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HVAC Load Calculations
Express, 1916 Cali Large. Living Left St.Lucie 2099 .Shingle Vinyl Carrier HVAC Load Calculations for Express Homes �..VIA ,HVA LOAD$ Ptepared. By: Kristin Kelly Florida Breeze 6928 Vickie Circle West Melbourne 3219518767 Monday, May 20, 2019 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S.computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Des ' igned By'. Project Dake' Client Name: company Name: Company Representative:: Qompany Address: Company City: Company Phone: Reference City: BUilding Orientation: D* femp4rature -Range,. Latitude: Elevation: Attitude Factor, Kristin, Kelly Monday, May 20, 2019 Express'Hqrrtesi Mixida Breeze Kristin Kelly 6928 Vlckle Circle, West Melboornia 3219518767 Front door faces South Medium -27 'earees 25 ft. 0.999 Outdoor' Outdoor Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Winter: 42 Summer: 95 78' Outdoor Indoor ReLF[um Rel.Hum 61, -: . : I , n/a 47% 50% a Indoor Grains 'Dry Bulb . Difference :70 n1a 75 .5.3 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,008 CFM°Per Square ft .: - 0.526 Square,ft-df Room Area: .1"916 Square ft. Per Tdn' 71.0 Volume —SC0,017:,Btuh Total Heatingeq 4ieed Including Venfi[ation, Air 30.017 MBH "Total Sensible Gain, 28,755 BtUh 83' Total Latent Gain: 5,566 Btuh 17 % Total Cooling RequiredIncluding:Ventilatfon Air: .32., 361 Btuh, i70 Tons (Based. On Sensible + Latent); RhVac, is an-ACCA approved Manual J, D and S, computer program. Calculations are performed per. ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and:ACCA Manual D. All computed results, ' are estimates as bull ' ding use andweather may ary. y va. Be sure to select a unit, that meets both sensible and latent.loads according to the, manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\...\Express 1916 . ... Garrier.rh9 Monday, May 20, 2019, 2,14 PM 1dMitial & Light Commercial NVAG Loads irieous Report Vhold House,.' • , Outdoor Quf< Dry Bralb: t/1/et.`�I Summer: 95 'Duct Sizing lnp'uts ��� Main Trunk Calculate: Yes Use Schedule: Yes Roughness. Factor: 0.01000 f'iessure Drop: 0.1000. 1n.wg./100 ft. Minimurn.Velocity: 550 ft./min Maximum Velocity; '600 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in: Maximum Height: 0 in. �Qutside Air. Data . .Winter- .. .... Infiltration Specified: 0380 AC/hr 104 -CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.380 :AC/hr. Above Grade Volume- X 16.47.7 Cu.ft -6;261 Cu.ft./hr X .0.0967 Total Building Infiltration: 104 .CFM: Total Build"iri Ventilation• 0 CFM Elite Software. Devetopn f fess 1916 Call Wge hiving'Left Si l:ude 2019 Shrngla Vi 1 t7utdoor ,r Indoor Indoor it Rel:Hum Rel Hum - Dry Bulb Di 1.4 89% n!a' 70 78 47% 50% 75 Runouts Yes . . .Yes. ..01000 0:1000 in..wg./100 ft. 4% A./min 750 ft./min . 0 in. Summer' 0.2.00 AC/hr. .55 CFM 0.200' AC/hr X 16,477 ' Cu.ft 3,255 Cu.ft./Fir . X• 0.0167 S5 'CFM 0 CFM .. Page'. 52:90 9 _. ---System .1-- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier 2.1.98 = (1.10 X 0.699 X 20.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration 8, Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier .36:94 = (0.68. X .0.99.9 X 52.90 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 30.77 (1:10 X 0.899 X 28.00'Winter Temp. 'Differerice) Winter Infiltration Specified: 0.38.0 ACftir.(104 CFM), Construction: Average:. Summer: Infiltration Specified: 0:200 AC/hr (65 CAM}; Construction::Average Duct Load factor Sde'narios ww A , , No.. T e._ Descri`•tion Location Attie Ceiling_ Duct Duct Surface f1601<agc_ 'nsttCation', From �_:Qyp, ^_-� _ 9 Supply Attic�P _ t66 _ T _ 0:12 8 554 No 1 RefijM Attic 16B .0.12 - $ 474 No CA ... IF_xpress 1916... Carrier.rh9 Monday, May 20, 201.9, 2:14 PM h-vac **Ofe�s 1916 Call Ldrgie'Liv . ing,L6_ft,$t, Ltkc�ie'2019 Shigbip'y Carfler Zone 1 Other SupplyMainTrunk ----___-_ -System I CA ... \ExpnamoOaniecrh8 Monday, May 20.2O�9, 2:14P&0 RhvacR'ieisi1derffia[& Lcght_'C9mmerc14LKVA'q4okqS FloridaBreeze — Elite Software -�1916.Cali Large -Livin Left'Si-Lucie 2019 Shingle r Page 5 Page System 1. Whole.'House -Summary Loads �6re San,' Total b6scription.,- ton ------- an, G, I 2A-V--o'Gla2ing-Double pane16W--& (e = 0.60), operable 124.8 1,400 2,542 2,542 Window, vinyl frame, U-vafue 0ASHGC 0.31 2A-v-d: Glazing -Double pane low-e (e:= 0,00); sliding 40,8 697 0 790 790 glass door, vinyl frame, U-value 0.61; S HGC 0.34 2B-v-o: Glazing -Double p6he low-e, (e = 0.60), fixed sash, 2.5 28 0 36 36 vinyl frgrrie,.'U-value 0 .4,SH;Gb 0.31. 11 J: Door -Metal - Fiberglass Core, U-value-0.6 -2OA 343 0 379 379 11 b. Door-Wo6d, Core; Q-value' 0'.80 '19 208: 0 236. 230 13AB-Ofcs': Wall -Block, no blanket. or board insulation, 1237.1 6,339 0 6,070 5,070 filled core, siding finiah, U-Vbtud 0.183 12C-0sw: Wall-Frame,.-13 insulatio . n in . 2 x 4 stud 817.1 806 0 765. 765 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs. i U-v0' 'alue .091 . . I . 1613-30: kbof(Cefling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 19116 1,717 0. 3,372 3,372 Floor (also use Kn6e Walls and Partition Ceilings), Njente'd.Attic, No Radiant b a*r'rie'ri Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark, Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane '. R-30 insulation,- U.-value 0.032 22A-pm: F!66r=Slab on.grade, No edge insulation, no .200 6,608' 01 0 0 insulation bel6W.flbor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet sOff U-valud. 1.18 Subtotals for structure: 18,148 0 13,184 13,184 People: 5 1.'000 1,150 2,150 .Equipment; 500 2,100 2,600 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 8,658 -2,092 9,154 1.1-246 lnflltrafioh: Winter QFM.- 104, Summer CFM:. 65 .3,211 1,04: .1j207 3,181 Ventilation: Winter. CFM: 0; Summer CFM: 0 0. 0 0 System I Whole House Load -Totals: 30,617 .5j566._ 26,795 32,361 Check Figures - Supply CFM: 1,008 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.626 Square it of Room Area: 1,916 Square. ft. Per Ton: 710 Volume tfti)d %47T Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air. 30,017: Btuh 30.017 MBH Total Sensible Gain-.-- 26,795. Btuh . 83 % Total Latent Gain: 5,566 Btuh 17 % Total Cooling. Required Including Ventilation Air: 32,361 Btuh. 2.70 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) I [-Notes.: Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D- and S computer program. Calculations, ions are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results.are -estimates as building use and Weather may vary. Be sure to select unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturers perfdrrnaric6, data at your design conditions: C:\ ... \Express 1916 Carrier..rh9 Monday, May 20, 2019, 2:14 PM Cooling System Type: Outdoor. Model: Indoor Model, Qutdoorman- uAacbunur Demorip'tPni AHR|Rofdrdnd&0o.: Haafing System Type: Pu mp Model: Traddnodne HP lvlanufactu*rer`CARRIER Description:' Air Source Heat Pump capacity: 341'600. 8LSH8PF � . with ACCA-Manual Entering htg,. coil DB- 66.7F, Cl'-:coil TD! 20F, Htg. c6li'TD: �O�, Req.'cig. Mbw: 11008.CFM, keq:. htg, airflow: 3�3 CFM 9. Q\... \ExpnaaoiQ1G... Canrior�h& Monday, May26, 2019i2:14PM I I.Rhvac'-Ria§identiol,&Light CbniMettiaiNVAC.Ldlids,, Elite �Oftwaqy te, 0eI6pMent Inc. Florida Breeze ' xp 6sS '1'664'aflLarge ; ivin§'Left'StCuci'e"'20'19.,Shirigtd,Vjnyl'Carney Page 7 [ysternI Room Load Summaq .......... ....... Min.'. Ruh _Run Clg Min Act oom,- 66 Duct n H19 buct- 8666 - Lat 9 No,, Na6e:: . $F, �Btuh,,'.,, PEM—` SIZL vel -,Btuh, -Btuh.- QFM CFK ---Zone 1---' I Whole House 1,916 28,682 373 1076 513 22, . 150 3,474 1,008 1,008 Duct Latent .452 Return Duct 1,336 --4,63-5 1.,640 ystem 1 total System 1,916 30,017 373 26,795 5,566 1,008 1,008 System 1 Main, Trunk .Size: 1.$ in. Velocity.: 571 '.ft.finin. Loss per 'l 00 ft: 0.047 in.wg --7 ---7 -7-77-77--7 .... oo Mgt ensfil�U 64 Sensible', La pn fi Tons Ap it, B Net Required: -2.70 '83%/170/o 26,795 '5.*566 32,361� 35,099 Actual: 2.92 82%/18% 28,775: 6:324 10.97- Type: Air Sci=6 Heat,Pump Air Source Heat:Pump Model: 25HBC537A**30 -25HBC537A**30 - indoor Model: . a ; ... FX4DN(P,F)0.37L. Brand, PERFORMANCE 15 HP PERFORMANCE115 HP Dekriptibh: Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat'Pump Efficiency. 8.5 H8PF 15.5. SEER' Bound: 0 0 - Capa6lty: 34,600 Btuh 36,099 Btuh $ensible:C6pacity, n/a 28,775 btuh Latent Capacity! n/a. 6,324 Btuh AHRI Reference No'.' 10487522 This system's equipment was selected in accoroahce. With ACCA Manual S". Manual equipment sizing data' SODB: -951=, SOWS: 78F, WODB: 42F, S lDB- 76F, SlRH: 50%, WIDB, 70F,- Sen. gain, 26,795 Btuh, Lat. gain:5,566 Btuh, Seri. loss: 30,017 Btuh, Entering c1g. coil DB:,79.2F,,Entering c1g. coil WB: 63.9F, Entering.htg. Coil Db: 66.7F, Clg. coil TD: 20F, Htg. coil Tb, 70F, keq; clg: air.f.low: 1068-CFM, ReqI htg. airfl6W: -373 CFM CA ... \Express 1916 ... Carrier.rh9 Mon -day, May 20, 2019, 2:14 PM