HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 day power release 12-10-'20 15:42 FROM- 7728787658 T-621 P0008/0010 F-048 Plr�m�ir eie �opmell`>it:Services !� 1 • ti' i '' ade Reg01.6 t ir�b viti n 23O0:`Vfr§iWa Ave-' 772-4.52� 165 fax 77i 462:-6443 eque for 0-pay TemPo"W!ji &?Qwier:Refwse Date: \��\ - Pemft'Wien, Ter• Pry Address; THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUESF RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER 70 THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY,FOR A PERIOD NOT-t6'EXCEED THIRTY(�O)-DAYS,FOR THE PURPOSiE OF'TES73NG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT INPREPARATION FOR A.fINAL.INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST'WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE}AND AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. 3his.temporary power rplease is requested for the above smed Purpase only,and there wl i be no occupancy of any type,Qther than tfiat permidad.by.Construction during this time period. 2. As-witness by our%gnatanes,vve'herdby agree to abide by all t�IM i6a-conditions of this agreement, including Building Division Policy,which is incorporated herelh by reference. 3. All conditions'and requirements listed in the atiadied document entFdi d"Requirement5 for 30 Day Power for Testing"Have been fulfilred and the'premise iS ready for coa nplian'ce inspection, 4. ATl reques..s for ari extension beyond 30 days must be made in writing to the Building Official stating the reason'for the request Power may be removed from.the slte and/or a Stop WorkOrder issued if the Final'InspaMon has not been approved Within 30 days. A fee of 100.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HERESY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS,ST:.LUCIE COUNTY,AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LTABILTRES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATUM WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSAcm0N;INCLUDING ANY DAMAGEWHICl4-MAY BE INCUARED DUE TO THE DMONNECON OF POWER IN THE'E ENT'OF VIOLA-RON bF TICS AGREEMENT. OWNED,SIG`NA- MI DATE GEN ',PON BATE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SIGNA rURE DATE