HomeMy WebLinkAboutVegetation Removal Permit A - NOTICE OF , COUNTY VEGETATION REMOVAL' PERMIT THE APPLICANT SHALL KEEP THIS PERMIT POSTED ON-SITE AT ALL T1MES DURING ]LAND CLEARING! Permit#: 20161151 Fee: $100.00 Date Issued: 12/9/2016 Property Owner: Vasile and Kristina Ciuperger Date Expires: Upon completion of work, or 12/9/2017, whichever occurs,first. Contractor: Peter Jock Parcel ID# 4224,501-0067=0,Q0 5 -==` Project Location 1�5w370 Skykmg:Drive, :Fort Saint Lucie, FL Property.Size:;q 43 acres F R _ -��� I' '.M' 1, 9.'.�:Try~ � � - Proiect Description +f�p`plicant reques�tsia vegetation rerr�oval permit for the removal of nine,(9) native slash pine trees,,that;,.measure over the mitigation sizethreshold,of .12 in' diameter at breast height (DBH). Mitigation:for thezremo�al of 1,36;' DBH will.;be mst through the-on`. site preserva#ibn of 21 V DBH of`native pine trees. No•impacts.to any onsite,preserve areas.,that are currently under a Conservation Easement or, the required 50 ft. wetland buffer zone:is permitted. These a'reas-shall be fenced off,with silt fencing prior to any site development work to prevent any impacts yy '4 g Field Notes r t °z� i' ,, t !` i 1. HABITAT - a _ Uplands Vacant-Residential b =Wetlands=—Wetlands-are-present=onsite,-per-SFWMD-ERP-permit: 2. WILDLIFE: 'None observed; .'. . 3. SIGNIFICANT ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC FINDINGS: None Identified. Permit. #201611.51 . Authorizes.;the .following: According - to St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations (Chapter 6.00.04) this project qualifies for a Vegetation Removal Permit. . The following vegetation-has been identified for removal: 1. Native palmetto understory 2. Nine (9) slash pine trees totalling 136" DBH. Pre-Clearing Requirements: Prior to initiation of site clearing activities, the applicant shall arrange for ERD to inspect the vegetation protection barricades; clearing activities shall not initiate ,until barricades have been inspected and approved by ERD. Specific Permit Conditions: The property has preserve areas and trees marked for preservation that are not authorized for removal. Areas outside of the development footprint shall be considered preservation/protection areas (Land Development Code Section 6.00.05.A.2). A conspicuous protective barrier shall be placed and maintained around the perimeter of protected area(s) of vegetation to form a continuous boundary as specified in the General Conditions of Issuance section. 1 ' General Conditions of Issuance: • The following minimum standards for vegetation protection shall be applied to areas of vegetation' designated to be preserved: ■ At a minimum distance of either ten (10) feet from the edge of groups of protected vegetation.or from the radius of the dripline from all protected trees, whichever is greater;. ■ Protective barriers or protective-designations shall remain in place until-,removal is authorized by SLC ERD, or until issuance of a certificate of occupancy; ■ In the event that any protective barriers are removed or altered and clearing activities are conducted within an area identified for:preserve,.-SLC ERD is authorized,to direct that all land clearing and site alteration work at the site be stopped until the barriers are restored and any necessary corrective actions taken to repair or replant any vegetation removed or damaged as.a result of these encroachments. • No grade changes or excavation of any sort may be made within the barricaded areas; • If any excavation or other activities are expected outside of the preserve area or dripline, the roots should first be pruned (to the depth of required excavation) to sever them.cle' anly; • If underground utilities mustEbe,routed through a protected-root zone-area;tunneling under the roots shall be required;: --- • If irrigation must be installed,it shall be installed outside_of the dnplrne of all preserve ar;-eas and:protected trees; • No fill .material, constraction -material, concrdfe,;pai t;.:ghemicais, or other foreign materials shall be as d ° i �.'- r R stored, deposited,or disposedlof withinvegetatio°n p eservat't.o.n area =� ,; , i rx- 3p...I , ; • No equipment,.�mcluding passengers vehicles, sf-�all�beJdriven,- parked, or stored orjepali'red within designated vegetation preservation areasT s. { } �' I�,.1. PLEASE BEADVISED THAT ANY NATIVE VEGETATION DESTROYED OR DAMAGED OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF CLEARING DUE TO:.CONS�TRUCTION ACTIVITIES.OR FILL PLACEMENT SHALL BE MITIGATED AT A RATIO OF 4:1 (4 INCHES OF=REPLANTING-FOR EACH 1NCHrD�ESTROYED.OR DAMAGED).,,, -;^X a E �}+ Post Clearing,Requirements: 1.;i PLEASE .. -dl Y t ."if...M".'_'. -..r...r`.:(•t.y ... M'L.1'lr'� '•.f - -r�i • THIS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO PLACE FILL ON OR RE-GRADE PROPERTY: • PLEASE CONTACT A,-PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR TO•DETERMINE;IF YOUR PROPERTY IS AFFECTED BY OR LIES WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN. • THE APPLICANT SHALL,KEEP THIS'EXEMPTION POSTED"'ON-SITE::AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND CLEARING. • THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR AGENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE-FOR OBTAINING ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND/OR FEDERAL PERMITS. ,64 �'e�tiow �r�i�o�tr�re�rta���a�t�te� l