HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Calculation Form & Manual J's r - RECEIV U APR FORM R406-2014 FLORIDA ENORGY EFFiCIENCY CO E FOR. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Depaiti�t of Business and Professional ulaition -i� siddential Pe.rl'orrrlarttre Method -J 4 Pro)ect Name: CltlF� RGER RESIrJEtJtE Builder Name: VASiLS KRIS.TINA CiUPI;RGER& SCreet 16VZ SKYKING DRIVE Permit Office: ST.LUCiE COUNTY City,state.zip: Pown"I3'r.LUDIS,.Fl.., Permit Number:1703-0247 Owner. VML�4 KRISTIiVA CIUPERGER Jurisdiction: Design Lo'oation: FL,EaptPierce County,-: ST.LUCiE COUNTY(Florida Climate Zone 2) ,z - 1. New constrtictlon or existing Ndw(From Plans) 9. Waif Types(3015.0 sgft.) insulation Area a.Frame-.Steel,Exterior R=24;0 3015.0ti ft' 2,.Single family or multiplefiMmily Single-family b.NIA R= ftk 3. Numbarof unit%tf.:multipl�family 1 c.NIA R ft2 4. Numbe of Sedrooms 3 d.NIA Number of Ceiling Types.(3374.0 sgtt.) Insulation Area 5. Is this a worst cased No a.Roof Deck(Unvented) Ft-304 $374.00 fiz 5. Conditioned floor ttrea:ati ive grade(tt') 337.4 D.NIA R= f>? Conditioned fiaor area:tsalow grads#t� 0 11 ue s R ftz 7. iNindaws($72.8 sgft.) Description Area a .Sup Attic,Rot:Attic,AH:UTILITY 6 425, A. U-Factor ibt,U-0,36. 672.781' b.Sup: Attic,Ret:Attic,AH:UTILITY 6 375 . SHGC: *HCG=0:1:8 b. .UyFaetor t41A ftA 12.Cooling systems ki3t0hr Efficiency $Hill; a:Central Unit 24.0 SEER:16;00 b.Central Unit - 18.0` SEER:t6;00 c. U-Factors 1+1/A 42 HGC: 13.Heating systems k$tv/hr Efficiency d. tl-fiactet: lillA fTa a.Electric.Strlp beat 17.0 CQPA.00 SHIGG: b.Eleotrid Sttlp Heat 17.0 COMM Area Weighted Average 0uerhang Depth: 9.31E ft. Area Weighted Average $t 0C; 6,180 14.Hot water systems a.)electric Tanktess Cap:1 galloons $: I2f6or%Types:(3373:0 s4fi) Insulation Area EF:0.60.0 a.Slab-Ort-A WEtlge inouletien PI-0Z 3973.00ft2 q. Conservation fbatures b.NIA R ft? Nona IV(A ' R & 15.Gretlits Petat alass]Flcor.Area. Q.1. 9_ Total Pr+�pf�sod Mttlified Lewd : a0:i3 PA To(0118001he Loads; 101.25 I hereby certify that:the plona:and speetflcations covered by Review of the plans and "'t �5�4�8 this calculation are in carnpliarice.With the Florida Energy speolfloations covered by this + , s Cade. calculation Indicates complianceiiir =s�o`,a"e with the Florida Energy Code. PREP YCA3V5 & Before construction is completed x DA']".E. .. this building will be Inspected for V. ��t'� Vl compliance with Section 553,908 ,r I.hereby:certify that thi8 bdtldi aw designed,is In cermplianc a Florida.Statutes. .' - with the Fiorida:Enargy. 1Y OWNER/AGE : BUILDING OFFICIAL: . DATE. DATE: orrtplianca requires ®rtiticatibn by the air handler unit manufActurer that the air handler enclosure qualities as eerklfiect factcsry.- eaten t .aacardanpeWith R+t001;2.1. =fCorrtpltance reyultes an Alr Oarrler and lnsulattori irtspeotion.Chocklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and an envelope leakage test.report in accordanco_vlrlth itAttl coY P FILE­_-� _ 414/2017 8:05 PM EnergyGauge®USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Rage 1 of 7 t FORM R4052014 PROJECT Title: CIUPEROER,RESIDENCE Bedrooms: 3 Address;Type! Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 3374 Lot:# Owner:, VASILE&KRISTINA CIUPE Total Stories: 1 BImIdSubDivision: #„of Units: 1 Worst Case: No Piat6oak; Builder' ame: VA.SILE KRISTINA GIUPE Rotate Angie; 0 Street, 15370 SKYKING.DRI>/ Permit Office: ST:LUCIE COUNTY Cross Ventilation: No Caunty ST.LUGIE COUNTY Jurlsd�ction: Whole House Fan: No City;State,Zip: PORT ST,Lt CIE F.amilyType: Single-fani►y 'FL, NewfExisting: New.,(From Plans). Oarnment: CLIMATE" tECC Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design °Daily Temp 1/ Design Location 't`MY=Site Zone 91.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree'Days Moisture Range FL,Fort Plercei FL VERO_BEACH_MUNI 2 '39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume. 1 UNIT'1 1:898 20198 2 UNIT 2 1476 18144 SPACES Number N me ame= Area, Volu Kitchen OcuupAnts B:edf6oms lnfil l) Finished Cooled. Heated': 1 GUEST SUITE 2 219 2190 No 1 1 1 No Yes: Yes 2 BATH 56 560 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 3 GUEST SUITE.1 194 1940 No 1 1 1 No Yes Yes 4 UTILITY 81 810 No 0 1 No Yes. Yes. 5 POWDER,'; 36 3fi0 No 0 1 No Yes Yes< 6 PANTRY 24 240 No 0 1 No Yes 1'es 7 HALL i 205 2050 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 8 BATH 2 92 920 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 9 KIT.CHEN/NOOK 382- 3820, Yes 0 1 No Yes, Yes 10 GRAND SALON 660, 73.08 No 0 1 No Yes Yes, 11 DININ G ROOM 225 3375 No 1 1 -No Yes Yes 12' FOYER 121 1$15 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 13 STUDY 180 2700 No 1 1 No Yes Yes r _ 14 MASTER BEDROO 47.2 6192 No 2 1 1 No Yes Yes • 15 CLST. 28 280 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 16 HER:CLST`. 78 780 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 17 HIS CLST. 60 0,00 No 0 1 No Yes Yes. 18 MASTER BATH 282 3102 No 0 1 No Yes Yes: 19 TLT. 30 3011 No 0 1 NO Yes Yes, 4T419017 5:05 PM EnergyGauge9 USA-FiaRes2014 Section-R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page.2 of,7 FORM R405:-2014 FLOORS. # FloorType;. Space Perimeter—Perimeter.—ft—Value Area Joist.R-Value Tile Wood,-Carpet 1;SIab On-Grade Edge Insulatlo GUESTSUlTE.2.289 ft 0 218.5 ft2' ____ 0 1 0 2SIab-O.n=Gra4e Edge lnsulatia BATH 7 ft 0 56 it2 0 1 0 3 Slab-On-Grado Edge insulatio GUEST SUITE 1 13 ft 0 194"1 t-, _._ 0 1 0 4Stab=On-Grade Edge lnsulatia UTILITY 4 ft: 0 89 ft2 0 9 0 5'Slab-On-Grade Edge.lnsulatio POWDER 1 It 0 36IF 0 9 0 6 Slab-On-Gratis Edge fnsuiatio PANTRY 1 It 0 24 ft? _ 0 1 .0 } 7 Slab Qn=Grade;Edge Insula#iq HALL 1 ft 0 204Z ft2 _ 0 1 0 8 51ab Grade Edge lnsulatio BATH 2. 8 ft 0 92 ft2 On-w 0 1 0 i 9 Slab-On-Grady Edge Insulatlo KiTCHEN/NOOK 25`ft 0 382 ft2 p 1 0 10SIab-On-Grade Edge ln'sulatio .GRAND SALON 21 It 0 60911V __,_ 0 1 0 11SIab-On=Grade Edge.lnsulatio DININ.6 ROOM, 20.ft 0 225 ftx 0 i 0 1251ab-tip-Grade Edge insulatio FOYER lift 0 121 ft2 0 1 0" 13SIab-On=Gradel3 :Ed a Insulatlo STUDY 12 ft 0 180 ft2 w 0 1 0 _.._ 1 14Siab-Oh=Grade''Edge.ins6lati6 MASTER.BEDRO 431ft 0 47212 0 1 0 3 Mlab-On=Grade Edge tnsulatia CLST. 1 ft 0 28 ft2. 16Slab-On:=Grade,Edge I.nsutatia HER CLST. 13,It 0 78 ftz 0 1 0 17SIab Ort Grade"Edge.Insulatio HIS CLST. loft 0 60 ft2 0 1 d 18SIab-On4Grade Edge Insutatia MASTER•BATH 45 It 0 282 ft2 0 1 0 19SIab-0n.Grade Edge'lnsulatio TLT: 5 ft 0 34 ft2 _ 0 1 0 ROOF Roof Oable. Roof Solar SA Ernitt, Emitt Deck Pitch Type Materials Area Area Color Absor, Tested Tested lnsul. .(deg) I Gable orS�ed Metal 3555 ft? 562=W Light 0 6 No 0:9. No 3l 1$.4 ATTIC �l° # Type Ventilation Vent Ratio(I in), Area RBS IRCC 1 Full attic, Unvented 0 3373 ft? N N 4141201 7 5 05 PM Ene rgyGaugeo USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405.4.1 CompliantSoftware Page 3 of 7 3 FORM R40&2014 CEILING . ., Ceiling TyWW Space R-Value Ins,Type Area Framing Frac Truss.Typ'e 1 Under Attic(Unvented) GUEST SUITE 2 30 Blown 219 ft 0.1 Metal 2 Under Attic(Unvented) BATH 30 Blown 5t9 ftz 01 Metal 3 UnderAftic(Urtivented) GUEST SUITE 1 30 Blown 1"94 W 0.1 Metal 4 Under Attic(Unvented) UTILITY 30 Blown 81 If 0.1 Metal 5 Under Attic{Unvented) POWDER 30 Blown. 36 " 0.1 Metal 6 Under.Attic(Unvented) PANTRY 30 Blown 24 ft? 01 Metal 7 Under Attic(Unvented) HALL 30 Blown 205.ft2 0.1 Metal 8 Under Attic(Unvented) BATH2 30 Blown, 92 ft2 0.1 Metal. 9 Under Attic(Unvented) KITCHEN/NOOK 30 Blown 382 W OA Metal 10 Under Attic(Unvented) GRAND SALON 30 Blown 609.1; 0.1 Metal 11 Unddr.Attic,(Unyented) DINING ROOM 30 Blown MAR 0.1 Metal i 12 Undduktio(Unvented) FOYER 30 Blown 121 fe 0.1 Metal 13 Under Attic(Unvented) STUDY 30 Blown 180 ftz 0.1 Metal 14: Under Attic(Unvented) MASTERZEDRO 30 Blown 472.fe o:t. Metal I.$. Under Attic(Unvented) CLST, 30 Blown 28 6 0.1 Metal 1.6 Under Attic.(Unve' ted) HER CLST: 30 BloWn 78 fta' 0.1 Metal 17 Under Attic`(Unbented) HIS CLST. 30 Blown. 6012 '0:1 (Metal 18 Under Attic(Unvented). MASTER BATH 30 Blown 28240 OJ Metal 19 Under Attic(Unvented TLT: 30 Blown 30 ft?' OA Metal WALLS Adjacent Space Cavity Width Height Sheathing,Framing, ;'Solar Below a- -val.1pAb In Ft In Are Ptio, c 1 N Exterior Frame-Steel GUESTSUIT °24 15 0 10 0 150;0'ft' 12 0.25 0.5 0' 2 W Exterior Frame Steel GUEST SUIT 24 14 0 10 0 140.0 ftz 12 0.25 0:5 0 4 -3 W Exterior Frame-:Steel BATH 24 7 0 :10 0 70.01E 12 0.25 0;5 0 4 W Exterior i Frame--Steel GUEST SUIT .24 13 0 10 0 130.01? 12 0:25 0.5. 0 5 S. Exterior Frame-Steel UTILITY 24 4 0 10 0 40.0:ftz 12 0:25 0.5 0. 5 N Exterior Frame-Steel BATH 2 24 8 0 10 0 Bu W 12 0.25 6.5 0 7 N Exterior Frame-Steel KITCHEN/NO 24 15. 0 10 0 150.0 W 12 0.25 0.5 0' _+ 8. E Exterior frame Steel KiTCHEN/NQ 24 1 0 10 0 10:0 ftz 12 0:25 0.5 0 �'9 W Exterior .? Frame-;Steel KTCHENlNO 24 10 0 '10 0 JOG,0-ft2 12 0.25 0.5 0 10 N Exterior Framer Steel GRAND SAL 24 21 0 12 0 .252.0 W 12 025 0.5 6 11 E Exterior i Frame-Steel DININ G RO 24 4 0 15 0 60;0 ftz 12' 0.25 0.5 0 F = _12 S' Exterior Frame-Steel QININ•G RO 24 15 0 15 0 225.0'ft2' 12 025 0.5 0 _13 W -Exterior Frame,Steel DININ,:G RO 24 1 0 15 0 1&0,ft2 12 0.25 0.5 0 __14. S Exterior Framer Steel: FOYER 24 11 0 1.5 0 10.0 ft2. 12, 0.25 0:5 0 15 S Exterior 3 Frame-Steel STUDY 24 6 0 15 0 120.0 ft2 12 0.25 0:5 0 16 W Exterior Frame-Steel STUDY 24 4 0 15 0 60.012 12 0.25 0.5' 0 i _17 N Exterior Frame-:Steel MASTER BE 24 17 0 11 0 187:O'ft2 t2 0.25 OZ 0 118 E Exterior Frame-Steel MASTER B.E -24 21 0 11 231.0'W 12 0:25 0:5 6 19 W Exterior Frame-Steel MASTER BE 24 5 0 11 0 55.014 12 0.25 0.5 0 20 E Exterior Frame-Steel, HER CLST. 24 13 0 10 0 130.0 ft2 12- 0:25 0:5 0 21 E Exterior Frame-Steel HIS CLST. 24 10 0 1O 0' 100.0-fta 12 0.25 0.5 0 4/4/2017 5:05 PM EnergyGauge®USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405,4.1.Compliant•Software, Page of'7 FORM R405-2014 WALLS Adjacent . Space Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar .'Belo w 22 E Exterior Frame-.Steel MASTER BA 24 15 0 1.1 0 165.0 ft- 12 0:25 0.5 0 _23. S Exterior Frame-:Steel MASTER BA 24 13` 0 11 0 166'ar 12 025 0.6 0 _,24 W Exterior i Frame Steel MASTER BA 24 15 0 11 0 165.0 fit" 12 015 0:5 0 _25 E Extedor I Frame=Steel TLT. 24 5 0 10 0 50.0 w 12 0:25 9.5 0 WINDOWS _ Orientation shown`is the entered,-Pro osed;orientation: w / Walt 3, Overhang # Omt: ID Frame Panes NFRG U-Factor•SNGG Area Depth Separation... .,Int-Shade Screening 1 N" 1 Vinyl Law=E Double Yes 0.136 0A& 40.042 20 ft V in I.It 4 in None None 2 N i Vinyl Low-EDouble Yes. 0.36 0.18 1,8.0 ft 20. o in 1 ft 4.in None, None 3; IN 2 Vinyl Low=E,Doubie Yes 0.36 018 15.0 ft2 21 0.1n It:4 in None None 4 W 4: Vinyl Low-E-Double Yes 036 0.18 15.0ft 2ft0 n 1'ft4in None None 5 S 5 Vinyl Low:E.Double Yes 0.36 0.18 6.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 6 N 7 Vinyl Low=E Double. Yes 0.36 0.18 72.0 Wft 10 ft O in, 1 ft 4 in. None None 7 W 9 Vinyl Low-E Qouble Yes 0,36 0:'t8' 72:0:ftz 20#0 in 1 ft:4 in None None 8 N 10. "Vinyl Low-5 DoubW Yes 0.36 0:18 128.0 ft" 10 ft•0 in 114 in- None None. 9: S 12 Vinyl Low-EDouble Yes, 0.36 0:18 18.0ft2. 2ft.0 None' None n 1ft4;in: 10' S 15 Vinyl Low=E Double Yeas 0.36 0.18 18:0 fl= 2"ft Wh 114 in None None. 11 N 17 Vinyl Low-EDouble• Yes 036 0A8 48.0`1? 71 , w 1 ft4in None None 12 N 17 Vinyl Low-E'Double Yes 0.36' 0.18 1$;012 7 ft.0 in 1 ft4 in None None 13 E 18 Vinyt Low-E.-Double Yes 0.36 0.18 12.0'ft? 240 in 1 ft4 in None None 14 S 23 Vinyl Low-E Double Yes 0.315 0.18 6.0 ftz 2 ft 0 in "1 ft 4 in. None None 15 E 25 Vinyl Low-E:Double Yes 0.36 0.18 15:0>ftf 2 ft 6 in. 1.ft:4 in None, Nona 16 S 12 Vnyl Low-E Double Yes 0.36 0,18 1.3 ft2 2 ft"0'in 1'ft4 in Dr?peslblinds None 17 S 15 Vinyl Low-EDouble, 'Yes 0:36 0.18. 7.3 ft2 2,ft 0 in. 1 -4 in Drapesibi rids None 18 N 1 Vinyl Low-E D.ou61e" Yes 0:36 0,18, 1&0 ft2 20 ft 0 in 1 ft 4.in None None. 19 W 2 Vinyl Low-EDouble, Yes 0.36 0.18 15.0 ftz 2'ft 0.in 1 ft 4 in None None 20 W 4 Vinyl Low-EDouble• Yes 0.36 0.18 15.0,ft2l 2ft•04n 1 fh4-in None None. 21 S 12 Vinyl Low-Ebauble- Yes 0:36 0:18 %.0 ft2 2 ft0In 1 ft4 in None None 22 N 17 Vinyl Low-EDouble• Yes 036 CIA 18.0'It' 7,4 0:n 9 ft;4•in None None .23 E 18 Vinyl Law4E Double Yes 0.36 0.18 12,0-lt- 2 ft Wn 1`ft4 in None None 24 S 23 Vinyl Low-EDouble Yes 0.36 0.18 6,0 ft2 2 ft 0 iii 1 ft 4 in None None 25 S 12 Vinyl Low7-E Double Yes 0.36 0,18, 7':34P 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4:in Drapes/blinds None 26 S 14 Vinyl "Low-E,D ruble: Yes 0:36 0.18, 4&0 ft2 7•ft 0 in 1 ft.4 in. Drapes/blinds `None GARAGE # Floor.Atea' Ceiling Area Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg,Will Nelgtit Exposed Wall"lnsul4#6 .' 1 '828 ft2 828.ft2 23 ft i o ft 11 s 4/4/20117 5:06 PM': EnergyGaugeO USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405♦4;1 Gompliant>Software Page 5.of 7 f FORM ,405-2014 INFILTRATION 2 ;# Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH-50- 1 Wholehouse Proposed.ACH(50); .000505 4413:2 245„57 461:64 .369 _ 7 HI ATING SYSTEM- System Type. Subtype: Efficiency Capacity Btock Ousts ElectdcStrip Heat None COP:1 17 k80hr 1 sys#1 2 Electric Strip Heat None COPA 1:7 kBtulhr 2 sys#2 COOLING SYSTEM System Type Subtype;. Efficiency Capacity Air Flow KR Boak Ducts` .: 1; CentraCUnit_ Split SEER:-1G 24 kBtulhr. -Cfrri o 8 .1 sys#1 _2 Central Unit. -split SEER:16 18 f Btuihr Orn 0:8 2 sys#2: : HOT WATER SYSTEM;. EyskemType -Subtype Looation, EF Cap Usk SetPnt Consentation " TakissGaraqe :6 None Electric. SOLAR;�HOT"WATER SYSTEM FSEG Collector Stor`ase Cert # Company Name System Model# Coile.ctorModel#' Area Volume FEF • e. None None i fe DUCTS - - - -Retur ` t /AC#upply- 2 # Location R Value Area Location Area LaakageType Handier TOT OUT QN RLF Heat Cool 1 Attic; 6: 42510 Attic 1.061E Default Leakage UTILITY (Default) (Default) I 1 2 Attic 6 .37.5 Ft Attic i05 ftz Default l eakage UTILITY (Default} (Default} 2 2 TEMPERATURES. Prograinable Theimostat:,Y Ceiling Fans; CoolingJan [ Fetz [.]Mac [ ]Apr. [ r.Ma rj,�Jun un ri Jul Au e Oct [ ].Nov Dec Heatin Jan ( Feb tx Mar [ ].Apr [ ]Map . Jul ��Au9 fl,,�,.p epp [ J dct ()C]Nov- ; ec. Ventin Jan [ Feb Mar [x]Apr [ 777► a Jurt J07 Au .' Lill Ott. [X]Nov D,ec s 4/4t2017;5:05 PIUI Ene?gyGaugeO'USA-FlaRes2014 Section R4054.:1 Compliant.Software. :Pa gs 6 of.•7 i FORM k405-2014 Thermostat Schedute HERS 2006:Reference Hours Schedule'Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 Cooling(VVD) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80, 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 .78 Cooling(WEH) AM 78 78 .78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78' PM 78, 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78: 78 78. Heating(WD.) AM 66$ 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68' 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 60: 68 68 66 66 Hea#ng•(VIIEFi) AM 66 66. 66' 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68. 6& PM 68•: 68 68 68 68f_.: 68—. 68: .. 6&_..... ._68- 68". 66 6 t q 1' 1 4 414/20175;05'PM' EnergyGaugei}USA-FlaRes2014 Section R405.4:1 Comptiant.Software Page 7 of 7 FORM R405 2014 TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: CIUP.ERGEK(RESIDENCE: Builder Name:. VASILE&KRISTINA CIUPERGER Street' 15,�70SKYKING'DRIVE PerrnitOffice: ST.LUC1E':.C6UNTY city,State,Zip: PORT.$T.LUGIE„FL, Permit Number:1703-0247 Owner. VASILE&KRIsT1NA 4�iUPERGER Jurisdiction Design Location: FLj Fort Pierce COMPONENT ;CRITERIA CHEGK Air barrier and thermal barrier A continuous.air barrier'shall be installed.in`the buili9ing envelope. Exterior thermal,envelope contains a continuous'barrier. Breaks or joints in:the air barrier shall be.sealed. Air-permeable.:insulation:shall not be used as a sealingmaterial.. Ceiling/attic The air bdgier in any dropped ceiling/sofft shall be aligri6 with he insulation and.any gaps in the air barrier shall be4baled Access openings,drop downstairs or kneemalldoorstb unconditioned attic spaces shall ;be sealed. 'Corners and.headers.shall be insulated and the junction of the ioundation Walis and sill plate shallte sealed. The junction.of file top:plate:and the topor:exterior waits'shall besea{ed,.. Extenor f anal envelope,insulation for framed waits snail be installed°in substantial:contaet°and continuous alignrrant with the air-'barrier. Knee-'walls shall be>sealed. .. . ...... .. . Windows, skylights and doers The space between window/door jambs andfrarning and.skylights and framing shalt be:sealed'. Rim joists Rim joists are insulated and include an air..bamer._ Floors.{including above-garage Insulation shall-be.installed to maintain permanent contact=with underside and cantilevered'floors} of subf{owdedking. The air barrier shalt-be installed-,at any.exposed edgwof insulation. Crawl,space walls Where prgvided n-lieu offloor insulation;insulatiomshall be..permanently i attached fo the cranr{space walls: E.zposedrearth in unvented"crawl spaces shall be covered,with a Eiass 1 vapor retarder with.overlapping joints taped. Shafts, penetrations; Duct shafts,utility penetrations,and flue shaft openings'to ext6dbr or unconditioned•space-shall be sealed Narrow cavities Batts in.narrow cavities-shad be cut to fit;or narrow cavrfies shall be filled 0.y insulation that on installation readily coriformt to.the available cavity so aces,., Garage-separaticri -Air sealIto.shall;be provided between the garage°and condition .'spaces. Recessed lighting. Recessedlight fixtures instal led in the building thermal envelope shall be airtight; IC'rated,.and seated to.the diywa(f. Plumbing and wiring} Batt nsulation,shail'be cut neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing,_in ekterlorwatts'or insulationAhat:on installation-readily c0fprnt8;to available. space shall extend behind piping and.wiring.' Shower/tub:on.exterior wall Exterior walls adjacent to'showers and tubs.shall be insulated and:the air I barrier installed separating'thein°from the showers'.and tins Eiectrida.Vohone bob bn The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication boxes or air.s"ed boxe.s.shall be.lnstalled: iHVAC register bcots� HVAC register boots that penetrate•building thermal-envelope 5hallbe sealed to;the subA6br.or drywall. Fireplace An air barrier shall be installed on fireplace walls;fire_places:.shaI have= Vasketetl:doors 4/4/2017.,5:05 PM EnergyGauge�USA-FiaRes2014,SectionR405.41 Compliant software; Rage"1'of 1 I I r�G1', D PP, ` 9 �P 17 FORM Ra66401:4 j EMERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ES TIMATEDENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 80 The lower thta F-hergyPerformance Index,the more efficient the home. 16370 SKYKING DRIVE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL, 1. New eohstroctibn.oreustipg New(Prom Plans) 9. Wall Types insulation Area . Single family or multiple f m1ly Single-family a.Frame-Steel,Exterior R44A 3015.00 W b.NiA R= f 2 3. Number of units,if"tIMP16 family 1 c NIA R` W 4. Nm*q of 8vdraoms 8 d.NIA R= fe 5. is tiitsamo��tz,� e7 No 10.Ceiling Tyres Insulattdo Area &RgafDeck(Unvented) R=30.0 3374.00 fe B. Conditioner!flocs Brea 3374 b.NIA R= 11; t 7. Windows"` ©48061)40n Area c.NIA l2= it2 a: IJ=F cfar: pbl,U=0:36: 672.75 W 11:Duets , fi 9 a.Sup:Attic',Ret Attic,AHc U]1Lt rY 6 42fi Mae. $HGC#0:1-6 b,Sup: Attic,Rat:Attic,Ai is LMLrrY 6 375 b. U-Factor. NIA f z SHGG; 12.Cooling systems k8lWhr -Efflolancy c U-Factor, 01A a.06*01 Unit 24.0 SE[i IS.00 SHt C: tr Certxral.Unit 18.0 SEE11.16.00 d. U-Faclov WIN T 13.Heating systems kBlulhr Efficiency a.Mea ib*Strip Heat 17.0 C012:1.00 Area Weighted AtgregeQverhang Depth: 0.316 ft. b.ElectrieStdp Heat 17.0 CDPA.00 Area VejobdAvefte, NC9C 0.180 S. floor Typal Insulation Area 14.Hot water systems ons a.Sleb-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0:0 3373:00 ft= a.Electric gyp'115��0.6 b:NIA R= fFb. Conservellon features a WA R- fF None 16.Credits Pstat I certify thatthts home had complied,with the Florida Energy Effiolency Coda for Building ., Consttvstion through the aisova_energy saving features Which will be Installed far exceeded) � in this horns before final i Apegttgrt Otherwise,a new EPL.Display Card will be completed based on irlstaailed— ;.-. fallant features. - Builder Signature: pate: 6 YA a e) I�" Address of Now Home: 153 � Q CitylFL Zip: pv- S� 1�� ��� ayid0, 3y �a� Note: This is not a I uilding Energy Bating. If your Index is below 70,your home may qualify for energy efficient magove(EEtw).inc�ntives If-you obtain a Florida EneroyCat,ige.Rating. Contact the EnergyGauge Hotline at(321) osa -14' 2 or set the<Ener$y auge wa s1te:at:energygauge.com for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about tho.Florida Building Code,:Energy_ Conservation,contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff. r **Label required by Oectlori R303.1.3 of the:l=lorida Building Code,Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. 4/4i2G17&00 PM EhergyCaug60 USA-FlaRes2014 -section R405.4.1 Compliant Software Page 1 of 1