HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned_Permit Application_Lot 6All APPLKMLE INT-0 MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date- Permit NumbeF: • Building Permit Application R±o+�rnr+g reed l3r,+cio�r+errt Se,�rex !gilding and Cod* R09aut+an v ris+ar+ 3W Yrgiezo Avrrrue, Fort Pierce FL 3454d7 Phone: lei 462-1553 Fax,1772) 462-1578 Corrirtterciaj Residential t ITYPE ; New Single Family Residence PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LWATION: .. _ Address; Lot 9. Ooeari Estates Dnve, Fort Pierce- 34949 Property Tax If) ih 1403-500 042&OWHIi Lot no, � Site plar, name: AvMon Beach P-U.D. _ Block 1 - 2 Proi@Ct Name= Avalon Beat Lot 3 DETAILED DI=SCRiPTION CIE WORK; E r�... ; {es:ne� Aizziawd.2 car garagp Pee — CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. Additionai Work to be performed tender thisperrnit—check a I I that apply_ IL'Mechanicai __ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shutters windows/Doors Elea m 3ePl.mbing lesprinklers , Generator leR4bF Pitch Totaa Sq. Ft of Construction; 3.308 Cost of Construction_ 5 427,109.00 . Ft, of First Floor. 1.187 Utilities IeSewer _ Septic Building Freight: 30 Naane OcewEstatesDhv-z, Address: 95M Wiry Ridge give — — City- Windermere State: FL Zip €ode- 17$S Fax, Phone No, 772-546-4197 €-hl4aii- Heal# corp.net Fail in fee slmpie Tile HoWr on next page { if different from the Owner listed above CONT ACTOR; Name; Thor's r,,Dmoany.- TRM Construction Management. Inc - Address. 1512 SE Village Green Drive C". Port St L Ltm State: FC Zip Cade; 34952 Fax; 772.237-3081 Prone No 772-905.2727 - E-Maiipaul@lrmaorpol.corn - State or County license CGCO24829 If value of €arts#ruction is 525W or more. s RECORDED No&* of Corrtmant#ment is requarad. If value of KVAC is $7,50M or more. a RECQROED Natkm of CornwAmmment is required. SU PPLEM ENTAIL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/I`NGINEER; , Not Appiica:ble Name, Pa— co: O'St3te: Fl Zip: mean Phone 40,64?- 0936 - - FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: ae Not Applicable Name- Address; City - Zip: Phone, -- MORTGAGE COMPANY Name: Addre55= - CiI v. Zip: _Phone, —'Jot Applicable B0NDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name- Address; - City: zip, Phone:_ - OWN Fit/ CONTRACTOR AFFIOVIT: Appliegion is Isereby r nade to obta,n a P l-tmit to dd the wcwk and inAzillatw3n as indicaroee- ,rertify that no work or crrstallatlon has comrners€ed prior to t#w issuance of a permit. 5#. Luoie County makes no representation thn is granting a permit will aut+rornre the perrnit haideF tO build the Subp& stfiiC[ure which is in Eonflitt with any appkabie home Owrre•s Asw ation rwles, bYbws or and cownants that mall fflVFirt OF PrOSbit wch smwwre- Please txrn:wtt wrrth ya,xr Norm Owners Assodation and review your deed for any Testdct�uns which may apply. In conskkration of the granting of this requested Permit, I diD hereby agree that t wwiA, in all regpft-M perigirM the Work in a€€lN$aPKt vhth the ap�w&eed plans, ttre FlDrlda $ui.Wing Codes and St. Luc* County Arnendment3. The follDw ng buiWing permit applications are exernvq from undergoing a fUlr 1;0CAAli rency reyfew.. rQGm additions, accessory itnwrures. xwirnmvng ppok. fences. walls, srgns, screen rooms and accessory uses to an❑RheF rr011:res+derstQ1 use "WARML TO 0"NEQ. YOUR FAILURE TO REC124W A NOTWE OF COMiMfN1EMEIVT iMAT REStxT I" YOUR Plkl'JW T €€ FOR IMPROVEMENT5 TO YOUR P 0f10FRTY. A N01rK3E OF CGMP4ENCEMENT MUST BE RKGGMEO AM POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FWIST Mom€ TNDML YOU WWJFP O TO QBTAW fllf[AXCt , COI115IiET - wrrH YDUR i-ENDER OR AN ATIORJKY 6EFORE RECOROM UR $ DV0M OF C*llllllIFidCEN1WT." ri tesseeXontractnr as Agent for Owwr rwat j rr of COrttFartarfLicense Holder STATE: OF FLORIDA STATj OF FLp$U0S,, COUNTY OF COUNTY Of: The i orgcHng i nstnsrne nt Was ac lknow fledged befoFe nw Ons dry of r r r an , 20 40 by karne of person eriaiilng staterwnt. Personally iumwn OR Produced Wentiflcanan Iweof Id+er0kation produced 1 lSkrature CO Nola E D€I�1Af� O Nolary Put4ic-Sr;ail al COS #!o. = C 9 r--i • Caraa � WV Cromrrwe�rPr� E e�Ir� Auausr 20, 2023 REVIEWS I FRONT I ZONING COONTER REVIEW RECEIVED DATE - - — COMKITED Th2 F 4 �+a5#fu nt was bed d hlafore me #his dayaf 20IV by Narne of person rnZ77OR mn t e. Perwnally Known _ Produced identification I Type 0# Identificatimi PAUL- J PAYN€ �x=sHat�rY Putklic•S#ate of Fla � 2 f i5ignatureao#aryPu } yCornmissioo Expkre � CorrlvnissiDrr Fla. � - SUPEM41501? ; PLANS I VECATATIOP+I I SEATURTLE MANGROVE REVIEW I REOCW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW