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Fortt Pierce Uttlittes Autthoritty
FPUA 206 S. 6tth Sttreett
coNimu rrY PROVO P.O. Box 3191
Fortt Piercq Florida 34948-3191
(772)466-1600 extt 3900
Forti Pierce Utilities Autihoritiy
Utilitiy Service Requesti
Requested Datie
June 25, 2020
Accounti Numbec 54471142-210190
Service Address: 3984 S US HIGHWAY 1 FORT PIERCE FL USA 34982
Schedule Turn Off Datie June 26, 2020
Custiomer Service Rep Seritta Reeves
Importianti Infformatian
Please be advised tthatt befiore uttlitty services are connece custtomer mustt ensure all
fiaucetts and circuitt breakers are tturned ofi att tthe service address where tthe uttlittes are tto
be connectted
The securitty depositt may be refiunded tto a residenttal custtomer who esttablishes a(to
year record ofi excellentt payment histtory and has ttheir social securitty number on file witth
Fortt Pierce Uttlittes AutthorittlFPUA)."Excellent Paymentt Histto'Ns defined as nott more
tthan one arrears billing per year fior a conttnuous tt*(2)year period,no disconnectts or
non-paymentt ofi bilk), no retturned check$or no metter ttampering fior conttnuous ttXW
year period.
FPUA is pleased tto be your service provider We look fiorward tto serving your uttlitty needs
Ifi you have any questton�please conttactt us att tthe address or phone number listted above
To provide our custiomers witih economical
reliable,and ffriendlyservice in a continuous efforti
do enhance tihe qualitiy off liffe in our communitiy