HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuct Sealing Cert Planning&Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave,Rm 201 RECEIVED Fort Pierce,FL 34982 ± � 7724 2-2165 Fax 7 2-462-6443 DEC 0 7 2020 e FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Permitting Department Duct Sealing Certification St. Lucie County �I Prescriptive and Performance Method iti r Date: �/t Permit#: `Llo — 0 7 6 Lot#: ��D Contractor: !/ ��y�NL• V��� _ Address: 4 e er' Construction: >951cst Construction Test ❑Rough-in Test Test Conditions: Date: Floor Area(ft2): Time: Primary Location of Supply Ductwork / Indoor Temperature(F): Primary Location of Return Ductwork Outdoor Temperature(F): Total Leakage Test Outsid Duct Leakage: efault ❑Prop.Leak Free ❑Proposed On= Test Pressure: (Pa) Baseline Duct Pressure(optional) (Pa) Duct Press.(Pa) Flow Ring. Fan Press Flow(cfm) Results: ass ❑Fail Installed Pa Total Leakage(cfm): Total Leakage per 100 sgft: CFM25 x 100 divided by the CFA=Duct Leakage CFM/100 sgft. . Testing Company Company Name: v, �NA ess: /l L L�&7 6�4 I hereby certify that the above D ct Sealing akage results demonstrate compliance with 5t'Edition FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section R403.2.2. Signature• Printed Name: iVTce License/Certificate#: