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Page 1 Residential Heat Loss and Heat Gain Calculation 1218/2016 In accordance with ACCA Manual J Report Prepare By: Central Air Systems Inc. For: Showell 187 Nettles Inland St Lucie Cty,ti Design Condit!a no: Fort Pierce Indoor: Outdoor: Summe r temperature: 70 Summer temperature: 90 Wintertemperature: 70 Winter temperature: 42 Relative urnidity: 55 Summer grains of moisture: 127 Daily temperature range:Medium Building Comp rent Sensible Latent Total Total Gain Gain Heat Gain Heat Loss (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH) Duct 1,748 0 1,748 825 Floors 1,008 0 1,008 1,792 Walls 1,283 0 1,283 1,522 Ceilings 2,323 0 2,323 1,478 - People 1,500 1,150 2,650 0 Fireplaces 0 0 0 0 Misc 0 0 0 0 Windows 8,634 0 8,634 3,974 Doors 710 0 710 842 Glassdoors 0 0 O 0 Skylights 0 '0 0 0 Infiltration 2,024 4,192 6,216 6,899 Whole House 19,230 6,342 24,572 17,332 (2tons) HVAC-Calc Re i ential 4.0 by HVAC Computer Systems Ltd. 888 736-1101 Load calculations are eallmetes Only actual Wads may very due to der and conWucWn di ferenoe& z'd S2096EiFI9S zajiat,4nE) y I WdSI :01 9102 BO 080 93:3I 9I03/80/ZI (GA13036 51-61 8'-7" 2-— PROPOSED-PL-AKF l 8'-6 1/2" ALL DIMENSIONS ARE PLAN , S SH0VVN APPROXIMATE SHOWELL/CENTRAL NO OVERHA G THIS SIDE 8'-2 7/16" Ph?ne Bedroom# 2— �- t` I f it_I'�= `%ishwasher(basic) Pantry Unen 2668 5-up 1? % T 2560 246C 246ii' 3 Drvv 7[J2461 ' wp Silk 51-up Stack W/ Prep # 2 HITC .4 -:--:;�lnen J Bedroom# 1 77-77 40'--'wp R730 ROOF INSULATION ZONE 3 R-19 WALL INSULATION TNR 51-611 "``'f rr-FtOCFR 1NSUtATIC' 15'-7 1/2" P39C L OLIVER-TECHNOLOGIES,INC. revision 6107 FLORIDA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS-FOR THE MODEL 1101 -1r 8 DES AL STEEL.FOUNDATION SYSTEM MODEL 1101"V"($TEt'S'1=15J LONGITUDINAL ONLY.•FQLLOIN STEPS 1-9 FOR ADDING.LATERAL MAI:Foltow Steps'16-15 F(R 6ONCRETE-APOWATJOHS:.FD1/0w Steps 1619 ENGINEERS STAMP' ENGINEERS STAMP -- 1. SPECIAL CJRCUMSTANCES:If the following conditions occur-S%TOPI: Contact Oliver. Technologies at 1-800-284-7437: a)--Pier height:eicceeds 48' b) Length of home exceeds 76'c)Roof eaves exceed 16"d)Sidewall height exceed 96" e),Location is within 1500 feet of coast IN6TAl.r ATION OF GROUND PAN 2>Remove weeds and debris In an approximate two foot-square to expose.firm soil.for.each ground pan (C),. 3.Place-ground.pan (C).directly below chassis l-beam Press or drive pan firmiy h.to soil until flush with or below-soil._ SPECIAL NOTE:Thelorigltudinal."V"brace system`serves-as a pier under the home:and should be loaded as any otherpi6f.It is_recommend66thatiafter leveling piers,and one-third inch(1/3")before-home is-lowered completely on to-piers:complete steps'-4 through 9 below then remove,lacks. Il0SMLLAT1ON OF LONC'+ITWQINAL 1"EIRIAC-FE SYSTEM NOTE: WHEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEA-DW, A MINIMUM OF�2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTION IS REQUIRED.SOIL TEST PROBE SHOULD BE USED To DETERMINE CORRECT TYPE OF ANCHOR PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION.IF PRoaE.TEST.READINGS ARE BETWEEN 175 8 275 A 5 FOOT ANCHOR MUST SE:USED.IF PR013E TEST READINGS ARE:BETWEEN 2764 350 A 4 FOOT.ANCHOR MAY BE USED.USE GROUND-ANCHORS WITH DIAGONAL,TIE5 AND STABIL12Eit PLATE$'EVERY 5'44-VERTICAL TIES ARE ALSO-REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED v67TA vERTICAL-11E CONNECTION POINTS(PER FLORIDA REG.). 4. Select the'correct square tube brace(E)length for set_up(pier).height at support location;(The-1W tube is always used-as the bottom part of the.longitudinal arm).Note:Either tube can be used by itself;cut and,drilleid to length-as-long as a 40'to 45.degree angle is maintained. PIER HEIGHT 1.25"ADJUSTABLE 1.50"ADJUSTABLE (Approx.45-degree$Max.) Tube Length Tube Length 7 314`to25" 22' 18" 24 3/4!to.32 1/0 :321' 18' 33"td4i" 40"to 48" 54" 13" 5. In§tail(2)of the 1'.51)"square tubes-(E (1T tube))into:the"U'bracket(J),insert carriage bolt and leave nut1oose for final adjustment. 6, Ping(=beam Connector(F)loosely on the bottom flange of the f-beam. 1.. Slide the selected 1.25'tube.(E)-Into.a 1.50'`tube(E)and attach-to 1-bearn_connectois-(E)and fasten_loosely_with,661tand nut: 8. Repeat steps-6 through 7 to create the"1l"pattern=of the square.tubes.loosely In place.The angle is not.to exceed 45 degree:and not below 40'.degrees. S.After all bolts ar6 tightened,secure,1.25 and 1:50"tubes using four(4)1/4"-14 x 814 self-tapping screws,in pre-drilled holes. INSTALLM ON OF LATERAL TELESCOPING I-. SARSE 16RM SYSTEM' THE.MODEL 1101"V"(LONGITUDNAL 4 LATERAL PROTECTION)ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR MOST STABILIZER PLATES-B FRAME TIES. NOTE:THE USE OF THIS'8Y8TEM-REGUtRES VERTICAL-77ES'SPACED AT 5.4,'. FOUR FOOT(41)GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE;USED"CEPT WHERE.THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. Install remaining vertical'tiedown straps and 4'ground anchors pet home.-manuf icturer's instructions: NOTE: Centerline, anchors to be sized according to°soli-torque condition:Any-manufacturer's Specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs.require a-5'�anchor per Florida.Code:. 11,None Each:sy_ster6 is-requ)red to have a frame tie and.stabilizer attached-at each lateral arm stabilizing.locatlon.This frame.Its 8 stabilizer plate,needs to'be loceted'within 18"from=of center ground.pan. 12.Select the correct square-tube brace(H).length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either60" or 72 lengths.(With the 1.60'tube as the battomaube;and the 1.25"tube as the inserted`tube.) 13. Install:the,1 50 transverse brace(H):to tha'ground`pan connector(D)-with boltand nut: 14.Slide 1.25'transverse brace Into`-the 1.50'brate'.and attach to-adjacent'l=beam cpnne.-ctoF(.t)with bolt and nut. _'15:'Secure 1:50'transverse-arrn-to 1'.25"transverse arm using four(411/4 14 x,•314"self-tapping-screws in are-drilled holes. OL VP TEc"NOlt-OGIES, IN&. Telephone:931-796.4555 1-800-284-7431 Fero 931-798-8811 www.oWedechnoW!Efies.com page 2 INSTALLATIO tNG CONCRETE.RUNNER 1-FQOTER revision 6/07 16. A ooncrete runner,footer-or•slab may 6e used In place of the steel ground pan. al The concrete shall be minimum 2500 psi rnix b) A concretenrnner,may be.either longitudinal or transverse;and must tie a mininium of 6'deep.,with a miniiiwrti width of 16 inches longitudinally,18 inches transverse to allow proper distance between the concrete bolt and the edge of the concrete(see below). c) Footers must have'minlrrium surface.aiea:of•441 sq.in'.(i.e.21'square),and°must be a minirrnum of 8"deep. d) If a futV slab is used„tire depth must,be a 4"minl'murn_ Special irispedior!of the system- bracket-installation is notrequired.. Footers must allow.foi•at feast 4r from the concrete bolt to the edge of the concrete. NOTE:The-bottorim of all footings;pads,slabs and runners must,be-per local Jurisdiction. LONGITuDit3AL (Model 1101-LC"1r"), 17. Wheo usirro P6rt#1101-W=CPCA(weisetl..simply install the bracket-in runnerlfooter OR When instalino in cureii concrete use Part# 101- PCA et).The'1101 (dryset):CA biacket is•attached to.the cixiCrete-using(2)5/8'x3'concrete wedge twits(Simpson part S.162300H 518'X 3"or Powers egpNetertit}:Place the GA bracket to d`oOred location Mark bolt hole-loeations-.th-en using=a'-518'dfametec masonry bit;drill-a hole to a;minimum depth of 3k.. Make sure all dust.and•concret6 is.blown.out of'the holes.Place wedge bolLginto"drilled holes,then place 1101'(dry set)CA bracket onto wedge bi is and start wedge Bolt nuts. Take a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts down by hitting the nut1rhaking sure not-to hit the'top of'threads on.boft):The siMp—of'conQMjp w'doe flea treads tb.be at or below the tn� of momme:Complete ey'tightening nuts. LATERAL:'(Model 1101 TC"Y") 18. For`wet set(part#1�01�W TAGA}insCaitation simply instalatoe anchor boft.into runnerlfooter.For dry set installation(part#11611-13-TACA) mark.botChoie tocalioris,.then:using adiem.masonry, bit,drill a.ltgle toss minimum depot of 3". Make:strre ail dust and concrete. blown out of el bole:'Place-wedge bolls!.. olts(Simpson part#S16230i3M:�X 3'or Powers equivalent)into(D)co.ncroto dry kart leg connector and into drilled fiote_If needed take a tiammer and llgttlty drive the wedge Botts down by hitting the nut(making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt),then remove the nut The sleeve of concrete y iedtie bolt needs-12 be at or below the of_gg6M ek- i9.-When using pert#110'1 CVW,(v+retset)`or 1 I t)1 CVD(dryset);ins lI per steps 17&18; Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2, a =STABIlM R^P A1F_PM FR4NETE l:OC qP4 lyr @%b b be ioc id.wtiin 18i Id'lesafddnW"dgpi hc1pertoraawele) & �LOCATION OF LCNG(tUD1NALBRAC1NG'OM_Y- 4. � - .&LONGMJDKALLOC.ATiONS $EQUIR D NUMBER AND IJ09M0N-:0F MODEL 1:101."V".OR 11-01 C "V" filAC9A FORD P T[!4f12- 1400P PIM ALL WIDTHS;AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' • - to w. •. • ALL WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS-OVER 52'TO-80' • ff 9411 • • • w w w s. • • HOMES WITH 5/12 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE PER FLORIO3A REGULATIONS. 6 systeFns#or home lengths up to 52' and 8 sjistPiTis for heM- 6s over 52'and up 80'. One si il12er plate and-6wi fie rl1 Wilted:at each-lateral-b eing system., Ftafida approved 4'ground ,,4 page 3 : anchors fnay be used In all revision 6107 _ loc ft except where -- home manufacturers speci= { ficaBons for sidewall straps If I are in excess of 4,000 Ibs: _ (-Transverse arm I beam These locations require.a 5' connector 1 anchor.Per'Florida Code: <H'�Trensvers'e ann �. Top(125) bottom(1.5') C—GROUND PAN D—GROUND PAN CONNECTOR D-Ground F-Ar brace 1-beam s U BRACKETS'1RANSVERSE Pan connectors E TELESCOPING V BRACE transverse TUBE'ASSEMBLY W/1.5-BOT- connectors ' d-grcurd Pan TOM TUBE AND 1.25.TUBE V Bracket INSERT F-'V" BRACE.I-BE6 C TORS ASSEMBLY z 4' •'' . : -zo. E-'V'Brave Tu H=TELESCOPING TtNSfE , Top(1.25-) ARM ASSEMBLY . :No: 5$9* Bottom(1 1=TRANSVERSE A $EAM -Ground Pen. CONNECTOR a- J=V PAN BRACKET UMPMIA= CC r,J Model# 1101 "V" `+1_ '1 AT 4- r - X Longitude.dry fe (i)Per—— bty sem Mange concrete bracket part#1101 D-CPCA - - Gradeg-:.1lZ°x71 Wet bracket part# 1101-W CPCA not c�aae s-�rz'xz.irz'.:_•' Model 1101 CVQ Shown — carriageealraNut. :- - -BEAM--GO_NNECTOR•BRACKEf Model 1101 GVW not Shown Florida approved W ground �-�---- C=CONCRETE'FOOTER/RUNNER fors may beexcept used in all D=CONCRETE U BRACKET TRANSVERSE locatiocatons except wherehome -- manufacturers specifications CONNECTOR(connects with grade 5 42'x 2 For stdewall straps ere.in :t 1P2 carriage bolt 8r nut excess of 4.000 Ibs.These I- Transverse arm 1 beam ' f f 1 r; t J 9 ) locations require a_5'anchor. connector - -ter E=TELESCOPING V BRACE Per Florida code. / "H=7ransvers'e arm TUBE ASSEMBLY WP 1.5 80T \ Tip(1 ) TOM TUBE AND 125 TUBE, bottom(t.s-)• INSERT F="V BRACE I-BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY -Concrete U (connects with grade 5-1W x 4'carriage boft U bracket connectors &nut) �transverse connectors H=TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM i-Concrete ASSEMBLY • � -V`Bracket ._... I-=TRANSVERSE ARM 1-13EAM CONNECTOR (connects vAh grade 5-1/2'x 212'carriage bolt c. &nut) E- Brace Tub Top(1:25') _ I J=CONCRETE`%r BRACKET(connects with E0110m (141 grade 5,=LJ)T x 4"_carriage bolt-&nut) Concrete t Fobted Runner Model#''1101 C "W - 01.IYFR�1�ECNNOI.OGIESI INC. Telephone:931 7904655 14004944437 Fat-931-79M811 www.oliverteetinologles:com Page 1 Residential Heat Loss and Heat Gain Calculation 4/5/2017 In accordance withACCA Manual J Report Prepared By: Central Air Systems Inc. • For: George Showell 187 Nettles Blvd lot 187 Jensen Beach,fi Design Conditions: Fort Pierce Indoor: Outdoor: Summer temperature: 70 Summer temperature: 90 Winter temperature: 70 Winter temperature: _ 42 Relative humidity: 55 Summer grains of moisture:,1.27 Daily temperature range:Medium Building Component Sensible Latent ' Total Total Gain Gain Heat Gain .Heat loss (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH) (BTUH)' Duct 5,341 0 5,341 - 3,254 Fioors '882 0 882 1,588 Walls 1,072 0 1,072 1,272 Ceilings, 2,178 0 - 2,,178 1,386. People .1,500 1,150 2;650 0 -Fireplaces 0 0 0 0 Misc , 1,200 0 1;200 0 Windows_ 8,926 0 8,926 4,220 Doors 1,012. 0 1,012 1,201 Gfassdoors .0, 0 = 0 0 Skylights 0. - 0 0 0 Infiltration 1,027 2,128 3,153 3,354. Whole,Hou`se 23;138 39-276. 26,414 16,255 (2 tons) HVAC-Calc Residential 4.0 by HVAC Computer,Systems Ltd., 888 736-1101 Load calculations w asluriotes aft achsW bads may vary dua to weather end consWaion ddteren=: . Scanned by CamScanner Certificate' of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number:9487261 Date:4/6/2017 Product:Split System:Air-Cooled Condensing Unit,Coil with Blower • Outdoor Unit Model Number:NXA424(A,G)KC" Indoor Unit Model Number:FEM4P24"AL t Manufacturer:TEMPSTAR Trade/Brand name:TEMPSTAR Region:Southeast and North(AL,AR,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,KY,LA,MD,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA AK,CO,CT,ID,IL,IA,IN,KS,MA,ME,MI,MN,MO,MT,ND,NE,NH,NJ, NY,OH,OR,PA,RI,SD,UT,VT,WA,WV,WI,WY,U.S.Territories) Region Note:Central air conditioners.manufactured prior to January 1,2015,are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30,2016. Beginning July 1,2016,central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for whichl.hey meet the regional efficiency requirement. Series name:-14-SEER-N SERIES-R410AAC.; Manufacturer responsible for the'raWhg of this system combination is TEMPSTAR . Rated'as,follows in'accordance;with-AHRI.Standard 2101240-2008 for Uni#ary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump.Equipment andsubject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored,independent,third party testing Cooling Capacity(Btuh):` '22800'=:'�` EER,Rating(Cooling): `SEER'Rating(Cooling):—_ -_-14:00_ IEER Rating(Cooling):, r •Ratings followed by an asterisk C)indicate a voluntaryrerele of previously published data,unless accompanied with a WAS;which indicates an imrotuntary reralo. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed on this certificate and mattes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for. the product(s)listed on this Certificate ANRI expressly disclaims ail liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the ptoduct(s).or the unauthodzed afteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for Mode la and configurations listed In the• directory at www ehddirectory org. TERMS AND-CONDITIONS- This certificate and.lts contents are proprietary products of AHRL This certificate shall only be used-for individual,personal and confidential reference purposes The contents of this Certificate may not.In whole or in part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated; entered into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,In any fort or manner orby arty.means,ei tept tot the user's Individual; . M personal and confidential reference. AIRtONDIt10NING,HFJ1TINa, ' CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSftrlrrE The Information for the model cited on this certifcate can be verified at www.nhridlmctory.orp,etidt on'Verify Certificate fink we make life better- and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued which is listed above,and the certificate No.,which Is listed at bottom light 131359775776574641% ©2014 Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: Scanned by CamScanner