us r.aa[N+�04 ar w.ks,.7 a.y,.•W w,ta..•es.tt hYpm Man vary.a.rtu,aax VPan.a.a man•rbr m.a l6u Waro Yntl Wlsb tkN 1,a d.M t••1..d3w wit Wk ra ra.p®a.u wvl9Y•na out L dNrwea ry.Itl.Aad MGn adda(thl.rl51 Mlyd 6n✓-xfi Ny sale,»•aaa Wta.�,wewL 1!)•a uo(vl [su usw P."ititb—A-ram a.a+�•W�ampwNaa/+.ue,eleaawr.deamem pr•n,[pl,n uaa.rnfi rlaAt.l.rLaaolsdev n.avr at[ RL r,?Irr M aQr W ren.t+a7 2a �a1 tYy ne aria of uu4Laa is 6-- — ++Pvl.ta4 ram[aa1rM/Eu k w r$a![a Tor a&.aa 9larsaw _. _ q+rc+r•hn.� _-- ___ ... ._ .__-__ ,' ' DH Double liung,SH-Single Hung,X Sadar 2llp honsoolal,XOX 3lite lwrbantal•&hope drape window.GAS C.semrt Vlodnw.AWN Awntug Window,Plc Pkaun Wmdow St. Sidi flit PD Patio Door,Fit Faerech Doer,unt Fmry now, I PID# 600 SW 121h Ave. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 STAR TIGHT Toll L cal: 56° Zo 027° JOB# ,p/ W � N 0 YY S License#CRC 046091 When/t Must be Done Right...Call Storm Tight/ I n I. Purchaser(s) / Date of Agreementame:—L.LCU l7 .R lC(/-1 W(-�1PYName: ddress: 1��C2 Z 4I!E 0-' City; - - Stale:,_4 Zip;2N4�/Tm Phone:77z �. ?7,y` hone 2 desc. Phone 3 _desc, Email Address:_(2E) 0 12-0 e4 o Z- Mailing Address(if different): Section II. Seller Agrees to Furnish the Following Windows,Labor,and/or Installation Services as • 1 Lop. nesil 1 37 �-I W ❑ �C7 D a ❑ ❑ —_..— 0 0 0 jo 0 3 7 Z6 w � ❑ ❑ P92.6 na V 6 ❑ ❑ _❑ ❑ ❑ 7 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ --_----- 9 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 14 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 Is ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Section M. Remarks/Instructions Section IV. Order to include: ---Material—Installation Labor---Permit--.Removal of all Debris Storm light Windows agree to famish motenaLs and/or labor in accordance with the rpeeifiealium to the window detail attached to this ngroenienL We will prspam pay for.and submit Ibis permit package through our licensed eontructm Onco the permit is authmizcd and ready,wo will annnge for an imlollauon date.When pmvid'mg material only we will drop ship the nmterial to the project site and the homeowners is nzpansible fix the labor and pnro,ia. Section V. Price/Payments Purchaser in rcapumihle.for return chcck9.Fee ofS.15 per check ❑Cash J Finance 110A Job Amount S Job Amount Deposit(30%) S Deposit No �,. Cow meaeement(60%) S FlnsnceAmounl S Completion pa i) s 3tx� Credit Card payments are oat to exceed i0%of contract amount and cannot be used for commencement or final�lenL Section VL Terms and Conditions rl,t..a�aaap,,;a� te„m� a,met .iaaatlnia ag.omncnl. Section VIL Buyers Agreement VW.tb. b•s•br tahoriza rba aosmacm.m vatfy and Ievie i my/au.aWit meant wish m Indepawbnt uWi{seponlna.g.nry anA telw.o U.am[n.n all 146avy toer.d foam taad.enaa atoisaom a eaors.lhllm t11tlQwlre rjAcia W,h b undeswod flat Iha puo:lamr is ready for wont to begin. er+bt.+a C.atnet h r L.blad4ss oa uroplefe canasel.You say tat carcat d6 aaeamm a:zepl U rwtvt Thu cm ZO cater.and wpM ik .1l .aovaa.tt'd rht.c.ml.mN.�een>wb,eapeoed m ImpUod,Mween QK Panic%Uleir&&mum my twlvm.Cononctw To[mVm all pampa by local law. MY.tw...tkgay.y.,aray..MMaa.11L anW v.mkr,„.mry nntl nd.yn.lneal►rp wrhW Mlkabdu.elW to Mraa.6�yyanm yhym.LL Tbb ..ra.aa..s.um.lal r•.M w.w aw aw..-aw.Lr.rums.i.annd..Muwmw s.r...nla,yr""�rr.rI<w ww...e.r.a.. .11n al.s...�..a a»+,..� •+, a.wrnn••rawm..w..rn.msm,.s.yo..r.w.ae.M..rwn.aa.ro.e.a,u..n�wu�µu.tw.raC a1.n.a..wo...r t.r. •��t�+..r a.n.tea o..+rw a.y m n..n e.N..a...ae.d..wwa..r. t, .►an.c Isw..1..a.v,.1 s,.w.a ase�:. s oarr.dY. J.rs gF�.•asr. • • Dsu y R.p ale..len a+ Dill•Doubk Hang,SH StoSk Hang,XO slider j uts horb,antsl XOX 31lie hurlrunW,shape slupe window,CAS-Cnsement W I uw AW N Awatag Window.Pic Picture Wlndow.SL Side Lae PD Pdlo Door.Pa Pleneh Ibor,Ent entry Door