HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned_Building Permit Application_Lot 28Al APPUMLE INFO MUST BE COMPLE7ED FOR APPLICAT [ON TO aE Ac SPITED Date" fro pfam wmg uod Deetopment Sew_v awkh,V and Code R�h Tmn n 2" %F91F1$0 AvrnLw, Fort Pky:ce FL 34982 Phcme: (772) Ab2•1553 Fat:: (772) 2.15'7B Permit Num r,. Building Permit Application commercial - Residential VO PERlw+1ITTYPE:N w Single Family Residence PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION' Address; Lei 28. C cew Estates Dim. Fart Fierce. 34949 Property Tax 10 #- 14U3 t044_ 045 Site Plan Narne: Avalon Beach P_U.b. !}rayed Name; Avalon 80a&-Lot 25 - DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: N" s1roe tartly re$o nt:e, Anachad 2 cat 9afage- CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: lot No, 28 M k No. 2 -- Additional work to be performed uttd-ar this permit -check all that RWY= IffMechankal ! Gas Tank — Gas Piping ^ Shutters-sewindowslDnors Electric T&Iumb;ng ] sprinklers T Generator Roof Pw Ch Total Sq• Ft cf Construction= 3A01 _ Sq_ FL of First Floor: 1,787 cost of Construction. $ 427.109 00 Utilities, 1 Sewer _ Septic Suilding Height' 30 OWN ER/I..ESSE E; Address; 9508 Wi" fridge Drive c ; Y9hndian"ere — state: Zip Code; 34786 Fax;_ Phone No. 772.�46.4197 E-Nlad; rrkato geioyp net _ Fill in fee simple Title lic4der on next page � if dl#f�r�nt from the Owner listed above CONTMTOR: Name, _ Thomas R Mriler Cptnparry; TPM CorkstruakOn Ma 1, lrtc, A,jd,e55. 1512 SE Vila Green (MVe Crty; Port St IiB state; FL ZipGode. 34952 Fa�c 772- 37 3.0$1 Phone No 772.5.727 E W ail DaL�Q l rTCrorpll o0m State of CDunty i`aoe11seOC'O02d829 if vae of constrl+4born is $2sia6 or more, a RECORDED Ma#i[# of [o men�emerrt is rggwrad. lu if waf n of HVAC 6 $7.5 or mare, a RECORDED Notice of Cnrnmin[ement is feQUiM& UPPLEMENTAL CON STRUCnON UEN LAW INFORMATION $ESIGNEI /ENGI NEER- Not Applicable -- , MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable I Name: - Address: 3M Eope eT7 Ur°x 5" 101 Address: +: State: ft City: State: Zip: ;kMA _ PtVWe 40764709gW Zip- Phone. FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: VP Not Applicable Name: Aft-es5: City:- — Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Name._ ApdresS. City:_. Zip, Phone: Applicable OWN E R f CONTRACTOR AF FEDVFT: App lkatinn is hereby made to ohtai n a permit to do the work and insta Ution as indicates. I €e-TiN Tbat no -Rork or instalkaUan has Earnmenced prior to tale issuance Of a permit - St Lucie Counq- ma kes no repfesentat ion that is gre ntins d pe rfnit will authofiFe the Permit t1plcler to build the Subject structure which is in conflict with a" applicable Home OwnemAssociati�un rules, bylaws of and catirerwnts chat may restrict or prdNbit wth strwaufe• Please corlsuit with your r+ome Owners Assxiatian and review your deed For iinv restrictions whkh rmv OPON- In consMderation of the gniinting of this mquested peirnkt, I da hereby agree that I wK I rI all respects, perform the warlr in accordance welch the aG?rrned plans, the Flarida Kurlding Odes and !R. Lucie County Amiend:rrw mt. The ft}Ilgwi ng bu Ading pe r rinit appIaCBligns are Exempt from uncl ergmng a full concv rrensy review: roam addittans, accessory Stfu[tures, swrtmming pc015, fen6e9, wafts- signs, S[f4 en rooms and acc,s5sa+Y uses to mother nnn-rt-Aentkdl Ir5a A IRI�IIG TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO PECORU A NIOYIEF OF COMd{EKEMENT MAY REStXT IN YOUR ia'AYIfIIG TI KE FOR IF FROYfMEHTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTWE Of COIM ENCEMENT MUST W RIMORDED AM POSTED OIN T E JOB SITE SEFORt THE FIRST IFISPECTX) E: TOU UWTEW TO OBTAIN FIHAMCxwiG, CONSULT WrM TOM LENMIT OR AAL ATTORMY $EFORE "mpXi� i71F COI��IY�CI7r1E]tiFT- /CaMra€tor as Agent controaurlucense Holler STATE Of FLORIDA � STATI Of FLORIDII- COUNTY OF anC g COU TY OF The fergping in$trurnem was acknow.ledged hefoee me 1 his day # " r� rvx 2019 by 4 Kame of person rn king Stdteelprlt- Pemonllly Iingwh A OR Produced Identification TVPe of WeUtifiCatinn Produced -; T#we For rug inSSr ent wa� k edged k}efofe me 1 Name ofperWnmaklng atement. Personalty I:nowrr OR Produced Id.-ntiflra6bfl Tv a gf Identirmnian fIgrlaeureof14lotarY h' �rf�7�ri+N l7FV1itRCC3 (5i n�tureofF]fst�fyrPUbliC i _Igat4ryPublic-Sxii/l a Nolar1r ubi�C-$S�I+l flf Flar,d { ii{i 9085f33 OMMI$%iOn# G9s OriO [1$21 . ICOr�1r� Comrrmsion tMo. A�p n x„F C�lifllk,isSoo ExpastlmN C #S..d Y Cornmisai0n�February 24. 2 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPEf "SOR PI_AN5 1#EOFFATIION SEA TURTLE : #,rM"GROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW 1"EW REVIEW REAEW DATE RECEIVED _ DATE COMPLETED