HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned_Veggie Removal_Lot 9DAIL St 631111 LD! � S tralWkS Pegs hambar. FYa pored Frnjrcf- �x S�fi�lt r Snaij; $n�deti[ ST. LIICIE COUNTY NOTICE OF VELETA' 1014' REMOVAL APPLICATION Please wrnplew She requested infonsration and submit to die SL Luck County Envimmnrew31 Resources Deparmwnt or Building & 2ming acpmamem- For additional m0rmmion. plcatic caries the F. n ira5rttl5trti3J Resootce s ilepannvgi at I772 l 462-* 96 Edina this apAzwfian dam not hmb* 10 aft &arhori;smfm to e&wirmare any regetarhm fry ar idirfa Lion, lio addition to life sltt plan pfwkled to the Building Orpa4rtmeut} the plans must aczuraieiv depiti t the laratiu i of W1 prop -;cd buildings, uructurcs, drivr avh, sept is tan6, and other Impror��crnem" lncomplrtt ap kaiiuFK will rug he acoepred in accor&r6c. %,ills sertton 11.05_06 (c) of the St Lucie C"ry ;and MVtkrpmeMt COk. Wiihin twe (20J day% alter an zMlication has been determined zo be eompk4e. the En life m ntal Rewurces DepannMF shs11 review thrr mpp3lrwion crud ap➢rmw, aplx c with conditions, or deny Ilse application- based on the simuards set forth in Scrtinn 6.01#_r)5 oFthis Code_ Appkatiurrs requiring s omwurmni building permit will be p x& med Rithin the 5anw twangy (20) day timc6amc. however will W be rckafcd until the building permit is also amraved_ Per Section 11.05.06 h. tk Of the SL Lucie County Land Developntetll Curie. the Ming of an application SwIl be deerttwid {o extend permission to t#1e F.T1VLmnmcrrta1 Resources Dirrcwr, or designer, to inspect the subject site fw putpo5a% of evaluating the appiicmiort. Pl;rare, liv any specific information much as a gaw code or the rrodtsmty of 24 hour natter due to cattle grazing_ oDmwuilcd burns outside pes& cu. In the ere-M zhc n is ddermimcl thal anv red,n] or ame pmtccted spears is resident on or depsmient upon the sal�cryt pwcck all do+xlopment work vk+ich mi{rht ad%-ersely affect that individual spectra shall cease and stop work. Tlar arlidmw shall imn-ediatrly notify the Fkwida Fisb and Wildlife ConstrkaMon Commission. U.S. Haft and 44 ildltfe Service. and the County" AppToprialit prwMiort to the sm-6daetioa ofaJI panieb shall be pfVVk d by the apptlicaot prI01 to Murrting dcv4:6opn M PRWE(.-T VNFOR.MATION OWNERS NAME: t)cc3WFS+A=.1kiYC. LLC owN RS }►J<7i1RF55 4509 W mdy Ridge drive_ 1k'in&ffnctv, FL 34796 PRO3ECT L0CATi0N A1M)RFSS_ Lot 9.O can Fmcs Dnvc CiTS' Fon Fierce STATE: FL Z#P: 3490 _ C0NT_A,CTPH0INF4Sl*; 772.546AI97 PARCEL SlZ£- W % 9Q' PIZOPF W TAX ID 0- UATV t`OM,(IF" APPLIC-AULFI: %:A !"1~AA H. ADDRESS: reran-ra ge cor�.rset €f}7"�1t7 PHtiF !til:h1 BiFif FOR PFIMT P11r}C UP:- 2? (�QtiTR 1( rOR INF()R M A Tl.ON 11V APPLICAB1_Ek St_ Lucw County ( ud,- a AJ C"unr)"led La-s "quo -cry tho rho jW of wor* berme bra lmmsed <-tmrrw1ar cWphvmSJw Mix peemir loader the owwer'huiJder exem uem &--e Diwiai re S akwoLm oq page 4. LAND CLFARI NG CONTRACTOR NA ME: ADDRI=SS: T PI{O1VE NIJh+1BF.11: - FLORIDA RFGACEIIT4 ST LUC'IECO, CERT. BUILDING CONTRACTOR _ ADDkI".SS- PHONE NUMBER: RRIFFIN MOM RR :: 111F_ 1°kt)P`[ S11) % Lt.FTtl'TUN RF',10%'AI INf'l I. DE 1.0( A V10%, 11IrL, AND QLAtiTiITY 01' VE G LT 3,'1-1{}'% 1{) fif RI Iis1) F_1). FRk)l IJ)F 1 SK1'.1 C If 0H SI I I Fl.AN' I APPL.[CAB LF DV.P1{:TIN{a"ITF.RF FRt�Ptj�F.j) RF %10% %t �%I).()1t 1)f.s P I [)I'MI.N 1 ►%'I) 1 0("r-1 #t_ VPDATED 10.21:2014 COMPLETEELL EE EART I OR I BLLO't%! PART i - EXLMFTION .any person who intends w remove or cause the dcwh of aT%y %-:jctation porsumt to any of the folk wing exemptioru must first fill ow Fart I of this farm -I'hc bur+scn of prm•LIL9 cmidement to any particular excnnpiion shall lie, at a]I times, with the pefsem or pemms claiming the exemptkm. PLEASE. CHFA--K ONE OF THE FOLLO141NG- 1. The mirtifnal removA of vepnau.on ncoessarti- for the ckartng of a path not ro exceed4' in wid#n, io provide physical access or v.icw mcessary to comhot a s wv- y nr sere examination OR 10' in width to prmidr wehiCUUT acxss reeessary ro ccrldua soil tests- ror the prcparabon of bma fide siw dcvc1opmenT p1mu or vegcNiinn in%mffu irs; provided such c Icar. pg nr mwoval Ls voFKk icxJ under The dirmion of F3arida rejaiskred stn-zvor or engineer Fee: $55 2. The Yemoyal of yegntwion in 2k tltilily easerrtrnr, drain a easemellL. 5tnrrfl WOter maragrme:il Lracl nr facility. of 6&-of wa)' ptuvfded such WkOrk i5 dOTIc by or meter the corprul of the operating uriliry oannpany and that cun-Varly has obtained all necessary licenses or permgs to provide uri!ily serv-,ce ikmu lr ihr cucmenp- Fet. $" 3. The removal of ve2^rion which has been determined to he a safe y hazard, clesuo* ur damalgd beyond saving by natural umsr_e or causes not oarered hy+ other sections of this €hapmr, is infbdtd V:ilh di#ea OF is We"'hulh jFOKLS. orvw•hich 60Wi1UW iM ta�di#Is peril to I& ptopeoy or OCher trees. Fee: $55 q- The rc-noval et'rLata;e ve8euttia4 upon any dctacttod single family resid�lltial tat or parcel of Later haying an area or ortr (1) acre or less This exempciorr iS, lww-crer, subj"L Lp the £g1low:ng conditions: Fee- ;ASS A) Nothing in lids txCmption shah exempt any person from the landw- ping requircmcrus Sc-, ford, in S 4-.Tion 7.09.00 of the St- Lucie Caawrly Land D6r%-clup;mcTµ Code; B) This exemption &hall not be crostr d to aliow the removal or alleratian of racy pnxtclad vegetal ion wkhout a VeVation Rernoval Perrnir cm arty- lot or panel of Bard by !rs B AA-idff unless the subAi%, der into-r !L to mrstnwl a rasidbMibl emit or units upon the lot or pared of Land prior to its sale- C) No nabk-e YeSclation twenly-four inches (24"L or gmwer, dbh shall W rcmovoa from any lvsi&TAPl p$rec1 linc-luding th45c in Ow ACr-5, AG-1-5, AG-1, AR - I, RE-1L and RIC zoning districts), reraMless of parcel size, witltaut an approved Vegetation Re+rnnva] Permit and an approved mitigalion plan. The Terrwva, of ar.v non-native vegetarian FCV: J�5 which will he waive-d For rCMQv:41 of Javifiive exotics sot;- for xin& fwnlly homtan-tier -at property owner's assWixtion rema3 Lag exotics. V{t- No Vrgetatinn to be mnxwed- Fee: $55 _ 7. 71w fullowing activities & not roquire the Wli=itm of a Novo[ of V c Wtipn Removal, hvw"@F may require Uoilding Permit approval of other sash aathorpization: Fee: None A) Preserve and Parks Managcrrmnt Acfivitic5- Vegcstion removal aciivylits associared with an adopted -hanagetnent plan For govern-wra rrialmined parks, rec7mmun areas, vreldlife :nanagcmcnt areas. cwscrvatron areas and pfeser es The pvgxro;z of the vcgetalicn removal activity shal I be to pro#cct and presm-c the nattual val uce &rod functions of the ombDcal rumiTtuniEie s preseal, 53ic3 as, c Ieari ng for fire breaks, oruid u,cling PFCSCriW burns, tr construUc CM of fences. B) Existing Agrkuhtnal (hwratipn k'cgrtalipn tCtr 4va1 a .ocia#cd +�1th subscgtscltt htsrvesting ami ities, ext" within llegnimil preserve areas ttr &C41 d. ConserVarion CamMent5. ❑Fhich arc part �f the nn-gtring arliVilitr� Of tkl� ex taring o}�eration �3ta I I neat rcyvt re a pCrmit. In i N?tl C leariYtg of a site is not an exempt activity. Ronal fide agtkuhural actiwitirs irxlvdr catnmerera. nur5Cry, tMC farm agUagUlttuC, raTrCh. of Sian liar O}4Tati4TL. Cj Rourine Land-:,cW Maintenance- Trimmingot pruning -of vegdtauon which is not intt%ded to row Ir in the crcntuai death athe vcgcWkt n, mowing of yards or Lawns, or any other la+tdscaping of gardenmLz activiry which i u cam manly recognized ea routine mairgenancg, replacernenr Qor re- kmdscaping. LTPI?ATED 1t>131rPDIA PAkT I - "F.G UTATION RF NIQ% 1,1. Ff. R 1*111' Ft Schedule: $1FRo per singly lFamil.y Ito me taGiBuilding $100 per MuItiiami13 jlome 1,or:'13Yildiug SZOf1 per Nun -Residential Building ?kris tiawflew AUL of the requesicd ,nfimttiaticm. A Vrgdmien Ftcm val permit shall only be issued if suffrcienl csidcsroe derm"ra in0 that at leasi terra ref the fol lowing criteria bar, been sattsFtc:d- T _ 1_ The applie=r for vcgcial on re"val permit shel dcmcsn%araw why prescr+Mian of the existing nalivc %-eecialaon i a not praakally fCxsiblc mid prevcras the aeasoatable dcvelopmem of the site, 2_ The remucal of the naii3x vgSetatiora is the pfirtiiPlinrr necessary in order to implement a Final NV-EJOPTWnl Otrdrr (i_t.: appro■ud site Pisa or approluad building permll). _3. A Final DfNek ww Order has nos been issued_ or is Fim required by ills Cade for dk inien&d non-agricultural use of the Sarni and kcgdttuian r nK%--UI is the minimm ncccsiary ta, allow fcrr attic cmimructioa nfihe iacended wc txinrrpru3'emonl, ADD ITIONA 1,SUHN1tTTAl JRF L3 IRES]FtiTS FORVFgFTATION kF,'-4 OVAL PERMITS: �. rin arddltion to the sitepl*n pruj%Ovd to Ow Building Deparcment) The plans mLsl accurztely depict be lo"icm of a] I ptupoiCd hu is tan s 9lru ult s, driveway , Suit halts_ and oOcr impmvtAwnzs. 3. TTse Survey The sumev must &xuracelw depict the individual locations, cprCic%name and common resale, and sins of all Clawnty-prmected tress 10 be rvnKved an& if wlirabk, the individual location% species name and common narnc. and sizes to be preserved or relocated_ S'e•getatlon Removal Plan The Legetation I�moval plan fram illustrate the existing vegIC730M c0oditions O It§t pmjeCt Site, including an ademireal ion of what arras will be iYlt zed by the proposed dCVChopmcm activity and 9a'1m arras Hm Vn3poscd For pr�qtevation or replwopg. S. MkIgathm Al I native vCWaxion 40IJ be prutectcd On site Io fear grcalcu cxlmu pessible. #f irr4w is unavaidadc- nmigation shall be pwvidcd Ihrcaogh om ofllze rtliii0ion roelhodofogias outlined in Land Dereloprncnt C,Ade Section 6.00-05.13. Pr vidc rnit a pion calculations per Land ScctiQrr b-OQ_0 —0 and irK ItWc s miti0ation plaza olnlinmg Fm4xmmd miugaiian method an the trcc wrvcy arA` r site plan. 1 f sullirieMt mitigation canm t be arxomnum3mcd on-sitc and addzioni I kmhcS of credit ate reClAYimd band nn calculation, an Ofr-aes mitigation, plan shall be mtached for rewiC+h art appriwal of ERD flitt#nr Bland ljcvclnpmerat Code Satierion 1_8fl_OS_D]. Prior to the issumice of any authon7alion for comrocummmuorperrnirted dCVCIOprnenl activity_ the rMlac�nt vcgctatinn shall be prescrvcd. zclocmed or pdaritsd, or the appWiate mitigation fci;�% shall he paid to the Ccnml}r_ As part oftltc Irsux= of aatiy Mmit n}quiring mitigation, the propcny awter %lull submit to an insptetion of the planI&VmIaralod+presa;rtrtd mat-adals I kt nx mhs after the iisu&rwe afa C,wificate or Occupancy vrflther use atubO674timr. LTfDATFh 1il-~1.1014 v].EASE 11 VETHE F LLQ%%IN{2 . . "'LED 'E.NIENl-SWOT 1 C FRTIFY THAT: ICi1ECK OI EI .4 { } 1 AM THE OWNER OF RECOR D OF THE: ABL)V . ORWR1BFD PROPERTY AND WILL BE C-ON DUCTING THE WORD ASQ1dir'NFPUBUILDER- p se bw Ampo rs cwxAv02w W be d wm by dywalw rau Aive 4olrlllyd 4wx pww inw are euw4stw 1p bwo $w 77i+ aftugma" Abw, )w, as OW QWFW OF evrf pit}; W ad W pow 4*m am&adkjr rrxb Cerr`w raoxwm even auah earn do no hwe a A;rrMe YM mrat Povjdkd diver drsw lS1pGwFiSwo 4e bit awsbuck" ymrmd rM Aw &VAV Pr more a atw4rn aey ev rw-fw* resroenx or a farm Yov resat' abo Lein 4v aaworAvew &mtdir2, pawzbd Mw ws& nb ra3r Enmgftf $75,ow rite &&&V 0, fe a01Gicx ,79 be a - roar over+ &gp dr dratparecy 7: mar +�x be 81g1>~ar� irlcr�+� �dr sa;lr nr �rasr, 1�3�xr srp ar Inas�r � br ip roer A~ tea Ir ew � #rXyov%gd MYwmf wffm 1 Ward4er Me commumm rs nwnpk&- tt* eaw wrrp%sur,r dW Wu butt ar AftDromoy iqpvbw dt for sac° De ihw, is a L%xww Of #r� eleffooxr. I'm ffw rt* Am an iffAu:seped yet mn &; ad a5 j w avmyww or w -qavvvm pevpw Mdzw ore Xnrr LeMkkv. R is wwre;mwmw to mike Ave Vw perw& erred Ly learn #ww huyu r rf% ed by �— arrd b5 ruuW Ar ffwm�W jmu&V ardrarmm rou nw pant dakgan, rte nRspwmAwWv +r szwervmqg r W a A' vw ed avvrarM* vow is nor A DWM! d to pertrm Me %or t bery d3rm. Arry p del em' by 11QE V oft e; rear Ao mwV mnt nvet t yam,+ de r sc,prrr ., aye m1nt be effPOKd by ppr, mlcs reds dwt Ku Ana d xr Fir CA arrd adMabbg 4r am paw** war*&&, carrgpem&m For ff& w4p vma, a# as pT d b} AW ebrlr 0XlXMAMWT MW ZWWOle WPM a& Rrws, rw&rAVMM &ice} a dff, feed 7DrsV I AM "lei TINT uWNFRff RFCORDOFTHE. Al OVED DF'"IBED PROPERTY; HOW EVEIL I HAVF. AU TO ACT AS AGENT FOR THE (YW NFA OF RFrOR D, (Sr, fxck C49umr.v Cixk amf {'onap,ileod Laws rN ires that this npet!fwro'# 1, done by a lkw sed rpo'n r". PLEASE PROVIDE UGCUMFNTATION} 1 I C-ERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION SU8M17ED 4 TH'i�115 .#CAT N 15 TRUE AND C ET 0 THE B1 ST OF MY KM0WLI il' T ft-1Ft SECUSIATURE+ 7ATE:0:FFL0RI0A. STA' Of F L WJDA. COUNTY OF ST. LUCIF. The foregmng irr0rwmi4 ,&x& ackanwlcdgc,d btfore rrke this As. day afDI&gda.20-9. tri eye - vwbo is rsnrrq �k kw- new hAs ptv�sc+ l as wkwi%carion Sigemw of NNra_tar_}Lc�— T I Ir40 Type m Prim Nam of NourY Notary Public Thkc C � Q 'Commis-, Cm Nw* r COIiN-I`Y OF ST- LL'C'IF The f,.4;_, -i.` € n;,, -tr ':t ;: ixTwm I+els�. whir is -la% weed ax ;dn,l; fiGatiaai Type ur Pram Name N013 publ k Tel k � pu,// Commission, uMbaF (Sep[-k LORI ANNE DEMARCD �4' �t PAUL .! pAY;�IE sHvtn.rY PoWk-Siateol Fk004 = Notary Public- t¢xe ,af Ficridv Cornmilsion it GG M603 Commission P� GG 94821 i r' vv Commissiom Expires • ` Mir Commission Exprre $ r.. 4srguat 28. 202S e�ruark 24, F424 ####*** rw#i#F.fye*•rtiy• FOR Of Fk(1 ILSL 0 N I 1 AtfIM E DFAW R CN—Vlk MENTALRESOiARLFSUFPARll EM1 DATk UPDAiTdS 11121'M4