HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 day power release 12-10-'20 15:41 FROM- 7728787656 T-621 P0008/0010 F-048 Plan "hi j:.0 op ent lsem!ces BUH* ng:' ;' ode:I egilaf ioll� Dlt nsian r 3� MOrgic 1la "V.�+ i Falrtlne�e� F� $� . 772-462.-'6-5. Fax.772 462-64A43 eqe for 31 -06ji 'epoixiry Power Retease Date: `�\\�\ �1 Pit Ni mber.. PMect Addrew. THE UND.EMGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELEC1 RICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY,FOR A PERIOD NOT TQ p(GEED ThtIRTY PO)UAYS, POP,TH!PURPOSE OFTESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMr=NT TN PREPARAT30N FOR A fINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSitiE►TION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE-HEREBY ACC I.4OWLEDGE AND A43REE'AS FOLLOWS: T. This temporary power r Qase is requesctpd it the above shed purp6se only,and there vA be no 00WOancy of any type,other than that permitteddtu by conAmcdon ng tins time period. 2. As witness by our Ognatutes,we hereby agree to abide 6y all terms i6d•condlddns of this agreement, including Building DNision.Pblicy,which is inebt0drated herelcr by reference. 3. All conditions'and mquirements•listed in the attached document entiffbd `Requirements for 30 Day Power for Testing"have'been fulfilred'arid the pmmi o is ready for cof npliance inspection, 4. All requests for an extension beyond 30 days must be.made in writing to the Building Official slating the reason fbr the request, Power maybe removed"frona•,the site=176r a Stop work order issued if the Fnaf Inspection has not been'-approved WIMn 30'days. A fee of$100.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, .LUUt COUNT Y,AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILMES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE WWCN MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION;INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE-:WHICI4-MAY BE INCUl�REA DUE TO THE D=NNEC MN OF ELEC M, • POWER IN THE•E RENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMBJT. OWNER SIGMAM ; DATE :8ZI �LOWRACTIII DATE EECMCAI.CONTgACTOl2 SIGNATURE DATE