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Hot Topics Submit Surcharge ; Stats&Facts i Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links ( Search Rama ilia 000 Product Approval USER:Public User Product Aooroval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL9190 R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014' Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer LP Building Products Address/Phone/Email 414 Union Street -Bank of America Plaza Suite 2000 Nashville,TN 37219 (352)425-7457 cw.macomber@lpcorp.com Authorized Signature CW Macomber cw.macomber@lpcorp.com Technical Representative CW Macomber Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place Ocalo,FL 34474 (352)425-7457 cw.macomber@Ipcorp,com Quality Assurance Representative CW Macomber Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place Ocala,FL 34474 (352)425-7457 cw.macomber@lpcorp.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report'from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Do Kim, P.E. 1 the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity APA-The Engineered Wood Association Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By CBUCK Engineering,Inc. C Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received , Certificate of Independence FL9190 R4 COI LP Certificate of Indeoendence.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL9190 R4 Eguiv equivalency of standard form.odf Sections from the Code 1405 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgpJPW%2b4UtP... 4/10/2017 Florida Building Code Online ,`r Page 2 of 3 1604.3.1 1609.1 _ 1616.3.1 1626.1 2304.6 Product Approval Method Method 2 Option B Date Submitted 12/18/2015 Date Validated 12/22/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 12/22/2015 Date Approved 02/10/2016 Summary of Products FL# Model, Number or Name Description 9190.1 LP SmartSide Architectural Engineered wood exterior lap siding.' Collection Cedar Shake Lap Siding . Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL9190 R4 II LPZBOS07-Cedar Shakes- Lao.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: APA-The Engineered Wood Association Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact FL9190 R4 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2015- resistant. rev2a.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.2 LP SmartSide Architectural Engineered wood exterior lap siding. Collection-Bold Lap Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL9190 R4 II LPZBO504 Architectural Collection-Bold Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Profile-Lap.pdf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: APA-The Engineered Wood Association Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports resistant. FL9190 R4 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2015- rev2a.odF Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 9190.3 LP SmartSide Foundations and Engineered wood exterior lap siding. Architectural Collection Lap Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL9190 R4 II LPZBO510- Foundations and Architectural Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Collection-Lao.odf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: APA-The Engineered Wood Association Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports resistant. FL9190 R4 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2015- rev2a.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.4 LP SmartSide Foundations and Engineered wood exterior panel siding.. 1 Architectural Collection Panel Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL9190 R4 II LPZB0511-Foundations and Architectural Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Collection-Panel.odf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: APA-The Engineered Wood Association Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports resistant. FL9190 R4 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2015- rev2a.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9190.5 LP SmartSide Precision Series Lap Engineered wood exterior lap siding. Siding ,Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9190 R4 II LPZBO515-Precision Series- Lap.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: APA-The Engineered Wood Association Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports - Other: Refer to PR-N124. Product is not impact resistant. FL9190 R4 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 9190-2015- In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with approved impact rev2a.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/Pr_appjtl.asp x?param=wGEVXQwtDquJP W%2b4UtP... 4/10/2017 l Florida.Building Code Online Page 1 of 1 tt iPai i � �yli,�ia1t S f ,• ,�.,..�� fps-' ._,,.� ��.•"r� ,�f"��� ::�J u-..nixr�br�t-..ens, >.,,L..•...-...-..w t.M.ci.�..s:....[.�-.e+�........«.,.-i.l.....,». - 3 1L....�,r.- 8CIS Home ' Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FSC Staff BCIS.Site Map Links Search 91 Product Approval _^ f gFr USER:Public User r Product Aaaroyal Mou>Product er Arolinkloo arch>Application list Search Criteria (aLn S u.h Code Version 2014 FL# 9190.5 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL, Other ALL Search Results a ApI Plications j E Tyjm Manufacturer Validated By u EL9190-R4 Revision LP Building,Products CBUCK Engineering,Inc. Approved History FL#:FL9190,5 (561)491-9427 Model:LP SmartSlde Precision Series Lap Siding Description:Engineered wood exterior lap siding. Category:Panel Walls Subcategory:Siding -Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Calnmisslcn If necessary. Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee_Fl,32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coavriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mall,If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395."Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,.2012,licensees licensed under chapter 455,F.S.must.provide the Department with an email address I/ they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses:are public.record..If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please-provlde.the Department with an-emall address which can be made available to the,public.To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click him, - Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe P 1 l https://www.for,idabuildiag.org/pr/pr app_lst.aspx 1/9/2017 _ PRECISION 38,'76 AND 190 SERIES . SMART S1 D E PR1ME0,PANEL Si01NG euuoiNc raooucrs 'TRIM&SIDING .INCLUDING SILVERTECH'GSMARTFINfN • A"t the time of manufacture,siding;meets or exceeds ttie per- Moisture controi and.v+ater vapor control"arecritical elements formanIce standards set forth in IM,ES-AC321 and has achieved of proper,housing design..Checic-your`local building codes for code recognition under ESR-1301;CCNC 11826,APA recognition application-procedures for handling moisture'and water-vapor under PR-N124;and HUD reeognition-under HUD-M,R-1318.'For In your area. copies of ESR-1301,call LP Customer Support at1-800-648-6893 `or go online at http//www ice=es.org/reports%pdf_files/ICC-ES/ When using wet blown"cellulose insulation,,the insulation ESR-1301.pdf or http://wwvv.apa'wood;org. must not be'in direct contactwith the sfding and.it mustbe allowed to dry.a minimum of'24 hours or longer if specified by. • Precision Series panel siding with SILVERTECH or SMARTFINISH the Insulation manufacturer. is specificaliyfor sheds and otheroufdoor structures,where the interiorwall cavities will remain permanently exposed. As with all wood product's,do not_apply-engineered wood- siding-to avruciuee having-excessive moisture condition's such • Minimum b in.clearance must be maintained•betWeen siding as drying concrete,plasteror wet blown cellulose insulation,If and finish grade.' such Conditions exist,the building.should be weli'ventilated to allow if,to.dry priorto the.application offhe siding: • Siding app lied,adjacent'to porches,,,patios,walks;etc.must have 12 atlearance of atleast 1 in.mm above.any surface. Siding must not'be applied to green or crooked structural framing members.Do-not apply siding over rain-soaked or. d� Minimum 1 in.clearance-at intersection with.roof line bud<ied•sheathing'materials:. Apply siding In-a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and Gutters are-recommended-for control oftoof.wate%run off. water buildup. SECONDARYBARRIER All exposed wood'substrate must be,sealed in a mannerthat prevents-molsture intrusion and water buildup; • A properly Installed breathable water resistive barrieris required.behind the sidirig.Consult,youPlocal building-code for • LP does not recommend LP SmartSide Panel for use In ICF and details. SIP assemblies. If used,LP will not warrant:-for Buckling�and- 'Shrinkage.However,balance of warranty'does"remain intact, • LP will assume no responsibility for water'penetration. • DO NOT USE STAPLES • Precision.Series panel'siding•with SILVERTECH or SMARTFINISH does not require a secondary water-resistant . ••SIDING MUST NOT BE IN DIRECT CONTACT-WITH MASONRY, barrier.Limited to sheds and other outdoor.structures;. CONCRETE,BRILK,STONE,STUCCO:OR MORTAR. GAPS & SEALANTS • Seal all gaps with a high-quality,non=hardening,paintable . - •1' Store'off the ground well supported,;on a-flat surface,under a sealant:Follow the sealant manufacturer°'s ins'tructions.for roof or separate waterproof covering application. °• Keep siding clean and dry.Inspect prior to application. • Use ahigh-quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTM.C920; minimum Class 25 sealant. STUD SPACING FLASHING, WINDOWS, DOORS & OPENINGS • Precision 38 and 76 Series panel.siding must be installed on 16 in,O.C.framing only.When installing on 24 h.i0',C.framing, All openings must be properly sealed or flashed in a manner; Precision Series"190 Series panel siding is required. that prevents moisture intrusion or Uuildup6.. :Several,exaniples that accorriplish'this are shown.on the following,pages, • In all.installations over masonry or concrete walls,the wall shall be'furred out and open a,t thetop and.bottom of the wall to allow. 'forconvective ventilation between framing spaced 16 in,OX. The framing shall be of adequate thickness to accept 17-1/2 inches of nail ,penetration. A properly installed'breathable water-resistant barrier is required between the siding and masonry or concrete Walls, Appl' )tio,n h istructions:(cont) High-quality acrylic latex paint,specially formulated for use on wood and engineered wood substrates;is highly recommended. •Install_kid<-out flashing to direct the water,into the gutter Semi-gloss or satin finish,oil or alkyd paints.are acceptable._For flat alkyd paint,please check with the coating manufacturer for •Install step flashing with minimum 4 in.upper leg their recommendations4or use on composite wood siding. • Follow the coating manufacturer's application and • •Properly integrate,flashing with the secondary water-resistive maintenance instructions. barrier. Use housew"rap,flashing'tape,z flashing,or other items as needed to maintain the counterf lash ing'principle. DO NOT USE • Semi-transparent and transparent stains. 00 NOT extend the siding or trim into the kick-out flashing or gut- • Shake and.shingle paints. ter • Vinyl=based resin formulas such as vinyl acetate, PVA, vinyl acetate/acrylic copolymer paints. Maintain a clearance between the end of the gutter and the ad- joining wall to allow for proper maintenance of the siding HANDLE PREFINISHED'LP SMARTSIDE PRODUCTS WITH EXTREME CARE'DURING STORAGE AND APPLICATION.TOUCH •Prime and paint ALL exposed cut edges UP ANY DAMAGE TO THE FINISH THAT MAY OCCUR DURING APPLICATION PER PREFINISHERS SPECIFICATIONS. . INSTRUCTIONS. . LP Siding • In braced'wail assemblies, use,minimum 6d(0.113 in.shank Minimum 1"clearance diameter,0.270 head diamet'er),hot-dipped-galvanized nails between trim and roofing for 38 and 76 Series panels and minimum 8d(0.131 in.-shank I diameter,0.296head diameter)for 190 Series panels.Do not — use electroplated fasteners:Refer to your local building code to verify the minimum allowable fastener size. — • Penetrate structural framing orwood structural panels and struc- tural framing a minimum of 1-1/2 in. • For 38 Series panels,double nailing procedure meets wall bracing`requirements and'5/16 in.shear wall design values. {lean rain 1 in.from edge gutter �— I Ali nment bead x K . /8 in.gap ol Do not run trim or siding inside of the Icick.out flashing Figure 1 Double row of nails Trim should be thick enough so the siding does'not extend be- •For 76 and 190 Series•panels,single nailing meets wall bracing yond the face of the trim. requirements.To meet the.equivalent 3/8 in,shear.wall design values,double nailing procedures must be used.It may be nec- • Trim-and fascia must be.applied in a manner that will not allow essary to angle drive the second nail in order to penetrate the moisture intrusion or water buildup. framing;Seal nails driven below the surface. • LP°SmartSide°siding is not designed and/or manufactured %in.from edge to be used as trim or fascia.LP SmartSide trim and fascia are I available in a variety of dimensions. Alignment bead STRUCTIONS f� i3 tla in.gap .,. CI Nail • Prime and paint all exposed surfaces including all drip penetration edges or where water will hang. min.1-1/2 in. IF -.:'A pply finish coat as soon as possible orwithin'180 days Of application. Figure 2 Single roW of nails r� Applr�tion instructions (cont.) -Shear values for panels applied directly to studs shall be no greater CONDITION CORRECTION than noted in Tablet of the ICC-ES Report ESR-1301 or Table 1 of AM PR-N 124. Snug ._ . ® OR, .:_............._.__ �. •Not warranted for-application on SIP and 1CF assemblies. Flush (1a 01( Icy CAUTION Visible fiber _ Paint •38 and 76 Series panels must be installed on 16 in.OX;framing Countersunlo/,6-1/a IN.— Apply sealant ,only.When installing on 24 in.O.C.'framing,190 Series-panels are tequired, Countersunk more Apply sealant and •Backside of panel,must not come in contact with masonry or than'/s in, re-nail .concrete foundation. Do not force siding into place.Maintain the illustrated 1/8 In.space. behind.the joint to allow for expansion-while the,panel equilibrates 1 IN. RoGIF sr CRIMNEY CLEARANCE with the local environment. •LPO SmartSiden Panel siding,must not be attached by stapling. •00 NOT INSTALL OVER ALIGNMENT.BEAD.'Install.panels in light contact to the edge of alignment'4ead,(see Figure-1 and Figure 2) `.... • Climb cut the surface'of the siding such that the rotation of the blade cuts downward on the primed or prefnistied surface, Trim • Where-siding butts window trim,door casings and masonry,etc.leave a 3/16 in.gap and seal. ''~ -Insulated Sheathings ' 'LP SmartSide Sidings may=be installed over low-compression rigid 4 In.min.vertical '`�•`, Prime and aint foam or exterior gypsum.The following.precautions must be followed; flashing -., bottom drip 1 in:min. - edges a) Adequate bracing.of:the wall in accordance with:the International Codes or other rulingbuildin code is:re u.ired. clearance from g q; roofing b) For rigid•foam sheathing up tQV(25.4 mm)thick,siding may be nailed directlyto-the'foam sheath!ng.unless a,drainage-,plane Is required by the local building code.Nail length must be,in- Figure 4 creased to ensure a minimum 1-1/21'(38.1.mm)-fastener penetra- tion into the structural framing. c) For rigid foam sheathing greater than 1 in.(2S.4 mm),a minimum LIP Sm, . , PANEL SIDINGJOINT 1-1/2 in.(38.1 mm)thick by 3-1/2 in,(88.9 mm)wide vertical strap- ping or furring strip,must be installed over the,sheathing to provide a solid,level nailing,base for the siding,The strapping must be HORIZONTAL WALL JOINTS securely fastened to structural framing spaced no greater than 16 BUTT FLASH LAP in.O.C,(406 mm)with a minimum nail penetration of.1-1/2 in.(381 Siding h Siding Blocking mm)and a maximum nail spacing no greater than the width of the ,3/8 in. siding. min.gap Blofking Louisiana-Pacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or •- , condition arising from the use of rigid foam or exterior gypsum, f 1 in,min. Slo ed' overlap La\P P P P Panel #[as hing with over bottom 4'in.vertical leg panel • ; � Nail 3%g in. k ' from edge Figure 5A Figure 5B ` • '' ? 12 in,max. LAPPED.HORIZONTAL WALL JOINT t, field nailing Siding 6 in.max. _ perimeterFraming(band joist, G in.max. nailing truss chord,etc.) perimeter nailing in.min. Wall Framing Do not let panel 6 in.min.ground overlap contact masonry clearance Foundation Figure 5C Figure 3 LP�MARTSIDE PANELSIDINC JOINT1ETAILS(cONT) 4 FT. X,8 FT. UNGROICIVED SHIPLAPPANEL HORIZONTAL BELTLINE JOINTS Figure 9 Scantface width For multi-story buildings,make provisions at horizontal joints for , ry "setting"shrinkage of framing,especially when applying siding directly to-studs. Siding(4 ft.x 8 ft.) f 3/8.in.gap 1/8 irll Sloped flashing with 4 in.vertical leg SPACE JOINT•1/9,IN. BAND BOARD OVER PANEL FILLER I € 2 in.x10 in. Referto nailing instructions band board /e•In.gap. Filler Board Siding(4 ft.x 8 ft.) LP panel sidings are accepted by the State of California as category 8140-Exterior wall siding,and sheathing for Wildland Urban Interface Figure 6 (WUI)applications. Far WUl compliance,install LP panel sidings in. accordance-with Louisiana-Pacific'sprinted Installation,instructions with the addition of fire retardant seal(UL Listed fire caulk,nominal 1/4"bead)in-the vertical jointand nailing pattern of3"OCperimeter SIDING ' CONTACT MASONRY nailing/8"OCfield nailing. Look forthe California State Fire Marshal Office label on,oursiding. The.Louisiana=Pacific Corporation.'("LP")LP-SmartSide Siding(the OR "Products")limited warranty(the'"Warranty")applies only to i Sill plate structures on which the Products have been applied,finished and Sill plate maintained in accordance with the published application,finishing -Extend i and maintenance instructioris'in.effect at the time of application. siding # The fa#lure to follow such application,finishing or maintenance below l, Flashing l; instructions will void the Warranty as to the ortion of the Products Sill I Y p affected bythe variance(the:'Affe'cted Products"). Min.1/8 in.or LP assumes no liabilityfor any lass or damage-sustained by the, flashing,between siding and Masonry Affected Products and is expressly,released by the purchaser or owner masonry. foundations from any such loss or liability. Any niodification of the VVarranty's,appl#cation,finish Ingor Figure 7A Figure 713 maintenance requirements Is void and unenforceable unless approved In writing prior:to application by the Siding General-Manager or his designee and a member of the LP Legal.Department, ` • DOORS &WINDOWSFor a copy of the warranty or for Installation and technical support,visit the LP SmartSide product support Web site at: Interior Finish Siding WWW.I PS m a its i d e.C0 m Code Approved Breathable orfor additional support call-(3D0-450-6106. Water-Resistive Barrier 3/8 in.gap WARRANTY REMEDIES'ARE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. Sloped flashing with --� 4 in.vertical leg, Trim Cal.Prop 65 Warning:Use of this product may result in �'. Nail fin exposure to wood dust; known to the State of California Space window/door per (donot damage) to cause cancer. manufacturer's instruction Figure SMARTSIDE° TRIM 6 SIDING ' euLLarut rnooutr5 02014'Loulslana-Pacific Carporatlon:All rights reserved.LP,Smart5lde,5ilverTech and SmartFl nish are registered trademarks of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation.Printed in U.S.R. NOTE;Louisiana-Pacific Corporation periodically updates and revises its productinformationi To verify that this veislon is current,call 800-450.610G. LPZ80512 1114 - altarnate-inside,corner details Gap 3/16.in. Gap 3/16 in. and seal and seal • caiu]k Figure to Figure 10A Figure IOB Vapor:Retarder rf required � � try mde �O. 6 ;II � Breathable water-resistant barrier po s i4' 6itu r e;r4. '.• '�'ti +"iel.R 1 `r .1 f a , Shlp[ap Edge Panel -�w 'ti•� •�.�-�� ,r ,/// fff f/ ..spy �+� ��,� I:+t a.45�• r� 6�,}4r . y;; '?�' 6 in minimum .1+,1'`' h + ✓— I f I; .j c. r4}li 9� �.6' -r� ti•�y, 44 l,�-�, 1Y41 __ ground clearance •_..1 • tp, .i Figure 10G bottom courso detail peel Joint Figure ME Figure 100 KQ,, UUCT LPG-SlmartSide® Precision'Series PR-;N ' 'rr'ealted-Eingineeretl�'W'ood Lap & Pai llei :Sidin Louisiana-Pacific.Corpora#Pain _Revised July 2,.201a Product; LP SmartSide_ Precision Series Treated-Engineered-Wand Lop and Panel Siding: Louisiana-Pacil~c_corporation,414 Unlon Street, Suite 2000;;Nashville,TN 37219 ($00)450-G106 ; www.lpcorg_rsom 1. —Basis of the.product report: 2012 and 2009 International Building Ggda:Section 104,11'Alternative Materials 2012 and 2066 tnternatron':Residential;Code:Section R1 D4A 1.Alternative Mat' Pis •. ANSIIAF&PA SDPWS208_Spedial Design Provislons#or Wind and'Seismic • ASCE 7.10 and;4SCE 7 05 lfAinimurrS E7esign Loads for Buildings and 04fier Structures . ICC-ES Aeceptance;Criteria•for Treated-Engineered-WoodSiding,AC321.: • APA PRP-108 P66cirmance-Standards and Qualifcgtion Policy inr Stni6turai-Use Panels • NES Evaluatlon Protocol for.Deferinination of Flood-Reslslancd lropeities of Buiidin'g',:; Elements APA Repo ts'R&D 876-1 j-T876-45,1'91 Q-11.,T91Q-20,T 7t -4,T970-10,T98Q-13, T980-17-j990 23,T2008Q-12,_T2008P-73,T2608P 74,'T2009Q-54,T2011Q-59,'-; T2012P-22,and other qualification data. 2 Product description; Louisiana-Pacific C.orporatian(Lp®j SmartSidee Precision Treated E idineered_WUood Lap' and Panel siding'ls overlaid wiO*iesin freated paper and.is available with either a smooth',' or embossed surface texture The siding is.available as laps or panels."the siding is• treated with Zino'B'orate for decay.and insect resistance. NI e'dgea are factory ry-sealedmith a . primer.' LPe Smar4die Precision Series;Treated-Engineered-Wood lap siding is available in 318 'arid 7116 Performance Categories,in nominal wiatha of 6,8 and 12 Inches and in lengths up ' to 15 feet. • . . . . LPG SmartSide Precision Series panel aiding'is available In 318,,7/16-and•19/32 Performance Categories,4.foot•Width and in lengths of 8, 9,:and•14 feet::The 316, Perfcrmaride Category panels are available without grooves br-with grooves spaced 8 s inches on center: The 7/16 and 19/32 Perfa'rmance category panels,are availabis without grooves or..with grooves,spaced either4-or$'inches on center.-Minimum thicknesses.at the groove and.shiplap are documented in the plant.Quality Manual. • 3; Design properties: • • ` •. =�.• • , Ailawable rooking.loads.for LPO,SmartSldeO Precision Serles panel siding are listed in.Table 1.' For 3/8 Performance Category.panels nal led at;shiplap edges,lase b/16•Performance Galegory shear.values. For 7/18'and 19132 Performance Category"panel sidings nailed at shiplap edges,use 3t8 Pertormance'Category shear values..'Design wind.loads LPG SmartSide Areclsion Serles lap and panel siding are listed,in Tables 2 and,3,'respectively. 4. . :'Praduct'installation: LP®Smartside:Precision Series Treated-Englneered-Wood Lap and Panel sidings shalt be ' Installed in accordance with"recommendations provided by'tie manufacturer " (W+tivir 1pCO�.cam/smarigjdeilap/ orsryasdeJpahell and APA m ' Engineered Wood.Constru H6n Guide,Fprrp E30(wvwv:apawood.oro/publli aAons): The 0 2014 APA-The r ngineeeted Wood Association , APA-Product Reports PR-N124 Revised July2,2014 ' : Page 2,oU7 rnaximum.span shall be in accordance with,.the Spari Rating shown in th®trademark: The LP®SmartSide®Precision Series+iap siding shall be permitted to:Fse tnctalled,aver the facer of structural insulated panels(SIPS)in accordance With Tabl®4. 5: ':dire-reslstant construction: Wood structural panels,that are not.fire-retardant=tree#ed have tieensiiown to'mee#a Class IIL(or C)category for flame spread. Unless otherwlso:specified;fiii-resistant canstructlan; shall be in accordance i th the recommendations;in APA Fins-Rated.Sysfems,'Form•W305 (see link above). ; 8. Flood resistance evaluation: Selected properties"critical to flood resistance Hof 318 and 7/16'Perform anc®Category, panel siding;Including uniform.loads,concentratt�d static Idads,'concentrated hard body and soft body'itmpa'ct loads;fastener performance,wail.racking•:resistance,edge thkknesssweil; " linear expansion,Hygroscopicity,exteriorbond performance and large`panel and small specimen bending properties were®valuated at a 18 b.c:,spa n Rating in accordance•with NES Evaluat/on Prbtocol.for Qetermination of Flood Resistance Properties of 6wid rig. Elements.•Test.results in the dry(as received)..conditlon and after molsture cyciing in, accordance with the NES protocol were,compared to the reguirerilents'specified in iGC Evaluation Service(ICC-ES)Aaceptance�:.Crrteda for Treated-Engineered-Wood.Siding (AC32'1). 7. Limitations a) LP®SmartSide®-Precision Series Treated-Engineered-lNcod Lap and Panel siding used outdootw must be finished in accordance with recommendations provided;by the manufacturer(see links-above)and APA Englneeretl Wood CortsfrUction Gurde,Form' `E30(she link above). b) LPO Smartside�:Oredston Series Treated-Engineered-Wood,panel siding is flood resistant on the following properties:'unitorm loads,concentrafed s#at.c loads; -concentrated hard.tiody'and'soft body.impact loads,fastener performance;waif racking resistance;'edge:thickness swell,linear expansion,hygroscoplcity,exterior bond performance-and large panel.and small specimen'beriding:propertles 7hls evaluation applies-to 3i9-and 7116 Performance Category panel siding.at a 18 o:c; Span`Ratmg.;, ., c) LP SmartSide®`Precision Series Trftted-Engineered=W 'o' o Lap and;i?anel siding.is', , produced"at Louisiana-Pacific.Corporation faciiiiles af:Ha'yweed,WI :N®wberry, MI, , Tomahawk,'Wl,and TWO Harbors, MN under a quallty'asaurance program.'audited by, APA d) This report is.subji ct to re-examination in one.year. 13. Identification:,LP®Smart&6 Precision Senes Treated-Eng ineered Wood Lap;and Panel siding described in#his repbrt is Identified by a laba!bearing the manufacturer's:'name(Loulsiana. Pacific Corporation)andlor•trademark,the APA assigned plant nu."mbar(367 for the Wayward plant,416 fnrthe Newberry plant,435 for tlie_Tomahawk,plant;or 399 for.'the Two�iarbors ,Plant),,the product,Performance Category,`the Span Rating,the Exposure°Rating,the APA' logo;the report number PR-iV124, and a means of identlfying#ho date ofmanufacture. ©'kM APA-The:Enginee.re.d Wood Assodaflon' . 07-02 APA Product Reports PR-N124 Revised Jtily 2,2014 Page 3 of 7 Table i. Allowable Racking Shear(plf);for L!'®SmartSide`�Pret:ision Serif ,Treated-En Oneered od Panel Sl frog Sheathing Shear Walls With Flemir of l7ou Fr-Larch or SbrJthem Pine-for V�ind or Seismic LoJdi '� Minimum Panels AppliiedDirectly toFraming Pa184nnels chpliedaver'lf2thIn r,. • "• • Nail- " ;5/8-inch Gypsum.5heathing Performance Aenetration Nail Size Nail Spacing af'Panel Edges Nall Stie, Nail Spacing at Panel Edges Category (Common or In Framing: (m) : (Coniirion or {in:) 4in) . "Galvan¢ed Galvanized Ztdt ..: Box) :. 6 4 3 _2ta� Wiz) 5 4 3 (ssl 18Q 270 , '�350 - 450. . 180 , 27T 350 '450 5116 ' 1-1f4 6dOd 3/8tssi 20t] 300 390 '510 . 200 300 390' 510 , 3f8ts,sl. 22Q 320 41Q• 530'- ' :260 380 .490tA1. 640` 1=112 8d 10d 7116t� 240: •'350 450 . :585 : ; 26Q 380_, 4901di 640 19/32t5i " 1-5l8 1Qd 510 6fi5t4i. . ., ,'470' For SIA inch.=25.4 rrim;-1 ptf=.14.6 Nfrn, i'r 'For fraTing"of other ipecies:.(a)Find speaiac gravity for speaewof lumber in AFBPA National Design.Speraficatiory.(b)find shearvalue*6m table for naffs-she:(c)muifipty value by- U.82 for species with:spacitic.gravity gsester than or equal to 0'.42 but lass 0.4S,:or0.65 forspecies With speciric gravity less,tb�n 0`42' rzi Ali panel edges must be backed with 24nch nominal or.wider framing:Panels must be installed iWM.the long dimension oiinted In the ve�tlCal dhection. Space nails 6 inches.o.c. along inteimediate#n�rbing members for 318 and 7116 Performance Category panels installed on studs spaced 24 inches;o.a For other conditions and panel Performance 'Categories,space nab 1Z Inches a.c,on mtermediate,supports.. ,, ; {'j For shear loads of norinal or permanent load duration.the values in the table shall be multiplied by 0.63 or 0.56,respec�i+reby, •Framing at panel edges must be 3 Inches nominator wider and nails must be staggered where nails are spaced 2 inches o.c.,and%0ere:1 Qd nails having penetration iri1q,framing of plena lhaa 1sa/8 arches are spaced:3.Indies or less;o.:ni: Fricaption: lfn�ss"othenvise re4ulred,-2-Inch nominal framing maybe.used where frill naiTing.surface.is avaifa�hle=and nails are staggered._ „ = - . t5i E ccept as,imted in Foolnote 7,panel thickriew'at.point of nailing at panel edges detempnes applicable shear values except that 3/8 Performance Category parieis nailed M Wlilap edges iise'5f46'Periormance-eategmy shear values,'arui7116 and.1.9432 Performance Category.panel sidings nailed atshiplap edgas use 318 Performance Category shear values. <� Staplap edges must be double-naled;:one nafl.must,bie placed in the underlap and a second nail must be placed in the,overlap at the nail spadfig.specified for the applicable shear;" value. m Faste'riers iaust nb he instalted in papal stding-grooves in_the field_of the panel siding orwhen the panel sidir g grooves OW,ai edges bFflse pane!siding,,.. 02014'APA The En 'in96r6 WoodAssociatiol: 67-02 APA Product Repore PR-N124 Revised July 2, 2014. ' Page 4 of 7 Table 2a. La Sidin —Maximum nominal" ailsw�ible desi n wind's eed;V„dill • Maximum 'Maximum .Maximum Nominal.Allowable)Wind Wall Siding Allowable, Performance wed,V ed31 rn h Catg Stud' Width Wind Wind"Ex ooure Cate ore o Spacing(2} (in.) Pressure B. C D in. 6 80 170 150 . 140 318 16 8 79 170 150 - 140 • 12• so 140 • 120 110. 6' 80 ` 170 150 14Q 16 8 76 170' '.• 150 130 7116- ' 12 49 140 120, ' 110 6 71 170- 145. 1 130 24 8 51 145 120 110 12. 32 lie 90 s0 For Sf, 1 Inch 15 25,4'mm;,1 paf=47.88,Pa,1 mph=0.447 mis. . {fl One'fastener per stud�loeated 314 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of leg siding must: - 'overlap a minirrum'of 1 inch.. Fastener must,have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch,a minimum shaft diameter of 0913 inch and a minimum length of 2.5 inches(8d box nalq. . Wall studs must have a minimum specfffcgravityof OA2. 131 Three-saccrid-gust;based on wind pressures acting toward and away fr6m building surfaces,:at 30-ft height In Zone 5 with smallr at effective"area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-06,Section R301.2 of the 2006 and 2012 IRC,and Section 1609.1.1 of the 20DO 18Cr ; Table.2b.-LaO Sidin —Maalrrfum ultimate destion windsPeed,V ('1 Maximum Maximum Maximum.•Llhimiste Design Wind Speed,— Performance Wall` , Siding. Ultimate •V 131(mph), Stud. ' Width. Wind Wind Exposure Cate o Category ;Specingi�1 (in;} Pressure B . D in. s 6• • 133 200:. 180 180- 3/8 16 8 131' : 200" <'18 180. • ' 12 - 83 180 150 140 6 133 200 180 180. 16 8 127 200 180 160 . 12 81 180 150- . " 140 ' 7116. -6 1 119 '200 180 J 160 24 8 85 180 150 140 12 64 140 120 115, For 81: 1•inch 25.4 mm,1 psf=47:88 Pa, 1 mph=C447 m/s. 01-One fastener per stud looted 3/4 Inch from the,top edge of the siding. Each successive course'of lap siding must overlap a minimum of:1 Inch, Fastener must hive a minimum head diameter'of 0.297 inch,a minimuin.shaft diameter 6t0.1131noh and a minimum length of 2..5 incites(8d box nail).• n! Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 0.42.' 131 Three-second-gust;based oti.wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces,at 304 height in Zone'S with smallest effective area per Chapter26 of ASCE 7-10 anp 9ecton 16091.1 of the 2012 IBC. ®2014'APA The.Engineered Wood Assoaiefion 07-02 APA Product,Report®pR N124 Revised July 2,2014 Page 5 of 7 ' Table 3a. Panel Siding—Maximum nominal allowable desi •n.wind s'eed,V Fastener Spacing Maximum Nominal IAlloweble} Maximum in.o.a. Mexlmum, Wind.S eed V;;a131(Mph) Peri Walt Stud A b"ance llowable Category Specingi�i Edges' ''Field Wind :Wind.Ex'osare Cat o Pressure B C D 12 • 46 130 110;` " 105 318 6 80 170 150 140 24 t3 •12 31 110 `90 • :85 6 61' . •150 130, 120 16 12 46 -130 110 '105 711$ 6 80 170 150 140 24 6 . 12 30 110 90 .85 6 59 150 130. 120 ' 16 B 12 41 130 .110 100 19M2 24 6 80 170 i'160 140'• $' 12 27, 105. g0 $ 55 '`150. 125 • 110 - •". For% 1 inch=25.4 mm 1 psf=47.88 Pa, 1 mph=0.447 m/s. " (r) Fastener must have a'minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch,a minimum shaft dianietei;of 0.113 inch and a minimkun- - length-of 2;b inches0d box nail}; (2)-Walf.studs must have'a minimum specific:gravity of 0,42. tag .Three4econd-gush based on wind pressures acting-loward and away from building surfaces,at 304t'height in Zone 6 with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7.08,Section R301.2 of the 2009 and 2012 IRC,and Sectlan, 1609.1.1 of the 200618C: Table 3b. Panel Win— ultimate deli n winds eed Wit Fastener Spacing Maximum MaxImUm Ultimate Design Wind matirnum Performance Wall Stud in. .01 Ultimate Speed,V ir(3)(rn h Category Spacihd(`. Wind Edges Field Pressure , -Wnd osure Cate o". B C D. 18' 6 12 77 160 150- 130 318 6 133 200 180 180 24 g 12 51 140 ' . ..•.120 110 6" 102 200 .. 1601. ASQ 1'6 $ 12' 74 '160 140 130 7t16 6• 133 200 180 ' 180 24 6 12 50 140' 120 :.: 110 6 99 200. 77f 60 150 f6 6 . 12 69 160 :140 - 130 19132 - 6' 183 " ... 200 160 ' .180 , 24 6 12 46 130. 115 - . 6 92 180• 160 150 For Sl:•1 inch=25.4 min, 1 psf=47.88-Pa,i mph=0.447 rnls. of Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Incti,a minimum shalt diameter of 6:113 inch and a'minimum length of 2.6 inches(8d box nail). t2) Wall studs-must have a"minimum specific gravity of 0.42. - - t3j Three-second-gust;based on wind ores's6res acting Ward and away from building surfaces,at 304ff neigh in Zone 5 with smallest'effective area per Chapter 26 of.ASCE 7-10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2012 IBC., 0 2014 APA-The Engineered Wood Assodaflon 0742 APA Product Report PR-N.124 Revised July 2, 2014 Page.6 of 7 ' Table,4a. Lap Siding Installed'Over the Facer of Sips(t)—Maximum nominal,(allowable). deli n wind speed,V (2) Maximum hall Maximum Maximum. Maximum Nominal.(Allowable) Performance Shank hall Wood.Screw Siding -,Allowable , Wnd'Sp®ed,Vo,dtgl{mph) _ Category Spaaing(3 SpaGngt41 Width Wind' Wind Ex dWte tenory a {in) (in:) (in.), Pressure (psf) 6 80 - 170 :150' 140 3/8 `• •'8.. 12 8 63 ' : 150' ' 130 125: 12 .40 125 -- 105 90 6 58 150 130 .'',120 • 7/16 12 16 8 42 •130 '110 '100 12 • 27 105 85 For•131:-1 Inch=25.4 mm, 1,psf=47.88 Pa,`1 mph=0.447 m/s. . The facer of the structural Insulated panels(510s)shall be 7116 Performance Category crthicker OSB sheathing meeting DOC,P52 require ments. t:► The tabulated.values,represenf the capacity of the LP Lap Siding Installed in accordance with;the,requirements of this • = table. The tabulated wind speed shalt not exceed`the Sip capecity'for wind load rearstanes. (31 One.6d dng'shank n9ll'(0.120 Inch in diameter)located 112 inch from the top edge of the siding..The ring shank nails must have a minimum head diameterof o.297 inch,a minimum,shank diameter of 0:120 Inch and a minimum length.of 2 Inches. (41 One#8 wood screw(0.104 Inch in diameter)located 112 Inch from the top ,edge of the siding may be used. The wood screws must have a:minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,a minimum shank'dlameter of 0.164 Inch and a minimum lenght.of 2 Inches. ; rg}• Three-seoond-gust;;based on wind pressureeacting toward and away from building sudaces,:at 3M height in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter.6 ofASCE 7-05,Section R301.2 of the 2009 and 201Z Rb,and Section 1809.1.1 of the 2009.60. Table 4b. Lap Siding Installed Over the Facer of SIPs(l)—Maximum ultimate'designwind SO eed.V.K 2) Maximum'Ring. Maximum Maximum Maximum UXiitlate Design . Performance Shank Nail' Wood Screw siding Ultimate. Wind Speed,V„st51(mph) Category Spacing(3) SpacingO) Width - Wind. 'Wind Exposure Category, (in.) Qn.) . (in.) ; .Pressure . B C .: D. {psf} B. 6 '133 200 - 180 180. 318 . 8 12 t3 105 200 . 160" 180 12 67 160: . 140 .120 6 97 200 160. 150 7/16 12 16 8 70' 160 140 • 130'. 12 45 130 115 . For$l: 1 Inch=25.4 mrn, 1 psf 47.88 Pa, 1 mph=0.447 m/s. The facer of the structural insulated panels(SIPS)shall be'7/18 Performance Category'or thicker OSB sheathing meeting DOC PS2 requirements. ' " . • (s) Th6tabulated.velues represent the capac:6 of the LP Lap Siding installed in accordance with the requirements of this fable..The tabulatad wind speed shall riot exceed the S!P capacity far wind load m iistani*- (31 One Bd ring shank hill(0..120 inch In diameter)located 112 Inch from the top'edge"of the siding: The•ring'shank nails - must have a minimum head diameter of o:207 inch,a minlmum shank diameter of 0.120 in6h antl aminimum-length of 21nches. One#S wood screw(0:164 inch in diameteo located 1/2 inch from.the tap edge of the sldinQ,may.b"e used,*The wood screws must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 Inch,a minimum shank diameter of 0.164 inch and-a minimum {8f p of 2 Inches. ire"econd gust;�based on,rvind'pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces,at.30-th helght In Zone 5 with•smallest effective area per Chapter 26 ofASCE 7.10 and Section le09.1.f of the 2012 IBC. ; m 2014 APA-The Ehglneeied wood',assoc artDn 07-02 APA Product'Report'PR-N124 Revised July2,2014 Page 7 of 7' APA - The 6glneered'1Noad Association is an.approved. national standards. daveioper , accredited by American National Standards Institute•(ANSI). APA•publisaies ANSI standards and Voluntary Product Standards,for wood stnictural panels'and-engineered wood products. APA is an accredited ceititicatlon body under 150 65 by Standards Council of Canada. (SCC), an accredited inspection agency under IS011Et; 17020 by International.Code Council(IC, ) International Accreditation Service (IAS), and an accredited testing organization. under ' ISQAEC•:17025 by, IAS.' APA is also an.approved Product Certification Agency;Testing ' -Laboratory, Quality Assurance Entity,'and Validation Entity by the.State'of Florida, and an;. approved4esting laboratory by City'of Los Angeles and Miami-Dade County.. APA—THE ENGINEGREO WOOD ASSOCIATION HEARQUARTERS 7011 So,Ie,'St.-Tacoma,Washington 98406 Phone:(263)5fi5.6600•Fax:(253)665-7265-Internet Address:www.aoAk0_Qd_om, PRODUCT SUPPORT HELP DESK (253)620-7400■E-mag Addreav,help(gapawood.org DISCLAIMER ; APA Product Report is a trademark of APA-The Engineered Vftd Aasooiatlon, Tacoma, Washington.The Information'cor►tained herein Is based on the product evaluation in according with the referencea'noted in this report.'Neither APA; nor its members make any.warrenty,; expressed or'implied,or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the use, application of, and/or refers nca to opinions,findings,conclusions, or recommendations IricludOd in this report. Consult your local 'judedictron or design professional to assure oomptiance with ,code, construction, and performance requirements. Because APA has no control over quality of _. worWanshlp or the cond•+tion6 under which engineered wood products are used,it cannot'accept responsibility of,product performance ordesidns as actually constructed. 0 2014'APA-the Engineered.Wood Association .07-02 WC EVALUAI Joint Evaluation Repprt ESI�' 1301 ' :OO DIVISION:06 00 Oa- , �' iCS,Aki)COMPOSI*9S ' ,.; E. TIbW ,;'1f9 DIVISt 00—THERMALAND MOI f3TECTI0N •-SECTION;07 46 23—WOODSIDIN sr REPORT HOLDER: k JA—0u, A► -P kdFIC RATION ,'f ' `•".: "t-`', .. . 4�4 U S?RE kdti NASHVIt. ,YENN 2 , ' EVALU. SUSJI:CT: �.•.;: LP SM' ODE ISIO DI 4ND, �tE ' ,SMARTSt�E PCISIOtJ # (DING r<•. Vk • •ii hn I ICC Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! ; "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Selsmic Policy Councl! (WSSPC)Award In i'Y WEI Excellence" : A Subsidla of WE l, ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not lo,be construed as representing aesthetics or a?W'other attributes-not-spee!fleally addressed,nor are they to be construed as an'endorsement•t?f the subject of the report or a-recominendation for Its-use. r'i re o _ There!s no warranty by ICC Evaluation.5ervlce,.LLC,express or impllec�'as to artyna!ing or pther.matre n this p rt, or as to arty'product covered by the report. Copyright 9)2024 , ICC EVALUATiON Joint Evaluation; Report ErR.1301*' Reissued February 2014- ,This'repott is subject to renewal February.2016' ' r www-Icc-es.orr'j (808)4a3.-9587 ,1_1562)'699-0643 A Subsldiiry of the lntemafivnal Corte Council® - DIVISION:06 00'0'0-1NOOD,PLASTICS'AND 3.0 DESCRIPTION COMPOSITES' Section,061600—$heathtng 3.1 09heral LP SmaitSldee.Precision Lap Siding and LP SmartSide® ' DIVISION:07,00 00--THERMALAND MOISTURE Precision Panel,Siding'are engineered-wood exterior wall PROTECTION coVering-rrlatodals that are suitable for long=town exposure Section:07 ds 23=wood Siding ,' to weather'or conditions of sinnilai severityr,when fastened REPORT HOLDER: to vertical supports or approved nailable wood substrates' in accordance with their span ratings and this evaluation report.The lap siding and panel 'siding products consist of LOWMAN 6PACIFIC"CORPORATION a Mai ormed wVood substrate..pi�seryatively,tr6ated with 414 UNION STREET,SMITE 2000' ; zinc bordte in accordance witli AWPA Standard T1, and a NASHVILLE,_TENNESSEE 37219 resin-Impregnated overlay material bonded 16 the face of (888)820.0328 the lap.end panel siding products•intended-to be exposed w ww.LP°°�gcem to the weather,Additionally, all panel and lap siding edges. marketPrrsi,behter�tocom.corn are factory-Sealed with a sexier in accordance with.1he7 EVALUATION SUt3JECT: approved quality contro.l manual.. ' •. ., 3.2 LP Srnart$ldee.Precision Lap Siding: I-P SMARTSIDEm PRECISION .LAP SIDINt3 AND LP ' LP.SmartSide®Preclalori hap Siding is available kt;widths' SMART8IGE®;PRECISiON PANEI;$IDINO of 6; 8'aiid 12`ioches(152; 2fl3 and 305 nim);categories 1.0: EVALUATION SCOPE' 3/e and '/;B;-and`lengths of. 12 'to I& feet (36$8°to 4877 min),,The B=Inch-wide.(203.mm), l,e'category.lap Compliance with the foll6wing codes: siding ls',also available with an optional 'self-alignr! ent edge. ■ 2012 2009,, 2006, and 2003"lntermawn'al 6"unding - Code (IBCj . 3.3. LP SmartSide Precision'Ponel Siding: ■ 2012, 2009t.2008, and 2003 Intemational Restidentiel : 4,LP Smaddide®Precision Panel'SPding fs 4,feet'(1219 mm) Code®ORC) wide`and '6;- 8 7, ,9.6r 10 feet(1219,•�1829,2134,2438;. 2743,,or 3048'mmj In, len the LP-SmartSide', Preclsion PropOrtlee evaluated: Panel Siding:is available in ls; 'he; and 194 - categories: ■ Exterior siding The'9/B category panel has grooves spaced at 8 inches (203 mm), with a minirnum thickness at the,grooves of,. ■ Structural 0:164 Inch"(4 mm)and'a Minimum thickness at the shiplop ' 2.0`USES. of 0.136 Inch(4 inm). The'/ye-category panel has grooves spaced at-4 or,8 inches�(102 or203 mm),With`a.mihimum LP SmatiSide® {?recision Lap Siding and,LP SrnaftSideo thickness at'the grooves'of 0 235"inch (6, mm) and a Precision Panei'Siding'are used'as exterior wall covering miN 19 thickness at the shlplap of•0:15t)'inCh (4'mm). materials'on. buildings ;where Combustible materials are' The /3z.,.category panel :has grooves spaosd at 4 or. permitted.. 8 inches(102 or 203 mm_),'.with'a minimum thickness at the ® ` grooves :of 0 311-inch (8 'mmj and a,'rhinimum shiplap " LP'SmartSide Precision Panel Siding may be used a6 thickness of 0.194 inch;(5 nim): bracing-method 3 for conventional wood framed wails as 'Specified in IBC- Section 2308:9.3 and IRC•'.Section LP'SmariSide®.Precision.Panel Siding is classified as R602.10; Exterior Rated Sitting"or Exterior Rated Siding-'Sheathing.. The .classification. is rioted'in .the label'on..th'e panel. . ' LP SmartSidee Precision Panel.Siding may used as Eztedor RM4 Siding. Is intended to be Installed in sheathing for wood'structur'al panel shear Walls,having. ' spplioatlons•In,;accordance with IBCSection 2308.9.3.and allowable , shear- loads:. specified. €or PS2-oampllant IRC: Section' R602:10 as an exterior siding -suitable,for, wood-based,sheathing in,accordance with,2003/2006 IBC : long-terra. exposure to, weather,or conditions of similar Section.23d6;4.1,and 2009/2012.IBC Sectlon2306:3.' - severlty. In:•addition to the Intended epphcation for Exterior 'Rsvised;Uecembee2014 Copyright 0 2014 . . '. . .. ' Page 1 of 7 ESR,1301 i'Most Widely Acc6iAvu grid Trusted � Page 2 of 7 Rated. Siding, Exterior Rated Siding-Sheathing ' js' vertical or horizontal shiplap,• or 'otherwise 'made intended to be.installed in applications in accordance with waterproof. 200312006' IBC-Section 2306.4.1, and 20*2612 IBC 4A Component g Section 2306.3. p t and ., Cladding Wind Pressure .Capacity: 4.0 INSTALLATION ' Maximum 'allowable component and'cladding Wind loads 4.1 General: (wall,zone 5)for LP SmartSide'Precision Lap Siding,and' LP SmartSide® Precision Lap-Siding and LP_SmartSidea LP SmartSide.. Precision Panel Siding based on a Precision Panel Siding must be installed.in accordance -minimum fastener schedule, are -provided in Tables 2 With the manufacturer's published installation instructions through 5. Tables 2 and 3, for.lap and panel 'siding, q (titled Applicatlon Instructions LP SmartSide' Precision respectively,are based on full fastener penetration into the Lap LP SmartSide*Precision Panel Siding)and this report, wall studs, lie., fastener.penetration = fastener length -• In the event of cenflieW, this report governs. A copy oft he siding thlckness. Tables 4 and 5,for lap and panel siding, manufacturer's installation -instructions must be on the respectively,ale based'on a minlrnum fastener penetration jobaite at all times during installation. Irfto the.wall studs.'of 1112 Inches. . LP SmartSide®Precision Lap'Siding and LP SmartSide* 5.0 CONDITIONS OF,USE Precision Panel Siding must be instalied with an approved The 'LP SmartSlde Precision tap Siding and LP water-resistive barrier as required by the applicable code. SmartSlde®Precision Panel Siding.described in this report Openings•in,-penetrations through; and terminations of the eohply with; or are suitable _adernativss to. what is LP SmartSide® Precision Lap Siding and LP:SenartSide* specified In,those codes listed in.Section 1,0 of this report, Precision Panel Siding are outside the scope of this•report subject to the following conditions: ando must.be specifically approved by the code official in g;.l LP 8niartSide® Precision Lap Siding must not be accordance.with the applicable code.• used to satisfy the bracing requirements specified In Unless otherwise noted•in•this,report, fasteners and the code. fastener spacing must be as noted in the applicablecode. 5.2 LP SmartSide® Preolsion. Panel Siding--Sheathing, 4.2 .LP$martSide®Precislan Lap Sidings when installed as set'forth In this report,may be used LP SmartSide®Precision Lap Siding must be attached to as method 3 bracing''specified in'Section:2308.9 of framing members spaced a maximum of 16 inches the IBC and Sectibn.R602.10 of the IRC. . (408 mm)on center for.316 category siding and a maxlmurn 6.3 In areas where seismic analysis'is required by the. of 24 inches(610 mm)on center for?/is category siding. applicable code,the applicable code requirements for Self-aligning LP SmartSide® Precision Lap. Siding•Is wood structural panel shear'walls must be consulted installed with nails:placed at the iop'of the LP SmartSide® for additional detailing requirements, restrictions Precision Lap Siding, 'la inch (13 men), down troy' the- concerning certain,usages, required modifications to' upper edge. Each successive course of lap siding must the allowable sheaT loads tabulated.in this report,and nest on the.back rabbet and must self-align at an overlap of additional Inspection requirements. . 131ia inch(21 mrn).• -6.4 LP SmartSide* •Precision•'Lap Siding and LP Halls must be of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum SmartSide® Precision Panel.•Siding 'must not be of. 1112 Inches (38.mm)_through 'the sheathing- and into installed In contact With concrete or masonry. framing at each stud`location. S.6 LP SmartSide* Lap Siding-and" �LP:••SmarlSide® 4.3 LP SmartSide Precision Panel Siding:,, precision Panel.Siding,must be installed with a'. minimum 6 Inches (152• mm) of clearance' from LP SmartSide® Precision Panel 'Siding-must be installed- , finished grade: with its long dimension oriented vertically. 6.6 When-field cuts are made to LP S®artSldee Precision When LP SmartSide® Precision Panel Siding is applied Lap.�Slding and .:LP SmartSide . Precision Panel directly to the frarrring;•'the maximum spacing of the Siding, all exposed surfaces must be finished framing must be;consistent with the span rating of the LP according.to'the paint or caulk/sealant manufacturers' SmartSideq Precision'Panel Siding, which is identified on, specifications. the panel's label. 5.7 LP- .SmartSide*• Precision, Lap" Siding and LP Allowable loads for sheanualls sheathed • with LP' SmartSide®Precision Panel Siding are manufactured SmartSldO Precision Panel Siding=-S heath ing are noted , by' Louislana•Pecific Corporafion in_ Hayward, In Table 1. Wisconsin. (Mill No.- 357); N6vberry, Michigan Four-foot-by-8-foot '(121.9' mm by_ 2438 men) LP (Mill No. 416);•Tomahawk,•Wis6onsin (Mill No. 435); 5martSidee Precision Panel .Siding Sheathing installed and Two Harbors, Minnesota (Mill ido. 399); under a vertically, directly.to framing, with a single row of nails quality control program with lnspections by ICC-ES. penetrating both laps,"spaced 6 inches on center at panel 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED'• edges and 12 inches (305 mm)on center at intermediate supports may be used to' satisfy bracing Data in accordance with the !CC-ES Acoepfance Criteria the: wall requirements for conventional light frame, construction for Treated=®nglneered-wood Siding (AC321), .:dated specified in the,code''for prescriptive construction. •Install October 2005, per code requirements far.method 3 bracing.with wood 7.0 .IDENTIFICATION structural panels..: LP Smir slde® Precision Lap Siding and LPI SrrrartSide? ' All LP SmartSide® Precision Panel Siding.joints must Precision Panel Siding must be labeled with the product ' occur at framing members and must be protected with' a- designation•and the..name of Louisiana-Pacific Corp.;The continuous wood bati, approved.',caulking, flashing, 'or 'stamp shall provide the following information. ESR-101 Most.Wldety Ac ptecl and Trusted Page 3 of 7 1. Mill number., ; 4. . Sparc rating. ; 2.- The evaluation report number(ESR-1301). 5. Performance category (based on customary inch 3,• Grade/exposure. ' fractions). TABLE 1--ALLOWABLE RACKING SHEAR(pit)FOR LP SMarlISidO Precision PANEL SIDING--SHEATHING SHEAR WALLS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR—LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING"''' PERFORMANCE MINIMUM PANELS APPLIED DIRECTLY.TQ'FRAMING ' CATEGORY NAIL PENETRATION IN Nall Slze(Corhmon.or Nall Spacin"a 'Panel Edges; FRAMING(Inches) Galvanized ' (Inches) Box) 6 4 3 2' s u's 180 . 270., 350 450 3l85,e 6d 200' :300,•.. : 390 510. , 3145.0 220' '320.. 410 :630 71e 1, 1112 8d 240 350 450 585 , 1a1326 1°!a 10d 340 51.0 685' 870 For$I:1 inch r 25.4 mm,1 pB a 14:8 Nlm. 'For framing of other species:(a)find specific gravity for species of lumber In AF&PA National Design Specification;(b);fnd'6hear value -from tabie'for nails size;c)multiply value by,0.82 for species with specific gravity greater than'or equal t60.42 but less than.0.49,'or 0,65 for., species with speclffc gravity less then'0.42. 2A011 panel edges must be backed with 2-Inch nominator wider framing.Panels must be Installed with the long dimension oriented In the vertical' direction'.'Space nails 6 Inches o.c.along Intermediate framing members,for 31B.category'and 711a category'panels Installed on studs spaced ' 24 Inches oz.For other conditions and panel thicknesses,space nails 12 inches o.c.on Intermediate supports: 'The values are-for-short-termItoads due to wind.or eanhquake(133%Increase)and must be reducedlby-26 percent for normal duration.of loading. 'Framing st.panel edges must be 3,inches nominal or•wider and nails must be staggered where nails are'goded 2 Inches o,c.,,and where 10d nails having penetration Into framing of-more than 15(e inches are.spaced 3 inches,orless,.o.c.Exception:.Uriless cttleriklse.required;2-Inch . nominal framing may be used where full nailing surface Is available and nails are.staggered. "Except as noted In Footnote 7,panel thickness at point of nailing at panel edges determines applicable shear values,except that 316 category panels nalled at shiplop edges use shear values for 51re category panels,and -ire and 111.2 category pane(sidings nalled-at shlplap edges use shear values for 3(e category panels. BShlplap.edges must be'doubie-nalled;'one nail must be placed in the undedap and a second nail must be placed In thwov6dap at the nail spacing a Ified.for the applicabie shear value. :' °Fasteners mus '66t be Installed in panel siding.grooves in the field of the panel sidirig orwhen tha panel siding grooves obcur.at cut edges of the panel siding.'* TABLE•Ya-1-4P SIDING-MAXIMUM NpMINA.L(ALLOWABLE)COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED,V,w'a PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL : SIDING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM.NOIM(NAL(ALLOWABL'11I WIND CATEGORY STUD.SPACING* WIDTH ALLOWABLE WIND SP.ESp.'V,.,d4(mph) (Inches) (inchos) PRESSURE Wind Exposure Category • '(PSI • B C •D' 8 80 170' 150 140 3/e 16 8 ' 79 ' 170. 1:80. .140 12..:. 50 140 120' 110 6 . �80- •170;' ': ^. .156 '140 . 16 8 76 170- 150 130- 12• 49 146 120'. 1'1.0 T11s . 6 .. . .• , 71 ' 'f70' 145- 130 24 . 8 51 155 •120 110 12. 32 :110 DO 90 For St.,1 Inch=25.4 Mm,1 psf='47.88 Pa,1 mph 41'.8 kph: 'One fastener per stud located'/4 inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding must overlap a rrrlrilmum of 1 inch. Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0297 Inch,a minimum shah diameter of'0.113'Inch and,a mtnImum length of 2.5 inches(8d box'nail)., ' 3 Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the wall studs.Le.,fastener perietra@on opfastener length—sldind thickness. 'Wall studs must have a minimum speaflc gravity of.il.42.' ' 'Three-'second-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward-gild away from building surfaoas}.at 30-feet height Iri_Zoh.e 5.with"smallest. effective area'per chapter 6 of ASCE 7.05,Section R301,2 of the 2009(2012 JRC,and Section 1609,1:1'of the 20091BC. ESR.1361 I 'Most Widely Adelpfed and Trusted _ Page 4 of 7 TABLE 2b—LAP SIDING•MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN tMND§PEEb,.V,;ur�. PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL - SIDING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED, CATEGORY STUD SPACING' WIDTH ULTIMATE WIND Vun�{mph) (Imhea) •(Inches)• . PRESSURE Wind Exposure Category . @" G D S 133 200 180 Ala ' 16 8 .. 131 200', 180 180 • 12 83 18Q • 150 140 -,- 6 . 133 200 . '180 18Q 18 8 127 •_ 205 180 1$o 12 J 81 180 :150. 140 rl'B 6.' 119 .200 180 lea. 24 8 86 180 .15o 140- 12. 54 140 120 115 For Sh'1 Inch=25.4 rhm,1 pof=47.88 Pa;1 mph=1:6 kph. bna fastener per Stud located Y.inch from the top edge of the siding. Each successive course of lap siding'must overlap,a.minimum of 1 inch. Faetenei must have a minimum.head diameter of 0.297 Inch, a minimum shaft diameter of 0;113 inch and a;minimum length,of 2.5 indhes(8d box nail).f . 2'rabulated values•assume full pen&Mlon of the fastener into the wall studs,i.e.,fastener penetration=fastener length--'siding lhlckness. 3Wall studs must have a mWmumapsdifio gravky'of Q.V. `Three-second-gust;based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building•surfaces, at 30-feet height in Zone 5 with sm_allest 'effective area per.Chapter'26 of ASCE 7.10 and Section 1609.1.1 of the 20121BC. ; TABLE 3a-PANEL SIDING•MAXIMUM NOMINAL-(ALLOWABLE)COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED,V,w' ' PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL FASTENERSPACIKG3 MAXIMUM `HiA)(IMUNt,NOAflINAL CATEGORY STUB SPADING' (inches O.c.) ALLOWABLE WIND• (ALLOWABLE)WIND SPEED, (Inches) PRESSURE(p$f) Yam`,(rnph) . Edges Field Wind Expas6ua Category. C 13 16 6 12 d8". 13o, 110 105 31a 6 80 170 150 . 140 24 B , 150 130 120 12 , :45 1 1'30 -110 ` 105 18 6 6 , • sn ••• '• :16a "dad; '/ 24' 8 12 30 110•• • 90. 85 8 59 160,• i30`` 120 16 ' 6 12 41 130' 1'IO• , 100 , 8 80 170 ' 160- 140 •'8132 - - 12 27 105 90 - 24 6 6* 53 150 : 126 1.10 For.SI:1 Inch=26.4 MM,1 psf ti 47.88 Pa,1 mpli.-1•.6 kph. 'Tabulated values assume full penetration of the fastener into the well studs,i.e.,fastener pedetratidi3 a fastener length-siding thickness. - 'wall studs:must have.a minimum speciTic'gravity of_0.42. • - '. •' • • 317astener must have*minimum,head diameter of 0:297 Inch,a minimum shaft diamatef of 0.113 Inch.and a minimum. length of 2.8:Inche.s SSd box nail). . Three-second-gust;based on:windpressures ac8ng toward and away frdin bul)ding.au*• es,at 30-feet lri Zone•5 with smallest effectiva'area . per Chapter 6 of aSCE 7-05,Septlon R301.2 of the 200912012 IRC,and Section 1609.1.E of the.20091BC. E$R-1301 Most wdt lyAcc .:i and Trusted Page E of 7 ..,.__ . TABLE 3b—•PANEL SIDING MAXIMUM ULTIMATE.COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED,V„al , PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL FASTEN9RSPACING3. MAXIMUM ULTIMATE 'MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN CATEGORY STUD SPACING' (Inches'o.C.) WIND PRESSURE WIND SPEED,V,,,,4(mph) (inches) Edges Mold (Rgfj Vlfind EX006UM Category• 13 C 0 • 12 77' 160 150 13D 16, 6 31e .6 133 200 180 '. ', 180 24 8 12 51 140 :' 120 110 6 102 206 160 150' 16 6 12 :74 160 ' . '146 130, 71,e 6 133 .200 780 24 8 12 50 140, 120 110 6 99 ' 200 '' 160 150 16 ti 12 69 160 .140•. 130. �Alaz 6_ .133 2.00 ' 100 ••f80 . '12 46 130 . 115 24 6 _ 8 92 180 160 j 150 For SI:•1 Inch=26.4 mm,1 psf=A7.88 pa,.-f mph=f'6 kph. 'Tabulated values assume fu0`penetration'of the fastener into the wall studs,t.e.,fastenerpenetration=fastener length—siding thickness, "Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity of 6.42. 3Fastener must have a inlnimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,.a minimum shaft diameter of 0.1.13 Inch and a minimum.length of 2.5.Inches j8d box nail). Three-second-gust; based on:tlnd pressures acting toward and away,from'buliding surfaces, at 3046at height in.:Zona'S•wtth smallest effective.area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1800.1.1 of the 2012 IBC. " TABLE 4a—LAP SIDING•MAXIMUM NOMINAL(ALLOWABLE)COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN.WIND SPEED;V,.,'.z PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL SIDINQ MAXIMUM MAXIMUM NOMINAL(ALLOWABLE)0140 CATEGORY STUD SPACING.' WIDTH ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED,V.;,,'(mph) {Inches) (inches) PRESSURE.- WindExposuria Cate gory (Pon t3 C D B 78 176 . 156 130 31g 18 ', 8 58 "-150. 125 • 110 12 • 35 120 106. 90 8 78 ' 170 150 130 16 8 86 160 . 125 • 110 12 35 120 100' go ' 711e 6 62 146.•',' 120 - 110 24 ' 8 37 120 100 .90 12 :24 ' 90. For SI:1 Inch=26.4 mm,1 psf=47,88 Pa;1 mph=1.6 kph. 'One fastener per stud located%inch from the top edge of the sidirig, Each successive course of.'lap,siding_mustoverfap a minimum of 1 Inch. Fastener.must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,a minimum shaft diameter of 0313'Ineti and a minimum length of 2.5 inches(8d box nail). 2Tabulated values assume a-fa"stener peneiratlon of 1'12 inches into the wall studs. 3Wall studs must have a mlhimum'specific gravity of 0.42. *three-secondIgust; based on wind pressures acting;toward and away from building surfaces,et 30-feet height in Zone 5.with smallest effective area per Cheptef a of ASCF_7-05,Section R301.2 of the 2009120121RC,and Section 1609.1 A of the'2009 IBC. i e ESR-1301 I Most IMdelyAccepted and Trusted Page 6 of 7 TABLE 4b—LAP SIDING MAXIMUM ULTIMATE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED,Vul1�?. PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL , $10ING . , MAXIMUM . MAXIMUM ULTIIYI A DESIGN WIND SPEED, ' CATEGORY STUD SPACING' VWDTH ' ULTIMATE WIND V,a�4{mphj (inches) tinohes} PRESSURE Wind Erepa'sure category g C D 6• 130 ` - 200 T80; • ` 180 11B 16 ' $ ' 93 180 166 160`' 7 12 59. � . 130 ,• 120 8 :, 130 '. 200.' • ' 180. -. 180; 18 8 83 180.. . 160'. . 160 12 ,' 69 15O 130 120 116 . 6 . - 88" - 180 ••18rT• • 140 •, 24 8 62 160 130 120 12 . - .39 120 For$I:9 inch-25.4 rrrm,l psf=47.88 Fa,1 mph.=,1.9:kph: 'One, per stud located %Inch from the top' of the siding,'Eaoh suocassive course of lap siding must overlap a minimum of 1 inch, Fastener must have'a'minlmum head diameter of,0.297 Inch, a minimum shag diameter of 0.113 Inch arid a minimum length of 2.5 inches(8d hax.nail):. 2 tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of 1'!,inches,into the wall studs; -'MII studs must haw a minlmum'speGtia gravity of 0.42. > "Three-second-gust;=based on wind pressures actirig`towaid and away from building suifaces,•at 30466t height.in Zone 5 with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1809.1.1*of the 2012 IBC. TABLE 6a—PANEL SIDING-MAXIMUM NOMINAL(ALLOWABLE)COMPONENT AND'CLADI51140•DI.ISIGN WND SPEED,Vim' PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WALL. FASTENER'SPACING' MAXIMUM, MAXIMUM NOMINAL CATEGORY • STUMSPACING1 (Inches o,c:) ALLOWABLEtMND, (ALLOWABLE)MND.BPEED, (inch®s} P'RESSURF{list) Edgob'. Field „' Wind Exposum Category g. C D 16 tt 12 .32 110 90 90 6 65 156. 130. •128 'lg • : 6 12 22`. 00. 24 6 43- 130 110. 100 18 6 12 32 110 90 g0 71, 6 65 ISO.. 130• :126 24 6 12 22.. 90 = 8 43 130 110 100 . 16 . 6 12 32 110' 90 90 6 85 9b0 i30 - 126 12• 22 go. 24, S... 6 43 130.... 110: f 00 For 81:1 Inch=25.4 mm:1 psf=47.88 Pa,1 mph=1.6 kph. 'Tabulated values assume a fastener penetration of 1'Irinches Into the wall studs. 'Wall studs must have a minimum specific gravity,of 0.42. 3Fastener must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,a nNnlmum shaft diameter of 0.'113 Ihch and a minimum lerigth of-2.5 Inches 4d boznail), hree•second-gust;based on wind pre6iures actirig.toward and away from building surfaces;at 30•feet in Zone 5 with smallest'effiective area. per Chapter 6 of ASCE.T-05,Section R301.2 of the;,4009120121RC;and Section 1609.1.1 of the 2009160 ESR-1341 MostWdeJypccepreiarid Trusted Page 7 of 7 TABLE 5b—PANEL SIDINC3-MAXIMu' ULTiiIAATEr COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND SPEED,V,r,' PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM WAIL FASTENER&ACING3 MAXIMUM ULTIIMATE MAXIMUM ULTIMATE DESIGN CATEGORY STUD.8PACING' {inches o:c.) WIND.PRESSURE WIND SPEED;V„n'(mph) tinches). . Edges Field • (listWind Exposuie K:atagory ' 16 • 6 12 54 .140 ;. '1 O 115. ,ls 9 108 200 - 18D 160 �. 12 - 36 120 - - - 24 6 8 72 i60 ' 140 130. . _ 1g• 8 12 . 54 1411.' '126 113 Tl1B_ 8 108 .200 160 160 . 24 6 12 36 120 6• 72 ' 160, 140., 130 16• g 12 , 54 140 120 i'15 � 8. •108 200 16o. 160 a132 24 8 12 36• 120 r 0 72 160 . 140 130 For SI:1 Inch 25.4.mm,1,psf=47.88 Pa,1 mph=1.6 kph. 'Tabulated values assums a fastener penetration of,11f2,inches Into the wall studs: 2W811 studs must have i minimum'speciflic gravity of 0.42. 3Fastener musf.have a minimum head diamaterof 0.207 inch,a minimum shaft diameter of 0.113 inch and.a'-mfnimum length of 2.5 inches "T8d box nail). hrree-second-gust; based on wind pressures acting toward-and away frorn building surfaces, at$o_feet height In Zone,5 with smallest 'effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 109.1 1 of.the 2012113C. DISCLAIMER APA Product Report! Is a trademark of APA — The Engineered Wood Associations, Tacoma, Washington, ICC-ES Evaluation Reportis a trademark of.ICC Evaluation Service,LLC(ICC-ES). The information contained herein Is based on the,product evaluation in-accordance with the references noted in this report: Neither ICC-ES, nor APA ar its members make any warranty, expressed or Implied; or assume any legal Itablllty or responsibility for the use, application of, andfor reference to opinions,findings,conclusions, or reeommendatioris included in this,repott. The joint ICC-ES/APA Evaluation Report's are not to-be construed as representing oesthatics or a6y other attributes not spoelfically.addressed,nor are they to be construed as an,endorsement of the subject of the feport-or.a recommendation for its use..Consult llie local jurisdiction or design professional .6 assume-compliance with code, construction, and'Performance requirements.. Because neither APA,nor ICC-ES,has any control over quality of workmanship or'the`conditions under which engineered wood products are used,;h cannot a`oeept responsibility of product perronnance or•deslgns•as actually constructed. N, No. 1 pTec hnics ote Q 4Ls , BUILDING PRODUCTS Installing LP® Sma.rtSide` Trim:and Lap Siding on Concrete.or Masonry Walls over Furring.Strip8 ri Florida (V,,It Wind Speeds) This Technical Note,is,a-n addendum to the LP' SmartSide®-Trim and-Fascia, and LP1'SmartSide6. . .Lap siding Application instructions ("Instructions").,It is intended to provide.an alternative, fastening option for LP,SmartSide;trim­and lap siding on concrete or-masonry-Walls over furring strips.The Instructions remain effective.except as maybe modified by.this-Note: Refer tolhe Instructionsfor:Al'othe.r aspects of product installation. Trim and lap siding may be installed-on,cancrete or masonry-walls over furring strips: ■ Trim and lapsid'ing must be-installed over a minimum'IA'nominal size Southern.Pin.e furring strips With a specific'gravity greater than or equal to 0.55'. " o Install-furring stripsr more than 16"o.c. inmind speed areas less.than or equal to 200 MPH? Siding shall'be installed to safely--support all loads; including wind-,loads;of the locally adopted building codes. The installation of siding shall.,tesult in a system that provides a Load'path-that r meets-the-requ'irements'for the transfer of loads from their point of origin . 'through the lo.ad4esisting.elements to'the structure, The mechanical connection of the furring'strip to the concrete or masonry.striucture is the responsibility of a design professional: LP,assumes.no liability.for any loss or damage caused::bytke-design of the mechanical connection of the'furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure and is expressly released by the;purchaser,or owner from any such loss or liability.' ■ Minimum.Fastener Type: o Corrosion.Resistant—Hot Dipped Galvanized or'equal (ASTM A153)z o Ring Shanl<3 o Sha'nkAi:ameter.=0:120 inch o Head diameter=0.270 inch " o Length'=fastener shall fully penetrate a minimum 1/2Jrich into nailable furring Caution:fastener shall not bottom out on r"rasonry wall leaving the fastener head less-than flush with the face of trim or"siding. Page 1 of 3 ADDRESS 414 Union Street SUIte-2000- NasWlle,TN TEL '(6.15)'986-56.00 FAX (616)986-5666 yvw.lpcorp:com' Date Created: 1;/IOV 015 Last Revision:12117/20.15 Expiration Date:06/20,17. _ q - ■ The 2012 IRC and 2014 Florida Residential Code.require a water.-resistant barrier be used `. on all exterior walls, except over concrete or masonrywalls per Exception 1 in Section R103.1.1 of:both Codes. LP.aIW' ys requires the,:use of a WR;6:behind LP®SmartSide® + - products. LP has no responsibility for_any:damage arising from a;fa,ilure to use'a :WRB. Lap Siding- Limitations: o For use with.Strand:substrate lap (all widths)and/or Fiber'substrate lap (up to:;8 inches wide:only) o Excluding Uclar`Shake Fiber Lap; Bold Profiles,Fiber Lap' Self-Aligning Fiber`Lap;' and'Srim6rtLo,cW`,5trand Lap ■' Fastening Requ ire ments , o Place fasteners A/4 inch from tap edge of l p'siding r o Increase:minimum lap siding overlap to 1-1/8 inch_ o_ . Blind nail two fasteners perfurring.strip (every 16" o;c:} Min. IA, 'Furring Strips Fasteners 0 01 r - . . Lap Siding 4 • 2 nails per furring(4 nails at butt joints) Nails.spaced 3/4"from.top edge of lap and 3/8"from ends of lap(approximately.,1"apart) 1-1/8"'min:_lap siding overlap. Page 2 of 3 ADDRZSS 414 Union Street Salle 2000 Na­ shVIIIe,,TN. 'T LL (615j 9B6 5600 1?f5Y (615)-966-5666 Vm. tvw".Ipcorp,00m Date,Created: 12/04/2015 .LastR&ision:-1 211 712 01 5 ' Expiration Date:0612017 Trim, ■ Limitations: o In Florida where-high negative wind'.loads area concern, box or corhmon nails should be used. ; — Trim nallsma.y be used-,in Non=Hurricane=Prone Regions with the. . following cautions: Do not overdrive or,counter'sink..the fastener, nail flush:with the surface of trim. Detachmerit`of trim:is not covered-by the LP°SmartSide® limited warranty whether Common., box,'or trim nails are used. ■ Fastening Requirements: o Two,fasteners.spaced a maximum of every 24 inches.o:c. along the length of the trim;:or:two fasteners at both_,ends,with additional fasteners spacedra,maximum of every 12 inches o.c.along alternating edges the length-of the trim. o Trim under 7 inches wide use a minimum of 2 nails per width. Trim 7.to 12 inches wid'e.use a minimum of.3 nails per width. Trim over 12 inches°wide use;a minimum.of 4 nails per width. 1 Wind speed.is Ultimate Design'Wind Speed/-Zone 5/10 ftz%30 foot height. See 2014.FRC: `Z Corrosion resistance.and capable-'of preventing rust,stain.and deterioration of the fasteners under normal outdoor environmentaI conditions for a period�of.rho less than SO-years. For further information or guidance,consult your nail supplier/manufacturer. s 3 Ring shank nails:shall_,be capable of.the performance specified in Table'lA Rine-Shank Nail R Withdrawal Loads of APA publication TT-109, Wood Structural Panels,Used:'as Noilable Sheathing when tested in accordance with ASTIVI D.1761,Standard Test Method fbeyechanical Fastenemin Wood and'N DS-2015. For further Information or guidance,consult your nail ' supplier/manufacturer. Page 3 of I ADD MSS 414 Union"Street. Stiite;2000• Nashville,TN, TEL (615),986-5600 tvt=Fs VWww :lpcorp.com Date Created: 1 2104/20 1 5- Last Revision,..12/17/2015 BUILD WITHI Expiration Date:06/2017