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Page 1 Residential Heat Loss and Heat Gain Calculation 41512017 In accordance with ACCA Manual J Report Prepared By: Central Air Systems Inc. For: Mark Shover 10701 S.Ocean Dr. lot#755 Jensen Beach,fi Design Conditions: Fort Pierce Indoor: Outdoor: Summer temperature: 70 Summer temperature: 90 ; Winter temperature: 70 Winter temperature: 42 Relative humidity: 55 Summer grains of moisture: 127 Daily temperature rangeMedium Building Component Sensible Latent Total Total Gain Gain Heat Gain Heat Loss (BTUH) (BTUH) . (BTUH) (BTUH) Duct 5,153 0 6,153 3,194 Fioors - 689 0 689 1,239 Walls 1,11'i 0 1,111 1,319 Ceilings 2,471 0 2,471 1,573 People 1,500 1,150 2,650 0 Fireplaces 0 0 0 0 Misc 1,200 0 1,200 0 Windows 8,150 0 8,150 3.784 Doors 808 0 808 958 Glassdoors 0 0 .0 0 Skylights 0 0 0 0 Infiltration 1,248 2,585 3,833 3,901 Whole House 22,330 3,735 26,065 15,968 (2 tons) HVAC-Cale Residential 4.0 by HVAC Computer Systems Ltd. 888 736-1101 Load carnafatione are est mates only,actual roads may vary Que to weather and owutnncUan Qrr! Fn1llf'1�!7 W U �� Scanned by CamScanner Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number:9487261 Date:4/6/2017 Product:Split System:Air-Cooled Condensing Unit,Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number:NXA424(A,G)KC" Indoor Unit Model Number:FEM4P24"AL Manufacturer:TEMPSTAR Trade/Brand name:TEMPSTAR Region:Southeast and North(AL,AR,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,KY,LA,MD,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX,VA AK,CO,CT,ID,IL;IA,IN,KS,MA,ME,MI;MN,MO,MT,ND,.NE,NH,NJ,' NY,OH,OR,PA,RI,SD,UT,VT,WA,WV,WI,WY,U.S.Territories) Region Note:Central air conditioners,manufactured prior to January 1,2015,are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30,2016. Beginning July 1,2016,central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement Series name;14-SEER-N-SERIES.R410A AC— Manufacturer responsible for the,rating'of.this{system combination is TEMPSTAR Rated'as follows in:accorda'nce nrith-AHRI Standard 210/240-20011 for Unitary Air-Conditioning.and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verificatlo_n'of ratind accuracy.by AHRI-sponsored,independent,third party testing: .Cooling Capacity(Stuh):' 22600`` EER Rating(Cooling): 11.50 SEER Raling'(Coolfng): IEER Rating(Cooling): •Ratings followed by an asterisk r)indicate a vnlunlary rerate of previously published data.unless accompanied with a WAS,which indicates an immtuntary reralo. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed.on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to;and assumes no responsibility for; the product(s)listed on this Certificate AHRI expressly disclaims all tiabitity for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the products)or the. unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at wwwahrldirectory.org: TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Tfds certtficate and.its contents are proprietary products or AHRL This certificate shall only be used for individual,personal and confidential reference purposes The contents of this Certificate may not,In whole or in part'be reproduced;copled;disseminated; AM entered Into a computer database;at otherwise utilized,In arty form or manner or by any means;eieept for the user's indiv_Idual, ' personal and confidential reference. aR coNomoNlNa.N�mNo, &REFRICERAnoN INSTITUTE CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The Information for the model died on this certificate can be verified at www.ahfidlroctory.orp,dick on leerily CertiHcato•link we vnakc life bettm- and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on.whlch the certificate vras Issued, which Is listed above,and the certificate No.,which iS listed at bottom right 131359775776574641 ©2024 Air-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTJ_FICATE NO.: Scanned by.CamScanner page L. OLn/ER-TECHNOI:OGIES,:IIiC. revision 6/07 r FLORIDA I K 1NSTRUCTIGNS 0R.THE MODEL 1109 "W'SEAS ALL STEM FOUNOATION'S)TI M' MODEL9101"V 1(STEP84AS) LONGfMD/NAL ONLY:FQLlOINSTPPS 1.9 FOR ADDING LATERAL ARM:r-W10W Steps 1045 FOR CONCRETEUPPLlCATJONS:Follow SOep"s:16.19 ENGINEERS STAMP ENGINEERS STAMP 1_SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES:If the-foliowing conditions_occur-STOP! Contacf Oliver. Technologies at 1,800=284-T437 aj-Pier-height-exceeds 48" b) Length of home exceeds 76'c)Aoof.eaves exceed W d)Sidewall height ezoeed 96' , e)•Location'is within-1500 feel of coast INSTALLATION OF GROUND_PAN 2.Remove weeds and debris In an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for.each ground pan (C).. 3.Piace-gmund.pan (C).directty-below.chassis 1-beam-.•press-or drive pan firmly.into soil until flush with'or below-soil. SPECIAL ROTE:The lotigrtudinal"V"brace.systemserves-as a pier-under the home and should be loaded'as any otherpier It Ls-recommended,that.after leveling piers,and one-third inch(1/3°)-befnre-home is-lowered completelyon td-piers;complete steps-4 through 9'°below then remove.Jacks., INNI&LLAT1ON OF LONGITUDINAL='Vtt BRACE SYSTEM NOTE; WHEN iN$TALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEMQaU, A,MfNIMUM OF•2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTf.ON IS itEQUtRED.:SoiL.TFST PROBE'SHOULD BEU8ED TO DETERMINE"CORRECT TYPE OF ANCHORPER:SOIL CLA"AcAmoN..IF PROBE,-rM.READINGS ARE BETWEEN 116.9 275 A 5 FOOT ANCHOR MUST BE;USFO IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 2764-350 A-4 FOOT'ANGtiOR MAY t3E USED.USE GROUND-ANCHORS WITH DIAGONAL.TIEs AND$TABIL'IZER PLATES EVERY 5'4":VERTICAL.TIES ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMW SUPPLIED wrrA-vERTICAL•TIE:cONNECTION POINTS(PER FLORIDA Rm). 4. Select the correct•square tube brace(Ef length for set-up(pier)height at support location-(The•1'8"tube is always used.as the bottom:parF of the longitudinal ar[ri):Note:-Eith_er:tube.can be used by itself,cUt and drilled to length-as long as a 46 to 45 degree angle is maintained. PIER HEIGHT 1:25"ADJUSTABLE 1.50"ADJUSTABLE (Approx.45 degrees Max.) Tube Length Tube Length 7 3/4'to 25" 22" 8" 24 3/4'to;32 1I0- -32" 18" 40"to.48" 54f" 18e 5. iristall(2)of'the 1,50"square tubes=(E (18'tube) )into.the"U'bracket(J),insert carriage boltand leave.nuf loose for final adjustment. % Placg Learn connector(F)•loosely on the bottom flange of the 1-beam. T. Slide the seleded t 26'1ube•(E)into:-a.1 50'tube(E)and�attach to 1=begin connectors(F)and os fasten_loely,with:boit�arid nut. 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create.the"V"patfem,of the square tubes loosely In place.The angle is not to exceed 45 degree:.and(lot.below 46 degrees. 9.After all Wits are tightened;secure�1.251and'1.50`tubes Iusing four(4)1/4"-14,x 814 self tapping>screws.in pre-drilled holes. INSTALLATION QF LATERAL TELE_aCOPING TR9NSIWEI'3E ARM-t3YSTEIMt THE MODEL 1101:W"(L:ONGIru6INAL-4 LATERAL PRCTEdMN)QUAdNATES 7itE'NEED FOR MUST-STABRIZ£R PLATESA-FRAME TIES. NOTE:-THE USE OF THIS BYSTEM.REQUIRESr VERTICAL TIES SPACED AT SIN. FOUR FOOT(41)GROUND.ANCHOR_MAY BA USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10.Installremalning,verdcal'tie-down straps-and 4'ground anchors per home.,manufacturer's instructions. NOTE;Centeritne. anchors to be sized according ta-soil,torque.condition.Any,manufacturer's specfications-for sidewall anchor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs.require a-5'-anchor-perFlorida.Code:. 11..NOTE;Each:systerrt s-required to have a.frame tie and.stabilizer attached-at-eacti lateral anri stabilizing.Iocatlon..Thisfranie.tie 8. stabilizer platdJieeds to'be loceted`within 18"from=of center ground.pan_ 12.Setedt-the correct square-tube bi ace`(H).IengM for set4p lateral transverse at support location:TF e'lengths come-in either 60" or 72"lengths.(With the 1,50'tube`as-the.bottom:tube,and the f A2 'tube as the inserted'tribe:) or Install the-1 50 Transverse-brace.(H)'Ao 4he ground-pan-connector{Dywith bolt-and nut. 14:,Slide-.125'Transverse brace-into`the 1.50'brace-,grid attach to:adjacent 1=beam connector(-f j•wiitlf boitw d nuL. r-15:Secure 1:50"transversearm:to-1.25"transversearm'usina four(4)114;-14 x 314'seif tapbing-screws in ors-dii�fl�led holes. _ OUVER 7ECt NOLOGIES;fNG: e�7e T7,s 5�5 - 1-800-284-7437 RL -. Z s 931 7 71 ktiw tJ,Gd _ (i 2 INS T`ALLATION USING CONCRETE It /E04TER ;a 16. Aooncrete iunnerjooter or-staff may tie used in'place of the steet'ground pan. a) The Cori mta shall be mihiinum 25(>fl psi rrix- b) A condmtw runner may.ba.either longitudinal or transverse,and must be a minimum of 8"deep;with a minirnuri width of 16 inches longitudinaily or it-inches transverse to allow proper distance between the-concrete bolt and the edge of the concrete(see below). c) FGoters,must have'minirriurn surface areaof-4411 sq.in.(Le.21'square),andl must be a rnintrr urn of 8."deep. d) If a full stab is used,Vie depth must,be a 4'minimum_ Special,inspection of the system.b acket-installation is not required.. Footers must allow.for at least 4r from the concrete bolt to the edge Of the concrete. NOTE;The�baftm of all faofings,pads,slabs and n,nnem must be per local Jurisdiction. LONGITUDINAL-Imade11101_LC"V")� 17. When-using Part#1101-W!:QPQA(W&setl: Imply install the liracket<in runner/foote(OR When i0gal irw In cured oonem12 use Part# 141-(,tCPCA fdrvset).The 110_1 (dryset):CA bracket is-attached to the concrete,usrng-(2)6/8'xW concretdvi:dge Wits(Simpson part# $762300H 518"X T or PQWefs og4l[velent) Place the CA bracket in desired location: Mark bolt hole loeaflons;.then using a'-518'diartietec masonry, bit;driil:a hole to•a:minimum depth of T.'. Make sure ali'dust.arid'doncrate is-blown out:df the hales:Place4edge bolts into ddlW boles,then plane 1101-(dry set)CA bracket onto wedge Bolts and staifwedge,Licit Hilts. Take a hammer and lightly drive tha wedge twit§ down by flitting the Mut:(meking sure'notto hit the'top pf threads on bolt).The sleeve of concrete:wadne t olt•needs to be afor below the too Q(cnncrete:Complete 6y Ughtening•nuts.. LATERAL:-(Model li01 SC"Y") is For'wet set(part#1101.yy_TACf1)'insNaliation simply irtstaq the anchor bolt-into runnerlfooter.For dry set_installation(part,#1101-D-TACA) mark.Licit hole locat;Dris,.then:using a 5�18'dram.masonry_ bit•deill a hole to s minimurrt depth of 3". Make;sure aA dust and concrete.i§ blown 0'ut ofi ifie Bate;Place-wedge t�olis(Simpson Bari#IS162300H�SW'X 3"�or Powers equivalent)into(D)c:nnctgte dry oanT rs_e f connector and into drilled hole.If needed,take a Fiammef and.;ilghtly drive'the wedge bons down by hitting the nut(making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt),then rertiove the Hirt rite sleeve of concrete-yiredtie bolt needs to be at or below the too of caries 19.•When using-part#110'1 CM(wetset)or 11t)1 CVD(dryset).install per steps 17&18. Notes: 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE 2. + =MABt IZER.PIAMP6V RW? ETIE LOCA 1Q_N 00_0 00 bebcarsdvvft18i7diesafobr.�61goundpen.ormxree) a g3i= LOCATION OF LONGRUDt tCBRACIIG:ONLY 4. E�—TRANS%/ERSE&LONGMJDINALLOCATtM R9QUIRED NUMBER AND LQQATIQN::OF MODEL 1-101 "W'.OR 110i C "V'. BrRACES FOR t<JP TO 4fU-i1 WF PITCH ALL WIDTHS:AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' ALL WIDTHS;AND LENGTHS.OVER 52'T0.80! • 3411w • • HOMES WITH 5112 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE: PER FLOR16A,REOULATION IF �fM6 s�fste;Flns for home lengftls.up fo 52 and 8 s�isfert�s.for homes over 52� and up-80s4e p1ma and frame tie rt quired..at,each 18tatai bracing &YOM., Florida approved 4'ground - ��:.+r-..�; page 3 anchors mmy be used In all __ revision 6/07- IordEons except where home manufactureisspecP fixations for sidewall straps, i_T m r v az in excess of 4 000 lbs. tans erne rm bee ►r rlr:r -�i r 8 — These locations requiie.a 6'• connector _ anchor.Per'Florida Code. <li'�Transverse aim �. Top(1251, bottom(1 s) C.=GROUND PAN - D-=GROUND PAN CONNECTOR D-Ground F-fW brace I-beam U-BRACKETS TRANSVERSE_ Pan connectors. E'=TELESCOPING V BRACE transverse TUBE ASSEMBLY W/1580T- cohnectors J-gro -rind Pan _�= TOM TUBE AND 1.25,TUBE- V Bracket INSERT - e t F'='°V° BRACE:I-BEAM-C �(,- •�;�r*:=:,• TORS ASSEMBLY E-'%F Brace Tu - H-=TELESCOPING Ti NS�VERSE Top(1'.257 ARM ASSEMBLYJ.. Bottom(1.51 1=.TRANSVERSE ABEAM =Ground Pan. CONNECTOR a- ' J=V PAN 6RACKET�'0 ~•r' II:: ZfATE VF t•"%d i -4 - e Model# 1101 "\r `i*V� *i.cl•'•-���-j: •;. V eam. Longitude.dry -•- (t1:� fetr�m Hama PerAss«.riy concrete bracket part#1101'D-CPCA - ^� yGradsG-:inx:ir:= Wet bracket,part# 3- 1101.W-CPCA not credo 6-err«z-vz'•=_ Model 1101 CVD. Shown -- Ganiage8ogSl�ut . I-BEAivi`coNN crciR eizrci - Model 1101 CVW not'Shown Florida approved W grourid y----- C=CONCRETE'FOOTEWRUNNER anchors may be rised in all kxdtlons:except`where home -- D=CONCRETE U BRACKET-TRANSVERSE manufachrrersSpecifications CONNECTOR(connects with grade 5-1/2 x 2 for sidewail.straps are-ln 1PL—carriage Lott&nut). excess of 4.000 lbs.These i-Transverse Otte I beam. ' tli 1 r 9. locations require a-w anchor. connector — N. E=_ -ESCOPING'V BRACE Per Florida Code, 64=Trarse arm TU nsve BE ASSEMBLY W/1.5 BOT: 2 , TOM TUBE AND 1.25.TUBE. tioGom(1,47 1 s•), - INSERT l==�V BRACE 1-BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY D-concrete F_AF brace I- eam , -F. (connects with grade 5-.1/2°x 4'carnage bolt U bracket" eonn�iors &nut) H—TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE"ARM connecters d-Conte .._ ASSEMBLY 75 = M Bracket I=TRANSVERSE-ARM I-BEAM CONNECTOR (cwrinects with grade 5-11T x 21&—carriage bolt &nuQ E--V'erace,Tub J=GONCRf m`V` BRACKET(connects with Top 0451 Bottom (I. grade-5.=1/2'x 47.c�tiriage bdlt-&nut) concrete t Fobbed Runner is Model# 1101 C " r - fi17 n F--NIR 17 9WV9R TECEINOLO.GIES�, P INC. ` het` (� 1 55 1-800=2847437 Fax;934 79MB49 www.orivertectinologies.com HANDRAIL GRIP SIZE STAIR TREAD AND RISERS 1A'-2j THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4 INCHES. THE RISER ry9 a SHALL BE MEASURED VERTICALLY BETWEEN LEADING EDGES OF THE8a {, D 1:•-Y ADJACENT TREADS. THE GREATEST RISER HEIGHT WITHIN ANY FLIGHT LA A� OF STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH.8WTHE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10 INCHES. THE TREAD DEPTH SHALL BEMEASURED HORIZONTALLY BETWEEN THE VERTICAL PLANES OF THE FOREMOST PROJECTION � EItOF ADJACENT TREADS AND AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE TREAD'S LEADING EDGE,THE GREATEST TREAD DEPTH WITHIN ANY FLIGHT OF STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE 68b ' SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. t1 g O THE RADIUS OF CURVATURE AT THE LEADING EDGE OF THE TREAD SHALL BE NO GREATER @E NONCIRCULAR CIRCULAR RECESSED THAN 9 EIS INCH. A NOSING NOT LESS THAN 3/4 INCH BUT NOT MORE THAN 1-164 INCHES m jA j 3 J SHALL BE PROVIDED ON STAIRWAYS WITH SOLID RISERS.A NOSING IS NOT REQUIRE WHERE Hy$ Q Pelimclnr.4'.-8� PDfp?feter:�8," THE TREAD DEPTH IS A MINIMUM OF 11 INCHES. l 'HANDRAIL HEIGHT, MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE SLOPED PLANE ADJOINING THE TREAD NOSING, OR FINISH SURFACE OF RAMP SLOPE, SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 34 INCHES AND NOT MORE THAN 38 INCHES. -HAND4'-0'IYP. { CONTINUOUS SHALL F PROVIDED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF EACH s'-o uAx T. 5/4° X 6 BOARD RAIL CAP THE GUARDS MAYBE WOOD,ALUMINUM,VINYL.OR EQUIVALENT. rP CONTINUOUS RUN OF TREADS OF FLIGHT WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS. HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES AND GUARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW I�C LOAD OF 50 PLF APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT THE TOP AND TO THE PASSAGE OF A 4" DIAMETER SPHERE ^ r TRANSFER THIS LOAD THROUGH THE SUPPORTS TO THE STRUCTUHE_ n 2 X 4 TOP & BOTTOM ATTACHED TO 17J J 6 TO POSTS WITH (2)y8 WOOD SCREWS ON INSIDE FACE. OPENINGS FOR REQUIRED GUARDS ON THE 3'—O"LANDING HEIGHT=5 STEPS(MIN.) 2 X 2 BALUSTER SIDE OF STAIR TREADS SHALL NOT ALLOW A a'—o"LANDING HEIGHT=7 STEPS(MIN.) MIN. (3) SIMPSON'S SDS 1/4° X 4-1/2" SPHERE 4-3/8" TO PASS THROUGH. WOOD SCREWS FOR RIM JOIST TO POST 1R CONNECTION, (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT P.T. STEP LANDING FLOOR FASTENE ATTACH B LUSTERS TO TOP & BOTTOM 4 C TO HOST FLOOR MEMBERS USING SIMPON'S W/MIN. (1�//8 WOOD SCREW OR EQUIV. F+NI 1/4" X 3-1/2" SOS WOOD SCREWS OR i .� STAIR AND LANDING ILLUMINATION REQUIRED r , EQUIV. AT 12" O.C. STAGGERED SCREW PATTERN P.T. 2X6 v �I CONCRETE OPTION: 2X6 P.T. LANDING CONSTRUCTION IF STEPS ARE INSTALLED ON EXISTING CONCRETE, THE GROUND 16" O.C. FLOOR JOISTS USING(5) 16d NAILS OR ANCHORS AND TIEDOWN STRAP CAN BE OMITTED. EQUIVALENT AT EACH JOIST TO RIM JOIST CONNECTION. THE P.T. 4 X 4 POSTS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB USING SIMPSON'S L—BRACKET OR EQUIVALENT. 30" GROUND ANCHOR W/TIE DOWN STRAP STRAP TO WRAP AROUND P.T. 2 X 6 TIGHTLY (DO NOT OVER TENSION STRAPS) (EACH SIDES OF LANDING) � N (1) 2 X 6 P.T. ATTACHED TO POSTS y U iv USING (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH (3) 2 X 12 P.T. STAIR STRINGERS �I = 2X6 TO POST CONNECTION. �mm�URR� a These plansand snpecl8catiotnhs 20 4 FBC-Resldenoeell(SN Edltlon) DrawtrgN.Iembor. VULT-ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED"170 MPH S STEP CONSTRUCTION NOTE. VASD-NOMINALDESIGN WIND SPEED"132 MPH (TABLE 16D9.3.1) CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING (3i dg s) ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. S.rbE'4"«awso�m. ALL STAIR COMPONENTS TO BE PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER 318S.Scenlc HwwYY Ste.100 Lake Wales,FL'33853 318S.SmN".Slo 1" ALL FASTENERS IN CONTACT WITH P.T. LUMBER TO BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL Offloe:Fax16s3s6-2044 e"Wew FL 33853 Fax 1-866-8852044 ©corrs�y7 xole VERTICAL VIN L SKIRTING t components installation -,-WALL f �i XTTAdWrx) Willi "r MCN Se—R.S 'S ids"APART 7-OP J'RDAiT F LI COR SIUAPS /N'r'O '�P BAaC�i !l1DE9 SCR6W155 AND PAMML 6v'Tg B4ocK SUPPORT 3.9 i 4ww cue Fowr ---' dF VEuTecw'rbe! -rO 7rV#84CK A00 . �trr7OM �erEi� vet � i�►cN scREt�s �L oa, E 15 ARE A c6G so; f gib �b � fREwk&%#urG `tDP F4parT 6&f2 R,G.cdlCr) Atk 14'L`TAGHEC) ?d C3RCI4+uYs vj i.r% 711F91 GA�}VklJttE�MA11.• l9"CG , CIF S6 L_ IS SaronY T+IEN 4�'a."ac�' .y Lid II`1AII11����'��Fqq�`',.--....--iii_ , }Yt PPPIII 1 ' I _ .S FORM#101 TO BE USED FOR VENTURE HARBOUR INC. VENTURE OUT AT INDIAN RIVER INC. VENTURE OUT AT ST. I,UCIE INC. NOTICE This farm must be attached- and made part of all drawings or plans regarding the installation, constmetion, remodeling, setting or resetting of any permanent structure, concrete work, or any other type of work that may be effected by the rules,regulations and bylaws of any of the above associations. This form shall also serve as notice to the owner or owners of Lot#rI St- , that the owner or owners or their agents of Lot#`IS(. shall solely or jointly be responsible for the proper setting and compliance of all rules, regulations and bylaws of any of the above associations, and the Codes,Laws,Rules and Regulations pertaining to said work as set forth by St.Lucie County. The owner, owners, or their agents by signing this form shall hold harmless any of the above associations, its officers, directors anal committee personnel as pertains to its and their duties and responsibilities as the administration of said work. Said work is approved as per dimensions shown on attached plan or drawing this, Date Scope of Work e,m-z� 0,p' r.' l�V►•2_ Association Building Committee s By: By: JV By: Association Owner, Owners,or Agent for Lot# By. Date: By. By: ADDENDUM. Contractor agrees to attached Indemnification Agreement, and also agrees to irrevocably indemnify,save harmless and pay to any adjacent Owner in any of the above 37 _ .19'•S° 61-10Z m-3 f � PROPOSED PLAN TNR 131 AN AS SHOWN STANDA D ALL DIMENSIONS SHOVE•GENTRI I_ ARE APPROXIMATE CA THE AL Voo9 -PAN) i°'+ n 'UILING '••null Bedroom 1 I Unrn - ,✓ -21 kj THERMAL WINDOWS ''' I �•✓ � N I Senn ':Muy ;mn i�^ - � :4 y j f ! , ! - .� f Pan�y ,�I •N71)N !� B6dronm #2 fill vM 29' I - , 37' I5'-- 10'— 5' 2'_g• _ _,._ 10'-5 112" '-3'- _ j LIVING AREA i 783 sq ft 1 ' v I I